JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • Tiggeroo2321
    Tiggeroo2321 Posts: 22 Member
    Loved the message above! Great reminder :) So my goals for today (as I just found this thread) are to exercise at least 45 minutes and stick to my intermittent fasting! (It's so rough around AF time!) However, I am seeing the results I want and I can't stop now :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited April 2019
    Oh my gosh, I am nearly 300 messages behind! I hope everyone is doing well.

    I've been eating mindlessly and emotionally for a few weeks now since I found out my stepdad has bladder cancer and is refusing treatment. My mom is having a hard time even having a conversation with me and they're not even talking about it between the two of them. I live 7 hours away, and I have no vacation time, so I can't do anything and it's just been really a helpless feeling for everyone I think.

    But I still know better than to think eating is the answer. Did it make me feeling better? Probably while I was shoving it in my face. Did it make me feel better after I ate or even the next day when the scale was up and my pants are no longer feeling a bit loose? Not at all.

    So, today I texted my husband and apologized for being such a huge pain in the *kitten*, and I gave myself a good talking to. No more.

    I'm sorry I haven't been here to cheer, laugh, cry or pray with you all. I'm sorry I've been MIA. I've been caught in an endless loop running through my head.

    Just for Monday:
    1. Journal every single bite
    2. Select my meals and snacks mindfully
    3. Eat slowly, enjoy each bite and eat only while sitting.
    4. Be kind. Choose my words carefully. Don't allow emotions to run your mouth.
    5. HYDRATE - fill red bottle at least 4 times
    6. Public library after work for new mystery to read.
    7. Listen to Calm App tonight. I've been skipping self-care a lot.
    8. Shower tonight to help relax for better sleep. Again, self-care tonight.
    9. Ice on my knee and heating pad on my back/hip. (Hurt myself again, but not sure how?)
    10. Bed early / Gratitude Journal / Inspirational Reading/ Unplug / Read a REAL book. Lights out by 10:30.

    I forgot my April challenge of one positive thing: The snow is melting in Green Bay and I can see grass again. I was able to wear a spring jacket today.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    SW on 1/1/18: 175.4 lb
    1/8/2018: 174.6
    1/15/2018: 175.8
    1/22/2018: 177.2
    1/29/2018: 176.6
    2/5/2018: 178
    2/12/2018: 176.8
    2/19/2018: 176.2
    2/26/2018: 176.4
    3/5/2018: 174.0
    4/16/2018: 177.8
    4/30/2018: 179.4
    5/7/2018: 176.6
    5/14/2018: 174.6
    5/29/2018: 176.6 (Memorial Day 4-day weekend in Indiana at mom's. Ate out for every meal and got no exercise at all)
    6/4/2018: 176.6 (I am satisfied with this since it could have been much worse with grandson's graduation/18th birthday party, PLUS my husband's birthday and his DQ Ice Cream cake down in our freezer)
    =============2018 Half-way Mark=================
    7/4/2018 180 lb I have not been drinking water. I have been eating a lot of salt. I have been having issues and going to PT for lower back and hip pain. Not excuses, but this is what I think happened with this weight gain.
    7/16/2018 178.8 lb
    9/3/2018 179.3 lb
    10/1/2018 180.6 lb (disappointed I'm in 180's again, but happy I'm down from the 184 lbs I weighed about a week ago.) Boy, I really need to get better about keeping these stats current!
    10/8/2018 181 lb (weight not going down, but I started daily walks and starting to FEEL better so that is a step in right direction)
    10/12/18 179.8
    10/22/18 180.8
    11/5/18 183 -- Have been emotional eating and just not caring. Been depressed. Need to pull out of this. No excuses!
    11/12/18 183.6
    11/17/18 186 lbs Took this weight on Saturday for some reason and was totally flabbergasted! Highest weight of my lifetime! Really need to pay attention to nibbles and water intake
    11/19/18 182.6 MUCH BETTER. Been paying attention to water intake (8 oz blue cup by sink). Mindful choices. Following Beck's Diet Solution closely.
    12/3/18 183.8 lbs
    12/10/18: 182.2 lbs

    2019 Very disappointed that I went the opposite direction but I am feeling very optimistic that this will be the year I get more active and take some weight off! Theme this year is TENACITY!

