

  • jenn990205
    jenn990205 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Took a 10 day hiatus from tracking and logging. Gained a total of 12 pounds in those 10 days! I weighed 147.7 before leaving on vacation and came back and weighted 159.9. I almost cried, but I didn't. I knew it was mostly water weight and carbs and it should come off fairly quickly. I am not setting any goals for this round except to get back to 147.xx. The last couple of weeks have been extremely stressful, fun, amazing, exciting, and scary all wrapped up in to 1 box. Vacation was amazing, but my older kids had stuff going on at home that we were having to deal with so it made things a lot more hectic this year. I'm ready to get back down and start losing again. 10 days! 10 days!

    02/22 - 151.2 so I'm still going in the right direction. I have lost 8.7 pounds since Monday. I have another 3.5 to go just to get back to where I was 2 weeks ago. Hopefully this weekend I can stay strong and on track. I would like to be back in the 140's by Monday, but of course this weekend is jam packed with all kinds of stuff to do. Fingers crossed I will make wise and healthy choices.
    02/23 - 151.2 same which is good and I will take it. LNS got to me last night. Ate a couple of mini sized butterfingers. So I’m glad I stayed the same.
    02/24 - 152.5 up a bit. Did really well yesterday. I don’t know why I’m up. Probably a late reaction from the night before. Have a family lunch today and more laundry. We will see where I end up tomorrow.
    02/25 - 155.5 I am over February! I know why there was an uptick yesterday and today now. My TOM decided to show up today. Because of the type of birth control I am on it just shows up once every 3 or 4 months and 3-4 pounds of bloat always come with it. I think this will be the first month I end gaining versus losing. That didn't even happen in November or December. I was still up 4 pounds from my vacation and now I just added another 4 for TOM. So I am back to +8 pounds for this month. All I can do is continue to try. I do not think I will be back down in 3 days for the end of this month, but I can start working on March. I think I am a little more frustrated than usual because my emotions are all over the place. Doing good so far today, so I'm taking that as a win and hoping I go down a bit tomorrow. Although usually I hang out with the bloat weight for at least the first half of this week.
    02/26 - 153.3 and we continue the yo-yo that is my weight. At least it went down. About 5.5 pounds left of my bloat vacation and TOM extra weight to get rid of. Would love to be back in the 140's by then end of this round and then the next one finally try to start loosing again. I have 2 months to lose 7-8 pounds which is completely doable. On track for today so far and hoping to continue going down.
    02/27 - 152.5 going down very slowly. 4.8 pounds left to get back to where I was. I don't expect to lose it very quickly, at least not until probably this weekend. To be honest I was surprised with the slight loss this morning. March is right around the corner and starts a fresh slate. Looking forward to a new month of weight loss!
    02/28 - 153.3 I knew yesterday was a fluke or I was dehydrated or something. The first 4-5 days during my TOM I don't lose anything. I hold on to that weight for dear life. I wasn't even going to finish this round because of it, but since I didn't complete 67 and didn't do any of round 68 because of vacation and stuff I didn't want too get into a bad habit and honestly it helps me to have the accountability. Even though this round is pretty much a false weight round of water retention and bloat! I have never finished a month with a gain since I started losing weight in June or July of last year. This month I will finish with a 4.8 pound gain. March is going to be a very strict month for me.
    03/01 - 154.9 I have no idea what is going on. I have felt so bad all week I am barely eating anything. I am also not drinking hardly any water though. Nothing is settling right with me. I have been super tired and almost nauseous all week. This round was not what I was hoping for. I'm ready for the next round. Should be done with TOM by Sunday which is perfect for round 70
    03/02 - 154.9 I guess my likes this number
    03/03 - 154.9 Still here. i guess it's good it's not going up anymore. Did well yesterday I thought, was hoping to drop a bit. I finished this 10 days even though I wasn't going to. Tomorrow will hopefully be better and the next 10 I can get back down to the 140's! This round a bust!
  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,352 Member
    JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS ~|~ Round 70 (round 2 for me !)

    Female age 60
    5' 4”

    Achieved goal weigh of 125lb in summer 2016 by losing 66lb and have gradually gained between 7 and 10 since; I don't want to gain any more, but would like to get back to my goal weight – but am finding it difficult!

    End of round 69 134.2 lbs


    03/04 133.8 – rainy day yesterday – hence not quite 5 miles walked, but restarted stretching & toning exercises
    03/05 133.8 – just over 9 miles walked yesterday, feeling positive !!
    This is NOT A DIET. It’s a LIFESTYLE.
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    Round 69
    OW 230

    Round 46 SW 178 EW 172.6 (-5.4) 👍
    Round 47 SW 172.6 EW 170.8 (-1.8)👎
    Round 48 SW 170.8 EW 168 (-2.8)👍
    Round 49 SW 168 EW 166.8 (-1.2) 👎
    Round 50 SW 166.8 EW 163.6 (-3.2) 👍
    Round 51 SW 163.6 EW 161.4 (-2.2)👎
    Round 52 SW 161.4 EW 157.8 (-3.6)👍
    Round 53 SW 157.8 EW 156.2 (-1.6)👎
    Round 54 SW 156.2 EW 155.8 (-.04) 👎
    Round 55 SW 155.8 EW 151.2 (-4.6) 😄😁👍
    Round 56 SW 151.2 EW 149.8 (-1.4) 👍
    Round 57 SW 149.8 EW 148.2 (-1.6) 👎
    Round 58 SW 148.2 EW 147.2 (-1) 👎
    Round 59 SW 147.2 EW 146.2 (-1) 👍
    Round 60 SW 146.2 EW 145.2 (-1) 👍
    Round 61 SW 145.2 EW 142.4 (-2.8) 👍
    Round 62 SW 142.4 EW 142.4 (0) 👎
    Round 63 SW 142.4 EW 146.6 (+4.4) 👎 my first gain since joining 🎄
    Round 64 SW 146.6 EW 142.8 (-3.8) 👍
    Round 65 SW 142.8 EW 141.8 (-1) 👎
    Round 66 SW 141.8 EW 140.8 (-1)👍
    Round 67 SW 140.8 EW 141.2 (+0.2) 👎
    Round 68 SW 141.2 EW 139.8 (-1.4) 👍

