30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11



  • abouck
    abouck Posts: 71 Member
    My day has already been messed up. I have to work late and then get my daughter to cheerleading. And it was the first day of school! I fully intend to do Day 1 but it will have to wait till later this evening rather than right after work as I had planned:(
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All! Hope I can be in. Did L1 today. This is one of my favorite workouts b/c between work, kids, dogs, hubby - I can manage to slip it in-between activities!

    I am 37, 5'8", 196.9#'s and I usually burn 230-256 calories with this workout. I usually add a few exercises at the end to get me to an even 30 minutes.
  • NurseHthr
    NurseHthr Posts: 43 Member
    I want in too! I just saw this thread and I am planning on buyingt he dvd when I get off work at 3 and starting with everyone.
  • jules945
    jules945 Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to join also. I am new to MFP and need the accountability/motivation. I will be working out tonight and hopefully can commit to all 30 days!
  • mssygayle
    mssygayle Posts: 21 Member
    would love too but cant get mine till pd on 09-02-11 so ill start it then and guess catch up thanks for letting me know and please add me:smile:
  • Hollie55
    Hollie55 Posts: 65 Member
    Morning all,

    Well it is morning over here for me in New Zealand :)
    I will be taking my measurements soon & gonna try do L1D2 before miss 7 months wakes up :)

    Hope everyone has a great day
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    Just did L1D1! It was a pretty good workout but I think I may go on a walk tonight.
  • stephlake
    stephlake Posts: 105 Member
    I started this last night. I only have 5lb plate weights and they eventually got heavy and uncomfortable to handle. I intend to go buy some hand weights this week.
    I began day one on LEVEL 1. While I did not find this workout easy I did not feel it was extremely challenging either. However, I will not jump to Level 2 yet just in case I have overestimated my abilities. ;-)

    I am doing this shred IN ADDITION to my already existing workout. Anyone supplementing too, if so are you concentrating more on Cardio?

    And pictures.. Ugh. I have yet to partipate in the documentation of my lack of physical fitness. I don't like how I look, (apples are good to eat.. not soo great when its your body shape!) and photographing it seems like torture. No promises that I will post pics for this challenge. HOWEVER I did take my measurements and weigh in yesterday.

    L1D1 began 8/21/11
    SW (for this challenge): 154lbs
    Goal in 30 days: Stronger -5lbs
  • myslma01
    myslma01 Posts: 13 Member
    Day "1"



    waist 30
    Hips 45

    If you need more let me know please.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Day 1 complete!!

    I burned 165 calories but its more than that because my HRM kept stopping. I really hate it when it does that! So far not that sore BUT i'm sure that will change!

    I really hate the bicycles for the last set of abs...they kill me!

    I did use 5lb weights. What is everyone else using?
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi all,

    Day 1 completed. I don't feel as wobbly after as much as I did in June so I'm hoping that the pain won't be as bad tomorrow - last time I was in agony! I am using 5lb and 2lb weights (mostly 2lb today). My weight today is 158lbs but haven't had a chance to take measurements so will do those tomorrow :smile:
  • linbaby4
    linbaby4 Posts: 96 Member
    hello fellow shredders :)

    Day 1 of level 1 completed! Anita was definitely my best friend during this lol
    Those ab circuits really kicked my gut! (instead of butt lol)

    Good luck everyone else !! Check in next monday :)

    Always feel free to add me I love support/motivation and giving it out :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Steph, I love that quote! When I was in university, I'd always come home at Christmas with a few pounds on and even more by April. I'd always complain to my dad that I was gaining weight and he'd just smile and say, "Education is fattening, Sara. Just means you're really smart!"
    sara709... That's so sweet of your dad!! Oh, and I didn't originally post the quote, statia152 did, unless she is Steph too. :bigsmile:

    stephlake... In the past I usually added cardio to the workout, and even today, I did 15 mins on the stationary bike to bring me to 40 mins. You're workouts seem intense already, so I'm sure you'll do awesome!! Just take pics for yourself. :wink:

    Sweettart... My HRM stops too sometimes. If it stays off for a while, I sometimes add 10 calories to whatever my final tally is. I hope you come to enjoy the bicycle crunches like I do. :laugh: I stopped 3 short of the end today, and the first time, it took me until D6 or 7 to do them all in a row. Hang in there. I use 3 and 5 lbs - in my 2nd round I was up to 8 lbs on the bicep curls, but I couldn't pull that one off today.

    I forgot to measure this morning, and I took photos but they're bad cell phone quality. I'm gonna try again tomorrow, and get those measurements. SW: 186.6
  • stefnicole
    stefnicole Posts: 106
    I'm in!
  • knj12
    knj12 Posts: 11
    I have it portions of it for free on ONDemand, but I think I'm going to purchase it as well. I'm in!
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    I'd love to be included!

    Completed day 1 on level 1 and WOW can definitely feel this! I used a couple soup cans which were too light but I only own 5lb weights. I'll be looking for some creative alternatives this week or maybe I'll splurge and pick up a set of 3lb barbells.

    My goal is to maintain part/all of my previous cardio routine on an elliptical so I will consider it supplementation to the 30DS.

    I don't know what exactly we should be reporting each week but here's some basics:
    SW: 238.4
    Waist: 46.5
    Hips: 53
    Thighs: 27.25
    Biceps: 17

    Unfortunately I will be out of town from 9/1-9/5 and while I won't be shredding those days I will be able to do some cardio (hopefully!).

    Best of luck to everyone :smile:
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    Completed day 1 of level 1 after my regular cardio workout. I took measurements and pictures before I started, but I don't think I'll be posting those pics until I have some great "after" pics to post next to them. They will definitely be my motivation. You really don't realize how you look until you see yourself in a picture.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    My day has already been messed up. I have to work late and then get my daughter to cheerleading. And it was the first day of school! I fully intend to do Day 1 but it will have to wait till later this evening rather than right after work as I had planned:(

    No worries, that is life! Sometimes, we just gotta go with it. One of my favorite things about 30 day shred is that it's only 20 minutes! Even if you do it RIGHT before bed, that's not too bad! :)

    I did it tonight with my husband and now I'm just waiting for my eggplant "pizzas" to get done!

    Man oh man, it's hard to believe I used to breeze through level 1 and even level 2... Oh hello body... we will be back to that soon! :)

    Good night! How was everyone's day one?
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Oh and since I am new to MFP, what you see in the ticker are my results! I started at 160 and as of today started at 157.5

    :) I am hoping for 3-4 pounds a week, especially in the beginning first two weeks. Then after that, 2 pounds until Christmas please! :)
  • olpbabe
    olpbabe Posts: 89
    Hey everyone! I'd love to join you, even though I already started a bit. Here's some info about me...

    1) So today I'm 197.4. My measurements are:
    Bicep 12
    Chest 45
    Waist bb 43.5 (bb=around the belly button)
    Waist pl 44 (pl=pants line...almost right above the hips)
    Hips 45
    Thigh 23
    Calf 16
    Neck 14

    2) Comments: I just did L1D6. It is getting easier! The initial jumping jacks/jump rope is very hard for me, but by the time we do them again at the end of the workout, I can do them SO much easier! The bicycle crunches STILL kill me! Simply cannot finish them all...just move into a regular crunch.

    3) NSV: Was told today by a platonic male friend how good I'm looking, a female friend told me my eyes looked beautiful today (probably doesn't have anything to do with weight loss, but still nice!), and the old comfy boxer shorts I've been having and wear to bed a lot are currently falling off my butt!