
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Got up with a sore throat and feeling blah. Extremely windy here today and ‘not allowed’ to cook inside so took over an hour to cook a simple cauliflower hash brown recipe for easy breakfasts. Cook ahead then nuke a serving for breakfast. Simply not a good day.
    16 oz cauliflower ( I buy the ore chopped bags), 4 eggs, small onion, salt and pepper to taste. Fry patties in butter until golden brown. Great lchf recipe!

    That looks really good, Rita. Why aren't you "allowed" to cook inside? It sounds a little like my prohibition on pooping inside. Lol Just don't. I don't care if we do have a toilet. Just, No. :lol::blush::lol:

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I’m so sorry your DH is not feeling good. Can he take a cough suppressant? If it is effective, he might be able to get some rest. We use an old-fashioned vaporizer (humidifier) when the congestion is bad. The added humidity can be soothing and often reduces the coughing for us. Sending good thoughts for ways to help him rest so his body can fight off the illness. :heart:

    Kay: You WIN!!!!! So does your DH because he is moving more and feeling better.:star:

    Rita: Why can’t you cook inside? Aromatic foods with smells you’d rather keep outside?

    I had a lovely yoga class this morning and am feeling better than I have in a week or more. I’ve been tired with no obvious reason. When that happens I am often in the coming down stages of a virus. I’m hoping to avoid any virus that may be floating in the air. DH is at a low ebb the past couple of days, too. It is just past noon and he’s taking a nap.

    It is damp and a bit chilly today, but I’m thanking my stars that we aren’t having ice and snow.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Good morning group!
    I'm wondering if anyone has experience with hormones/thryoid affecting their weight loss due to age. I'm almost 50, have worked out and tracked food since August 2018, without losing one pound.
    For reference, I do 3 days a week cardio (Orange Theory, spin or boxing), 1 day a week less intense (online Yoga with Adriene or long walk) and 1 day a week restorative yoga. I also (try) to meditate daily. I keep moving down my calorie intake - started at 1800 a day, went to 1700, and just recently dropped to 1650 a day. My periods have been infrequent over the last two years, and have stopped since the summer.
    I feel like there's more to it, than meets the eye. I weight everything and have an Apple watch that tracks everything. I don't eat my calories back.
    Perspective and stories from the 50+ set would be very welcomed!
    Enjoy this lovely day,
    Calgary, AB

    Welcome, Trish.

    I hear your frustration and second it. I don't know your height, but I am short -- 5'3. And to maintain at my current weight, I can only eat about 1500 a day. 1200 a day, the lowest recommended here, doesn't even give me a 1 pound a week loss. The margins are very slim. An extra 100 calories a day over my maintenance will result in nearly a one pound gain per month. That was very startling to me, when I figured that out. Because that is basically one extra apple a day. :disappointed:

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

    "Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflect on our soul when we look the other way." (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) Long ago my mom and I were talking about Dr. King and she said she thought he was a "troublemaker." But I believe that without troublemakers in this world, many things that we now recognize as morally wrong would still be the norm in our society. Troublemakers recognize things that need to change and call us out for our inaction.

    Allie - Do be careful if you have to go out on those icy roads and/or sidewalks!

    Sue - We had a cold, clear night last night so Philip and I were able to stand on the front lawn and look at the lunar eclipse. Beautiful, but we didn't stay out there very long!

    Barbara - We have train sounds here too, and I love them. There's an historic hotel we visit in Bryan that is located right on the railroad tracks, and they actually have to warn people about train noise and offer them earplugs because they've had complaints. I'll take the rumble of the train over people thumping around in the hall any day.

    Rita - Yum, love the idea of cauliflower hash! I adore mashed cauliflower and often make it in place of mashed potatoes, especially when cooking for my sister-in-law who has to limit carbs. I have not really delved into cooking much in the RV, but that should be do-able for us. In fact, I realize I could chop up the cauliflower in advance or even splurge on the pre-chopped kind.

    My replacement cell phone arrived this morning so I've been futzing around with getting it set up and learning the differences from my old one. I do wish it wasn't necessary to re-learn everything, but I guess I can't realistically expect technology to stand still. At least I'm connected again!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    My favorite MLK quote. I’m not positive, Yvonne, but I think it may come from the same speech as yours.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    edited January 2019
    - Martin Luther King Jr.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    To answer the questions about why I’m not allowed to cook in the RV, my DH is of the mind that cooking inside will infuse the walls, chairs, etc. with grease and the smell of the food. Another of his quirks! Lol

    RV Rita
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Held my plank then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to walk backwards on the treadmill. Then I’m supposed to volunteer at the Green Room, then go to the local community college’s cosmetology school for a chin wax. I think I’m going to try to change it to the 31st, when it’ll be closer to when we leave

    It’s pretty cold here in NC, I actually have my heavy exercise pants on and I’ll probably wear them to bowling. No ceramics tonight since they’re closed for MLK day. Fortunately, no ice here.

    Allie – my aunt in PA was buried in January. You know how hard the ground is up there (Scranton area). What they do is they have a service, then they keep the bodies until the ground unfreezes and bury them then.

    Barbara – the chocolate bran muffin recipe is pretty easy. Take 3 cups of oat bran (I usually use Bob Red Mill – you can download a coupon for it on their website), 1-1/2 cups of water, 1 egg and a box of low fat brownie mix (I’ve only found Betty Crocker to sell this). Then put in muffin tins (be sure to use spray. One time I lined the muffin tin with papers and because it’s low in fat they stuck to the paper) and bake at 350 for 30 min. The advantage for me is that I usually will have at least 24oz of water with this. Regular size muffin tins, not mini-muffins.

    16 here. Poor Jess’ temp is ONLY 73.

    I’m at the Green Room tomorrow.

    Okie – wow! That must have been some wind storm to push the grill so far. I like the floor of your patio

    Trish – what is Orange Theory? I’m in the same boat as you. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m at the weight my body wants to be at, and that’s why I’m not losing. Oh, I lose one, gain one. Up and down. But significant? Nope. Maybe your body is where it wants to be

    Healing thoughts being sent to everyone who needs them, Lisa, Rita, Heather’s hubby, and anyone else that I may have missed.

    Just had a power outage of 4-1/2 hrs. It’s interesting because there’s nothing you can do. I couldn’t even crochet.

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    edited January 2019
    So very smoky out there today. I was wheezing just doing a moderately brisk walk.

    M in Oz
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Had to let some friends know I can't join them for lunch today as I have carers coming to assess my dad. The district nurse said she would call with a time for her visit today (I was going to ask if it could be late afternoon so I could see my friends) but now the carers have called and they asked if 1pm would be okay. Decided it would be best to cancel my plans.
    The carers want to assess my dad to see what help my mum needs, I think she is struggling a bit, she hasn't been feeling too well herself and my dad has been getting impatient with her when she can't hear what he is saying. He's also been stubborn about taking his tablets. We'll need to ask the GP whether at this stage he needs to take all of his tablets. There's a few things we'd like to discuss with the district nurse.

    The weather hasn't been too bad for the time of year, we've had a bit of ground frost, but no snow (yet). It has been very cold, although I'm sure those of you who are minus temperatures wouldn't see this as cold - but it feels cold to me. :)

    I saw the eclipse yesterday morning when DD and I walked Leah, it was right in front of us as we left the house. DD was going to go back and find her camera to take a photo, but Leah was impatient to get walking. By the time we got home it was almost over. DD took a photo but there was only a little black smudge at the corner. :/

    Take care in the snow and ice.

    <3 Viv UK