    1/1/2019 184
    1/11/2019 183
    1/18/2019 183.8
    1/25/2019 185
    2/08/2019 188.6
    2/10/2019 189.9 HW ever.
    2/25/2019 186.2
    3/08/2019 184.6
    3/15/2019 182.8
    3/22/2019 180.8
    3/29/2019 180.2
    4/01/2019 180.2 Have been faithfully logging food all of March and making mindful choices. 😄
    4/15/2019 184 😞 Mindless emotional eating strikes again.

    Mini NSV Goals are to:
    []Be able to wear my wedding ring
    []Be able to wear more fitted blouses
    []Be able to tuck shirts in comfortably
    []Have waist of pants be loose enough to be comfortable
    []Be able to walk with friends and not be out of breath
    []Activity of some sort 5 of 7 days per week
    []Lose chicken wing flab on my arms and look decent in sleeveless shirts
    []Get off some of my medications and improve lab results
    []Less joint pain due to less inflammation
    []Be able to jog, even if it is slowly

    Scale Mini Goals:
    Mini goal <180
    Mini goal <175
    Mini goal: <170
    Mini goal: <165
    Mini goal: <160
    Mini goal: <155
    Mini goal: <150
    Mini goal: <145
    Ultimate goal: 140 lbs

    Height: 5'4 1/2"
    Age: 59 years old
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Oh @PackerFanInGB I’m so sorry to read this. Please don’t beat yourself up for emotional eating - it’s so so hard to feel helpless in this sort of situation.

    I think you’re right to think about some self-care. Don’t stress the scale - you know some of that will be water weight - but even if it is all gain, there is no race, no deadline. You will get back on track when your head and heart allows it. For now, just for today, look after yourself, in whatever way you need.

    Hugs x
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Monday 15 April

    I did not have time to post goals for today, this morning, as I realised I needed to leave early and walk to the station in order to meet excercise goals o:)

    Log accurately :)
    Stay in the green :)
    5 fruit and veg >:) 4 but it was a large salad ...
    Fitbit excercise goals :)
    January challenge :)
    February challenge :)
    March challenge :) walked to the station at speed (2.5 miles)
    April challenge :) pleased that I recognised the need to get up early to get the walking in as I would not have felt like doing it at the end of the day.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Oh my gosh, I am nearly 300 messages behind! I hope everyone is doing well.

    I've been eating mindlessly and emotionally for a few weeks now since I found out my stepdad has bladder cancer and is refusing treatment. My mom is having a hard time even having a conversation with me and they're not even talking about it between the two of them. I live 7 hours away, and I have no vacation time, so I can't do anything and it's just been really a helpless feeling for everyone I think.

    But I still know better than to think eating is the answer. Did it make me feeling better? Probably while I was shoving it in my face. Did it make me feel better after I ate or even the next day when the scale was up and my pants are no longer feeling a bit loose? Not at all.

    So, today I texted my husband and apologized for being such a huge pain in the *kitten*, and I gave myself a good talking to. No more.

    I'm sorry I haven't been here to cheer, laugh, cry or pray with you all. I'm sorry I've been MIA. I've been caught in an endless loop running through my head.

    Just for Monday:
    1. Journal every single bite
    2. Select my meals and snacks mindfully
    3. Eat slowly, enjoy each bite and eat only while sitting.
    4. Be kind. Choose my words carefully. Don't allow emotions to run your mouth.
    5. HYDRATE - fill red bottle at least 4 times
    6. Public library after work for new mystery to read.
    7. Listen to Calm App tonight. I've been skipping self-care a lot.
    8. Shower tonight to help relax for better sleep. Again, self-care tonight.
    9. Ice on my knee and heating pad on my back/hip. (Hurt myself again, but not sure how?)
    10. Bed early / Gratitude Journal / Inspirational Reading/ Unplug / Read a REAL book. Lights out by 10:30.

