

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: You are amazing. I am in awe of your 1000 calorie burn! :star:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,218 Member
    edited January 2019
    Katla - I need it! I'm still logging calories, but I do eat a lot. Good, clean food, but a lot. Probably more than I used to, but I'm exercising like a crazy woman! Every morning I do the 600 on my machines, mat work, strength training and weights. It takes me around 1 hr 40 mins of active exercise. Then every other day I go for a 5k run after lunch. I bag 350 cals for that, but I don't know the exact number. Today I also dragged my wheeled shopping bag out round the shops, so added 50 for that.
    It's working for me, but I know it's simply not possible for people with 'normal' working lives, unless you use your travel time like Pip and Machka. Here I walk everywhere, which I love. The car just sits outside.
    I count myself very lucky to have a husband who exercises with me and is superfit. And skinny! I have to watch him because he drops weight so easily. At the moment he is still eating the Christmas cake. :D I know I would not do it without him every morning. Some days I really want to stay in bed.
    I have realised that my life would be unmanageable without the exercise, even more than the writing. I simply couldn't manage. It is my sine qua non. I do think I'm crazy every morning though. :o:p

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,492 Member
    Katla ditto what Karen in VA said so eloquently. Brava.
    Karen in VA so what if brainiac gson did con gran? He mastered the civics lesson which was the point, neh? Sounds like he's absolutely thriving under your tutelage. Had to google hunky-keen to learn that hunky dory and peachy keen were "semantically related", gosh I love your way with words! "(new wife) has an issue with it..." ROTFLMAO!
    Barbie "today is the day I teach my line dance class" It gives me such joy to read those words. What a reward for your patient following of Dr's orders, despite your inclination to move healing along faster.
    Allie your patience with DFIL is nothing short of angelic. Really wish they'd give you that recreation director job.
    Rebecca turning profits from pits? You ROCK galfriend!
    Tracymctage welcome! Invisible, been there, and it is so dispiriting. Back when BIL, 3 nephews and a rent-a-son lived with us, I was the invisible galley slave. One day, when the kitchen garbage still needed emptying after many requests, I carried it into the living room where "the boys" were watching a football game, and set the can (upright) on top of the TV. Later, during a commercial, I heard one them exclaim, "Hey! How did THAT get up there?" All humans are worthy of the acknowledgment of their existence. Without it we wither.
    Heather I look forward to envying pic/vids of you and your hubs dancing.
    Beth would your almond cranberry vinaigrette go just as well on romaine? Sometimes think this superfood hype is just that... and that romaine is as healthy as kale plus a lot easier to eat ;)https://healthyeating.sfgate.com/kale-vs-lettuce-1453.html
    Kate in UK :cry: Peace to your friend, her son and you.
    Welcome home Kathy.
    Sue in WA would love to see a pic of muddy puppy. I like Wendy's chili... ;)
    Lanette Joe was happy being a wrench until the swap out computerized electronics. He still hates "them dang digits". You are a brave gal to break up that scar tissue. That HURTS!
    Michele "... come up with every excuse in the world..." that would be me. :( See below. :rage:
    Machka (replying to Michele about Vince's night sweats) "Menopause" :s Drat you. Snorted my tea all over and it was the last cup of today's ration :s
    Felicia and Mary from AZ beautiful pics! Happy active smiles, inspiring!
    Carol from GA likewise have had to google many of Heather's foods. Fortunately the vegetables are the same, just with different names (swede, beetroot, courgette, etc).
    Tracey from Edmonton "amazed at what others eat" oh yeah, especially shellfish, innards and raw anything (but fruits and veggies). Yuck. And I'm a fourth generation city gal. Did I do the math right? $350 for a bridesmaid dress to wear once???
    Lisa you really know how to model GS behaviour. Brava.

