Exhausted with Low/No Carb Eating



  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I recently began eating a modified version of the Mayo Clinic Diet/Grapefruit Diet which consists of:

    2 Eggs
    2 Slices of Bacon
    Grapefruit or Grapefruit Juice

    Salad (Any dressing)
    Meat (Any amount)
    Grapefruit or Grapefruit Juice
    (I add a string cheese, or Laughing Cow)

    Salad (Any dressing)
    Meat (Any amount)
    Grapefruit or Grapefruit Juice

    I’ve lost 7 pounds in 7 days and wanted to use it to kick start my weight loss again and get me out of my rut. However, I find myself completely exhausted with the lack of carbs and kind of cranky. A friend has lost 13 pounds in the same 7 days and is feeling the same symptoms.

    It’s only been 7 days but I’m worried about weight gain when I started eating carbs again.

    Would it be a good idea to start slowly with complex carbs? Scared!

    http://www.marksdailyapple.com/low-carb-flu/ (this is just one link)

    This is normal. Your body is going through what can be called a "withdrawl". It's been burning sugar for so long and now it is trying to figure out what to do. Please go to Marks Daily Apple and search (up in the top right corner) "carb flu". You are dropping water weight right now. It can take a few days to a few weeks for the body to start using your fat storage for fuel. I have been Primal since the end of April and I feel amazing - I am still getting under 50g a day (sometimes a little more). My energy levels are through the roof. My IBS and all digestive issues are gone. My eczema is gone. My anxiety is gone. And I am at the lowest weight I have ever been at in my entire adult life. My muscle definition is amazing. And I don't have to exercise 6-7 days a week.

    There is no such thing as an 'essential dietary carbohydrate'. Unless you are doing excessive exercise you don't need that many carbs. You don't NEED whole grains. All they do is bind up your gut and stop your body from absorbing nutrients. Even complex carbs are broken down into simple sugars in the body and raise your glucose levels. And if you are dealing with obesity you are dealing with glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. I eat 10/20/70 - yes 70% from healthy fats.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Add 100gms of carbs to your evening meal=problem solved!
  • linsben
    linsben Posts: 108 Member
    Hi there

    Sounds like the carb flu to me. Check out this article by Mark Sission one of the advocates of the primal/paleo lifestyles that believe grains are unesecary and can actuallty do your body harm. http://www.marksdailyapple.com/low-carb-flu/
    There is a ton of information regarding a low carb lifestyle. Right now your body is changing its usualy energy source (carbs) to burning fat. That is why low carb is so effective. Its clearly going against conventional wisdom seeing as how many people are telling you that your actually NEED carbs. Your symtoms will pass that's the goods news. Also your cravings will subside and your health will be better off!

    Research it my friend!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    well . . . in my opinion (I know -- who cares, right?!), low/no carb eating is a silly fad that is unsustainable as a lifestyle, and is detrimental to those who exercise, as well as those who like to have energy.


  • worldhurdler
    worldhurdler Posts: 153 Member
    Okay, I'm gonna disagree with the assertions that you "need" whole grains - I actually don't think you do. I've done a lot of research on the Paleo/Primal Diet, so that's the camp I'm coming from. I'm linking two articles that are helpful in looking at how many carbs you need per day and their effect on your diet:

    The Carbohydrate Curve: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/the-primal-carbohydrate-continuum/
    The Definitive Guide to Grains: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/definitive-guide-grains/

    There is also research out there that talks about the addictive power of carbohydrates, and the weakness that you're experiencing is VERY NORMAL if you suddenly switch to a low-carb diet. It takes most people one to two weeks (sometimes even up to a month) to "kick the habit" of too much carbs. But after that, they start to feel pretty darn awesome.

    All that to say, you can certainly have a healthy diet that includes whole grains and carbs. I personally don't feel like they are the best way to fuel my body, but that's just my choice. I don't ditch them completely - I typically fall between 100-150g of carbs per day, with most of them coming from fruit and dairy. I mostly just wanted to let you know that your experiences are normal, and you shouldn't stay below 50g of carbs/day for very long. It's a great to jump-start weight loss, which seems to be your intention and use of it, but you can definitely start adding more back in. And remember - carbs does not have to equal grains. I'd go for things like sweet potatoes over pasta any day.
  • Pisc2749
    Pisc2749 Posts: 61 Member
    I kept up with a low carb/no carb eating plan for as long as two months but I never felt that burst of energy that you're supposed to get once your body completes the withdrawl. I spent those two months in a state of fatigue all the time, I almost went to the doctor because it was so bad. This last time was probably my third and last attempt at eating that way.

    After the last time (earlier this year), I started juicing in the morning and afternoon (along with a snack), and eating a regular dinner. I also take spirulina tablets in the morning. I can honestly say my energy level is great, better than ever actually. I don't drag myself out of bed in the morning, don't dread my workouts, and have energy in the evenings after work.