    I forgot my April challenge of one positive thing: The snow is melting in Green Bay and I can see grass again. I was able to wear a spring jacket today.

    So sorry about your stepdad. Your mom has a lot to process. Have you considered sending her a "thinking of you" card. Sometimes it's very comforting to know that you are being thought of even when you can't connect with others.

    Yea it is spring!!!
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    So the training went really well. It wasn't even much of a training. It was more of an orientation and a quick look at how to use the assignment website. I am really excited to start doing this. I can probably start in the middle of next week. To be a teachers aid(Paraprofessional is the term they use) I don't need any certifications because I won't be supervising a classroom by myself but through the company I work for, I can get my Sub Certification so that I can be regular sub teacher. So I think I am going to do that. It cost 125 dollars for processing and all that which we can't afford right now. Matt has already missed 3 days of work so that is a substantial amount of money to us.

    Matt is going to try and go back to work tomorrow. He has Wednesday off so if he can make it through tomorrow he can come home for another day. I scheduled his CT Scan but they can't get him in until Monday of next week and he needs a certain blood test done that we didn't know about so I have a call into the doctor about that. A friend of mine had suggested that it might be ulcers. I think that that is what the CT Scan is for, to determine if that is what it is.

    I'm just ready for this to be over. I am so ready for this to be over. Like stick a fork in me I'm done. Ya know what I mean?
  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    I am exhausted!! We had crazy thunderstorms last night and I didn't sleep well. I'm going to take a bubble bath and go to bed early tonight. I don't do well on little sleep. Having some personal stuff going on in addition to crazy work and stick a fork in me, I'm done.

    @HEGoddard0928 Are you in Virginia? We also had crazy storms last night! But you like them better than I. :) Hope you and your SO figure out what's going on. That has to be so draining and scary. Hope you get that self care in, sounds like you def need it!

    @cschmitz110515 I love food too! Haha! I guess that's why most of us are here. :wink:

    I did ok today, despite being totally exhausted.

    JFT April 15th-

    3 veg/2 fruit :)
    60 minutes exercise :)
    1 hour quiet time for myself :)Plus I'm going to take a bath this evening-self care
    Cook dinner at home :)
    Plan week :)
    Pick up tax returns :) and send in payment <3NO PAYMENT TO MAKE! Yeehaw!

    Tomorrow hopefully I'll be more rested.

    60 minutes of exercise, 30 minutes of yoga 30 minutes of swimming
    Log all food
    Stay within calories
    10 minutes meditation
    Make a healthy ish choice at dinner out on 4/16

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Oh my gosh, I am nearly 300 messages behind! I hope everyone is doing well.

    I've been eating mindlessly and emotionally for a few weeks now since I found out my stepdad has bladder cancer and is refusing treatment. My mom is having a hard time even having a conversation with me and they're not even talking about it between the two of them. I live 7 hours away, and I have no vacation time, so I can't do anything and it's just been really a helpless feeling for everyone I think.

    But I still know better than to think eating is the answer. Did it make me feeling better? Probably while I was shoving it in my face. Did it make me feel better after I ate or even the next day when the scale was up and my pants are no longer feeling a bit loose? Not at all.

    So, today I texted my husband and apologized for being such a huge pain in the *kitten*, and I gave myself a good talking to. No more.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your stepdad, that must be so difficult for you. I guess there's nothing I can say to make it better but just know that I am very sorry and thinking of you and sending big hugs your way. Do you think there's a chance he might change his mind about treatment in time? He may still be in shock about the whole thing, you never know he might think differently in a little while.

    I'm not surprised you have been eating to feel better, I think most of us would do the same in your situation. No, it doesn't change things, and it only brings short term comfort. But sometimes short term comfort is needed and I don't think you should feel bad or beat yourself up about it. It's good that you're now trying to reduce it, but don't put too much pressure on yourself either way.

