40 and older with 10lbs or less to lose



  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    duffyzmom, I saw before you said you are a runner. I'm just a wanna be! I worked up to 3mi last summer. Then winter came so I moved inside to the treadmill. It's not the same but at least it's something. I'm in NE WI so I am waiting for spring. Are you in lower MI? I'm originally from the UP. I'm going up there today (mom is sick) Well I'm going up there if I ever get off my butt and get ready!
    Better go! Hope you all have a good week!

    Well right now I'm a runner with no running. Since I did the Freepress Marathon, I've probably only got in a dozen or so runs. I hate the treadmill so I'm doing other cardio and lots of core strength work right now. Plus, praying for spring. We've been in the Detroit area a little over a year and I just can't get used to the winters (I know you UP people think that is pretty wimpy). I've actually never visited the UP but my daughter has it in her head that she wants to go to college at Northern. She's just a freshman in high school so I guess we better drag her up there a few times to see what it is like huh?

    ALF: I finally read the zigzagging stuff. I'm totally buying it. I think that is why my weight loss has hit a wall after 6 weeks. Time to mix it up! How do you handle it on your food log?
  • qatarsessions
    qatarsessions Posts: 31 Member
    I'm on week 2 of P90X. I love it but it is hard.
    Pros. 12 DVDs and they are really hard. It will take me a full 90 days to do them all and do them all well. So I don't think I will get bored.
    I find them fun and interesting.
    Like boot camp so no "girly" moves. Hubby or boyfriend might join in.

    Cons. They are hard. If you have shoulder or knee issues you will have a problem.
    Equipment is required at extra cost. Chin up bar, dumbbells in different sized, yoga mat, a space in your house to store all this stuff.
    If you do the program as directed it requres 6-7 days per week so it kind of cuts out your regular routine.

    Again. I like it.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Even buying extra equipment, it is far cheaper than a year's membership at a gym. Also, you probably will not outgrow P90X.

    The beauty of this program is that you DO have to make a commitment. When you think about it, one hour +/- per day for 90 days is a very small commitment of time to get in great shape. The nutritional guide actually teaches us how we should have been eating all along.

    Ask some of the posters who are currently doing P90X. They are all saying how fast the 90 days are going by.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Friday night -- yes I had red wine but was visiting an long time friend I had not seen for a while - so good excuse :smile: - and I was still in my limits - so no wine tonight and back on track. I am not a sweets person but salty goodies and wine are my temptations. I had a good workout this morning so overall feeling pretty positive

    Hoamai: Because of all the heart benefits from red wine, I include that in my eating right strategy. I just make sure I'm within my calories for the day and try try try to keep it to one glass (even if it is a generous poor:wink: )
    I have heard this also. I get bad headaches from red wine though. One sip and I am in pain. Can we get the same health benefits from a white.
  • ce_fit
    ce_fit Posts: 299 Member
    Hi all;
    Introduced myslef last night & mentioned that as I approached my goal of 200 lbs that I had been slipping. Well today is a new start to loose those last 3 lbs. I started my day with 1/2 hour of weights and 1/2 hour of stationary bike = to 621 extra calories. Although I will only eat an extra 500.

    What have you done today that will help you acheive your ultimate goal?
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm 42 and mother of 4 kids. I've struggled with my weight for years. The lowest I got was 113. I'm 4'10" that was 2 years ago. I worked out cardio 6 to 7 days a week for a hr. and lifted 3 times a week and worked with a trainer. I was super strict with my food. Now I'm 130 and my pants for work are too tight. I'm back to working out and eating right.This site has been helping so far. I do not eat the extra calories that you are given when you exercise. Losing 0.7 lbs a week seems so slow. I would feel comfortable back at 115. So my goal is 15 lbs. Hopefully in 3 months I'll be there.Stress seems to set me off to eat. Talking with other people keeps me accountable. Thanks for letting me rant and rave.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello gang!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been kinda MIA since yesterday...:laugh: I'm telling you my husband is bad influence...yeah yeah blame it on him. He doesnt twist my arm to eat what he eats but he does not make good choices when preparing or buying food and they I feel bad if I tell him I will not eat it so I do...it is tough...anyone of you have that problem? How do you deal with it? So I can tell you I have not eaten very well in the past couple of days, I have stayed within my calorie limit but it has not been the healthiest...tomorrow is another day.

