Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited March 2019
    Oh and not to scare anyone but when I took my break over Thanksgiving I experienced a fairly hefty water weight gain and it turned out that I needed to be on a mild prescription diuretic which also lowered my BP back to a normal range. I only mention it because it is a good idea to know what your normal range of weight is and when to see a doctor because you have overshot it by a healthy amount. From my highest to my lowest my range is 7.7 pounds so by the time I gained 12 I knew something was wrong. Even though it was a miserable week of whooshing and fighting to keep electrolytes the diuretic fixed it and I returned to normal with a better BP.
  • Christismylife
    Christismylife Posts: 93 Member
    Has this study been discussed here yet? It’s one in Australia where they had obese men doing 2 weeks on (2/3 maintenance calories) and 2 weeks off (eating at maintenance calories) vs. a group who just ate at the deficit amount for 16 weeks straight. The ones who took breaks had better results overall.

  • gogetemrogue
    gogetemrogue Posts: 80 Member
    Has this study been discussed here yet? It’s one in Australia where they had obese men doing 2 weeks on (2/3 maintenance calories) and 2 weeks off (eating at maintenance calories) vs. a group who just ate at the deficit amount for 16 weeks straight. The ones who took breaks had better results overall.


    I linked to the scholarly form of the study a couple pages back in the thread. https://www.nature.com/articles/ijo2017206?fbclid=IwAR0ZhVzOfmco8x_eNyDZHg5bRDO-udp2wCNJeYm7TjLaSqwCK8DAALxXtJE

    What is very interesting and potentially promising, is that the reduction of Resting Energy Expenditure was less for the diet break group.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Has this study been discussed here yet? It’s one in Australia where they had obese men doing 2 weeks on (2/3 maintenance calories) and 2 weeks off (eating at maintenance calories) vs. a group who just ate at the deficit amount for 16 weeks straight. The ones who took breaks had better results overall.


    I have a hard time accepting that the on and off group actually lost more weight overall. That would mean that our metabolism adaptation is more than half of whatever the deficit of the always on group. The other thing is that obesity supposedly protects you from some of that adaptation and the study was on obese men.

    I have been in a deficit for over a year and I have only taken 2 breaks. I have lose weight as expected all along. With that said I do run a 6 day deficit schedule as I mentioned here:


    So I do have 1 day of maintenance each week... well... most weeks... life does get in the way sometimes.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    for those studies key word is weight loss efficiency - so for equal time at a deficit lost slightly more weight.

    But for overall time it took 2 x as long for them to hit the same deficit time.

    So it and similar do seem to prove what could potentially happen - it doesn't mean it's the best method. Might be too extreme on safe side.

    Some studies also show that a reasonable rate of loss (0.75% of BW) compared to more extreme rate (1.5%) leads to better fat only loss, or LBM retained, or some other benefit.

    Obviously there's a mediam there too, and what your body can handle before the stress and adaptations kick in is personal.

    It's a good place to start, on the safer side of these things, but some other studies show that perhaps the safer side was too safe, and in the range between you could move on over a bit.

    Lyle's recommendations seem to do that, still safer than extreme.
  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 494 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    Some studies also show that a reasonable rate of loss (0.75% of BW) compared to more extreme rate (1.5%) leads to better fat only loss, or LBM retained, or some other benefit.

    I don't doubt this is backed up by research somewhere but I have never been able to find the citations. Everything I've read (from organizations such as the CDC/NIH/NHS) speaks in terms of 1% BW/week or 1-2 pounds/week as being a safe amount to lose.

    But people on MFP are constantly saying not to lose more than a half-pound per week if one is in the "normal" BMI range.

    Where is the data to back this up? Just curious. Also, I have been losing just a little over a pound per week for a while now and feel good about it. I have about 10-15 more to go.

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    was actually .7 and 1.4 upon review.

    And that's what I mean by a middle of the road of 1% too.

    But obviously that's not a blanket recommendation too - what if you only have 10 lbs left - losing 1.5 weekly really a good idea? No.

    Rate is really dependent upon how much left to lose - otherwise more stressful to body and more adaptation will take place.
    Where that line is depends a the person - but better to be on safe side, because once you've gone over it, more wasted time to recover.
  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 494 Member
    edited March 2019
    heybales wrote: »

    was actually .7 and 1.4 upon review.

    And that's what I mean by a middle of the road of 1% too.

