JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,808 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    JFT - ThursdayJanuary 10th
    2L of water - :/ Only 1.5 I think, I am having two coffees most days since I lowered the calorie count on the cream so it is affecting my water intake. Also, we need to buy water and since the car is acting up I have no way to go get it until tomorrow.
    Calories in Green - :) I had 40+ left
    Walk 1 Mile - >:) No, but I danced a bit while working on my projects, did lots of moving and cleaning
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 3/5
    Only 1 evening Snack - :)
    5 something at bathroom break - >:) I think I'm going to make something to post on my mirror.... hubby will laugh, but if it works why not?
    Write in Journal - :)
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices. - :)

    JFT - Friday January 11th
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    Write in Journal
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices.


    @slittlemeister - That sounds like a fun evening, we have those burgers too often as well. Hubby could eat them or pizza everyday. I find I don't feel as well when I eat that too much anymore. I guess there's something to be said for getting older.

    @Elbee1 - I have read a lot of people having issues with MFP this week. They are clearing their cache on their computer to get it to work.

    @jaysgirl092516 - to respond to a post you can type the person's screen name exactly with the @ symbol in front of it or you can hit quote at the bottom of the post they wrote you want to respond to. If you hit quote it keeps the conversation together as it shows their post as well. You just have to scroll down past the last quote bracket to start writing yours. I don't know why MFP can't upgrade their message boards the technology is obviously out there.

    @Bex953172 - Happy birthday to Saskia!

    My chest is hurting again today, @AJB1014 you suggested Naxprone? the other day what is that is it Aleeve? I would like to try something besides the Advil. I do have what you named, I can't remember the name of it again. I don't know how you remember it!

    Yesterday I cleaned out some of my craft supplies and took pictures so I can sell a bunch. I have been scrapbooking since 2009 and have sold off lots over the last couple of years. I decided to get rid of even more so I have more room for stuff to use with the Cricut!

    Hubby just woke up so I'm going to get off here. Later all!

    I feel so bad you're still hurting!!! :( Yes, Aleve! And when I first had the costochondroiditis I thought I was having a heart attack and ended up at the ER, so its vivid in my memory haha. My mom is a Physical Therapist so I've gotten lots of insight from her over the years - of course any ailment can be cured by icing it in her opinion hahaha she tormented me with some of my injuries over the years. I broke my finger once and she made me stick my hand in a bucket of ice water for 20 minutes I thought I was gonna die at the time - but it did help the healing immensely.

    I thought I was having a heart attack too but took stock of any other symptoms and decided not to wake hubby. My MIL has had two heart attacks, I asked her how she knew she should go to the hospital and she said “you just know”. My husband was not impressed with me for not going.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Elbee1 wrote: »
    Really meant to keep up with this. I get frustrated when I can't log my food, etc. I have been having trouble with the website and can't seem to post things into my food diary.
    I've not done well the last couple days. Good during the day but blowing it at dinner.
    Will try harder to make wiser choices

    The website diary search isnt working for me - but the app is on my phone!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Thurs
    1. Met and Prenatal :)
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Eat packed lunch :)
    4. Eat 3 PM snack :)
    5. Cook dinner at home :)
    6. 3 waters before noon/3 after/1 at home :| Meh, I was on the floor at work not in my office so not my best
    7. Wish dad happy birthday :)
    8. 10 minute meditation >:)
    9. Bed by 9:30 >:) 10
    10. 10 wall push ups/bathroom trip :| 50/50

    JFT Fri AM
    1. Up by 7 :| 7:20
    2. Smoothie :)
    3. Fish Oil :)

    Need a hug today. Got screamed at by my boss at work. Not even going to get into details because focusing on the stress is not going to help me at all right now. I'm keeping my head down and staying busy on the floor and out of my office.

    1. Met and Prenatal :)
    2. Log all food
    3. Eat packed lunch
    4. Eat 3 PM snack
    5. Cook dinner at home
    6. 3 waters before noon/3 after/1 at home
    7. 10 minute meditation - RELAX TONIGHT
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,517 Member
    Recap R 1/10 ~ 2 days in a row I got up early for workout... before I know it, I'll be back in the groove. Not participating in workplace mindful hike today... crappy snow (melted, rained on, then refroze) & icy conditions, definitely no snowshoeing, so I will pass.
    1) Treadmill before work 3 mi 50:15 + cool down + stretched = happy me :smiley: but sad dog
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings = Fitbit 15,825 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 boom! (first time since 1/2/19 wow) & 34 floors :smiley:
    3) Breakfast, lunch & snacks prelogged but not sure about supper / net calories zero / 14c water = Did great all day, figured out supper w/i limit, net cals near zero... then after my organizing burst (see #4) I binged on veggie straws straight from the bag again ~ I have got to stop doing this. If I must snack after supper, at least count out 1 portion and close the bag!!! Logged my best guess and not pretty... net calories -303 :s , sodium -1,075 :s , sugar green (yay), fiber good, protein ok & 16c water (yay)
    4) Choir 6:30 :smiley: / evening to-do's ~ kept really busy after choir :smiley: went through mail / boiled eggs / packed another box of Christmas decorations (almost done), re-distributed snowman collection around other rooms, dusted as I went & put out tchotchkes & photos again (logged light cleaning time for my efforts) / organized LED & high vis gear & clothes for 5K event
    5) UNPLUG 9:00 :neutral: MFP logging / FLOSS >:) / retainers :smiley: / set/verify alarm (no pre-work workout F), BED & TV OFF 10:15 >:) (missing my sleep really screws me up)

