JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Beck's Diet Solution Tip of the Day: Monday Motivation – January 21, 2019 :flowerforyou:

    This week, instead of thinking about what you can’t have when you’re working on eating healthfully, focus on what you can – delicious and healthy food, a reasonable amount of treats, good health, better self-confidence, a stable wardrobe, a more peaceful relationship with food, great feelings, etc.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,603 Member
    edited January 2019
    I really struggle to log on lately... What I really need to do is get up a bit earlier in the morning and list my progress and goals before I even come to work. I would really like to get up an hour earlier every day. I really struggle getting up in the mornings...

    Any advice on how to get up earlier and not hit snooze 6 times would be GREATLY appreciated! Seriously. I just can't seem to do it.

    I didn't log anything this weekend really because I spent a lot of my weekend actually hanging out with my husband and I wanted to be in the present moment with him. It was so nice! We went to Kroll's for a fish fry on Friday night,,,

    Several comments in response:
    • I'm NOT a morning person. But I have too many excuses (errands, cook supper, choir, appts., social functions, watch TV, I'm lazy, you name it) to not exercise after a day of work, so I've gotten into the routine of getting up early and working out (walk dog, treadmill, x-train) before I go to work. Then I don't have to think about it for the rest of the day, and I'm able to do whatever I want in the evenings.

      It took me a while to develop a routine, and I started small... like 2-3 days a week, then added a day when I felt ready. The key for me is to consistently go to bed by a certain time to get my "beauty rest." And I HAVE to log out of my phone & computer at least one hour before bed ~ screen time messes with me. Then I'm rested enough when that early "workout" alarm goes off.

      Usually I allow one snooze hit for workout days (I have to be realistic). And I always try to plan at least one rest day on a weekday... that allows me to "sleep in" without the early alarm. Even weekends, I try to go to bed around the same time, or I get myself all screwed up for the next week.

    • Hubby time is important for me too, especially since he works second shift and I work days. We really only have weekends together. Sometimes I have to force myself to "be present" with him on weekends, if I have "me things" I want to do. I always tell him there was a reason I stayed single so long. :wink: But he feels the same (I think). Glad you had fun treasure hunting. And Kroll's... we love that place, just don't go very often. But we really only like the east side one. :D
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited January 2019
    I've had to go back about 4 pages to try and catch up on all the posts from this weekend ... so I can't respond to everyone, but will try a few! Serves me right not getting on here all weekend!

    @maryrobinson40 -- LOVE the beautiful flowers! Makes me think of spring. I used to buy flowers to put in the house ... I think I will do that next time I go to the store! I love how you list every goal... big or small. It is important to recognize what we DO right in the day. Sometimes it is so easy to only look at the things we did not get done.

    @Elbee1 - you were asking about the Beck Diet Solution!! It only works if you follow what she says. But .. the book is VERY good!! She gives so many pointers, and ways to stop self-sabatoge, how to learn to distinguish between hunger, desire, and cravings, basically how to think like a thin person does.

    @toaljasa -- you always such a motivator to all of us!

    @Snowflake1968 -- I love your crafts! You are SO talented!! Thank you for sharing with us!

    @Bex953172 - you are such a good mommie! You remind all of us how hard it is to manage a household, take care of 3 little ones, worrying about what will happen to your family regarding your housing... yet... you still get on here to motivate others. You are such a strong, young girl! Be kind to yourself! If your only goal is to get a good nites sleep, that is a good goal. If you don't set any goals at all ... we still love to hear from you!! You've had so much on your plate, but thank you for keep coming back and writing. We all love hearing from you. ... you make us laugh ... you motivate us ... you remind us how hard parenting is.

    @PackerFanInGB -- I am not a morning person at all!! In fact, I rarely get to bed before 1am... I am just not tired yet, and I have so many things I want to get done. Usually it is sewing, since evening is my only time to do it. THat is when I try and take a few minutes to post my goals and get on here ... but somedays, I can't get on either. As for the morning part ... I have to set a alarm to go to the gym, because I know that if I don't go first thing in the morning, I just never get it done. When I first started going ... I only set the alarm for 15 minutes earlier than I normally get up. I didn't have time to go to the gym, but it was summer, so I would go for a short walk outside. I did this all summer. Once I got used to the 15 minutes earlier, I would set it 30 minutes earlier, then 45 minutes earlier, etc until now I set up for 90 minutes earlier. But it took me a long time. This past week I did not set an alarm because I had been sick. This morning I had planned on going to the gym ... but it was so cold, I just couldn't get myself out the door. Tomorrow I plan on going. But my only advice is to not try and do this like a hour ahead of time .... you'll keep hitting that snooze. Maybe try just 15 minutes ahead of time until you get used to it. but you are doing great with all you have going on! Anytime you can post ... love hearing from you! But I give myself 15-20 minutes, and thats all on here.

