JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 967 Member

    JFT 18th March

    Log food Yes
    Stay in the green just over
    Back exercises Did a few
    Clean fridge! Yes
    Do parents errands Yes
    March challenge - walk No, back felt too unstable

    JFT 29th March

    Log food
    Stay in the green
    Back exercises
    Go into town centre to collect new glasses (really don't want to do this!)
    Food shopping
    March challenge - walk

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,789 Member
    JFT - Monday March 18 Determined
    2L of water - 🙂
    Calories in green - 👿
    Walk 1 Mile - 👿
    Plank Challenge - 👿
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 1/5
    Only 1 evening Snack - 👿
    5 something at bathroom break - 🙂
    Write in Journal - 🙂
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices. - 👿

    JFT - Tuesday March 19 Determined
    2L of water
    Calories in green
    Walk 1 Mile
    Plank Challenge
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    Write in Journal
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices.

    Well yesterday I did nothing because I couldn’t figure out what to do. I am going to do some things today, I need to stop this trend.

    I need to keep busy so I don’t just sit and stew about the job interview. I would find it so much easier to do things if I had the house to myself.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,789 Member
    Bookmeister86 - I have been having way too many of those days. I need to come up with a plan to do some things. Watching tv and sitting at home is not what I call enjoying my life, but it’s what hubby does. For me to do other things I’m leaving him all alone. It’s a balancing act. You did wonderful not snacking, I wouldn’t have been able to control that I don’t think!

    Clicketykeys - I think that’s a wise decision to not put more on your plate right now. Do you have a spring break coming up anytime soon? It sounds like you just need a break.

    Aubyshortcake - enjoy your evening out.

    Maryrobinson40- thank you for the motivation today. I am going to check in on a couple young ladies to see how they are doing.

    Inazea and tuddy315 - welcome, I credit this group for helping me lose 25 lbs so far! Keep coming back everyday.

    Cschmitz110515 - I am so excited to see only wet too. I think I’ll be able to get out of the park and get walking today! I so agree with you about getting out again!
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member

    JFT 3-18-19

    1. Log all food :naughty:We got pub food delivered and I had no idea how to log it. Lol
    2. Gym/Yoga! :smiley:Went to the gym. Did some walk/jog intervals and some weight training
    5. Fold laundry :smiley:Yup. Did it as a way to procrastinate from doing other things. Lol
    7. Scan documents :naughty:Totally forgot all day and by the time I remembered it was late in the evening and I just couldnt be bothered.
    9. Call about junking car :naughty:Moving this to today
    10. Go through old bills :naughty:Also forgot about this. Doing this today.
    11. Dinner/Dishes We ate out so there were no dishes...but there are a few still in the sink. I will finish those today.
    12. Write one scene :smiley:Yup. Had to write it out twice because the first time it didn't save. I have to be more cognizant of that from now on.
    13. Lights out by 10:30 :smiley:I think right around that time.

    JFT 3-19-19

    1. Log all food(ate out for lunch so I have to see if I can find what I ate)
    2. Scan the fricken documents!
    3. Update checkbook
    4. Call about car
    5. Store old work clothes
    6. Go through bills and sort
    7. Spend QT with Matt
    8. Figure out dinner!
    9. Do the effing dishes!!!!
    10. Bed BEFORE midnight. Lol

    I had a really good day so far. I woke up around 9 and then ended up passing out on the couch again for like an hour and a half. Lol. Woke up to a message from mom telling me she left her phone at home and to see if I could bring it to her. It gave me an excuse to get up and get my butt moving. It's a good thing I'm not even 200 yards away. Ran that too her, then went to a restaurant that I've been wanting to try. They make fruit bowls and smoothies. The bank was down the street from a cafe that used to make one I loved. Well this place makes almost the exact same one and build your own bowls too for the same price. Plus Marshall's is right in the same plaza so I walked around there for a while and got two shirts and a picture frame. This summer I want to steer away from the dark colors. I've always favored black since I was a teenager. Now that I'm 30 I want to change that. So I got a green shirt and a really nice salmon colored one.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Look what's being dropped off at the Post Office tonight...


    Oh yayyyyy! I cant waiit!!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Hey everyone, i was just wondering, how would you all suggest i restart my fitness goals.

    The move has been a bit of an eye opener, its been so easy to just grab food like pizza and just eat that and just quick food. Lots of treats for working so hard in moving and scrubbing.
    Everything was so dirty from the previous tenants, so last night we scrubbed all the kitchen (tiles, cupboards) all the UPVC doors, all the inside doors and frames, radiators and window sills.
    We still dont have carpets, they screeded (sp?) The floor which makes everything really dusty and you cant sweep it because it just creates more dust!

    So i know im burning plenty of calories but unfortunately, i feel heavier, i look bigger and my clothes are tighter.
    I feel like a right fatty. You know when you just know!

    Were also running on bare minimum food, we're buying things "just to keep us going" so its not exactly healthy stuff.
    And with the cost of the move we wont be able to buy much shopping, it will be enough to keep us going this week so i cant really go wild and start getting all my alternatives, im just eating what everyone else is.

    So im not sure which approach to take, should i edit my settings? Or jump in from where i was?

    I was okay with not doing the goals and eating whatever i needed through the move but its not healthy, im not healthy, and i have to do something NOW before it goes too far! Im starting to feel very unhappy with my weight amd very self concious, i feel like i have 4000 chins and just meh.

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. weigh in :)
    2. 10,000 steps :(
    3. track liquids, at least 8C water :) 8
    4. go to gym--cardio/weight workout :(
    5. no social eating at work :(

    Had a migraine, came home and went directly to bed. So much for the exercise plan! Hoping to feel better after work today.