    My mindset now is, whatever I do to lose weight has to be something I can do for the rest of my life. I actually love the juicing and look forward to having it everyday, and feel the difference if I don't have it. I'm not advocating that either. I think it's fine to experiment to find what works for you. Low carb works for a lot of people, I finally realized it would not work for me.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    well . . . in my opinion (I know -- who cares, right?!), low/no carb eating is a silly fad that is unsustainable as a lifestyle, and is detrimental to those who exercise, as well as those who like to have energy.


    Well Said!! lol
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I recently began eating a modified version of the Mayo Clinic Diet/Grapefruit Diet which consists of:

    2 Eggs
    2 Slices of Bacon
    Grapefruit or Grapefruit Juice

    Salad (Any dressing)
    Meat (Any amount)
    Grapefruit or Grapefruit Juice
    (I add a string cheese, or Laughing Cow)

    Salad (Any dressing)
    Meat (Any amount)
    Grapefruit or Grapefruit Juice

    I’ve lost 7 pounds in 7 days and wanted to use it to kick start my weight loss again and get me out of my rut. However, I find myself completely exhausted with the lack of carbs and kind of cranky. A friend has lost 13 pounds in the same 7 days and is feeling the same symptoms.

    It’s only been 7 days but I’m worried about weight gain when I started eating carbs again.

    Would it be a good idea to start slowly with complex carbs? Scared!

    It has only been 7 days. If your body needs to detox from the former crap you have been eating it can take upwards of 2-3 weeks to start feeling GREAT.

    Also, I think your lull in energy is due to lack of eating any fats. With low carb your fat intake should be HIGH, protein MODERATE and carbs LOW.

    Let me know if you would like assistance. One way to up your fat intake is to cook everything in organic, raw coconut oil, make salad dressings with olive oil and eat some avocados!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    well . . . in my opinion (I know -- who cares, right?!), low/no carb eating is a silly fad that is unsustainable as a lifestyle, and is detrimental to those who exercise, as well as those who like to have energy.



    Sorry, but low carb eating is not a silly fad. Please read William Banting's Letter of Corpulence, he is considered to be the Father of low carb and this was written in the 1800's.

    Low Carb eating is about eating CLEAN, WHOLE foods such as fats, meats and primarily vegetables with some fruits added in. Where is this a fad and where is not not sustainable???

    I started Atkins in 2003 when I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes. I lost 100 pounds in 6 months and kept that weight off for 8 years until 2008 when I had a near fatal car accident and then I gained a lot of weight due to hospital food, my hubby not being a great cook and not really knowing how to shop and the fact that I couldn't exercise for a long time.

    It is an excuse to eat cake, cookies and ice cream to say that low carb is not sustainable.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    Balanced diet is the best. But the carbs should be whole grain and in moderation.

    Also, many years ago, this diet got dubbed the Mayo Clinic diet and yet Mayo never endorsed it. There is now a Mayo Clinic Diet Book that IS a lifestyle change that Mayo does endorse. I would highly recommend that program over this one.
  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    How many carbs have you been eating a day? In g? I went 6 months on under 50 g of carbs a day and felt absolutely fine, I know many others that have too, the first few weeks you will feel groggy but after you will have loads of energy! I thi you need to think more on not about carbs but nutrients, eat as many vegetables as you want and take a good multi vitamin.
    Many people believe that you can't survive without grains but this is simply not true, before agriculture we survived just fine on carbs from fruits and vegetables it's how we evolved to eat. Grains or simply not necessary.
  • linsben
    linsben Posts: 108 Member
    well . . . in my opinion (I know -- who cares, right?!), low/no carb eating is a silly fad that is unsustainable as a lifestyle, and is detrimental to those who exercise, as well as those who like to have energy.



    Sorry, but low carb eating is not a silly fad. Please read William Banting's Letter of Corpulence, he is considered to be the Father of low carb and this was written in the 1800's.

    Low Carb eating is about eating CLEAN, WHOLE foods such as fats, meats and primarily vegetables with some fruits added in. Where is this a fad and where is not not sustainable???

    EXACTLY! to the original poster please do your research. Check out the links and make your decision on what low carb is and isnt from that. Not from people telling you its a fad and that you need carbs. You can get all the carbs you need from veggies and fruit and maybe the rare sweet potatoe. You do not need grains !!!
  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    Could not agree more eat primally for a month and then say you don't feel great! Our bodies have not evolved fully to cope with grains yet.
    well . . . in my opinion (I know -- who cares, right?!), low/no carb eating is a silly fad that is unsustainable as a lifestyle, and is detrimental to those who exercise, as well as those who like to have energy.



    Sorry, but low carb eating is not a silly fad. Please read William Banting's Letter of Corpulence, he is considered to be the Father of low carb and this was written in the 1800's.

    Low Carb eating is about eating CLEAN, WHOLE foods such as fats, meats and primarily vegetables with some fruits added in. Where is this a fad and where is not not sustainable???