    JFT F 1/11
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged / not sure about refreshments at evening event / net calories zero / 14c water
    3) Frenzy on the Fox 5K is tonight... for safety & fun, organizers are looking for most "lit" participants this year. Walking w/ girlfriend, so no time goal (event isn't timed anyway), I'll just use my tech gloves & MapMyWalk app.
    4) FLOSS / retainers / no alarm for Sat. a.m. (try to leave by 9 for winter market)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    JFT, 1-10-19

    1. Log all food 😁Even the food I didn't want to
    2. Eat a sensible lunch😂Got take out. But it was a grilled chicken sandwich and oven baked french fries
    3. Work 815-5😀
    4. Pick up dice for C and A on break 😀
    5. Do a mad cleaning before above come over(bathroom/dishes/bedroom)😀
    6. Eat 2 pieces of pizza for dinner and 2 beers tops😆 3 pieces of pizza and about a half a cannoli
    7. Have fun with our friends 😀😀😀
    8. Bed before 12😀11

    JFT, 1-11-19

    1. Log all food
    2. Work 815-5
    3. Pay attention at work. Remember to slow down and really look at things. Deep breaths
    4. Pay bills
    5. Finish the leftover pizza for dinner
    6. Do the dishes
    7. Spend time with the DH
    8. Bed at reasonable time for the weekend...got a long day tomorrow.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,102 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I'm having a much better day today!
    I've had 4 waters up to now, I've been mindful and actually paused and thought about what I was going to eat and said NO. when I had to. and walked away, just incase lol!
    but I've eyed up my treat for tonight and im excited for it! it's only a packet of crisps but ive been treat free all day!! including biscuits!

    I was going to exercise but Flo is here, which isn't normally a problem but the stomach cramps are.
    my partner flew off the handle in the pet store today. tbh though he was right, an employee was incredibly rude to an elderly lady who was struggling with her shopping, and when my partner politely asked him to stop being rude he said "age doesn't matter, I dont need to respect my elders" and theres the trigger. end of the day that's someones grandma and it's horrible yo be treated that way, especially from an employee to a customer who was evidently struggling.
    I never know what to do now as his carer, do I let him be who he is or always hold him back and protect others even when they're in the wrong?
    I'm just writing down every time he's triggered and what happens so if it goes to tribunal for his disability benefit then I have a diary of what he's like.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,517 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Need a hug today. Got screamed at by my boss at work. Not even going to get into details because focusing on the stress is not going to help me at all right now. I'm keeping my head down and staying busy on the floor and out of my office.

    7. 10 minute meditation - RELAX TONIGHT

    Horrible management skills on display! (((HUGS))) Have a great night forgetting all about work.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Need a hug today. Got screamed at by my boss at work. Not even going to get into details because focusing on the stress is not going to help me at all right now. I'm keeping my head down and staying busy on the floor and out of my office.

    7. 10 minute meditation - RELAX TONIGHT

    Horrible management skills on display! (((HUGS))) Have a great night forgetting all about work.

    Just checking in at my 3PM Break and SO appreciate this! THANK YOU! Happy Friday to you!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,517 Member
    @jaysgirl092516 - to respond to a post you can type the person's screen name exactly with the @ symbol in front of it or you can hit quote at the bottom of the post they wrote you want to respond to. If you hit quote it keeps the conversation together as it shows their post as well. You just have to scroll down past the last quote bracket to start writing yours. I don't know why MFP can't upgrade their message boards the technology is obviously out there.

    Just a couple more FYI's:
    * If you use the Quote function, you can actually edit down the person's post that you're responding to. For example, in the quote above, I deleted all the lines by @Snowflake1968 that did not pertain to this post.
    * If you use the @ symbol with the user's name, there is NO space between the symbol and the name. See above bullet for example.

    Hope this helps.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    It's a wonderful Fryday, I mean Friday!!! (so glad I have pork tenderloin on the menu or we'd be having fried fish or chicken.)

    Our words for the year intertwined with one another!

    As we continue to climb toward our targets of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, I want to encourage us to be mindful this weekend of what we choose to do. We are on a journey and are discovering so much about ourselves, especially what is holding us back. Let's determine to have a balanced weekend, especially food-wise, as we methodically choose ahead of time what we are going to eat and drink and how much in moderation we will consume while learning that we can still have a rip-roaring time without becoming imbalanced. Yes, it will take discipline on our part to plan ahead and then execute that plan, resisting when temptation arises and being tenacious in not letting anything, including our emotions, friends, family, unforeseen circumstances trap us or trip us. But, come Monday we will be so thrilled, happy, overjoyed, and driven to continue onward!

