40 and older with 10lbs or less to lose



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I would be interested in this. I know that being older can make it harder to lose weight. I also have another problem that will possibly slow down my weight loss soon.
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I guess my weigh in was "weigh off" yesterday, because today I am down 3 pounds to 151.5... and I know I did not lose 3 "real" pounds overnight! Still up a pound from 2 weeks ago, but that's much better than 4!!

    Are we going to continue in this thread endlessly or start a new one each week?
  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    Day of rest - I've designated Sunday as my day of rest. No exercise and I focus more on cooking and enjoying a meal to share with my family (children not at home but often here on Sunday) than the calories (though still keeping things proportionate). Its a good way to start off the week
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Well with all the lack of motivation and depression pigouts I'm up. 147.2. Serves me right. It's the evenings that kill me! Today is a new day, ho hum. :indifferent:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    ALF - Can't wait to hear if all the dancing paid off. I had a bone density scan when we were living in Canada (God bless socialized medicine I couldn't qualify for a mammogram but I got a bone density go figure?) I do have a very small frame so I guess that is why I struggle with finding the right weight goal. Part of the problem is I want the weight where I still have a booty and some bust. Aah Vanity isn't it great.:blushing:

    I'm bummed this morning despite being really good this weekend my weight is up. I'm going to have to watch my sodium because I did have almond stuffed olives yesterday for my healthy fat snack. I made a pitcher of lemon/cucumber/ginger water and hopefully I can shed the water weight. I have a hard time not getting discouraged when the scale goes up. Logically, I know I did not eat 7,000 extra calories so it can't be true weight but still it is frustrating. Plus, the 3-5 inches of snow is making my outdoors exercise stall again. I'm going to think spring all day and maybe that will help.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Well with all the lack of motivation and depression pigouts I'm up. 147.2. Serves me right. It's the evenings that kill me! Today is a new day, ho hum. :indifferent:

    Hey Hotmom - "Let's watch the red carpet today and pick a hot dress to wear!" That always cheers me up!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy, did I dance last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love dancing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I burned tons of cals last night :laugh: :laugh: I had a great time. :happy:

    We can keep this same thread...any ideas?

    I am going to get on the treadmill shortly. My husband fixed me a big breakfast so I needed to rest before getting to my workout.

    Duffy, are you weighing more than once a week? Try not to do that to avoid getting dissapointed. I will weigh in again next Friday and I will also measure my waist.

    I'm watching the Oscars as well. I love the red carpet and look at all those beautiful gowns...My husband doesnt care for it so I just enjoy it on my own...Happy Sunday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • ripper
    ripper Posts: 17 Member
    I am in my mid 50's and have 15 pounds to loose. I have been at this since the first of January and haven't lost a pound. I would like to be able to join your group. I feel I am swimming upstream with no end in sight. What do you think?
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Ripper Welcome! We'd love to help any way possible. I'm sure you are feeling pretty frustrated if you have been calorie counting since mid January and have lost no weight. Are you eating enough? I've had problems in the past not enough calories. A lot of people swear by making sure you are eating your excercise calories. I try to eat at least half if not more of mine.

    Alf - I know better than weighing more than once a week but sometimes I just can't help myself. Plus this morning I felt really sluggish so that might be part of the problem. I also didn't follow my normal schedule this weekend and I wasn't eating every 3-4 hours like normal. Glad to hear the dancing went well - I hope this means your foot is better.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Welcome Ripper!! Please tell us what you are doing so we can offer some suggestions.

    Yes Duffy, my foot is feeling way better. I don't know, I think it was just the little aches and pains of getting older. I am sure all of you have had those days that things hurt in your body and you just wonder what in the world happened...and then it goes away. Old age!! :laugh: I got on my treadmill and did an hr of incline intervals and speed walking...it felt really good. :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I guess my weigh in was "weigh off" yesterday, because today I am down 3 pounds to 151.5... and I know I did not lose 3 "real" pounds overnight! Still up a pound from 2 weeks ago, but that's much better than 4!!

    Are we going to continue in this thread endlessly or start a new one each week?

    Great!! :drinker: Maybe you were just retaining water!! Keep it up!!! :flowerforyou:
  • qatarsessions
    qatarsessions Posts: 31 Member
    I want to join. I just posted the following on the general blog and then saw this one for the "over 40". I think you guys might have some insight into this. Please read and then continue to the bottom and I'll list my stats. And yes I completely agree that after 40 it's a different ball game. Hormones change and everything is different.

