Lose 5lbs + in January 2019



  • tramaine_21
    tramaine_21 Posts: 348 Member
    JennH517 wrote: »
    Day 2 of 7 Extended/Nutritional Fast!

    195.0 woo hoo!!! Water weight is not a joke! Haha. I hope to lose 2 to 3 more lbs, if possible.

    Next weigh in: 28th

    Wow! I had about 8 lbs of IV fluid weight after my surgery in November. It's great to get it gone, isn't it?

    Onward we go!


    Heck yeah, Jenn. Speak it Sis!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,924 Member
    syreina wrote: »
    ....I gave into delicious caramel bubble tea. It was worth it.... A regular sized drink split into two days (dinners).

    Now, I'm on day 2 again of no sugared beverages and knowing that I can keep this up excites me.

    Also, I'm wearing size 12 pants today when I usually where size 14 .....

    bam! I'm getting there. :)

    All that I ask for now is hitting a 3.6 lb loss for the month. The closer I get to 130 the more, more, more I think it's possible to get there by April.

    You can do this!
  • ItsAJourny
    ItsAJourny Posts: 69 Member
    edited January 2019

    Original starting weight -220.5
    January starting weight - 209.4
    January goal - 203
    Ultimate goal - 160

    January 1st -209.4
    January 8th - oops I forgot to weigh in :/
    January 15th - 205.5
    January 22nd - oops no weigh in
    January 26th - 204.5

    Total loss for January - 4.9lbs
    All time loss - 16lbs !!

    Man this month has been the most difficult, with birthdays and vacations my meal prep and exercise routine went haywire. I’m proud that I kept active enough to still not gain but disappointed in where I could’ve been this month if I hadn’t slacked. Oh well this is life
    Here’s to next month! And a goal to get under 200 lbs for the first time in 4 years!!!!

    I understand your disappointment. Still you are losing and doing great. Congratulations!
  • tramaine_21
    tramaine_21 Posts: 348 Member
    UPDATE!!! Detox/Fast

    I'm not a fan of daily weigh-ins ( I cannot handle the pressure) but since my fast it's been quite exciting!

    So far...

    Jan 20: 202.6 Yikes!!
    Jan 23: 195.0 Surprised me!
    Jan 24: 192.4 Whaaa?!!
    Jan 25: 190.8 Speechless!

    Thank you Jesus!!! God is good. My journey isn't over yet, just 2 more days and then Keto time!

    P.S. I miss eating solids...Getting tired of broth but feeling really good. :smiley:

    As of today *drum roll*

    Jan 26: 188.8!!!!
    Just 1-lb away from my lowest since last summer! I'm so excited--and my fast isn't over yet!

    Tomorrow is my final full day! Push through, eh?
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    Original starting weight - 305
    January starting weight - 227.5
    January goal - 221
    Ultimate goal - 163

    My weigh in's are on Saturdays
    January 5th - 225
    January 12th - 223.5
    January 19th - 223.50 Stayed the same
    January 26th - 221.50

    Lost 2 yay, so ok then I am going to get that other .5 off by 2/1/2019.

    Kept my carbs under 55 daily that seems to be it for me. Both for losing weight, but to keep the diabetic blood sugars in range.

    For those that do order stuff online, there is a Hot Chocolate by Healthwise. Has I think only 3 carbs, and 15 grams of protein, 60 calories I think.. For anyone who is a low carber, and loves hot chocolate. I do via amazon.
    Stuff is great, and nope I do not sell it. I just buy it. The chocolate and marshmallow flavors are great. I tried the amaretto flavor, as I love that flavor normally but not in this hot chocolate.