THE Team - Week 3 - 2/20/09



  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    Hello everyone. I introduced myself to adopt4 earlier today and she said this is a great thread. I have read through some of your posts and its great that you are so supportive! I just joined MFP on the 17th. It looks like you all weigh in once a week on Fridays? So, I will feel a lot more like sharing when I have some weight loss to talk about. :embarassed: I called my Blog "The Thousand MIle Journey" because I have a LONG way to go. Hope to lose 266 lbs. So, next Friday, (if that is weigh in day) I will let you know how far I have come on the first step of the journey!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Stillkristi, welcome to the greatest support group around, stay with us...your with friends..
    Zano 208/196/165
  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    ok so im new here but here goes

    im logging all my food intake and that actually feels quite good!

    and i started the diet thursday ( joined here yesterday with a friend kaybeau) just weighed in (i joined here with my start weight from the docs.) ive lost 5 pounds while im excited im also a bit nervous about that, i know as larger ladies we loose weight quicker in the first instance but i dont want to loose the loosing weight buzz later on in this diet!

    i have a total of 50+ pound to loose so im in for thelong haul, glad i found here to help!
    ClaireAshbey..Welcome to "THE Team", these ladies are the best motivators around. Congratulations on logging all your food, I'm going thru week two of the challenge; journal, exercise (45 -60s min), and drinking half my weight in ounces this has helped my progress. Have a great day ...Zano
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Welcome aboard, claireashby and stillkristi!

    Ok, I gotta go get paperwork done so I can spend the morning working out, have a great Saturday!:flowerforyou:

    PS - Lulubar, how fabulous to get that ring back on your finger! :smile:
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Welcome stillkristi and ashley! Glad you found us, stillkristi! I've only been on this group about 2 weeks myself, had my first weigh in on Friday (which thankfully, I lost weight!)

    It's Sat and I can go to the gym without the boys, which means I'm not limited time-wise and can get more weights in... 2 hours is just not enough time right now, because I can't do the elliptical yet and I'm just walking!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good Morning... Geeezzzzz it's the weekend.. Yeah... My niece had her baby yesterday.. I am super excited that he is alive. Baby Kole was born with all his organs in his chest and he only has one lung which has a hole in it. He was born at Stanford and they kept him alive. He was not breathing when he was born but they did surgery right away and he is on an echmo-machine, I think it's a heart/lung machine.. He looks like he is on full life support. He will be on it till his lung develops enough for him to breath on his own which they are hoping is no more than 2 weeks... Everyday this lil guy survives is a miracle. Say a prayer for baby Kole.. Had to get that out...

    Onto Lacijae's challenge. I am in.. I am so excited about losing weight.. I feel thinner.. :wink: and it feels good... So I am in for that challenge... As soon as I am done typing I am off to walk..

    Welcome stillkristi and ashley.. This group is awesome.. I get so much support here...

    Everyone have a great weekend.. I will chat with you all later..

  • chantybear
    :laugh: :laugh: At least i'm not the only one with laptop tv watching addiction!! I can't miss my HOUSE and Nip Tuck episodes!!

    Haha, sounds good!:laugh: I bet we are definitely not the only ones with the problem!:tongue:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Good Morning... Geeezzzzz it's the weekend.. Yeah... My niece had her baby yesterday.. I am super excited that he is alive. Baby Kole was born with all his organs in his chest and he only has one lung which has a hole in it. He was born at Stanford and they kept him alive. He was not breathing when he was born but they did surgery right away and he is on an echmo-machine, I think it's a heart/lung machine.. He looks like he is on full life support. He will be on it till his lung develops enough for him to breath on his own which they are hoping is no more than 2 weeks... Everyday this lil guy survives is a miracle. Say a prayer for baby Kole.. Had to get that out...

    Onto Lacijae's challenge. I am in.. I am so excited about losing weight.. I feel thinner.. :wink: and it feels good... So I am in for that challenge... As soon as I am done typing I am off to walk..

    Welcome stillkristi and ashley.. This group is awesome.. I get so much support here...

    Everyone have a great weekend.. I will chat with you all later..


    Prayers for the baby!!! :heart:
    It is hard enough being new parents, let alone when the baby has health problems, so I will keep them in my thoughts today (and you. too!).
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Thanks, it was very nice to be welcomed to the group. I am looking forward to it!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey Teamies!!

    Just had to report the great news!!! I woke up this morning and just felt slimmer so I decided to weigh in again. I had some issues with my scale this morning. It couldnt make up its mind which direction it wanted to lean. First it said I was 226, then it said I was 234.. HAHA! Darn thing!! So I decided to check the scale at the gym and low and behold Im down to 228 flat. So.. not counting the .6 pound gain I had yesterday (which was obviously water weight since the visitor showed up this AM) I lost 1.5 pounds this week. Im not weighing in again until Friday (yes, yes, Im normally a habitual daily weigher at home) so Im not even steppin on the scale again until next week.. :happy:

    Welcome to our group StillKristi!! I am adopt4's real life friend and workout buddy. Glad you could join us!