    But obviously that's not a blanket recommendation too - what if you only have 10 lbs left - losing 1.5 weekly really a good idea? No.

    Thanks so much. I really appreciate data like this. Just for the fun of it, I analyzed my last 6 weeks of weight loss data and it looks like I've been losing at a rate of about 0.77%*BW per week. There is some fluctuation from week to week but that has been the average.

  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    durhammfp wrote: »
    heybales wrote: »
    Some studies also show that a reasonable rate of loss (0.75% of BW) compared to more extreme rate (1.5%) leads to better fat only loss, or LBM retained, or some other benefit.

    I don't doubt this is backed up by research somewhere but I have never been able to find the citations. Everything I've read (from organizations such as the CDC/NIH/NHS) speaks in terms of 1% BW/week or 1-2 pounds/week as being a safe amount to lose.

    But people on MFP are constantly saying not to lose more than a half-pound per week if one is in the "normal" BMI range.

    Where is the data to back this up? Just curious. Also, I have been losing just a little over a pound per week for a while now and feel good about it. I have about 10-15 more to go.

    I’m not sure there’s hard/formal data, but from folks posting their stats here on the forums, it seems a lot of them would have to drop down to an unhealthy number of calories (maintained for weeks/months), either 1200 for women or 1500 for men, to achieve a deficit of more than .5 pounds per week.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    edited March 2019
    I'm late to this discussion but want to share what's going on with me since I think it's somewhat related to this discussion.

    After 6 months of diligently practicing IF programmed for a calories deficit for a 1.5 lb. per week weight loss, I lost 35 lbs. sticking to my plan 100% and achieving my goal weight. Then, on March 6th for Lent 2019, I started abstaining from meat and extending my fasting period to 22 hours a day, eating only in the evening once the sun set. But, since I didn't need to lose more weight, I upped my calories to maintenance, on average, and decreased my workouts. In both cases, my eating is carb-centric, higher fat and lower protein. Today, which is day 25 of my Lent 2019 OMAD practice, my morning BW is 173.4 or 3.4 lbs. less than my March 6th BW when beginning OMAD.

    What's going on?

    I've heard the terms "reverse dieting" and "refeeding" here and honestly have never read details about them. Is this what I"m doing and is my unplanned additional weight loss the result?
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    I'm late to this discussion but want to share what's going on with me since I think it's somewhat related to this discussion.

    After 6 months of diligently practicing IF programmed for a calories deficit for a 1.5 lb. per week weight loss, I lost 35 lbs. sticking to my plan 100% and achieving my goal weight. Then, on March 6th for Lent 2019, I started abstaining from meat and extending my fasting period to 22 hours a day, eating only in the evening once the sun set. But, since I didn't need to lose more weight, I upped my calories to maintenance, on average, and decreased my workouts. In both cases, my eating is carb-centric, higher fat and lower protein. Today, which is day 25 of my Lent 2019 OMAD practice, my morning BW is 173.4 or 3.4 lbs. less than my March 6th BW when beginning OMAD.

    What's going on?

    I've heard the terms "reverse dieting" and "refeeding" here and honestly have never read details about them. Is this what I"m doing and is my unplanned additional weight loss the result?

    The simplest explanation is that you are under-shooting maintenance. Possibly going on is that with less deficit and exercise, there is less stress-related cortisol and less exercise-induced inflammation, both of which can lead to more fluid retention. If you level off, then I would lead toward the second. If you continue to drop weight, then eat more.
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    I have not used a food scale at all during my current journey so obviously portion accuracy could be a contributing factor but I can't imagine there's any change in any accuracy before and after because, as you know, you get pretty good at it or at least I have with the proof being that I achieved a weekly weight loss that aligned with my goal.

    As far as eating goes, my OMAD feeding window begins once the sun sets and ends 2 hours or less thereafter. Yesterday, for example, I started eating at 7:27 pm and finished at 8:56 pm, a little shorter than normal. I weighed myself at 4:55 am this early morning. Prior to OMAD, my IF feeding window obviously began earlier but also ended earlier. Now, I'm basically going to bed full.

