January 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Lazy_Bones_1985
    Lazy_Bones_1985 Posts: 49 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »

    @Lazy_Bones_1985 have a great time skiing!

    Thank you. Always my favorite week of the year!!!
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    1/1-6 Totals: Run 47.6 km
    1/7-13 Totals: Run 39.4 km, Other Cardio 115 min
    1/14-20 Totals: Run 39.2 km, Other Cardio 60 min
    1/21-27 Totals: Run 26.2 km (+9.3 km nordic run-walk), Other cardio 116 min

    1/28 - 22.7 km (2 runs) +weights&core
    1/29 -
    1/30 -
    1/31 -
    2/1 -
    2/2 - planned night 10k race!!!

    THE SUN IS SHINING!!! I didn't have time for my long run this a.m. due to other appointments, so I'll either run again later (not highly likely) or do it tomorrow. Looks like my January goals have been met :)



    Exhibit 1 of being a crazy runner. Who does their run, goes to appointments, then just feels like doing it again so they can check off the week's long run instead of doing it tomorrow? In my defense, Monday is my usual long run day.

    Ha! It dumped another layer of snow on us overnight, and I don't have to worry about my long run today. Score!

    @polskagirl01 Haha NICE!

    @noblsheep Soooooo dreamill breakthrough?

    @Elise4270 and I finally am wearing an interesting enough pair of socks for a pic
    Reflectoes running socks, first time I have worn them.

    5.9 and change per strava, endomondo said 6 but whatever. Run felt really nice. Had to step back inside the house and grab a base layer top for the drizzle(didn't want to get cold). Sure glad I did because the drizzle stopped at mile 2 and the temperature started dropping with the wind, that had been nonexistent, picking up.

    This song hit just as I hit mile 5 😍

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2019
    @workaholic_nurse Some “see me” socks there! I’d wear those everyday. Don’t you just love when every song is running inspiration!

    ETA @shanaber @garygse I’m not making February’s thread. I’ve done two and they’ve both been mayhem.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Thanks for sharing that with thar pull up bar @Scott6255 ! I may get one. Im sure i can hang it in the kitchen doorway and remember that if im snacking, it'll cost me a few pull up tries.

    Way to put a dent in Sally! 2:18 is the current record.
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    1-1 Rest
    1-2 7k intervals
    1-3 7k easy
    1-4 Rest
    1-5 7k slow
    1-6 5.5k slow
    1-7 7k easy
    1-8 Rest
    1-9 7k slow
    1-10 7k slow
    1-11 Rest
    1-12 7.5k easy
    1-13 7k slow
    1-14 7k easy
    1-15 Rest
    1-16 7k slow
    1-17 7k easy
    1-18 Rest
    1-19 10k slow
    1-20 Snow Day
    1-21 Snow/cold day
    1-22 7k slow
    1-23 Pouring rain on top of slush
    1-24 7k slow
    1-25 Rest
    1-26 7k easy
    1-27 10k slow
    1-28 7k recovery
    1-29 Rest

    January Total: 131k
    January Goal: 100k

    Next year when you pop in here claiming your December 2019 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?
    Run at least 4 5k races.
    Get under 30:00 and a PR for 5k.
    Average at least 135k per month, which would put me over 1,000 miles for the year.

    Run the Year Team: Five for Nineteen.

    Rest day today. Depending on the weather (doesn't look good), January might be finished.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,062 Member
    edited January 2019
    @MegaMooseEsq Great race and report. That's an awesome time, in my book.

    @Scott6255 I'm going to be in FL for a week in February also! I'm trying to decide if I can get in one or two short runs while I am there or not. I usually take my work out clothes and they stay in my suitcase. I am driving down, so am at least hoping I can talk myself into using the gym at the hotel I stay at on the way. We'll see.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    The dog thing – my sister has a Bearded Collie and lives near Winnipeg so does cold. They camp all winter and go sledging so, you know. She makes her own stuff for the dogs paws out of almond oil, beeswax and shea butter

    And hair. I used to have shoulder-length hair. And I have A LOT of hair. Hair that does its own thing. I cut it short when I took up scuba diving, because trying to get a latex neck seal over your head with long hair is frankly painful and annoying. It’s still short, and I love it short. It’s longer at the front so I can pretend to look like a girl sometimes. I used to wash it every day, but now do that every two days, even if I run and sweat. Sometimes I co-wash – ie. use a conditioner to ‘wash’ rather than shampoo. Otherwise I’m just lazy about it. I work in quite a dusty environment so daily washing does it no favours.
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    Running shoes: I was noticing that I am close to the 300 mile mark on my current shoes, Brooks GTS 18. Therefore, coming up time for new ones.