    Welcome all the new members!!!! gnastro, make sure you give yourself time to get to your goal. Don't make drastic changes and remember it is about moderation and not deprivation. Make sure you have a plan when you are feeling stressed. Ce_fit, 3lbs to goal!! You'll be there in no time...and remember to continue with the healthy changes you made so you can maintain your weight. It is so easy to slip up when you are so close to your goal or when you achieve it. It happened to me last Sep, I reach my goal of 125 and then I got too comfortable :grumble: I ended up gaining 9 lbs back :noway:

    duffy, in order to better keep track of my calories when zigzagging I enter the exercise done for a particular day and if I need to eat more than that I add a "fake" exercise to add up to that amount. Then at the end of the day I take it off, it will show that I went over but that way it gives me the right ratio of nutrients I need and it serves me as a guide...I hope you follow me...:laugh: What I'm doing is to look at my week and the exercises that I am planning on doing and any eating out etc and I rearrange the calories suggested. This is the site that I am using http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm
    I am on week 2 of zig zagging...let's see if it made a difference on Fri when I weigh in and measure my waist again.

    There's been a lot of talk lately on other threads about eating the exercise calories etc...I suggest you do your research on your own and follow what you think works for you the best. Also you will never know if something works or not unless you try it for a while, sometimes a few days or a couple of weeks is not enough. The main thing is to decide on a program and be consistent. What works for someone might not work for others. I can tell you that since I started on here in Jan 08 I have been pretty much following the guidelines on this site and it has worked for me...

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, what is your typical eating day like when zig-zagging? Sounds interesting. Is it like "muscle confusion" for nutrition? Please offer your insights. Thanks!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member

    I have heard this also. I get bad headaches from red wine though. One sip and I am in pain. Can we get the same health benefits from a white.

    I heard if you put a red grape into the white wine and let it sit that helps put generally the benefits come from the skin and white wine has that all filtered out. How are you with dark chocolate or green tea? Both have great antioxident benefit without the sulfites that are probably the culprit.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Alf: Thanks I thought the web-site was very helpful and discussed with my husband and he thought it was sound advice for dealing with stalled weight loss. I understand your husband issues. Right now my husband is in his weight gaining stage. He body builds and uses the winter months to bulk up. It is so hard to try and lose weight and prepare meals that feed his 4000 calorie/ day diet. Of course as soon as he wants to drop weight - He just decides to and loses 20 lbs. That is why I'm convinced that strength training is the secret to a great metabolism.

    Welcome to the newbies! Ce_fit Great Question! Yesterday I started the hundred pushup challenge which I know will help me become strong and healthy. Upper body strength has always been an obstacle for me and this spring when I ramp up my running I want a strong core and upper body.

    Gnastro - Glad you found us. Stress eating is a biggie for me too. I'm trying to find alternatives - I'm playing some old school tetris now. My son saw a study using tetris to comfort shock victims so I figure it is a good start.
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Alf1163 and duffyzmom,
    Thanks for all your support. i will try to log on everyday. I have to squeeze in exercise on days that I work.I'm going to look into the site you spoke about zigzagging.Congratulations duffyzmom on your 11 lb weight loss.
    Tomorrow I'm meeting with my trainer. She writes up execises for me I then go on my own for 6 weeks. Weight lifting does make a big difference. I will pack my lunch today and try to get to the gym. It is currently 20 degrees outside where I am . With the windchill it feels like 9 degreesI'm not walking outside.LOL
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    I'm telling you my husband is bad influence...yeah yeah blame it on him. He doesnt twist my arm to eat what he eats but he does not make good choices when preparing or buying food and they I feel bad if I tell him I will not eat it so I do...it is tough...anyone of you have that problem?