    Oops! It's almost time to prep for dog group and I haven't done my morning meditation, knee exercises or SWSY. Uh oh.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 10/31, 60 g protein 9/31, rx/vits 9/31, meditate 10/31, knee exercises 10/31, SWSY UP 3/9, SWSY LOW 3/9, core 3/9, play with Tumble 4/31, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 7/31.
    01/11=LT: SWSY-N MT:Transfer birthdates, appointments and rx to new calendar-N ST: schedule phone date w/Carolyn-N
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,753 Member
    Barbara ... I would think the vinaigrette would work on any green. And I agree with you ... lots of hype around superfoods. The salad was better today, but kale will not be my first choice in salad greens. I do, however, like kale in Zuppa Toscana!

    Husband wanted to take a walk today and I've been rearranging my activities waiting for him to decide it's time to go. Light will be fading soon but he still doesn't seem ready to go. Sigh.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,708 Member
    afternoon all, just had a lovely early dinner with my friend Trudy.. she roasted a chicken and I made a faboo salad, mixed greens, roasted walnuts, a few raseberries,a few strawberries and a few blackberries, some blueberry vanilla goat cheese .. and I had a few pieces of chicken on top of the salad... yummy..me and the boy (Alfie) are chilling out this afternoon just took him for a walk,will go up around 6:30 or so and help Kitty..
    I ordered a couple of long spouted cups for DFIL ,he will drink his milk or coffee then bite down on the straw and mess around, so we will use these cups so there will no longer be a straw involved... he said to Tom today he was going home tomorrow and the maid was here all the time(the maid is me lol)and to make sure she comes before he goes home ...Tom fed him today and we will both be there tomorrow morning.. im going to see if he will answer my question lol
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,554 Member
    stats for the day:

    spin class- 53.08min, 73ar, 130aw, 134ahr, 150mhr, 14.2mi= 489c
    other- wash/blow dry yogi and Floyd- 1.5hrs= 280c

    total cal 769
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,554 Member
    suebdew wrote: »
    Day five of limiting sugar and so far so good. Cool and rainy here so we did our outside things this morning and I’m in for the night.
    Caught up on reading so I feel better since I know what you are doing.
    Kate - so sorry about your friend and so glad you sent her flowers at Christmas.
    Pip- glad all was good with the colonoscopy. Hopefully you won’t have to do that for a few years.
    Have to get reading on my book for Book Club.
    SueBDew in TX

    every 5 years
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,347 Member
    Barbie - so glad you are back to your usual walking and line dancing routines! A great start to this new year!

    Barbara AHMOD - I always look forward to your comments - you are so thorough about picking up highlights from our posts. It's like a recap and I often look back to see what I missed, lol.

    Beth - have you ever had MASSAGED KALE SALAD? Cut a package of kale leaves into thin ribbons - first discard the thick ribs. Pile into a bowl, drizzle a little olive oil (I only use a teaspoon or two) over it then rub the leaves with fingertips for a few minutes and they will become wilted and darker green. It's a good way to soften bristly leaves. There are many recipes on the internet, some folks add grated parmesan and lemon juice, etc.

    Kate - sorry to hear about your elderly friend's passing, you were such a good person to keep up that friendship. Hope her son is able to deal with his mom's passing OK.

    Lisa - you were so kind helping that gal use the restroom.... paying it forward like that is a great idea. Any of us might be in the same boat at some point. I can imagine her husband's great relief that you came along!

    Michele - once in a while my DH also gets sweaty at night and has a little upset tummy. Since he has circulation problems, I wonder if it's his heart, but it could also be caused by his handful of pills he takes at 8 pm. It sure sounds a lot like menopause, lol. Is Vince on any heart medication?

    DH wants a Whopper for supper and I'm glad to make the fast food run. Will get a crispy chicken sandwich for myself, discard the bun and other stuff, then dice it up on top my salad. I'd get a grilled one but it's not on the 2 sandwiches for $6 special.

    Have a great evening gals!

    Sunny SW WA State where it's a gorgeous spring-like day.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lisa Yes. (You helping that woman with the walker in the bathroom at the gas station.) Just yes. :'(:)

    Carol I have to look up many of the culinary terms & some of the foods I come across on this thread, too. I admit to a fascination with the preparation & presentation of food & beverage, though, so I am always tickled when you gals post photos &/or descriptions of foods, drinks, menus, ingredients, etc.