    Here is my question: Since the last time I went to the run shop to be fitted, I came out with the newer model of the ones I was already in. Should I just assume that they will be "The Ones" and go for the 19's & order them on-line (using the size I'm in now) ....or....since the 18's are still available, I'm fine in them, AND they are much cheaper, get a pair of the 18's (in another color), and consider myself thrifty? lol
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Question for the group: What is your favorite treadmill interval workout?
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    Question for the group: What is your favorite treadmill interval workout?

    @lporter229 For treadmill intervals, I've been doing this:

    -warmup (typically progressively increase speed for 12:00)
    -6x3:00 at pace above VO2 Max with 3:00 "recoveries" in between
    *For recoveries, I struggle with slowing down enough. I try to keep at a running pace (not walking), but the idea is to slow down enough to let HR drop to a level just low enough that I have room to climb again at the next interval.
    -Then cool down slowly

    The actual speed may be different for each person, but my VO2 Max speed is at a pace about 0:10-0:20 faster than my 5K road pace... so hopefully that helps.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    lporter229 wrote: »
    an 1-5.2 miles
    Jan 2-1.8 miles with Stella +stretching
    Jan 3-6 miles with 4 at pace
    Jan 4- rest
    Jan 5-10 miles
    Jan 6-1.7 miles with Stella + stretching
    Jan 7-60 minutes plyo class
    Jan 8- 5 miles total speedwork 8X400s @ 7:30 pace
    Jan 9-Bike 25 minutes, yoga and strength training
    Jan 10- 7 miles with 3 @ tempo 8-8:30
    Jan 11- rest
    Jan 12- 10.2 miles (should have been 12 but snow and slush made it miserable )
    Jan 13-6.2 miles easy
    Jan 14-60 minute plyo class
    Jan 15-5.5 miles speedwork 3X400, 1X800, 3X400 @ 7-7:30 pace
    Jan 16- strength training and 60 minute yoga class
    Jan 17- 6 miles tempoish pace (icy)
    Jan 18- rest
    Jan 19- 14.5 miserable miles in the freezing rain
    Jan 20- 7 miles +10 minute yoga
    Jan 21- 60 minute plyo class
    Jan 22- 5.3 miles total speed work 5X 800s at 7-7:30
    Jan 23- 60 minutes P90X3 Dynamix and Isometrix
    Jan 24- 7 miles tempoish (hilly, icy)
    Jan 25-rest
    Jan 26- 16.9
    Jan 27- 6.9
    Jan 28- 35 minutes strength training +60 minute plyo class

    Jan total 122.2 miles

    @MegaMooseEsq - Great race recap and pics! Impressive, in that weather!

    Yesterday I had an appointment with my trainer in the morning. I only scheduled it because, being January, her schedule has been booked solid and I wanted to let her know I am still around. I want to have one session per week with her, but it's been hard to blend our schedules. Anyway, I told her that I had run 24 miles over the weekend and had a plyo class that evening, so I just wanted to take it pretty easy. She had me do mostly upper body and core, with 2 sets of kettle bell squats, but the upper body stuff was pretty heavy. Plyo class in the evening was more brutal than usual and I am sore all over today. Not sure if it's fatigue from running, my lifting session or plyo class. Probably a combo of the 3. Considering yesterday was supposed to be a easy/ cross train day, I think I might be in trouble for my speed work this evening.

    Speaking of speed work, with negative wind chill temps, it looks like I will be hitting the dreadmill again tonight. I will usually run in most weather, but freezing rain, deep snow or ice on the streets and very negative wind chills will usually force me to the treadmill. I have done more miles on the treadmill this past month than I did all of last year. Of course, I'm sure everyone else in North America is loving the weather we have had so far this year, right?

    I am super impressed by your fitness routine - strength plus running plus plyo, wow! I'm heading to the gym for strength training now, but will probably not run until Thursday given how cold it is outdoors. I don't have a treadmill at home or access to one otherwise, but I'll probably do some sort of low impact cardio Fitness Blender video to keep the blood moving. I decided in the fall after my second half marathon that I'd stop doing speed workouts entirely until the ice clears - I wanted to cut back for a bit anyhow.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @Elise4270 @garygse and @shanaber , I can start the February thread tomorrow morning while I'm NOT driving into work in a - 45F wind chill.

    Attaboy. Thanks!