

  • kimirayray
    kimirayray Posts: 29 Member
    My body is fighting with menopause. My body wants to lose weight but menopause won't let it lol. I started eating clean and reducing my meat consumption. But what usually works for me is low carb. I can't live on salad and beans. I recently hurt my disc in my back, but can now walk and lift arm weights. I try to eat 1200 cal a day and limit my carbs to under 100 but can't seem to lose. Any suggestions? I am 5 ft. 2 and weight 172. My first goal is not be in the obese category!
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    (((Kelly))) Hugs and prayers for you and Tim.

    Lisa ~ I didn't realize you had had a bad day but wishing you a great one today.

    Saw the results of some of the many blood tests my dr. prescribed last week. Seems I have way too much iron in my system. Curious as to what she will tell me to do. Love my red meat and shell fish and eggs.... :'( And, it seems that the wine I love doesn't help at all.

    Beautiful sunny day yesterday and today after 7 straight days of rain. Wonderful to see the sun! Supposed to last until Wednesday.

    Made a Coconut Poke cake yesterday and had one piece. Sent the rest home with DnL to enjoy. Will not make another one as every delicious bite felt like I was consuming so many fattening calories.

    Carol in GA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :)Machka, I love your story of traveling and finding autumn everywhere.

    :)Lisa, A woman I much admired told me during her long battle with cancer, that she would set a timer for a certain number of minutes and at the end of the time, she'd say to herself, "OK, that's enough time for self-pity, now back to business".

    <3Kelly, I am so sorry that you have a family member making so much emotional trouble for you and your husband.

    :) We stayed up late to watch the Oscars last night. I had only seen one of the nominated movies but I enjoyed it all. Jake is a big movie fan and watching the Oscars is one of his favorite shows of the year.

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW WA 2559661yoxeq9fisc.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    Carol have you thought about donating blood. Years ago I say a segment on T.V. about a man with a similar problem. The answer for him was to periodically have blood drawn. It reduced his iron levels to a safe level.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    i]Carol have you thought about donating blood. Years ago I say a segment on T.V. about a man with a similar problem. The answer for him was to periodically have blood drawn. It reduced his iron levels to a safe level.[/i]

    I did read about that. I have never donated blood so maybe this would be a good idea.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    KJ You've been pummeled. Sending warm blanket, fuzzy slippers, Sleepytime Tea, and a soft bed. And the Sandman for Trentin, so he takes a nap LOL!!! (((Hugs)))

    Carol Hmmm...I wonder why the excess iron? Keep us posted!

    Lisa Continued healing thoughts for your knee!

    Sending thoughts for honed coping skills, inner peace, and ability to let go to anyone who needs those things right now.

    Love all of you.

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: You and your DH are looking wonderful! :bigsmile:

    Lisa in AR: I love Queen of your own life’s message. :smiley:

    Kimirayray: Stop by here often for friendship and support. Let MFP set your calorie goals and fill those calories with foods that your body can manage. Count every calorie. My body prefers high protein, and that means I also have relatively high fat. I feel good and am healthier than ever before in my life. Some women who’ve stopped in here have had a pattern of setting high goals, over eating one time and giving up. Everyone goes over occasionally. Don’t quit if you’ve gone over your limit on a day. Do your best to stay within your limits the next day. Here is my favorite motivational quotation:

    “Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”
    ― L.M. Montgomery

    Barbara the Southern Oregon Coastie: Composting is not an option for us in our townhouse, but DSIL has acreage and has a system that works well for her. She stacks bales of hay to create a bin at the front end of her garden, and at the end of the gardening season she fills the hay bale bin with the stalks and vines that were the year’s plants. By spring the hay bales and the plant waste composts itself and she spreads in all over the garden and tills it in. Just an idea. :flowerforyou:

    Yoga today and it is time for me to get going. I hope everyone has a great day today.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    kelly holding you all in my thoughts, ((( <3<3<3 )))

    Lisa love that quote.

    Margaret thanks for the composting tips, I definitely don't want to attract critters, so I'm going for an enclosed composter for sure. The Aerobin is supposed to work without having to turn over, but that just sounds too good to be true.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,809 Member
    Heather - except for Bea’s illness it sounds like a good sleepover.

    Katla - I hope the doctor can help your husband. It would be a shame for him to miss seeing the children too.

    Kelly - Hugs for having to deal with Tim’s twin. Sounds like he doesn’t take after the other brothers at all.

    Margaret - what great advice you give. I love reading what you write.

    Carol - I have a friend that has to give blood regularly for high iron as well. I’m not sure it is donating though just having blood drawn.

    Barbara - thanks for all the crossing. I am hoping you get your loan approved. We live in an OLD manufactured home and struggle trying to get anything done with it.

    I just talked to my Mom in the nursing home. The nursing staff was very quick to get her, from the time I texted until I spoke to Mom was about 3 minutes. They told me to call anytime it is not a bother. I have had this option since the Fall but have been putting it off because I didn’t want to be a bother. Mom didn’t talk for long, I was interrupting her painting and colouring but it was very nice hearing her voice.

    Kaitlyn and I got all but 4 invitations completed yesterday. I need to go to Michaels and grab a pack of ivory paper to print off 4 more accomplished information cards to finish them up.