    That's kind of an interesting question. My husband and I used to do this....if I wanted/ate something and he didn't, then I got upset. When he did want/eat something, and I didn't, I felt guilty. As you will note, I'm the one who felt badly in both scenarios, and one day I pretty much said 'I'm over it'. While my husband may still say something like 'I'm not going to have this is you aren't', I don't let myself agonize over it like I'm depriving my husband of something he wants. After all, he is an adult, and if he wants something badly enough, he can have it without my participation. He knows where I stand in terms of health/fitness, and I don't expect him to live within my routine if that doesn't work best for him. At the same time, I don't think I should be expected to live within his routine if that doesn't work best for me. It's been about five years since I've dropped those guilty/upset emotions when it comes to shared eating, and everything works a whole lot better now. And, quite honestly, it has worked better for my husband too because he knows when I'm dieting, I don't expect him to. And he is quite happy when he is watching his weight if I enjoy myself a bit.

    What am I doing today to reach my goal? I'm going to do an hour of kickboxing, and then probably do some lower body weights for about 30-40 minutes. I still haven't eaten any crap since the challenge started!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    No crap! I forgot all about Paczi's for Fat Tuesday. My kids gave me a hard time about not getting any for today. Believe you me I did look and smell them at the store this weekend but it's just not worth it. I'm sorry the kids will miss out this year but if they made it to the house I know I wouldn't be able to resist. Out of sight out of mind. Now if the people on TV can quit talking about them my healthy egg beater/ peppers/fat free cheese wrapped in whole grain flatbread would taste a little better.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I'm telling you my husband is bad influence...yeah yeah blame it on him. He doesnt twist my arm to eat what he eats but he does not make good choices when preparing or buying food and they I feel bad if I tell him I will not eat it so I do...it is tough...anyone of you have that problem?

    That's kind of an interesting question. My husband and I used to do this....if I wanted/ate something and he didn't, then I got upset. When he did want/eat something, and I didn't, I felt guilty. As you will note, I'm the one who felt badly in both scenarios, and one day I pretty much said 'I'm over it'. While my husband may still say something like 'I'm not going to have this is you aren't', I don't let myself agonize over it like I'm depriving my husband of something he wants. After all, he is an adult, and if he wants something badly enough, he can have it without my participation. He knows where I stand in terms of health/fitness, and I don't expect him to live within my routine if that doesn't work best for him. At the same time, I don't think I should be expected to live within his routine if that doesn't work best for me. It's been about five years since I've dropped those guilty/upset emotions when it comes to shared eating, and everything works a whole lot better now. And, quite honestly, it has worked better for my husband too because he knows when I'm dieting, I don't expect him to. And he is quite happy when he is watching his weight if I enjoy myself a bit.

    What am I doing today to reach my goal? I'm going to do an hour of kickboxing, and then probably do some lower body weights for about 30-40 minutes. I still haven't eaten any crap since the challenge started!

    I have been reflecting on this lately. I am totally a people pleaser, especially when it has to do with my family. I need to start thinking more about myself without feeling guilty about what others might think. I think a lot of women are like that. I really like the way you have handled it. Thanks!!! :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Alf, what is your typical eating day like when zig-zagging? Sounds interesting. Is it like "muscle confusion" for nutrition? Please offer your insights. Thanks!