    OK ... gotta stop and get back to work and then make dinner. But love you all ... you are all doing great!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Hi Sisters and Brothers! Thanks Sisters for the comments.
    One thing I can say, I'm paying more attention to me since I
    have been on MFP. This thread is everything I've prayed for.
    Friends, support, accountability, motivation, and free from
    judgement. It's part of my daily medicine. I feel good chatting
    and sharing with all of you. I never dreamed that a group of
    people Ive never met, would become soooo much a part of
    my heart...my long distance family.😅
    Ok... Now I'm blubbering over here.. I'm gonna flood my town
    with my tears...lol. THANKS LADIES!!

    up early dealing with female issues.✔
    Coffee and prayer..(Youngest still in hospital after trying to take her life)✔
    Breakfast and meds.✔
    Washed up✔
    Gaming online/phone calls✔
    No lunch because of late breakfast✔
    Spinach salad ✔
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited January 2019
    SO my goals for today are simple again
    1. LOG ALL FOOD -- no matter what. Every single little bit, snack, even a few grapes that I eat :) 1111 calories .... so tonite I can only eat something worth 50-60 calories. NO MORE!
    2. STOP eating when I have reached my calorie limit. :)
    3. mindful eating :)
    4. eat slowly ... enjoy it, don't just gobble it down without thinking :):D So today I am really concentrating on mindful eating, eating slow. As we are eating lunch ... my bowl of soup and cantalope, and hubby has 2 pieces of pizza ... I have barely started eating my soup and hubby is completely finished eating. He keeps asking me why it is taking me so long to eat .... ! Geez, no wonder I am always hungry ... not taking enough time to really enjoy what I am eating. So ... I sat by myself for the last 10 minutes to slowly eat my lunch! Maybe he'll catch on!!!
    5. use my distraction list when I want to eat ... wait 10 minutes :) I have my list ready ... but tonite I am cleaning out closets, so hopefully that will distract me enough
    6. brush/floss teeth tonite after my last snack :) Reminding myself to do this if/when I want to eat something tonite.
    7. concentrate on water = 8+ glasses :) I think this is the first time I think I actually went Over the 8 glasses!

    JFT, Tues
    1. log all food --- stop when I reach my calorie limit (set around 1200-1300 cal a day)
    2. eat slowly!!!! I had to really concentrate on this .. hoping with time it gets easier
    3. mindful eating ... think before eating
    4. enjoy every bite
    5. use my distraction list when I am hungry. Ask myself is is hungry, desire, or craving
    6. brush/floss teeth after my last snack
    7. concentrate on 8+ c water

    Today I took a letter in to my daughters doctor... so hoping the doctor will know what to do. It is now where our daughter does not answer any phone calls or emails. She still comes out in the evening, but just sits in the chair, staring at the floor, or goes in the bedroom. She closes the door, but we can hear her sobbing. I am very worried .. she seems very distant, and so unhappy. I know this is where I worry about her being suicidal .. so when I can't reach her, I worry. But ... so far today ... I kept away from emotional eating. Now ... I just have to make it until bedtime!
    (For those newbies, I have a daughter with severe mental illness ... and my go-to for stress was always food. I am trying so hard to break that habit that I had developed)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member
    Beck's Diet Solution Tip of the Day: Monday Motivation – January 21, 2019 :flowerforyou:

    This week, instead of thinking about what you can’t have when you’re working on eating healthfully, focus on what you can – delicious and healthy food, a reasonable amount of treats, good health, better self-confidence, a stable wardrobe, a more peaceful relationship with food, great feelings, etc.

    Thanks for the motivation tip! I keep forgetting to go and read what their blog says.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member
    Hi Sisters and Brothers! Thanks Sisters for the comments.
    One thing I can say, I'm paying more attention to me since I
    have been on MFP. This thread is everything I've prayed for.
    Friends, support, accountability, motivation, and free from
    judgement. It's part of my daily medicine. I feel good chatting
    and sharing with all of you. I never dreamed that a group of
    people Ive never met, would become soooo much a part of
    my heart...my long distance family.😅
    Ok... Now I'm blubbering over here.. I'm gonna flood my town
    with my tears...lol. THANKS LADIES!!