    I think a more obvious explanation might be the changes from workouts and cortisol-related. I'm working hard now due to seasonal workload but it's all sitting, so maybe that's a consideration, sedentary work-related stress. Time will tell as I continue marching forward during my Lent 2019 OMAD journey. Thanks to everyone who replied.
  • gogetemrogue
    gogetemrogue Posts: 80 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I have a hard time accepting that the on and off group actually lost more weight overall. That would mean that our metabolism adaptation is more than half of whatever the deficit of the always on group. The other thing is that obesity supposedly protects you from some of that adaptation and the study was on obese men.

    There's definitely need for more studies on this! Most existing studies that come close to this subject are either trying see the effects of "yo-yo" dieting or are really about intermittent fasting rather than diet vs diet break. My layman's hypothesis is that diet breaks are so helpful because of their effects on leptin and ghrelin as well as how diet breaks help you psychologically stick to a deficit once your break is done. There also is evidence that your body does metabolically downregulate in a deficit and upregulate in a surplus, but never to the effect of negating CICO, just enough to make results a bit difficult to predict.

    Just before my diet break I was definitely NOT losing as expected (after dieting for 8 months with no break), but looking at my diary I definitely wasn't sticking to protocol. I see a bunch of days where dinner just wasn't logged...while this study was supposed to eliminate those who didn't stick to protocol, how many of the full diet group were lying when asked about adherence? Should failure to adhere be seen as evidence for or against either method?
  • emmajunesmith19
    emmajunesmith19 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I’m so glad I found this thread I hope some one can reply to me.
    I’ve just watched the video and am delighted he talks about small females quite a lot which has given me a lot of info on this!
    I a 119lb, 5ft female with 25% body fat (roughly as I only measured myself & used an online calculator I really want to find out 100% which I will soon!) I have been on less then 1500 calories since January but from end of February to now I’ve been on very strict 1300 calories - 130g AT LEAST protein a day.
    I’m getting down becuase this is not enough food for me, I’m active as in I get at least 20,000 steps every day, have 1 hour upper body strength training & 1 hour lower body strength with a PT plus 1-2 hour circuit sessions a week.
    I’m not sure what my maintenance calories are as I’ve always been in deficit which I’ve put the numbers into MFP myself according to my PT.
    I’ve literally lost 6lbs in this time. I feel and look much leaner have slight muscle definition now but my tummy is sooo flabby & still fat (even though I’m small I can look 9 months pregnant!) I just don’t feel like I’m getting anywhere so I’m hoping 2 refeed days may help at maintence.
    I think it’s only another 300 cals (1600) at my maintence so really that’s just one small meal each of those days I can’t really get too excited about it?!
    My question is, it needs to be 2 consecutive days - should I refeed on my strength days Thursday & Friday? & should I try to eat the carbs early before my workouts which are always at 9.30am - might it make a difference for me? I don’t feel like I can approach my PT about this as he’s happy with the slow loss. Weekends come and I find myself desperate for the new week to start becuase my routine is so set that I work out fasted to save calories & eat at 11/12 every day. Weekends I’m home relaxing and all I want to do is eat - I thought I was healthy & happy but I’m quickly realising I’m becoming totally obsessed with food, calories & routine. On top of that my tummy has lost NOTHING! Help me! TIA!
  • gogetemrogue
    gogetemrogue Posts: 80 Member

    You said you lost 6 lbs, but your wording wasn't clear on whether that was since January or the end of February when you dropped your calories lower. If you mean since the beginning of the year, that's a little less than .5 lb a week, which is a good rate of loss for someone already at a normal BMI. Our stats aren't very similar so it is hard to give that much advice, but the practical side of me thinks that you can probably do your refeed on the weekend, since that is when you find yourself wanting to eat more. If my understanding of the science is correct, your body will need some time to take the carbs from your refeed and replenish the glycogen stores in your muscles. Refeeding just before a workout might give you energy without you benefiting from more glycogen in your muscles.
  • emmajunesmith19
    emmajunesmith19 Posts: 11 Member

    You said you lost 6 lbs, but your wording wasn't clear on whether that was since January or the end of February when you dropped your calories lower. If you mean since the beginning of the year, that's a little less than .5 lb a week, which is a good rate of loss for someone already at a normal BMI. Our stats aren't very similar so it is hard to give that much advice, but the practical side of me thinks that you can probably do your refeed on the weekend, since that is when you find yourself wanting to eat more. If my understanding of the science is correct, your body will need some time to take the carbs from your refeed and replenish the glycogen stores in your muscles. Refeeding just before a workout might give you energy without you benefiting from more glycogen in your muscles.