    Thoughts and prayers with you and your family x
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited April 2019
    JFT ~Monay (4/15) - RECAP
    Morning Affirmations
    Plans for this week's events for meal planning, part of the plan will be to leave 100 calories for 4 days this week (M, W, Th, Fr.)
    Tues. gate/tickets- allow for popcorn- canceled; now it's a day with hubby.
    Sat. Memorial- pack own snacks, eat like did at wedding- protein & veggies only.
    Easter dinner is planned - simple, strawberries and whipped topping for dessert.
    Check~in w/MFP pals
    Track -- Yes! over 100 calories left!
    8:45am Breakfast & Pack/Plate meals &Snks
    9:40am Glider
    10:00am Shower
    10:45am Leave
    Morning visit w/mom
    Parked & walked... 30 minutes!
    12:00pm Snack - Chicken leg
    3:00pm Snack - Salad w/HB Eggs
    5:45pm Dinner w/hubby (planned & pre-plated) - side salad & left overs? Moved plated meal to lunch tomorrow, as hubby made steak! Yum!
    Earn 5 personal points!!

    KEEP Nightly routine of not binging:
    Change clothes, brush hair, wash face
    Eat dinner at the table
    Drink hot tea
    Brush teeth, Go to bed & Say “Kitchen Closed!”
    Post on MFP just before lights out (or in the morning), not after dinner.

    Jan~ Drink 8+ water
    Feb.~ Only 1 snack after dinner
    Mar.~ 15 min. walk outside (snowy/icy!); so will strive for 15+ glider inside. It turned out nice!
    April challenge. Say something positive: When a MFP needs help, do what you can to step up and help out. We're in this together. We may not see each other daily; but we do chat as if we were face to face. <<hugs>>
  • hellerhoneybee
    hellerhoneybee Posts: 13 Member
    Good grief! Like many of you, I was sooooo many messages behind. I can't possibly keep up though, especially on the weekends, because I refuse to be on the computer. But maybe I can spend just a little more time in the evenings reading and posting, rather than playing candy crush? :) I have been thinking that maybe I should post my JFT goals at night for the next day, just so they are in my mind before I sleep. It's early morning somewhere at 10pm US Mountain Time, right???

    Regardless, I feel what many of you have shared about this weekend being a complete fail. I didn't fall completely off the wagon, but I didn't log or post here at all over the weekend. I tried to go back and log what I could remember, but it's not as good as the real-time logging. I will give myself credit for making a physical (hand-written) list of things I wanted to accomplish this weekend, AND I was able to cross a few things off of that list--not everything and I'll tell you why in a little bit.

    So, I shared that my life is full of stress about the house situation. Well, we got some work done (painting) on Friday, for which I took the day off. And, I had every intention of going back to work on the house Saturday and Sunday, too, BUT there's a minor crisis going on with my hubby right now, who is the primary taskmaster for this grand plan he has, and he can't work because of this health issue. Meanwhile, I'm stressing over the finances and trying to keep things moving, but I can't tell him that because he's worried and struggling with this health thing. And, to add to that, we have people staying with us who are supposed to be helping with the house but are actually making it really easy for us to continue dragging our feet on the house while we entertain them! It's exhausting! Needless to say, I have been trying to stay positive but I completely failed on that this weekend... I feel really bad about it, but I also had to apologize to my hubby for being negative.

    The silver lining is that, while I probably did overeat, I still managed to feel okay about crossing off a few things from my list. If I get a chance to share that with you, I will.

    Checking in from my last JFT post (4/11):

    1. Log at least 50% (ideally 100%, but I'm going for achievable) - got that one!
    2. Stay within +/-10% of calorie goal (it all balances out, right?) - yep! was +10% this time but skipped breakfast so felt crappy
    3. Stay positive - mostly, but i think i'm gonna change this one next time
    4. Be mindful - mostly, again gonna be more specific in this one
    5. Be productive at work - actually nailed this one!
    6. Lunch with a good friend! - already done!
    7. Make some calls on my way home - made a call to my realtor (following up on #8), left message
    8. Read and fill out rental agreement paperwork and return to my realtor - read, and left message (see #7)
    9. Pick out a birthday card for my mom and my brother! - done and done!