    1. weigh in
    2. 10,000 steps
    3. track liquids, at least 8C water
    4. go to gym--cardio/weight workout
    5. no social eating at work
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, i was just wondering, how would you all suggest i restart my fitness goals.

    The move has been a bit of an eye opener, its been so easy to just grab food like pizza and just eat that and just quick food. Lots of treats for working so hard in moving and scrubbing.
    Everything was so dirty from the previous tenants, so last night we scrubbed all the kitchen (tiles, cupboards) all the UPVC doors, all the inside doors and frames, radiators and window sills.
    We still dont have carpets, they screeded (sp?) The floor which makes everything really dusty and you cant sweep it because it just creates more dust!

    So i know im burning plenty of calories but unfortunately, i feel heavier, i look bigger and my clothes are tighter.
    I feel like a right fatty. You know when you just know!

    Were also running on bare minimum food, we're buying things "just to keep us going" so its not exactly healthy stuff.
    And with the cost of the move we wont be able to buy much shopping, it will be enough to keep us going this week so i cant really go wild and start getting all my alternatives, im just eating what everyone else is.

    So im not sure which approach to take, should i edit my settings? Or jump in from where i was?

    I was okay with not doing the goals and eating whatever i needed through the move but its not healthy, im not healthy, and i have to do something NOW before it goes too far! Im starting to feel very unhappy with my weight amd very self concious, i feel like i have 4000 chins and just meh.


    Hmm that's a tough one... Can you go for a compromise where you go for easy stuff that has a few extra calories but not too many? You will be burning lots of calories with the cleaning etc so you can probably have extra ones.

    Suggestions I have are:

    Lighter pizza - Sainsbury's do some really good frozen pizzas which are quite cheap (£1.30?) And only about 800 calories, which is probably more than you'd want if you were strictly dieting but probably ok within maintenance/ bearing in mind your extra calorie burning?
    Tortellini - super quick, mix with chopped tomatoes, the others can have lots of cheese and you just a little
    Pasta with tuna mayo (literally just mix in the tuna and mayo)
    Pasta with pesto (literally just mix in the pesto)
    Soup and bread for lunch?
    Quick sandwiches for lunch? (Peanut butter? Cheese slices?)
    jacket potatoes with beans/ cheese?

    None of these are healthy options but are quick, not too expensive, possibly family friendly?? and should help you keep weight in check, assuming you portion control!

    If I were you, I'd focus on keeping your weight in check rather than actively trying to lose right now. You have a lot to cope with already - one thing at a time!

    Hope this helps x
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,789 Member
    @Bex953172 - @bookmeister86 gave you some great suggestions. I agree just try portion control right now. Also a little self care will probably go a long way. When will they be putting new carpets in for you?

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,789 Member
    @azulvioleta6 - feel better, migraines suck!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Tuesday March 19

    Log accurately :)
    Stay in the green :)
    5 fruit and veg >:)
    Fitbit excercise goals >:)
    January challenge >:)
    February challenge :)
    March challenge >:)

    Not very many smileys. Work got in the way and when I got home, I needed to make a cake for my parents 60th wedding anniversary so no time for excercise and I was lazy with meal prep. No justifiable excuse for not drinking water and I chose to drink wine as I'm now on holiday until April!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Look what's being dropped off at the Post Office tonight...


    Oh yayyyyy! I cant waiit!!!

    It’s on its way! :smiley: It’s now in a brown box. I had to repack in a different box when I got there. I’m so excited!!!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    @Bex953172 - @bookmeister86 gave you some great suggestions. I agree just try portion control right now. Also a little self care will probably go a long way. When will they be putting new carpets in for you?

    We have to buy them ourselves! Expecting a windfall soon so just waitinnnng.
    I was mistaken when i said they did our carpets, i was thinking of a different housing association, however our one gives us £250 voucher for our local DIY store for paint and brushes/rollers etc.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,789 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 - @bookmeister86 gave you some great suggestions. I agree just try portion control right now. Also a little self care will probably go a long way. When will they be putting new carpets in for you?

    We have to buy them ourselves! Expecting a windfall soon so just waitinnnng.
    I was mistaken when i said they did our carpets, i was thinking of a different housing association, however our one gives us £250 voucher for our local DIY store for paint and brushes/rollers etc.

    You rent and have to buy carpets? That seems a little backwards to me.
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    @faebert Just wanted to say you always inspire me with how much you do each day. I'm always amazed at how productive you are!
    @Elbee1 Don't let the day to day changes get you down. Honestly, I think I can change a few pounds between morning and night, or with a salty/water-retaining meal! Look at the big picture and the progress you are making that doesn't show on the scale.
    @bookmeister86 I hear you with that day! Some days are "get through" days. Hope today was better!
    @AJB1014 Look at all those smileys! Way to be!
    @toaljasa I LOVE your post today, such a great way to put it into perspective!
    @Bex953172 I would pick a few goals you feel seem easier and get your momentum going. I find it easier to build up once I've checked a few things off and gotten some easier habits back on track. Don't let the "shoulds" get you down, you've got a lot on your plate right now!

    JFT (3/19)
    drink 80 oz. water ✅ -discovered one of my water bottles is 3 cups not 4 so I've been over calculating my water intake, whoops!
    eat recommended servings of the 5 food groups ✅
    stay between 1.2-1.4k calories ✅
    exercise 30 minutes :( late day
    go to bed between 9-10 ✅
    track all food/exercise ✅
    post on JFT ✅

    JFT (3/19)
    drink 80 oz. water
    eat recommended servings of the 5 food groups
    stay between 1.2-1.4k calories
    exercise 30 minutes
    go to bed between 9-10
    track all food/exercise
    post on JFT