    Thank you for replying.
    Yes since the beginning of feb I have been on a strict 1300, from 1st Jan till then it was never above 1500 (apart from a couple of times but still under maintenance)
    I’ve been looking around on google now at refeed days and it mainly says refeed says are for people under 25% body fat & people who are already lean trying to get leaner but not lose muscle. I’m 25% body fat, not under. So I wonder whether 2 refeed days will be to much. I think I’m going to try this coming week, and I have decided to do them Tuesday and Wednesday I’m hoping the higher carbs will carry through to Thursday and Fridays training sessions.
    I guess it’s all about working out yourself what is best. Trial and error. There’s so much confliction it’s difficult to know what to do for the best!
  • gogetemrogue
    gogetemrogue Posts: 80 Member
    Thank you for replying.
    Yes since the beginning of feb I have been on a strict 1300, from 1st Jan till then it was never above 1500 (apart from a couple of times but still under maintenance)
    I’ve been looking around on google now at refeed days and it mainly says refeed says are for people under 25% body fat & people who are already lean trying to get leaner but not lose muscle. I’m 25% body fat, not under. So I wonder whether 2 refeed days will be to much. I think I’m going to try this coming week, and I have decided to do them Tuesday and Wednesday I’m hoping the higher carbs will carry through to Thursday and Fridays training sessions.
    I guess it’s all about working out yourself what is best. Trial and error. There’s so much confliction it’s difficult to know what to do for the best!

    A two day refeed at maintenance will only truly delay progress by two days (actual scale results may vary, but you know what I mean). At the same time, if your training has suffered from that glycogen low feeling, you know where you feel like your muscles aren't able to do the movements as well as they should be or take as much weight as your previous sessions, then a refeed is probably a good idea to ensure you don't get injured at the very least.

    Honestly it seems like you are doing a lot of things right, especially since you are training regularly. I hope your PT appreciates how hard you work and understands that since you are so small that scale progress might be slower than their other clients, but that doesn't mean you aren't progressing. I think that where you are right now, progress pics should be taken often so you can see if you body is recomping at the same time as losing fat slowly.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    I have a hard time accepting that the on and off group actually lost more weight overall. That would mean that our metabolism adaptation is more than half of whatever the deficit of the always on group. The other thing is that obesity supposedly protects you from some of that adaptation and the study was on obese men.

    There's definitely need for more studies on this! Most existing studies that come close to this subject are either trying see the effects of "yo-yo" dieting or are really about intermittent fasting rather than diet vs diet break. My layman's hypothesis is that diet breaks are so helpful because of their effects on leptin and ghrelin as well as how diet breaks help you psychologically stick to a deficit once your break is done. There also is evidence that your body does metabolically downregulate in a deficit and upregulate in a surplus, but never to the effect of negating CICO, just enough to make results a bit difficult to predict.

    Just before my diet break I was definitely NOT losing as expected (after dieting for 8 months with no break), but looking at my diary I definitely wasn't sticking to protocol. I see a bunch of days where dinner just wasn't logged...while this study was supposed to eliminate those who didn't stick to protocol, how many of the full diet group were lying when asked about adherence? Should failure to adhere be seen as evidence for or against either method?

    As I mentioned here: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/comment/43512223/#Comment_43512223

    I am slightly more disgruntled when I don't stick to my 6 day deficit/1 day maintenance system. For me "slightly disgruntled" means unscheduled trips to the kitchen and a calorie creep of 100 to 200 calories per day over normal. I am not physically hungry so I can keep it contained but I am dissatisfied. According to L.McD. a single day break doesn't have much of a benefit physically but I will attest to a mental benefit... at least for me.

    I still have quite a bit of weight to lose so I am sticking to a 10 day diet break about every 6 months until I drop to 1 pound per week. I think then I will shoot for every 4 months but I will decide that when I get closer.

    I do think the break helps me mentally and probably is a good insurance policy for the physical side of things even if I don't absolutely need it. I use my breaks to try and relax more. I like my normal routine but it is nice to allow the "fun foods" to occupy a higher percentage of my day for a short period. I did 10 days at Thanksgiving but I was really kind of tired of it by the 7th day and ready to get back to normal. It really reinforced that my normal day-to-day was sustainable. It might also suggest that I need the mental break a little less since I do it once a week anyway...