    Next, here are my goals for today 4/15, and I'll check back in when I can:
    1. Log at least 50% (ideally 100%, but I'm going for achievable)
    2. Stay within +/-10% of calorie goal
    3. Be positive as much as possible
    4. Be mindful of what your body is telling you about food, fullness, movement, emotions, pain
    5. Make and complete a daily to do list at work
    6. File a tax extension because filing is just not going to happen today
    7. Pick up stuff on my way home that my hubby asked for (I have a list)

    For tomorrow 4/16, here are my notional goals, and I'll update later tonight if I can:
    1. Eat a healthy breakfast
    2. Log at least 50% (ideally 100%, but I'm going for achievable)
    3. Stay within +/-10% of calorie goal
    4. Be positive as much as possible
    5. Be mindful of what your body is telling you about food, fullness, movement, emotions, pain
    6. Make and complete a daily to do list at work
    7. Pick up stuff on my way home

  • hellerhoneybee
    hellerhoneybee Posts: 13 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    We never know what a person is going through.

    This is from a FB post back in January. But I think it is a good reminder of how we should all practice patience and kindness---our little JFT group is filled with kindness and encouragement--I always come away uplifted.

    Peace and joy.


    As I was pulling into work, I was following this car. The sign in the back window says, “Learning stick sorry for any delay.”

    Knowing this information, I was very patient with their slow shifting, and honestly, they were doing pretty well for still learning. Then I asked myself a tough question: Would I have been just as patient if the sign hadn’t been there? I can almost definitely say no.

    We don’t know what someone is going through. We don’t wear signs that illustrate our personal struggles. You don’t see signs taped to people’s shirts that say, “Going through a divorce”, or “Lost a child”, or “Feeling depressed”, or “Diagnosed with cancer”.

    If we could read visually what those around us are going through we would definitely be nicer. But we shouldn’t have to see signs and have reasons to treat strangers with kindness. We should do it anyway, whether we know what is going on or not. Whether they deserve it or not.

    Let’s give everyone an extra dose of patience, kindness, and love.

    I love this!! So so so true! I try to remember and think about this all the time, but it's still hard sometimes. I want to take things personally but I have to remember that it's not always about me...
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    i had an episode of binge eating this afternoon. I am forgiving myself, drinking a tea and not letting it be a day (or a week) of binging.

    Good for you. If you hide it, it's easier to keep binging! Way to put a stop to it!! You can do it!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Oh gosh, hugs to everyone. It's so beautiful outside around here, but I'm stressed and frustrated. I guess maybe the nice weather keeps my mood from getting really bad? ;)

    Keep on keepin' on, everybody. @Snowflake1968, thank you for responding to everyone. I can't keep up lately!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,247 Member
    edited April 2019
    I've been eating mindlessly and emotionally for a few weeks now since I found out my stepdad has bladder cancer and is refusing treatment. My mom is having a hard time even having a conversation with me and they're not even talking about it between the two of them. I live 7 hours away, and I have no vacation time, so I can't do anything and it's just been really a helpless feeling for everyone I think.

    But I still know better than to think eating is the answer. Did it make me feeling better? Probably while I was shoving it in my face. Did it make me feel better after I ate or even the next day when the scale was up and my pants are no longer feeling a bit loose? Not at all.