    Stay Focused!
    Peace and joy and have a fantastic weekend!

  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 275 Member
    Feeling happy. Have lost half a stone (= 7llbs) in two weeks and that’s despite going over my green limit on most days by a bit and not exercising. Really grabbing this by the horns now as if I lose another llb I’ll be in the 12s... 12 stone something - and I’ve not been there in a long while 😎❤️❤️
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Feeling happy. Have lost half a stone (= 7llbs) in two weeks and that’s despite going over my green limit on most days by a bit and not exercising. Really grabbing this by the horns now as if I lose another llb I’ll be in the 12s... 12 stone something - and I’ve not been there in a long while 😎❤️❤️

    Woo Woo!!! I am so excited for you! That is quite a feat! Keep up the good work. You will reach 12 stone in no time.

    Peace and joy!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Friday 10 January

    Log food accurately :)
    Stay in the green :)
    January water challenge >:) How can such a simple thing be so difficult?
    Fitbit goals :)
    Plan for next week. :/ Sort of!, I've got as far as knowing it's going to be hectic!

    Seems as as if I am still struggling with the days of the week, apparently it's the 11th today not the 10th as shown on the start of my post!. So tomorrow will be Saturday 12th January 2019 - I'm still writing 2018 sometimes.

  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member


    UP AT 6
    Watching the morning news... It's National Milk Day... I'm in for whole white milk and chocolate milk. Maybe 2%, but don't like it lower than that.
    About to Read! Read! Read! At least until 7:30... Be back to post later

    Read 3 chapters 😁👏
    Exercised 20 minutes... Ouch on the knee, but done😁
    Ate sensibly today😁
    Evening Meds 😁
    Water... Only 2 will do better this weekend😑
    Shower at 6 p.m.

    Need TLC
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,808 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    JFT Thurs
    1. Met and Prenatal :)
    2. Log all food :)
    3. Eat packed lunch :)
    4. Eat 3 PM snack :)
    5. Cook dinner at home :)
    6. 3 waters before noon/3 after/1 at home :| Meh, I was on the floor at work not in my office so not my best
    7. Wish dad happy birthday :)
    8. 10 minute meditation >:)
    9. Bed by 9:30 >:) 10
    10. 10 wall push ups/bathroom trip :| 50/50

    JFT Fri AM
    1. Up by 7 :| 7:20
    2. Smoothie :)
    3. Fish Oil :)

    Need a hug today. Got screamed at by my boss at work. Not even going to get into details because focusing on the stress is not going to help me at all right now. I'm keeping my head down and staying busy on the floor and out of my office.

    1. Met and Prenatal :)
    2. Log all food
    3. Eat packed lunch
    4. Eat 3 PM snack
    5. Cook dinner at home
    6. 3 waters before noon/3 after/1 at home
    7. 10 minute meditation - RELAX TONIGHT

    I have managed and supervised for over 20 years and not once have had to yell at an employee. I don’t and will never understand how people still think this is an acceptable manner of managing. I’m so sorry you had to put up with that. Hopefully hubby obliges on the hugs.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,808 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hey everyone!
    I'm having a much better day today!
    I've had 4 waters up to now, I've been mindful and actually paused and thought about what I was going to eat and said NO. when I had to. and walked away, just incase lol!
    but I've eyed up my treat for tonight and im excited for it! it's only a packet of crisps but ive been treat free all day!! including biscuits!

    I was going to exercise but Flo is here, which isn't normally a problem but the stomach cramps are.
    my partner flew off the handle in the pet store today. tbh though he was right, an employee was incredibly rude to an elderly lady who was struggling with her shopping, and when my partner politely asked him to stop being rude he said "age doesn't matter, I dont need to respect my elders" and theres the trigger. end of the day that's someones grandma and it's horrible yo be treated that way, especially from an employee to a customer who was evidently struggling.
    I never know what to do now as his carer, do I let him be who he is or always hold him back and protect others even when they're in the wrong?
    I'm just writing down every time he's triggered and what happens so if it goes to tribunal for his disability benefit then I have a diary of what he's like.

    I think it’s very smart of you to be documenting these occurrences.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,808 Member
    Friday 10 January

    Log food accurately :)
    Stay in the green :)
    January water challenge >:) How can such a simple thing be so difficult?
    Fitbit goals :)
    Plan for next week. :/ Sort of!, I've got as far as knowing it's going to be hectic!

    Seems as as if I am still struggling with the days of the week, apparently it's the 11th today not the 10th as shown on the start of my post!. So tomorrow will be Saturday 12th January 2019 - I'm still writing 2018 sometimes.

    I have written 2018 on every journal entry but 2 so far this year.
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Jumping back in for the new year.
    Stay at 1800 calories or less
    Exercise--15" daily
    Drink water--start small, and go from there.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @AJB1014 I'm sorry you got yelled at. Something like this just affects the whole being. I hope you have a restful and rejuvenating weekend.

    Find peace and joy in your nest.