    Ok, I am no expert but this is something I have heard about in the past and another member recommended it recently. It is helpful to some people who might have hit a plateau or want to try a different approach to eating. Most people eat the same amount of calories so the body recognizes that and pretty much stays the same. You will not lose and you will not gain. But by changing the calorie intake daily it will "confuse" it so the metabolism will change. I hope you are following me. Research it on your own and see if it might work for you. I like doing it so far. And while I am trying this I am also trying the other approach of not eating the exercise calories in a way. I am just playing with different approaches. The weight I want to lose is not a really big deal right now for me so I am just trying out different things to see how my body reacts. This site, I believe, http://www.naturalphysiques.com/tools.php?itemid=64 does not take exercise into consideration. So I am following the suggestions of this one http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm
    Another article to read: http://www.rippednaturally.com/zig-zag-diet.html
    and http://calorieshiftingdietplan.com/
    As I said earlier, I am not promoting this and I am not expert, I am just telling you what I am trying right now for myself.

    How is everyone doing???? Remember weigh in and/or measuring this Friday!! I have been consistent with exercising. I have been eating well but I have to admit I have had "crap". Congrats to StiringWendel for not eating any since we started this group!!! I eat clean about 80-90% of the time though. :flowerforyou:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Good Morning All -

    Doing well - Had a good run outdoors yesterday and it did a lot for my spirits. I've been in a pissy mood because all this clean eating and the scale is stuck. I finally got out the body fat caliper and am going to try to focus on inches and % body fat. I know the last few pounds are the hardest. I think I finally have a grasp on how to do the zig zagging so I will start that next week and I ordered a HRM so that I can get a more accurate accounting of my exercise calories.

    I've done 2 days of the hundred pushups challenge and am happy to report this morning I'm not near as sore as I was after the first day. Maybe I'll move on to the situp challenge next:wink:
  • gemigirl68
    gemigirl68 Posts: 38 Member
    just started up my lifestyle change and i have about 10 lbs to lose...would LOVE to join your group!
  • msujdak
    msujdak Posts: 141
    I am 46 and would like to be about ten lbs lighter, but sometimes I just have to resign myself to the fact that IAM 46 and my body isn't the 30 year old it used to be!!:sad: In fact, I am more active now than I was in my twenties:smile:
    I dance 3x weekly (HipHop and Latin) and do a resistance work out 2x week and try to fit in yoga 1x week. I burn twice as many cal and work out 2x the amount required by MFP and still I have only lost 4-5 lbs since Jan.1!
    But I have days that I don't monitor my calories so well. My short term goal is to continue to log and exercise daily and I don't want to live on steamed fish and spinach just to say I weigh 125lbs! I wouldn't mind saying I weigh 135 though:laugh: :laugh: !
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! I just came back from a nice run/walk outdoors. It felt sooooo good!! Welcome to the new members!!! We will weigh in tomorrow or you can measure yourself if that is what you go by.

    msujdak, you definitely do not have to live on fish and spinach to reach your goal. I am 45 and I too thought that I would not be able to lose weight just because I was older. But I refused to accept it!! :laugh: From what I've read as we get older we don't need as many calories when we were younger to live a healthy life and nourish our bodies. We don't gain weight just because we are older we gain weight because we continue to eat the foods and large amounts of food that we ate when we were younger. I hope I am making sense...When I started on this journey I realized I was eating too much and a lot of junk food. I eat everything but in moderation. My main goal is to eat clean/healthy most of the time. I also workout most days of the week, cardio most days and weight training 2-3 times a week. I like Pamela Peeke book, Body for Life for Women. She also has another book but I have not read it yet, Fight Fat after Forty. She has a website, http://www.drpeeke.com/

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I've been doing real well. I did 45min of lifting and 60 min of cardio. I will weigh in after one week of joining this site. Unfortunately this week my once a month monster came . So I don't look at the scale at all.Water seems to make a difference with my hunger level . If I drink those 8 glasses or more it really helps.
    Tonight will be tough I 'm bringing my daughter to a school fundraiser where there are arcade games and of course pizza, chicken nuggets and hamburgers. I'm stuck from 6-10p.m. there so it will be difficult.I'm bringing water and I guess a grilled chicken sandwich from home. Those darn french fries will be calling me ,I must resist. LOL. I'll let everyone know how I did when I get back. Thanks for everyone's help.