    Oh my Tracie, I am so very sorry. And being far away is even harder. Hugs to you dear friend. Right now, just take good care of yourself. When I went to my WW meeting on saturday, I was afraid I had gained weight, because I had about 2 days of out of control stress, emotional eating. The lady weighing me looked at me and said, well, did the cookies help your daughter. I knew the answer, but at the time, I didn't even care. I was that way when one of my brothers were battling cancer ... I just did not care. As a result, while he was battling his own fight, I was eating my emotions, and gained over 40 pounds while he was sick. So as much as we know that eating will not help anyone, and will only hurt ourselves, at the time, it is so hard not to turn to the one thing, that while even just temporary, will ease our pain. All I can say is that I totally understand. And while no words will help ease your pain, know that I am praying for you all, and massive hugs to you. <3
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,247 Member
    So my goals for tomorrow, again, will be simple
    1. log all my food :)
    2. LOOK up how many calories/points food is before I eat it. Have a plan :) Hubby and I went to Lions Choice for lunch, so I even looked up the sandwich before we went ... and counted out 7 french fries, and stopped at that. Hubby ate the rest of them ;)
    3. concentrate on water .. january challenge = 8+ water :/ Drinking my water now!
    4. feb challenge - only 1 nite time snack, and I will try and have it be a zero pt food :) Had my orange.
    5. march challenge - for for 15 minute walk after dinner :) Well.. not quite a walk, but planted flowers before the rain again.
    6. april challenge - something positive :) Had a wonderful, relaxing day with hubby. Tomorrow is our anniversary - so hubby said we are just going to celebrate all week. Nothing fancy, just ran errands, went to a fast food type place to eat, then came home and sat outside in the patio. I am so lucky to have found this guy 46 years ago, and love him just as much now, if not more. We have been through a lot together, and still have a lot going on with our daughter. But he is always there, thinking the positive, telling me we just take this one day at a time. So I am one very lucky person.

    JFt, Wed April 16
    1. spend the day with hubby
    2. make good choices
    3. concentrate on water (but maybe 1 glass of wine).
    4. jan challenge = 8+ water
    5. feb challenge - 1 nitetime snack
    6. mar challenge - go outside. This will be easy.. suppose to be in the 80s!!! YAY!!
    7. april challenge - 1 positive thing

    I am SO far behind catching up on posts. I don't have time during the day, and try to do it at nite, but tonite, I am so tired, and hope to get some sewing in. I'll try and go back and read up ... but hugs to all of you! I love this group!
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    edited April 2019

    JFT, 04-15-19

    1. Log all food :)
    2. Make sure Matt takes his meds on time :)
    3. Go to the gym :)I wasn't going to. I got a surprise phone call from a friend out in WA who was on her way to work and I just got up, changed into my gym clothes and drove to the gym, all while on the phone with her. Lol. She must be the good kick in the butt I needed to get off the couch. Lol
    4. Pick up test scripts :)Yup...I think I posted about the headache with all of this.
    5. Job training at 12 :)See previous post
    6. Fold clothes :)Did not want to do this but I did anyway
    8. Some sort of self-care :/Unless a shower after the gym counts...I wouldn't say it does. I think I'm going to go up to my parent's house and take a bubble bath tomorrow
    10. Bed at a reasonable time :(HAHAHA Nope...It's already almost 11.

    Had a better night. I got to have a really good conversation with my friend. We complained to each other about our lives and laughed and smiled. It was nice. I went to the gym and did a 30 minute pretty intense bike ride. I sweated a whole lot. It felt good. Matt is going to try to go to work tomorrow. I am also helping out a friend of mine with her special needs son tomorrow so I will probably be out for most of the evening with him. I'm happy about that though. It gets me out of the house for a while and I get to spend some time with a really good guy.

    Okay! Let's make some goals for tomorrow.

    JFT, 4-16-19

    1. Log all my food
    2. Take a bubble bath
    3. Go to C's and drop off test packet
    5. Go to the gym'=
    6. Clean out my car
    7. Be at D's house by 250pm
    8. Do the list for A
    9. Have a great time with A(remember laptop)
    10. Attempt bed at a decent time(not sure when I am getting home)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    AJB1014 - oh that struggle bus just hates to slow down doesn’t it? You can do it, put the brakes on you have a lot of reason to do so!

    Garysgirl81- I hope your SO is doing better. I would have stress ate too!