    I had a pretty sudden (3 months) unexplained weight gain and haven't been able to budge a pound for about the last 5 months. My Dr. tested me and said I was hypothyroid and put me on Armor Thyroid. It has been almost 2 weeks and I have not lost any weight and have actually gained 2 more lbs. I have been working out like a fiend and watching my calories very carefully and all I was able to do was stop the increase in weight. I have averaged around 1300cal for the last month. Someone told me that they know two people who also gained weight after starting thyroid meds (don't know what they were taking) but eventually they did loose.
    Anyone else have any information on this? I've looked all over the web and don't see a link between Armor Thyroid and the side-effect of weight gain.

    44 yrs young. 5'5" 132lbs (I've been 118-124 for the last 15 years)
    I teach 5 fitness classes per week (3X 1 hour weights, 2X 1hr spinning)
    Last week I added the P90X DVD program and I did an additional 5 hours of DVD classes at home.
    And I subbed a class for a friend. I did 11 hours of exercise last week. I was overtired.
    As you read above I actually gained 2 lbs from 130lb to 132lb.
    I desperately want to get back to around my 123-125 weight.
  • qatarsessions
    qatarsessions Posts: 31 Member
    Talk to me about what you mean by "eating my exercise calories". Like I mentioned in the previous entry I just started the P90X DVD program. Before starting I did a worksheet page from the program and it estimated that I should eat 1800 calories a day. It is a really heavy workout and I have my normal 5 classes that I teach per week. They say that a person can't expect to be fit and lean if not taking in enough calories. I have plenty of energy to do all the classes and feel great during and after but eventually by the end of the day I am really dragging.
    They even say the body will go into a "starvation" mode if there aren't enough calories. It is hard for me to wrap my brain around 1800 calories since I can't loose an ounce and I am actually gaining weight eating around 1300.
    I've never tried to count the calories from all my workouts but I have a HR monitor and it will calculate the calories and I could keep a running total for the week.
    Please give my your opinion.
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Talk to me about what you mean by "eating my exercise calories". Like I mentioned in the previous entry I just started the P90X DVD program. Before starting I did a worksheet page from the program and it estimated that I should eat 1800 calories a day. It is a really heavy workout and I have my normal 5 classes that I teach per week. They say that a person can't expect to be fit and lean if not taking in enough calories. I have plenty of energy to do all the classes and feel great during and after but eventually by the end of the day I am really dragging.
    They even say the body will go into a "starvation" mode if there aren't enough calories. It is hard for me to wrap my brain around 1800 calories since I can't loose an ounce and I am actually gaining weight eating around 1300.
    I've never tried to count the calories from all my workouts but I have a HR monitor and it will calculate the calories and I could keep a running total for the week.
    Please give my your opinion.

    WOW, I just read through all 4 pages of this thread! Keep up the good work everyone!

    qatarsessions, I quoted yours because you were asking about eating more calories. I know that it seems wrong that you sometimes have to eat more to lose but it's true. I think of it this way. Your car can't take you places if you don't put fuel in the tank. Our bodies need a certain amount of fuel just to survive. When we exercise we use up some of that fuel so if we don't replace it then we don't have enough to get though basic functioning. Then the body wants to conserve what it has "starvation mode" It's saving thinking it's not going to get enough fuel.
    I tried to do 1200cal but I could not drop a pound. When I found MFP and found out I could eat more (exercise calories) then I lost. My body needed those extra calories because I was not giving it enough. Like the car, it can't take you to where you want to go if it doesn't have the fuel.
    And it is more than just a calorie number. It's trying to make those calories count by being healthy calories.

    So my story is I try to eat healthy most days. Exercise Mon-Fri. Sat/Sun are my rest days. If it's nice out and I want to walk with my dog it's extra. (and I'm doing the push up challenge and that's TU/Thr/Sat)
    I enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, 5oz not the huge glass I use to have.

