Exhausted with Low/No Carb Eating



  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    Just end the thread, it's pointless. High carb proponents will find research to denounce low carb proponents will find research to support low carb, and jordan will continue to spout nonsense.
    gtfo you werent even here at the beginning of this thread. you havent read any of the links i posted. quit acting like you know what youre talking about

    I read enough to know you do not understand this stuff. You said 1800 calories worth of pop tarts correct? Ive also read enough books and articles from experts to understand the benefits and pitfalls of eating certain ways.
    you mustve not read the part where i said i used that as an extreme example to prove a point. go read all my posts so you actually understand what im trying to prove, and PM me if you want to keep arguing
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I had an entire reply typed out to Jordan, but i'm not going to bother. Anyone who tells someone else that it's okay to eat pop tarts everyday like he has in a previous post dosen't have the slightest clue about nutrition.

    of course you can eat pop tarts. your body breaks food down into its smallest parts it doesnt recognize that this is pop tarts, its not good for, so it turns to fat.

    that was worded awkwardly but you know what i mean.

    im going to use another example that everyone has side stepped so far.

    if you need 2000 calories to just maintain your body ( not adding or taking away any muscle, fat etc) and you ate 1800 cals of pop tarts what would happen to your weight?

    also same scenario with 2200 of lettuce, what would happen?

    tomorrow on this website go to your foods for the day and put pop tarts in for everything until you reach your caloric goal. tell me what it says will happen to your weight. if you dont understand energy in vs energy out theres no reason for me to argue with you.

    im trying to make your goals easier to attain. if you want to be scared of bread for the rest of your life go ahead but im going to have bread and get the same results as you

    Once again, you are not understanding it is not about the QUANTITY.....it is about QUALITY.

    Its not as simple as energy in, energy out as the government leads you to believe.

    How about this. You do you and I will keep doing me. Sound fair, good luck with the inflammation cuased by grains in your future.
    why would the government lie about that?lol there is no way you believe that. you are a very good troll

    The government lies about EVERYTHING, including saying we need carbs when we don't. We don't need grains, carbs,etc.......... They have the majority of people brainwashed to think we need carbs for brain function so they can push Monsanto GMO grains along with Kelloggs and General Mills grain foods on you all as healthy.

    For your information, the brain runs on fatty acids, which is derived from FAT, not carbs.

    There is enough scientific evidence to back up everything I say and I am in NO way a troll.

    Before you resort to name calling GO READ and RESEARCH everything that we have all said. You fill find yourself VERY, VERY WRONG.

    I am done with you. Don't say anything else to me.
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    I had an entire reply typed out to Jordan, but i'm not going to bother. Anyone who tells someone else that it's okay to eat pop tarts everyday like he has in a previous post dosen't have the slightest clue about nutrition.

    of course you can eat pop tarts. your body breaks food down into its smallest parts it doesnt recognize that this is pop tarts, its not good for, so it turns to fat.

    that was worded awkwardly but you know what i mean.

    im going to use another example that everyone has side stepped so far.

    if you need 2000 calories to just maintain your body ( not adding or taking away any muscle, fat etc) and you ate 1800 cals of pop tarts what would happen to your weight?

    also same scenario with 2200 of lettuce, what would happen?

    tomorrow on this website go to your foods for the day and put pop tarts in for everything until you reach your caloric goal. tell me what it says will happen to your weight. if you dont understand energy in vs energy out theres no reason for me to argue with you.

    im trying to make your goals easier to attain. if you want to be scared of bread for the rest of your life go ahead but im going to have bread and get the same results as you

    Once again, you are not understanding it is not about the QUANTITY.....it is about QUALITY.

    Its not as simple as energy in, energy out as the government leads you to believe.

    How about this. You do you and I will keep doing me. Sound fair, good luck with the inflammation cuased by grains in your future.
    why would the government lie about that?lol there is no way you believe that. you are a very good troll

    The government lies about EVERYTHING, including saying we need carbs when we don't. We don't need grains, carbs,etc.......... They have the majority of people brainwashed to think we need carbs for brain function so they can push Monsanto GMO grains along with Kelloggs and General Mills grain foods on you all as healthy.

    For your information, the brain runs on fatty acids, which is derived from FAT, not carbs.

    There is enough scientific evidence to back up everything I say and I am in NO way a troll.

    Before you resort to name calling GO READ and RESEARCH everything that we have all said. You fill find yourself VERY, VERY WRONG.