    Mytime6630 - thanks for your kind words. I have tried several different crafts. I thought cross stitch would be fun and my eyes couldn’t handle it. At that time I gave up and gained weight. Last Spring I bought yarn knitting needles and a crochet hook. I came across the yarn and my started knitting the other day and stuffed it away. Maybe I should dig it out again. I love my Cricut but I have to be in the craft room to use it and I find it lonely back there. I am hoping my rearranging has helped solve this.

    Toaljasa - thank you for the support too. I’m not invited to go to bed with Rodger. I snore and unless he gets to sleep before me he can’t sleep. Apparently my snoring isn’t waking him up anymore since I lost the weight but he’s gotten into a habit that I haven’t been able to break him of yet. It’s one of my main reasons for losing weight. I love that fb post you shared.

    PackerfaninGB - I’m so sorry for your Stepdad. I had an uncle that refused treatment It was so hard on his family. When my dad was sick is when I gained all of my weight back. It’s so hard. Praying for your family.

    Hegoddard0928 - happy to read that you had a good orientation. That’s awesome Matt can get in so quick for a scan, we could wait for months here for one.

    Korina75- I’m with you on the thunderstorms. We are having one this evening. I’m in Alberta Canada. Maybe the dark clouds are a precursor to our provincial election tomorrow.

    I’m catching up on posts tonight because I don’t know how much time I’ll have in the morning. I have to be at the polling location at 8, polls open at 9 and we are there until 9-10 in the evening.

    I met with the career counsellor this afternoon and was so discouraged when I was done. She told me I’m doing everything I’m supposed to, that my resume and cover letter now looks awesome but there’s just too many people looking for work and not enough jobs. She said she met with some employers last week who told her they are receiving upwards of a 1000 applicants per posting.

    I came home and decided to send my resume to a lady my friend recommended that was looking for an assistant. I hadn’t sent it because I don’t know how I’ll get there as it’s quite a ways from here and we are down to one vehicle and Rodger can’t take transit as it doesn’t go to his job. Anyway I decided to send a resume and would figure out transportation when and if I was offered the job. She emailed me back right away and I am meeting her Wednesday morning at 8. So we’ll see, I’m not sure what the position requires or anything about it really so this is more or less an informal meeting to learn more about the position.

    I am off to go make some food to have for my meals tomorrow.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    So my goals for tomorrow, again, will be simple
    1. log all my food :)
    2. LOOK up how many calories/points food is before I eat it. Have a plan :) Hubby and I went to Lions Choice for lunch, so I even looked up the sandwich before we went ... and counted out 7 french fries, and stopped at that. Hubby ate the rest of them ;)
    3. concentrate on water .. january challenge = 8+ water :/ Drinking my water now!
    4. feb challenge - only 1 nite time snack, and I will try and have it be a zero pt food :) Had my orange.
    5. march challenge - for for 15 minute walk after dinner :) Well.. not quite a walk, but planted flowers before the rain again.
    6. april challenge - something positive :) Had a wonderful, relaxing day with hubby. Tomorrow is our anniversary - so hubby said we are just going to celebrate all week. Nothing fancy, just ran errands, went to a fast food type place to eat, then came home and sat outside in the patio. I am so lucky to have found this guy 46 years ago, and love him just as much now, if not more. We have been through a lot together, and still have a lot going on with our daughter. But he is always there, thinking the positive, telling me we just take this one day at a time. So I am one very lucky person.

    JFt, Wed April 16
    1. spend the day with hubby
    2. make good choices
    3. concentrate on water (but maybe 1 glass of wine).
    4. jan challenge = 8+ water
    5. feb challenge - 1 nitetime snack
    6. mar challenge - go outside. This will be easy.. suppose to be in the 80s!!! YAY!!
    7. april challenge - 1 positive thing

    I am SO far behind catching up on posts. I don't have time during the day, and try to do it at nite, but tonite, I am so tired, and hope to get some sewing in. I'll try and go back and read up ... but hugs to all of you! I love this group!

    Happy anniversary @mytime6630 - what lovely words. I would say your husband is lucky to have found you 46 years ago too! Enjoy your week together x