    And I want to tell Hotmomof4 that I see you as an inspiration! Some of my friends think that it's all down hill from here for our bodies but your pic shows that that is not true! Thanks!
    I'm 49 and want to start weight training. Any suggestions? I was thinking P90. But I have no idea!
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I'm in the same boat--42 and the same 15 lbs to lose. OK, sometimes I get ANOTHER 15lb on top of the original 15 I needed to lose in the first place :blushing: . But geez, I want my 20 yr old metabolism back!!
  • ce_fit
    ce_fit Posts: 299 Member
    Hi all;

    I'm almost 50 (in a couple of weeks) & i'm down to needing to loose 3 lbs to reach my goal of 200 lbs.
    This last week I have found myself slipping as I am so close to my goal. This should help me refocus on those last few pounds. :wink:

    Congratulations to everyone on all their succeses so far!! Let's not forget how far we have come.:drinker:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    qatarsessions: I don't deal with Thyroid problems but a lot of family has. I know that my mom must take a very specific synthroid. She has tried to go generic to save money and it just didn't work for her. You may need to try differenet meds before you can solve your thyroid issue.

    Keiko: I use Power 90 and the 30 day Shred right now. I like them both but hope to get P90X eventually. After I've gone through all the Power 90. I've finished my 30 day Shred and will be just using it a couple days a week now focusing more on moving to levels 3-4 of Power 90.

    Happy Monday All! Looking forward to another week of eating healthy I'm still up about a pound from last week so I'm going to pay careful attention to the carbs I'm eating and watching my sodium intake. The good news is my waist is down only a half an inch until I reach my goal of 28 inches (I may have reevaluate that).
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    duffyzmom, I saw before you said you are a runner. I'm just a wanna be! I worked up to 3mi last summer. Then winter came so I moved inside to the treadmill. It's not the same but at least it's something. I'm in NE WI so I am waiting for spring. Are you in lower MI? I'm originally from the UP. I'm going up there today (mom is sick) Well I'm going up there if I ever get off my butt and get ready!
    Better go! Hope you all have a good week!
  • dricotta1
    dricotta1 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 60 and determined to lose these last 9 lbs mostly in order to stay healthy into older age. I've only been seriously working at this for about 6 weeks, but have lost 4 lbs and feel better.

    I agree that planning and logging in the day's meals as early as possible in the day helps me to stay on track. I then can see if there is anything left over for snacks or a little extra at the meal. I exercise for 20 to 30 minutes 5 days a week and don't eat my exercise calories.

    Economic conditions pushed a friend and I to move in together and she needs to lose 10 lbs as well. The shared planning and exercise times have been a real encouragement.

    This may not work for everyone, but we allow "free food Saturday", which means we can have a yummy treat and a little extra on the plate for one meal. As long as we don't go crazy, it really helps with that deprived feeling, and, I think, helps our bodies not to go into the "I'm starving, let me lower the metabolism mode."
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    I'm 49 and want to start weight training. Any suggestions? I was thinking P90. But I have no idea!

    It all depends on what you are looking for. Systems like P90, P90X, ChaLean Extreme are all set up to be 90-day programs that are meant to include all of your workouts (including cardio) for that period of time. If that's what you're looking for, I'd recommend starting with either P90 or ChaLean Extreme as P90X is pretty advanced. Of course, you don't have to use these systems the way they are designed, but I think they are probably all most effective if used as established.

    If you're looking for just strength training DVDs only and don't want a 90 day program, then I think you'd be better just buying some strength training DVDs. I regularly workout with Cathe Friedrich's strength training DVDs and could highly recommend many of her DVDs. She has a great mix of total body workouts and split systems. If you are interested in any recommendations, just let me know.

    Glad to see so many people joining this group! dricotta1, I totally agree about planning and logging daily meals. That has really helped keep me on track also. My body is responding really well to whatever it is that I'm doing right now. I thought for sure I'd plateau out at 130 (goal weight of 120), but that doesn't seem to have happened (sitting at 129.1 this morning!!) I figure I will end up hitting a wall sometime soon, but I attribute the fact I've been able to lose this much weight (13 pounds in seven weeks) to the fact that I've been tracking my meals and not allowing myself the inevitable daily cheats (like just one....or two...or three...:embarassed: extra tablespoons of peanut butter with my apples) that I know I would be allowing myself if I weren't tracking.

    I had a good weekend and managed to stay off all bad food for the weekend. That makes it something like 5 or 6 days into our challenged without crap, right? I've got two dining out occasions at the end of this week, so I'm not quite sure how much longer I'm going to make it! :tongue:

    I will be doing strength training today--chest, shoulders and biceps, plus about 15 minutes of ab work.