    Round 24
    SW 139.8
    GW 137
    UGW 125

    02/21 139.8

    02/22 139.8 holding steady, exercised good and ate good!

    02/23 139.8 I guess when I hit maintenance I don't have much to worry about

    02/24 140 a slight up tick, oh dear. TOM hit as I suspected, so I know this isn't a real gain. Haven't workout out this weekend, been a super lazy weekend but I have spent all my time with my hubby and the trade off doesn't bother me. I love when we have time together to be this involved.

    02/25 139.6 a slight drop but I expected it. Hoping now that my TOM is here I can drop more and not worry about the crazy cravings and water gain.

    02/26137.8 FINALLY!!! Back to the weight i was last week. Bloat, I tell ya is such a b#%$*. In the past I have gained a lot of weight from TOM but at least I gained some and held steady on the 30s. Guess I am here to stay! Lol.

    02/27 137.4

    02/28 137.2

    03/01 137.6

    03/02 138.6

    03/03 138.2 it's been an ok 10 days, not terrible not great. Now that March is here and there are only a couple months until summer, i am making it my goal to tone up. I think I will stop worrying about my weight and be more consintrated on transforming my body...and if weight loss comes with that, then it does
  • arhosu21
    arhosu21 Posts: 5 Member
    Can someone help me figure out how to get to my original post to update it?
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,007 Member
    @arhosu21, you are on the wrong thread. Click on @quiltingjaine's link to Round 70. You will find your post there.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Male - 5' 10" - 52 years old \ Original Start Weight 182 lbs in May 2016 \ Goal Weight 165 lbs

    Late Start - February 2nd - 168 lbs End of Round - February 7th - 168.8 lbs
    Round 31 - My 2nd Round
    Start Round - 02/07 - 168.8 End of Round - 02/16 - 167

    Round 39 - My 10th Round
    Start Round 4/28 - 167.6 End Round 5/07 - 169.4

    Round 49 - My 20th Round
    Start Round 8/06 - 170.2 End Round 8/15 - 170.2

    Round 59 - My 30th Round
    Start Round 11/14 - 170.0 Traveling 16th - 21st End Round 11/23 - 174.0

    Round 60 - My 31st Round
    Start Round 11/24 - 174.2 End Round 12/03 - 173.8

    Round 61 - My 32nd Round
    Start Round 12/04 - 172.0 End Round 12/13 - 173.0

    Deleted some of my history to shorten this page

    Round 62 - My 33rd Round
    Start Round 12/14 - 172.4 End Round 12/23 - 172.0

    Round 63 - My 34th Round
    Start Round 12/24 - 172.2 End round 01/02 - 174.6

    Round 64 - My 35th Round
    Start Round 01/03 - 174.6 End Round 01/12 - 171.8

    Round 65 - My 36th Round
    Start Round 01/13 - 171.6 End Round 01/22 - 173.0

    Round 66 - My 37th Round
    Start Round 01/23 - 173.6 End Round 02/01 - 171.8

    Round 67 - My 38th Round
    02/02 - 171.6
    02/03 - 171.2
    02/04 - 172.2 Walked 60 minutes last night
    02/05 - 171.2
    02/06 - 171.2 110 Steps up and down 7 times yesterday morning
    02/07 - 170.2
    02/08 - 171.8 110 Steps up and down 7 times yesterday evening
    02/09 - 172.0
    02/10 - 171.8
    02/11 - 173.0 Two large meals yesterday - 2nd one during my regular exercise time

    Round 68 - My 39th Round
    02/12 - 171.0 Treadmill 30 minutes last night
    02/13 - 173.6 110 Steps up and down 7 times yesterday evening
    02/14 - 172.0
    02/15 - 171.0 110 Steps up and down 7 times yesterday evening
    02/16 - 172.0
    02/17 - 172.0
    02/18 - 175.0
    02/19 - 175.0
    02/21 - 174.6

    02/22 - 172.8
    02/23 - 174.4
    02/24 - 173.4
    02/25 - 172.6 Yard work and 1 hour walk last evening
    02/26 - 172.8
    02/27 - 172.4 110 Steps up and down 7 times yesterday morning
    02/28 - 172.0
    03/01 -
    03/02 - 171.6
    03/03 - 172.2 Walked 45 minutes yesterday evening

    03/04 - 172.0
    03/05 - 170.8 Treadmill 30 minutes last night
  • thattoothfairy
    thattoothfairy Posts: 34 Member
    fraukazi wrote: »
    Stats & Round goals

    @thattoothfairy thanks for the reminder. I have realised today that I have not been drinking enough this whole week. Will also buy ingredients for Tish's special water. And I should also meal prep - i'll get right on it so I have lunches to eat during the week.

    I'm so glad we can remind eachother! I am the most forgetful of all LOL