    And WE are all so happy to have you a part of this thread!! Love your encouraging, uplifting posts! And I feel the same way... the friends I have met on here are unbelievable! Love all you guys <3
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @toaljasa @mytime6630 @PackerFanInGB @Snowflake1968 (and anyone ivd forgot!)

    thank you so much for the kind words about my parenting, as you probably know you always feel like you're screwing it up!
    tbh, the reason I'm so strong is you guys, you keep me going, you make me realise that yes this parenting malarky IS hard, but it's also normal, its helped me open up to other mums at the school about what their kids are like and yes 5 year olds are totally self-centered LOL

    Personally I love sharing it all with you! I'm very proud of my kids and what I've come through to get here now, and you all give me such a great confidence boost, i am extremely self critical. I feel lousy half the time that I dont do enough, but you make me realise i actually go above and beyond!

    oh and Tracie, i could have a billion kids and i would STILL not be a morning person!
    the other day i told Saskia to just go get a yoghurt out the fridge and I'd get up in 10 minutes LOL not my best parenting moment but sometimes, hauling yourself out of bed is just.. no.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    I'll post my daily goals tomorrow.
    but my goals for the upcoming week are:

    - Log everything everyday
    - Follow my cleaning schedule
    - Drink 8+ cups per day
    - Stop with the junk food, learn to say NO
    - Watch motivational videos
    - Sit less!

    Okay so I forgot to post the goals.. whoops.
    and not only did I forget to take my meds this morning before school I COMPLETELY forgot them all day!
    I followed my cleaning schedule today! it stayed clean for 2.5 hours...
    I didnt drink enough water, and I did well until dinner then ate loads of biscuits, then it got worse, I then had half a pizza.. THEN a McDonalds!

    I didnt watch motivational videos but I did move more and sat less.

    oh I dunno, I feel in a total brain fog. think I need time out from the kids to just reset my brain, but I'll just figure out a way yo get through it!
    I might try meditating again!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Its took me a couple of days to find this post to the point I have tried to create a similar group post but now I'm here I'm happy lol.
    My challenges still remain at sticking to my calories for the day and trying to stay within 100 carbs so my blood sugar stablisis. Hows everyone else doing?

    make sure you click the star at the top of the thread and if will give you notifications for it!
    I'm doing rubbish lol! cant focus at all!

    how are you doing? 🙂
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Hey everyone!

    JFT 1/21/19

    1. Log everything - stay in the green :smiley:
    2. Drink at least 96oz of water :smiley:
    3. Walk at least 20 minutes after work :smiley:
    4. Stand and move while at work :smiley:
    5. Stretch as often as possible :smiley:

    Today was a good day! I ate far too much sugar today but I will make up for that tomorrow. LOL

    JFT 1/22/19

    1. Log everything - stay in the green
    2. Get in at least 96oz of water
    3. Walk at lunch
    4. Write in both of my paper planners
    5. Stop beating myself up for stuff happening at work
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    @clicketykeys oh man now I want to know what you're seeing!!
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Monday, January 21:
    Calories---under 1700 :)
    Exercise: 15" Cross-country skiing--first time this winter, and just wondering if I can still handle it. :)
    Water: 32 ounces--8 more than yesterday :)
    Looks like a good day but the house is still a mess, and I can't blame it on anyone else--LOL.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @mytime6630 and @Bex953172 - I’m reading your posts and your supportive words to each other and it struck me how you are both amazing examples of mothers.

    @mytime although your daughter is grown up you have such struggles but do an amazing job for her and clearly hold everything together (including the JFT family!) Be proud of yourself and don’t question yourself. It’s ok to want more and to keep building on your progress. If you think you will feel and look better with a bit more loss then go for it! Don’t let others try and make you settle where you are not happy.

    And @bex953172 just to echo what everyone else said. You are an absolute legend to be on here helping everyone and still trying for yourself with the huge load you carry. I only have two kids but I remember the toddler days and it is hard! Factor in the other stuff you have going on with partner and finances and - wow - huge respect for your positivity and commitment. And if your head is not quite in the weight loss game right now that’s ok. You are so determined you know you can do this. Maybe once you’ve moved house and things feel settled that will be the kickstart you need as it’s been such a rocky start to the year.

    So a high five from me to two great mamas!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @clicketykeys you’ve made me laugh! When I’m marking work it’s with the children in the classroom as they are only 5 and 6 years old so they need the verbal feedback there and then. But I think if I brought their work home and tried to decipher it I prob would have to turn to drink!! 🤣