    I started Atkins in 2003 when I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes. I lost 100 pounds in 6 months and kept that weight off for 8 years until 2008 when I had a near fatal car accident and then I gained a lot of weight due to hospital food, my hubby not being a great cook and not really knowing how to shop and the fact that I couldn't exercise for a long time.

    It is an excuse to eat cake, cookies and ice cream to say that low carb is not sustainable.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    That is the problem with protein diets/fads... a body doesn't get enough complex carbs and your left feeling weak and tired. Yes by all means add them back in and if your worried about it try and consume them in the earlier half of the day. Our brains got brainwashed when it was all about the protein but healthy complex carbs are necessary. Great questions!

    Feel free everyone to add me as a friend for some calorie free food for thought each day. Colleen (Seattle)

    funny because personally i have more energy on hi pro, hi fat,/very low carb. I eat what is usually consider the healthy amount of carbs i feel draggy.

    there is no one size fits all cookie cutter eating plan do what makes YOU feel good, thats what i do
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I always feel a LOT better when I eat complex carbs, like REAL whole grain bread (not the one where they add fibres to white flour ...) or muesli for a late breakfast, like at 9 or 10 in the morning. My day starts with only yogurt and fruit, though -- can't eat much so early. If I do NOT get any carbs before noon, I start being ... let's call it "un-nice" ;-))))

    After that I can go without any carbs for the rest of the day, if I want to. I sometimes do have "dark" pasta for dinner with my kids though, sometimes only the tomato-veggie-meat-sauce, too, that depends ....

    Good luck!!!

    um babe fruit is carbs
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I really wish people would stop with the "We NEED" grains or carbs in general.

    Actually the human body does not need carbs in any form. Fats and proteins can supply all the glucose we need for our bodies to function properly.

    We don't need fiber like our government tells us. They are merely pushing their Monsanto agenda on people and most fall for it hook, line and sinker.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    well . . . in my opinion (I know -- who cares, right?!), low/no carb eating is a silly fad that is unsustainable as a lifestyle, and is detrimental to those who exercise, as well as those who like to have energy.



    Sorry, but low carb eating is not a silly fad. Please read William Banting's Letter of Corpulence, he is considered to be the Father of low carb and this was written in the 1800's.

    Low Carb eating is about eating CLEAN, WHOLE foods such as fats, meats and primarily vegetables with some fruits added in. Where is this a fad and where is not not sustainable???

    I started Atkins in 2003 when I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes. I lost 100 pounds in 6 months and kept that weight off for 8 years until 2008 when I had a near fatal car accident and then I gained a lot of weight due to hospital food, my hubby not being a great cook and not really knowing how to shop and the fact that I couldn't exercise for a long time.

    It is an excuse to eat cake, cookies and ice cream to say that low carb is not sustainable.

    YES!! My fad diet is a lifestyle consisting of eating real, whole, natural foods and not eating processed crap from a box. When I give in to my addiction and binge I pay the price in the form of water retention, bloat, pain, constipation, acne, heartburn and very bad sleep. My eczema comes back. My TOM pains get worse. My low back pain comes back. I could keep going on.

    And the fiber thing is a complete myth. It is based on no study, no clinical trial. Nothing. They couldn't prove one thing (and I would have to go back to my research to find out what that thing was) so the "experts" said it must be the lack of fiber or roughage therefore we should eat more fiber. The more fiber I got - mainly from whole grains - the worse my digestive issues and IBS got.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I always feel a LOT better when I eat complex carbs, like REAL whole grain bread (not the one where they add fibres to white flour ...) or muesli for a late breakfast, like at 9 or 10 in the morning. My day starts with only yogurt and fruit, though -- can't eat much so early. If I do NOT get any carbs before noon, I start being ... let's call it "un-nice" ;-))))

    After that I can go without any carbs for the rest of the day, if I want to. I sometimes do have "dark" pasta for dinner with my kids though, sometimes only the tomato-veggie-meat-sauce, too, that depends ....

    Good luck!!!

    Your day is starting with you being "un-nice" because your body is on a blood sugar roller coaster from the fruit and muesli. The carbs from fruit and muesli is going to send you on a wild ride on the ups and downs of the blood sugar roller coaster which directly affects your moods.

    Start your day with some eggs fried in coconut oil and some nitrate free, uncured bacon and see how pleasant you are toward others..........
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    idk if low carb is a fad but its completely unneccesary. please explain to me with a reliable source not from atkins.com or anecdotal evidence how your body composition will differ if you are in a caloric deficit without eating carbs as opposed to a diet with carbs and with the same deficit
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    well . . . in my opinion (I know -- who cares, right?!), low/no carb eating is a silly fad that is unsustainable as a lifestyle, and is detrimental to those who exercise, as well as those who like to have energy.



    i eat very low carbs and do insanity 6 days a week along with strenght training 2-3 evenings aweek and zumba on thursdays, oh along with a job that has me on my feet for 9-10 hours, wrestling large dogs.
    and all that with apperantly no energy LOL
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