    I was going to run to the store today, but again it is bitterly cold so I’m not sure I want to go out.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Hi all!
    Boy, was I KNACKERED yesterday after the kids had gone. My whole body was stiff and aching and I missed a bit of Endeavour by falling asleep.
    This morning I did most of my exercises, but made up for the bit I missed by LOTS of walking around town and back from Brighton. About 5 miles I reckon.
    Last night I at last, after 10 years or so, persuaded DH to get a takeaway delivery!!! We were both sooooooooooooo tired. We ordered tandoori mixed grill, dhall makhani and cauliflower baji. Excellent. Lots of salad came with it. The joy of living in a city!
    Today I met my friend for lunch. She came by train and I met her at the station. We went to the vegetarian restaurant again. Very, very good, but not cheap.
    Then we walked along the seafront in brilliant sunshine. Loads of people on the beach! It was 70°F in Wales yesterday. A record.
    I saw her back to the bus and then walked on via my favourite bakery. Focaccia was bought. :o But it is in the freezer. :)
    So a good day with 800 calories burned.

    KJ - I am in awe of how hard you work and all the stress you go through. I would be a broken woman. Detach yourself from the evil twin if you can. His opinion matters nought. And leave the phone somewhere else. Mine is always in my handbag downstairs and I never hear it. :| That is a bit annoying when it's important, but most people know to call me on the home phone if it's urgent. I also sleep with ear plugs. DH is my ears.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    I'm home and in jammies had a big lunch ,and having lemon jasmine tea for dinner.

  • noegrand123
    noegrand123 Posts: 166 Member
    Kevrit! Good grief! B careful hope the mammo was ok!

    KJ - ignore the husband’s family. I agree with whoever said lose the phone. I know that’s hard but can u block them for a bit if u need to keep phone close? When u can’t hear the hurtful comments, it’s wonderful!

    I feel for u because that’s the kind of stress that makes me eat. So hang in there!

    Terry thanks for Leslie Sansone suggestion! She is great. I can still get to the gym- just can’t b outside in these wind chill temps but a small prob to have!

    Everyone have a great evening/ rest of the day!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Rita, I’m so sorry about your dog bites. Good grief! Your poor boob. Bites and squeezes on the same day.

    When my husband had to go to urgent care with a dog bite, they reported it to some government agency. I can’t remember who, but they called and asked him all kinds of questions. I think they made the owners quarantine the dog for a while. I remember a Dave apologizing to them saying he didn’t mean to get the dog in trouble. They were nice about it though and actually wrote us a check for his copay and drugstore bill. The point of this story is that I hope the mammogram people don’t report your dog.

    Speaking of urgent care, Dave went yesterday. He’s been having dizzy spells and just an all around weird feeling in his chest. EKG and bloodwork was normal. End result is they have no idea why he’s feeling weird. He had this once before and even had a stress test. All normal. I think it’s a side effect of one of his meds, but who knows which one and he needs them all. It hasn’t stopped his obsession with walking.

    I’m procrastinating my paperwork for my online class and my volunteer ministry gig. Tomorrow, I’ll get it done.
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Let's All Eat Right Day!

    "Let's All Eat Right Day celebrates Adelle Davis, an influential nutritionist of the mid-twentieth century, who decried food additives and championed whole, unprocessed foods. These ideas were often seen as eccentric at the time, but are mainstream beliefs today. It was her thought that food played a huge role in health and could prevent disease and illness and help people recover from disease and illness. Beyond this, she thought healthy eating could help heal some of society's other ills."

    Beth - I'm finding that the meal subscription (Home Chef in our case, but we've tried Hello Fresh and Blue Apron as well) cuts way down on our food waste because they only send exactly what we need for each meal. However, the packaging and shipping contributes to more overall waste so I'm kind of on the fence. Think maybe we just need to pick some of our favorite recipes from Home Chef and try them again on their own, buying just one bell pepper, one sweet potato, etc. as needed. At least if we have leftover vegetables they can go into the compost pile. I'm also using a lot more frozen veggies than I used to. We're limited on freezer space though. We had a lovely big upright deep freeze but there was no place to put it when we moved into this house so we gave it away.

    Sue - Rinn and Oskar are beautiful! Hope all the cats work things out among themselves soon.

    Heather - Glad the half marathon went well. Sounds like your son has a lot to celebrate!

    Rebecca - LOL! Loved the 1979 to 2019 comparison. I can't identify with all of those, but I can identify with enough of them!

    Naomi - Great job on finding a recipe that can work for everyone!

    Rita - Oh, no, I'm so sorry you got in the middle of a dog fight. That can be pretty scary. We had two who never did get along, and they were serious about doing each other harm. Safely managing them was exhausting sometimes.

    I guess the new iron supplement and all the iron-rich foods are paying off, because I was able to give blood on Friday. Thank goodness! Now I just wish I knew why I still don't have any energy. I did everything I was supposed to do, including getting my steps in and spending a half-hour on the ski machine, but it felt like I was slogging through the mud every step of the way.

    I was kind of under the weather yesterday so maybe that took more out of me than I thought. I felt fine, but for some reason my digestive processes were not working right.

    On the up side, it was a beautiful day here today and Luna and I had nowhere I needed to be, so I enjoyed just taking my time with this afternoon's walk.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,954 Member
    Mamo looked good. No bruises on my boob, just sore. The bruises are on my hip. I kicked the dog off the bed when she did this then caught her head between my knees while holding the chiuahua who was good bybthat time until my DH grabbed the raptor! Lol.

    Those of you who have campers, please-please-please do NOT leave your canopies down when you leave your site. Someone did that here, the wind came up and it took 3 of us to close it so it wouldn't get ripped off. They were lucky in that it was a manual one that we could close. We can't help with electric ones

    RV Rita