    Ashely- Welcome also!! Logging everything will help a ton with meeting your goals. Glad to have ya with us!

    We didnt go dancing last night. Our friend we were meeting was sick so we decided to stay in and rent some movies. We rented The Changeling with Angelina Jolie. Very sad, but VERY good movie! Also watched Madagascar 2 with the kids which was pretty cute!

    Its bunco night tonight and lucky for me its not a potluck situation. Its at a pizza place that has a good salad bar, so Im gonna stick with that and bring my own dressing. :)

    LULU- How awesome that you can wear your ring again!!! I never take mine off, simply because I couldnt get it off! But the other day when I was making turkey meatloaf for dinner I managed to pry it off cuz I didnt wanna get it all gross. I wont not wear it but its definitely easier to put it on than take it off.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Just had to fix this... :wink:

    renayeb - SW 257/ CW 239.8/ GW 150/Week's loss 2.2
    Week's loss 3
    get_fit2009 SW 175/CW 164/GW 140/Week's loss 1
    Losingit4Good- SW 240/CW 228 /GW 175/ Weeks LOSS 1.4
    nitag - SW 220 - CW 206 - GW 155 - Weeks loss 1
    healthymom2009 - SW 208/CW 196/GW 150/week's loss 2
    adopt4 - SW 273/CW 261/GW 191/week's loss 2
    kelleighanne-SW 171/CW165 week's loss 3
    lacijae- SW 199 / CW 186 / Week's loss 2
    lulubar-SW205/CW 196/GW145/week's gain 1
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    We went out for lunch at Wendys - had salad, was good - thought hey, a small fry won't hurt (had no idea of the calories)... then we went to the mall and let the boys ride the carousel. Then Nate saw ice cream and wanted some (apparently he'd never had it before, I know we've never given it to him) so we got ice cream for all the boys. Zack didn't eat most of his so I ate it, I mean, how many calories could 1 scoop of chocolate ice cream at Baskin Robbins be?

    Got home and YOWZA, could have done without the fries or the ice cream! Had no idea how chock full of calories that would be! Gonna be a lean night for me with 200 calories left from 3 pm on! But I don't want to go over calories, so I'm going to do my best not to! I have Bunco tonight so that should help, although it's at a pizza parlor, I had no intention of eating there anyway, so the Bunco should keep my mind off food all evening... They do have a salad bar but I don't like just lettuce, you know? So it's not even worth it because I have no idea the calories in stuff unless it's labeled!

    Lost some water weight this morning due to the antibiotics I got yesterday, whoo-hoo, I'm down to 259! I can't freakin' remember the last time I weighed under 260! (Dancing for joy)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Nitag – my sincere prayers for baby Kole and all of his family. :brokenheart: How scary for you all. Thank God for Stanford Hospital and the caring and talented staff and doctors and nurses. Please keep us posted on Kole’s progress. Soon he should be in the loving arms of his family.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to stillkristi and claireashby! I sent you both messages with our link and some stuff.

    ~~Wuwu! Nice to see you. The DH is a “keeper” for sure. (‘Specially now you’re wearing his ring.) Great attitude from you too. I’m proud of you!

    ~~Chanty and laci, are you watching TV on I have Clearwire wireless internet, can’t wait till I get my new fast modem next month. Then, look out Netflix and my comfy bed!! I’ve managed to have no TV in the bedroom…..till now.

    ~~Oh, laci! I am SO ON TRACK this weekend! And you - another wogger.yesssmileyf.gif I made it through day two today. Wogged three miles….but I didn’t reset my HRM so I don’t know my time. Somewhere around 38-39 minutes. It’s a learning process. Next time I’ll wear my pedometer too so I can go “off-trail” and still get mileage. I feel so tech-y. Today I pushed cat #2 in her pet-stroller with a 15lb backpack in it, too. That should count for some extra cals burned.

    ~~Li4g, congrats on the rapid loss (technical difficulties count!) I killed my digital scale – it never could make up its mind from moment to moment.
    Word from the “I didn’t listen” department – stretch after wogging – just like Li4g said….he he…ouch…..didn’t…. Tomorrow I’ll be ZUMBA-girl instead. Different muscles. If I can move. I miss my ZUMBA fix.

    ~~Adopt4, I have (proudly) learned to THROW AWAY FOOD. Especially hard with i-c-e-c-r-e-a-m. Sorry you learned that the hard way. No damage done, though. ees okay.giggle.gif
    Cats – Pics (all three of mine) - scroll down to my post on Thu 1/22/09 at 3:03PM for all my kitties' pics on this thread:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    or I could do this:
    Both shelter rescues:
    # 2. Beautiful Ms.Tortie - - She will chase a feather-toy to exhaustion. **NOTE: she has a beautifully toned physique and incredible stamina!
    # 3. BigBlackLapCat - - This boy is a hunk-o-lazy-love-and-shyness.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Aww thanks Chantybear - you made me smile you sweet thing!!:flowerforyou: Glad you are gettin' back to your old self! How's the swelling? All gone I hope. What happened with the house search? Anything good?