    I am done with you. Don't say anything else to me.
    there is no way you are real life. i hope your a troll. you apparently dont know what a troll is either, im not making fun of you

    i also told you to PM me if you wanted to argue so we didnt spam up this thread. i guess you didnt read that either.

    good luck with your carbophobic nutrition goals of 2011
  • linsben
    linsben Posts: 108 Member
    Just end the thread, it's pointless. High carb proponents will find research to denounce low carb proponents will find research to support low carb, and jordan will continue to spout nonsense.
    gtfo you werent even here at the beginning of this thread. you havent read any of the links i posted. quit acting like you know what youre talking about

    I read enough to know you do not understand this stuff. You said 1800 calories worth of pop tarts correct? Ive also read enough books and articles from experts to understand the benefits and pitfalls of eating certain ways.
    you mustve not read the part where i said i used that as an extreme example to prove a point. go read all my posts so you actually understand what im trying to prove, and PM me if you want to keep arguing

    JORDAN! stop trying to make everyone eat only poptarts. How many time do we have to say it. Jeez
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    Just end the thread, it's pointless. High carb proponents will find research to denounce low carb proponents will find research to support low carb, and jordan will continue to spout nonsense.
    gtfo you werent even here at the beginning of this thread. you havent read any of the links i posted. quit acting like you know what youre talking about

    I read enough to know you do not understand this stuff. You said 1800 calories worth of pop tarts correct? Ive also read enough books and articles from experts to understand the benefits and pitfalls of eating certain ways.
    you mustve not read the part where i said i used that as an extreme example to prove a point. go read all my posts so you actually understand what im trying to prove, and PM me if you want to keep arguing

    JORDAN! stop trying to make everyone eat only poptarts. How many time do we have to say it. Jeez
    lol im sorry gawjuss. im trying to end this
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    there is no way you are real life. i hope your a troll. you apparently dont know what a troll is either, im not making fun of you

    i also told you to PM me if you wanted to argue so we didnt spam up this thread. i guess you didnt read that either.

    good luck with your carbophobic nutrition goals of 2011

    Why is there no way I am real life????

    I am not a troll, far from it. Being the fact that you just joined this site and I have been here for much longer I have people to back me up to know I am NOT an internet troll.

    I am not carbophobic. I eat plenty of carbs in the form of VEGETABLES and minimal fruit. Like I told you, you go eat your bread and pop tarts while contributing to future inflammation in your body and I will continue with my ANTI-inflammatory eating plan.

    I educate people on holistic eating, so your mindset is no where near where mine is at.
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    there is no way you are real life. i hope your a troll. you apparently dont know what a troll is either, im not making fun of you

    i also told you to PM me if you wanted to argue so we didnt spam up this thread. i guess you didnt read that either.

    good luck with your carbophobic nutrition goals of 2011

    Why is there no way I am real life????

    I am not a troll, far from it. Being the fact that you just joined this site and I have been here for much longer I have people to back me up to know I am NOT an internet troll.

    I am not carbophobic. I eat plenty of carbs in the form of VEGETABLES and minimal fruit. Like I told you, you go eat your bread and pop tarts while contributing to future inflammation in your body and I will continue with my ANTI-inflammatory eating plan.

    I educate people on holistic eating, so your mindset is no where near where mine is at.
    PM me
    PM me
    maybe if i say it twice youl understand
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    The government lies about EVERYTHING, including saying we need carbs when we don't. We don't need grains, carbs,etc.......... They have the majority of people brainwashed to think we need carbs for brain function so they can push Monsanto GMO grains along with Kelloggs and General Mills grain foods on you all as healthy.

    There is actually a lot of truth to this. If the world finally realized what grains, specifically corn, does to the body, what would we have left to export?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I had an entire reply typed out to Jordan, but i'm not going to bother. Anyone who tells someone else that it's okay to eat pop tarts everyday like he has in a previous post dosen't have the slightest clue about nutrition.

    of course you can eat pop tarts. your body breaks food down into its smallest parts it doesnt recognize that this is pop tarts, its not good for, so it turns to fat.

    that was worded awkwardly but you know what i mean.

    im going to use another example that everyone has side stepped so far.

    if you need 2000 calories to just maintain your body ( not adding or taking away any muscle, fat etc) and you ate 1800 cals of pop tarts what would happen to your weight?

    also same scenario with 2200 of lettuce, what would happen?

    tomorrow on this website go to your foods for the day and put pop tarts in for everything until you reach your caloric goal. tell me what it says will happen to your weight. if you dont understand energy in vs energy out theres no reason for me to argue with you.

    im trying to make your goals easier to attain. if you want to be scared of bread for the rest of your life go ahead but im going to have bread and get the same results as you

    Once again, you are not understanding it is not about the QUANTITY.....it is about QUALITY.

    Its not as simple as energy in, energy out as the government leads you to believe.

    How about this. You do you and I will keep doing me. Sound fair, good luck with the inflammation cuased by grains in your future.
    why would the government lie about that?lol there is no way you believe that. you are a very good troll

    The government lies about EVERYTHING, including saying we need carbs when we don't. We don't need grains, carbs,etc.......... They have the majority of people brainwashed to think we need carbs for brain function so they can push Monsanto GMO grains along with Kelloggs and General Mills grain foods on you all as healthy.

    For your information, the brain runs on fatty acids, which is derived from FAT, not carbs.

    There is enough scientific evidence to back up everything I say and I am in NO way a troll.

    Before you resort to name calling GO READ and RESEARCH everything that we have all said. You fill find yourself VERY, VERY WRONG.

    I am done with you. Don't say anything else to me.

    We don't "need" protein either. People do live without it.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Just end the thread, it's pointless. High carb proponents will find research to denounce low carb proponents will find research to support low carb, and jordan will continue to spout nonsense.
    gtfo you werent even here at the beginning of this thread. you havent read any of the links i posted. quit acting like you know what youre talking about

    he s pretty right on on that one
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    We don't "need" protein either. People do live without it.

    This is a joke right? Protein breaks down into amino acids. Amino acids are the bodies building blocks. Without protein, the body would break itself down (catabolic).

    People can live long HEALTHY lives without grains of any kind.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    that is why low carb diets work. thank you so much. you now understand.

    when you dont eat as many carbs protein and fat intake must increase. protein and fat make you feel full and satisfied which prevents you from eating more and helps prevent extra snacking,
    >less calories
    > weight loss

    im not trying to saw low carb diets dont work, im saying carbs arent bad for you nor do they make you fat.

    this is not true atleast for me, i can eat the same calorie amount in a day. if i was to do that with mfp suggested carb amount i will gain, i know this I did, if i eat that exact same amount of cals with under 25 grams of carbs i will lose.
    same amount of calories diffrent results
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    this is not true atleast for me, i can eat the same calorie amount in a day. if i was to do that with mfp suggested carb amount i will gain, i know this I did, if i eat that exact same amount of cals with under 25 grams of carbs i will lose.
    same amount of calories diffrent results

    It's because your carbs weren't from pop tarts.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I'm going to quote myself because I think it is worth repeating:
    And as I predicted when this post first popped up, this has become a pissing contest. Both low carb and low fat diets have been around for a very long time. Neither of them are fads at this point, IMO. Some people like to eat their bread, others enjoy full fats. Really, both can work, and it pretty much comes down to preference. My mom prefers low fat and she follows WW. I prefer Atkins. We are both losing weight.

    OP, if you really don't think you can live a low carb lifestyle for the long run, then maybe a different appraoch is best for you. But, from what you have described, all your symptoms are completely normal for starting out low carb. For some people it takes a few weeks to overcome. Good luck with your decision, whatever that may be.
    i dont mean to spam your thread but these people are being so closeminded. i just want them to understand

    pot meet kettle
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    this is not true atleast for me, i can eat the same calorie amount in a day. if i was to do that with mfp suggested carb amount i will gain, i know this I did, if i eat that exact same amount of cals with under 25 grams of carbs i will lose.
    same amount of calories diffrent results

    It's because your carbs weren't from pop tarts.

    your right i will have to try that pop tart diet ,
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I had an entire reply typed out to Jordan, but i'm not going to bother. Anyone who tells someone else that it's okay to eat pop tarts everyday like he has in a previous post dosen't have the slightest clue about nutrition.

    of course you can eat pop tarts. your body breaks food down into its smallest parts it doesnt recognize that this is pop tarts, its not good for, so it turns to fat.

    that was worded awkwardly but you know what i mean.

    im going to use another example that everyone has side stepped so far.

    if you need 2000 calories to just maintain your body ( not adding or taking away any muscle, fat etc) and you ate 1800 cals of pop tarts what would happen to your weight?

    also same scenario with 2200 of lettuce, what would happen?

    tomorrow on this website go to your foods for the day and put pop tarts in for everything until you reach your caloric goal. tell me what it says will happen to your weight. if you dont understand energy in vs energy out theres no reason for me to argue with you.

    im trying to make your goals easier to attain. if you want to be scared of bread for the rest of your life go ahead but im going to have bread and get the same results as you

    Once again, you are not understanding it is not about the QUANTITY.....it is about QUALITY.

    Its not as simple as energy in, energy out as the government leads you to believe.

    How about this. You do you and I will keep doing me. Sound fair, good luck with the inflammation cuased by grains in your future.
    why would the government lie about that?lol there is no way you believe that. you are a very good troll

    The government lies about EVERYTHING, including saying we need carbs when we don't. We don't need grains, carbs,etc.......... They have the majority of people brainwashed to think we need carbs for brain function so they can push Monsanto GMO grains along with Kelloggs and General Mills grain foods on you all as healthy.

    For your information, the brain runs on fatty acids, which is derived from FAT, not carbs.

    There is enough scientific evidence to back up everything I say and I am in NO way a troll.

    Before you resort to name calling GO READ and RESEARCH everything that we have all said. You fill find yourself VERY, VERY WRONG.

    I am done with you. Don't say anything else to me.

    We don't "need" protein either. People do live without it.

    You can live without protein if you want to eat your muscles and ruin your organs.

    However, you can live HEALTHFULLY without carbs.
  • netuk38
    netuk38 Posts: 16
    I have to say from a personal point i have done a no carb diet and felt rotten very tired and mood swings from hell.... NEVER again!!!!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Just end the thread. Again, there is good and bad from both lifestyles, high-carb/low fat and high-fat / low carb. Just eat however makes you happy and what works to meet your fitness and health needs. There is good and bad in both.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    well . . . in my opinion (I know -- who cares, right?!), low/no carb eating is a silly fad that is unsustainable as a lifestyle, and is detrimental to those who exercise, as well as those who like to have energy.



    Sorry, but low carb eating is not a silly fad. Please read William Banting's Letter of Corpulence, he is considered to be the Father of low carb and this was written in the 1800's.

    Low Carb eating is about eating CLEAN, WHOLE foods such as fats, meats and primarily vegetables with some fruits added in. Where is this a fad and where is not not sustainable???

    I started Atkins in 2003 when I was diagnosed with T2 Diabetes. I lost 100 pounds in 6 months and kept that weight off for 8 years until 2008 when I had a near fatal car accident and then I gained a lot of weight due to hospital food, my hubby not being a great cook and not really knowing how to shop and the fact that I couldn't exercise for a long time.

    It is an excuse to eat cake, cookies and ice cream to say that low carb is not sustainable.

    No offense intended, if it works for you, great. However, I have been an athlete my entire life and I have maintained a heatlhy and athletic weight and body fat percentage with the exception of pregnancies for my entire life as well. Even at my highest weight of 142 lbs. I was still within the healthy range for my height and maintained a 20-21% body fat. As an athlete, I know carbs are necessary, and I wouldn't undertake an endurance event (or daily life) without them.

    Bread and rice have long sustained humans on this earth, and have been a staple of all societies since man came out of the caves. Barring the massive weight gain and explosion of obesity experienced by the western world (primarily America and Australia) over the past 35 years, you can look across the human race and see that carbs do not make people fat.

    That being said, anything in excess (such as McDonalds, corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oils -- coincidentally having been injected at an alarming rate into western society's diet over the past 35 years) will make you fat.

    I don't think anyone has become fat solely due to the inclusion of carbs in their diet, nor do I believe that they will become sustainably thin and healthy due to excluding carbs from their diet.

    Again, no offense intended. Eat as you will.

    carry on.


  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    that is why low carb diets work. thank you so much. you now understand.

    when you dont eat as many carbs protein and fat intake must increase. protein and fat make you feel full and satisfied which prevents you from eating more and helps prevent extra snacking,
    >less calories
    > weight loss

    im not trying to saw low carb diets dont work, im saying carbs arent bad for you nor do they make you fat.

    this is not true atleast for me, i can eat the same calorie amount in a day. if i was to do that with mfp suggested carb amount i will gain, i know this I did, if i eat that exact same amount of cals with under 25 grams of carbs i will lose.
    same amount of calories diffrent results
    its temporary gain in water weight which is normal when increasing carbs
This discussion has been closed.