    Barbara AHMOD :) I like your word nerdiness too.

    Karen in Virginia
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Hi ladies. I lost an long post, so here's a shorter one. Things have been crazy at work, 10 hour days doing skills upload for the new students. We got about 4" of snow last night and it is beautiful. The neighbor who knows about DH came over as usual to do my snow removal. He always puts the paper on my porch too. Nice, nice guy.

    Vicki: how much snow did you get?

    Heather: I want to hire you for my personal chef!

    Kylia: congratulations on the baby doing so much better! What a blessing

    Well I have forgotten most of the other things to tell you about so I'll just sign off. Take care, Meg from the Omaha winter wonderland.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,554 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,135 Member
    edited January 2019
    Lisa: Bless you! You truly made a difference in that woman's life.
    Kate UK: Sorry for your loss. You were a good friend to her and I'm sure she appreciated it.
    Mary: What wonderful photos.
    Barrie: It's great that you are back to full enjoyment of your line dancing. Long may it continue.
    @megblair1 We've all done that. I repeatedly copy now as I go so,that if I lose a post it's only a little of it.
    Heather UK: I also exercise like a crazy woman. I don't think I would do as well on keeping the weight off if I didn't do it.

    It's after midnight, so I'm off to bed.

    💓 Have a wonderful weekend 💓
    Irish Terri

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    Vince just told me that the other night he woke up in the middle of the night with his stomach really hurting and he was sweating profusely. He got up, took some Pepto Bismol, went to the bathroom and then went back to bed thinking that if he continued to feel bad, he’d wake me up to take him to the hospital. Well, he laid down and started feeling better. What caused this? No idea.

    Kidney Stone?

    All three have provided me with similar symptoms.

    M in Oz

    Or gas. Believe me
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,925 Member
    :) Add me to the list of people who exercise in the morning. I lay out my dog walking clothes in the bathroom before I go to bed so I change into them immediately after the toilet and teeth brushing. The dogs know that we go out as soon as I exit the bathroom. We walk for about 30 minutes then come home for breakfast and go out again right after we eat. My line dance classes are at 9 AM so after the walk on dance days, I shower immediately and get ready to dance. In the afternoons, I walk the dogs for a shorter time and ride my exercise bicycle. Having a routine makes sure that it gets done.

    :) My mother was an adventurous cook and liked trying out exotic recipes. My father liked meals like a hamburger patty with green beans and a chocolate chip cookie. I was raised to eat the food that was put in front of me so I tried lots of different food. I traveled in Asia when I was in my 20's and did some adventurous eating then. Now I eat the same ordinary stuff all the time and love the routine and familiarity of it.

    <3 Barbie
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member

    Boohoo! I'm missing the Fishermen Union of Warrenton, Oregon annual Crab festival!!!! This was last year's feast. Boohoo!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I think you are doing a great job of self-care. You have managed to create a way to enjoy your food and balance the calories you take in with those that you burn via exercise. That takes dedication and determination, and you are succeeding brilliantly. :star:

    Barbara: I’ve switched my lettuce to romaine but DH still likes his head lettuce, so we always have both in the house. I find that I like romaine very much. I’m not sure why he isn’t on my lettuce bandwagon. :huh:

    Lanette: Your chicken on salad greens sounds delicious. :bigsmile:

    Meg: It is always good when you stop in. It feels good to know how you’re doing. :smiley:

    Rebecca: It has been more than a few years since we went to the Crab Festival put on by the Fishermen Union from Warrenton. We had a lovely time there and came home with good memories. :smiley:

    Today DH installed our new dishwasher. I helped in little ways, but he was the brains and skill of the project. It is running right now. It will be thrilling to open a dishwasher after the cycle is done and find clean dishes, rather than dishes we have to wash again ourselves.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,743 Member
    @auntiebk - I think my math was off. I was doing it in my head. I know better. The dresses were regularly priced 229 plus tax. The sale price is 151.49 including tax. All but one of the bridal party will be able to take advantage of the sale price.

    Tracey in Edmonton