April 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    @Elise4270 don't you be heartbroken for me when I'm heartbroken for YOU! This is just a minor setback, nothing like what you're going through. Poor timing, to be sure, but oh well. I'm considering getting a coach for my next major race training specifically so I can avoid injury like this. Thanks for posting that page. I do need to get better at actively managing my body for injury prevention. What usually happens is I get injured, I do everything I need to do to get better, then as soon as I feel strong again, I quit doing what got me there so quickly after injury. That includes foam rolling, stretching, range of motion exercises and strength work. Again, that's where I might need a coach to hold me accountable.

  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    edited April 2019
    garygse wrote: »
    The greatest feature with the iPhone relates to the courageous decision Apple made in removing that useless headphone jack. Now, instead of plugging in those horrendous old-fashioned wired headphones, you get to spend extra $$$$ on a pair of AirPods that end up holding a charge for a couple of hours (tops), and you have the added bonus of walking around looking like you have a pair of miniature tampons hanging from your ears.

    WHY did Apple do this?!?!? I've had my iPhone for years and the headphone thing still takes me by surprise (AKA pisses me off). I can't listen to music in my car at the same time as I charge my phone! UGH

    Apple and their stupid custom accessory and expensive dongle things. I am buying an Android next time JUST because of the stupid headphone thing.

    FYI - Good luck @lporter229 and @garygse at Boston this weekend. I am crossing my fingers that the weather is okay for you. :)
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    zeesparrow wrote: »
    Anyone know how to add another hour or two to our days, without losing sleep?

    OH, please let me know if you figure it out. I either need to figure out a way not to sleep or figure out a way to clone myself.

  • dilbobaggins06
    dilbobaggins06 Posts: 19 Member
    4/1: 8 miles
    4/2: 8.5 miles
    4/3:9 miles
    4/4: 9.5 miles
    4/5: 5 miles
    4/6: 9.5 Miles
    4/7: 3 miles (recovery day)
    4/8: 8 miles
    4/9: 8 miles
    4/10: 7.5 miles
    4/11: 7.5 miles
    4/10: 9 miles *
    *9 miles planned
    92.5 so far, goal of 225
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,330 Member
    Are those the Adrenaline 19s? What you’re describing is actually the reason I didn’t buy them - I felt like they were throwing my weight to the outside of my foot and making my knee stabilizers work overtime.
    Yes, they are the Arenaline 19's. It's interesting that it was my right knee that felt odd...and my calves. I may try them on a couple of more runs and then decide whether to keep them or not.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Aww @7lenny7 I’m so heartbroken for you. I really hate it when our medical professionals peapol don’t come through.

    My Running Strong book by Jordan Metzl (runners world doc), says it’s simply overuse. Culprits include: too much too fast, hill running to quickly, possibly weak calves, tight calves or overpronation. So if your shoes are causing overpronation, I wouldn’t replace them unless it’s time. I just don’t buy into the drop being an issue unless you haven’t adjusted.
    Book snippet

    @7lenny7 - I agree with @Elise4270. Your sports doc sounds an awful lot like the podiatrist I saw who wanted me to wear 'normal' running shoes like Asics or Saucony and not the Altras she had never heard of. She didn't talk about the drop but she also told me to never go barefoot, wear shoes with lots of support and cushion. Too bad those shoes make my feet and knees hurt and I can't run in shoes with lots of cushion and I had been running in Altras or similar for years. She also didn't listen to me or hear my concerns, gave me no 're-entry' to running instructions or exercises.

    The orthopedic sports doctor and PT I saw after her, both told me I needed to wear shoes with a wide toe box (like Altras which they new about and fully approved of) as well as going barefoot to strengthen the muscles and tendons in my feet and ankles.