    Welcome claireashby and stillkristi - you've joined a winning team and we are glad you're here!

    Zano- Duuuuude! Way to stick with a challenge - you are inspiring:drinker:

    Thanks for cheering my ring fitting gang - just so you know, I did wear a little silver band the last couple of years (my mom's old ring), but it was nice to get back into my own ring:happy:

    Hey cm - I tawt I taw a puddy tat!! A pretty puddy tat at that:bigsmile:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    CM- those are some beauties ya got there! I love the torties eyes... very pretty!

    We have 2 putty's. Our youngest is a female named Nilla. I got her from a garage sale this past summer for free. She was about 7 months old and when I picked her up I just couldnt put her down. She has the loudest motoring purrrrr and is super affectionate. It you sit, she doesnt care who you are... you are obligated to pet her and let her sit on you. She has turned into a lazybutt and is getting fat, but she is also an amazing mouser!! We live next to a wetland and get them in the garage and occasionally in the house. She doesnt let them get past her at all!


    Our male, Charlie, is the exact opposite of Nilla other than that he too is a great mouser. Ive had him since he was about 10 weeks old and got him from my cousin. He will only sit on you if he likes you, its HIS idea AND you are in possesion of the big brown fuzzy couch blanket. He does NOT purr ever. He favors me because I pay him the most attention. Hes only vocal when he wants something from you... food or to be let outside. His redeeming quality is that we discovered this past December when it snowed really hard that he uses the toilet in our downstairs bathroom..:laugh: Its rather hilarious!! I used to get on the kids about not flushing the toilet and they would swear up and down that it wasnt them.:laugh:

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    ~~Li4g, congrats on the rapid loss (technical difficulties count!) I killed my digital scale – it never could make up its mind from moment to moment.
    Word from the “I didn’t listen” department – stretch after wogging – just like Li4g said….he he…ouch…..didn’t…. Tomorrow I’ll be ZUMBA-girl instead. Different muscles. If I can move. I miss my ZUMBA fix.

    Yes, definitely stretch. If stretching doesnt help, try some epsom salt in a nice hot bath to relax those muscles. You'll be sore for a couple days anyway, especially when first starting out if you havent ran in a long time but stretching will help.

    What is ZUMBA?? Im so clueless.. :blushing:

    The scale is so outta here! I'll use the one at the gym until I can buy a new one. Ive had it for about 4 years, replaced the batteries about a month ago so I know thats not it. Anyway.. Im frustrated with it so Im kickin it to the curb and getting a new one once I have the finances to buy a decent one.
  • chantybear
    Cm - Awwww your kitties are soo adorable! No I download from Isohunt, well it is good, and easy so!!:happy: You sound like a cat lover like my mum, you have the same phone as us:laugh: I love ms.tortie's blue oohhh! perdy <3

    Lulu - :blushing: Oh I sure am back to my old self, I am feeling way better! Went to MAC today, and I got my makeup done, and I feel sooo good today, totally like my old self (in a good way!!):smile: I am pretty sure the swelling is all gone, only for a couple days it was huge (thank god). House search = umm well the house we wanted was I think way to fixer upper, it is a 50-60's home, and was in serious work. We have a house in mind, but not sure about a townhouse or a is all about what we can afford! The housing market is down, but we are definitely will be in something before summer!!:smile:

    Li4g - Your cats are adorable!!
  • Kelleighanne
    Your cats are so cute. Then again, I've never seen an ugly cat LOL.

    Dang... hungry kids. BBL
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member

    Ok, help for the technically challenged if this doesn't work! I am trying to post a picture of my dog. If this doesn't work, I will just add him to my photos and make him my pic for the day, here goes!

    Ok never mind, you can see him in my "main" photo now. :laugh:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good Morning.. I just logged in my calories from dinner last night.. We went to Red Lobster for my son's 27th birthday ( I hate Fish) but he likes to torture me... I ate a half of chicken cesar salad and a half a cup of Potato bacon soup and a bisquet.. WOW, over 700 calories.. I was still under for the day but holy crud.. I could of ate a whole plate of food there for less calories...

    Update on Kole.. He has made it through 2 nights.. The doctor has said right now its a 50/50 chance for him. They will re-evaulate his lung in two weeks to see where he is at. He can only stay on the ECMO-Machine for 30 days then that machine will start doing it's own damage.. If after 30 days he can't breath on his own then there is nothing more they can do. We are staying positive and very hopeful.. He is a beautiful baby.. He is under complete sedation while he is on the machine. They do not want him to move at all. Well enough of the sadness... Just lots of prayers our way...

    Question: I am so wanting to not exercise today. My muscles ache so badly.. Anyone else here take a day off from exercising? I did mop my floors this morning would that count? I have 2100 sq ft of laminate flooring it has to be damped mopped and then dried or its streaky heaven and make me very mad... I also ran the vacume in the bedrooms we have 5 bedrooms then mopped the floors in the bathroom 3 of em and mopped the laundry room.. All this took way to long.. I hate cleaning but since I am the only to do it, I do it.. Can I log that as my exercise for the day??

    Anita:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: