CCC (Closed Group) CORRECTED - WEEK #5



  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Jenn, I'll post my measurements with my weigh-in tomorrow so it's all together.
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Hi all! Measurements

    Bust 42
    Waist 41
    Hips 48 1/2
    Arm 12 1/2
    Thighs 22

    Lost some in all areas except for my arms and that's ok... I'm just glad to see it going in the right direction.. :)
  • liz4214
    liz4214 Posts: 63 Member

    I love the exercise challenge. I am going to work really hard at completing this as I have not completed an exercise challenge yet. Uggg... why is it so hard to find motivation. I actually do like to exercise. I blame school right now.... but deep down I know I'm just making excuses. Enough! No more excuses for me!!!
  • gennybunny1
    Bust: 42 inches
    Waist: 39 inches - up this month
    Arm: 13
    Thigh: 26.5
    Hips: 46

    WI on Sunday, so I'll update then

    Thanks Jenn!!
    Ps. I also wanted to say thank you for all the encouraging words :)
  • lauralu71
    Here are my 25th stats - Not sure if I measured in the same spots, so if they seem totally off let me know and I will recheck.
    Unfortunatley, weight has gone back up some. On the 5th I was 180.6, but today I am up to 183.2.

    SW: 185
    CW: 183.2
    Hips: 44"
    Waist: 33.25
    Bust: 38.5
    Arm: 12.25
    Thigh: 23.25

    I have to be totally accountable for whatever I did or didn't do. I know I have been intermittent with my tracking and my exercising. I need to be more serious about reaching my goal.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • gennybunny1
    15 more plie kicks done. 35 down, 40 more to go
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    :grumble: alittle freaked out about tomorrows weigh in...I am sure I went up..tom, plus I have the issue of getting so excited seeing a low number then it always goes up..I think the back to school drive your kids everywhere is taking its toll on me so I must figure this out!! NO excuses... haha I just typed all that meaning to type bump..guess I had to get that out! everyone have a great day!!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member

    Hi CCC friends ~ I had a great day yesterday, went to bed alittle hungry. It didn't cool off last night, so I didn't sleep good..even though the air was on I like the window open and fresh air. Well remember when Jenn had a fight with a bag of candy corn???? I had a train of Mother's pink and white annimal cookies hop skip and jump into my mouth I washed it down with some chocolate soy milk!!! WTH!!!

    I'm OK, just alittle disappointed. I get up and eat at night in waves....sometimes half asleep and not in too much control. Last night I pretty much did it on purpose.

    Here we go again...MFP is distracting me....gotta get to work. I have lot's of driving in my future today, better go pack my snack bag.

    Have a Great Day

    hi :)
    thanks for making me smile been having bad week !!~! they way u wrote the animal train hop,skip and jumped into your mouth made me laff lol...not you eating them just the cute way u said it !! i had a bad night 2 ugh couldnt sleep got up ate a banana and 3 pieces of ham !! nights r always the hardest for me !! i did good !! hopfully we both will do better tonight and sleep better!!!!
    heres :drinker: to us doing better !!! never look back ,always forward!! learn by r mistakes an move on !!

    So happy to bring a smile to your face!!!! :bigsmile: I hope you are doing better!!! Just keep you eye on the prize of feeling better and my fav going shopping and having things fit!!!!! :tongue:

    Hang in there my friend :happy: We can do it together!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Ok so here are my messurements and weigh in results for this week.
    I stopped logging all my walking and I have had a big loss of 5lbs :) Muchos happy.
    Current weight is 230 lbs
    Bust = 43
    Thigh =28

    So seems that my trip with the 30 day Shred is also kicking those inches off.
    Good luck with the weigh ins ladies. :)

    Yippee:bigsmile: Fantastic!!!! Super Cool!!!!:glasses: Great Job!!!!!
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    Measurement for this month:
    Bust same
    waist 75.5
    Hips 103.5
    abdomen 97
    thigh same
    arms same
    A little down and considering weight is up pretty happy:) Have a great week everyone!
  • jiminyc
    jiminyc Posts: 63 Member
    Oh, and I forgot to share my compliment story from last night. My husband & I went out to dinner and our waitress had an interesting necklace, made of rings (the kind you wear on your fingers). I told her I thought it was lovely and asked her if there was an interesting story behind it, which (of course) there was.

    The rings were gifts or mementos that she wanted to wear, but either didn't fit anymore or that she didn't want to get dirty from waitressing, so she decided to make them into a necklace. I complimented her on finding a clever, pretty and intriguing way to still wear them and it seemed to really make her happy.
  • beautynthalight
    beautynthalight Posts: 167 Member
    Bust: 53
    Waist: 48
    Hips: 54.635
    Arm: 17.875
    Thigh: 31.375

    lost sum inches everywhere :happy: BUT i'm fluctuating on the scale again:mad: :grumble: ...

    i dunno if this qualifies as a compliment...but it was raining really hard, on and off, while at work (school crossing guard) and a lady i see everyday walked by w/o a umbrella and i gave her mine to borrow for the day...stupid hurricane is messing me up on walking to work...oh well, i'll just really REALLY focus on the challenge ^_^
  • APO_Katie
    APO_Katie Posts: 79 Member
    This challenge sounds and looks awesome! I'll have my measurements for you tonight after work. Just since I've changed my diet into eating healthier, I've seen the pounds SLIIIIIDE off! It has been awesome. :happy:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Wow you all are doing so Great!!!! Very motivating!!!!!! I am really so happy to be a part of this group! I need a new battery for my scale...since it is giving me alot of different numbers..some good, but I want the truth!:ohluwell: I have been on track and am looking forward to the weigh in and measuring :noway: I hope I am happy once I'm done!

    I know things are going the right way since I had a NSA???? What ever the no scale weigh intitials were...... I put on a part of pants yesterday that were in my, "You Better Lose Weight" Pile. They fit!!!!! Don't get me wrong there is still lot's of work to do...They look great from the front....the back is better, good enough to go out in public... :glasses:

    Well my work computer is calling... I would rather be getting motivated here, or working on the challege. I might take a friend for lunch if I can get some work done.....I choose Sushi!!!!

    Have a Great Day :heart:
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    So.. I complimented a co-worker... not quite a stranger, but we don't know each other very well. I told him he looks like Ed Westwick (I swear he does) and then the other teachers had to google it to see who that was... of course a very sexy (if not scantily clad) photo of said actor came up first. He's been very nice to me since then :laugh:

    Bust: 41.5
    Waist: 37.5
    Hips: 42.3
    Arm: (l) 11.5, (r) 11.5 .... no change, but I swear I've built up some muscle there... really
    Thigh: (l) 21, (r) 20
  • luvmyjp
    luvmyjp Posts: 49
    Thank you for the acknowledgements on my success but I really dont deserve it. Although I have not lied about my numbers, it was not just my work that dropped so much.
    My thyroids are VERY VERY BAD! They cant seem to control them, Im either too high or too low and simply cant be regulated.
    Im also not eatting like I should (only about 500 calories a day) mostly celery soup and yogurt and then I exercise about that much every day. I have been under an emense amount of stress with a nasty divorce from a man who is mean, spiteful and vendictive and recently threatened to press criminal charges against me for signing a check when we were married. And to add to the mess I was just informed that my bone density is shot (thanks to my thyroid and a complete hysterectomy in 05) what that means is my 36 old body has bones of a 65-70 year old woman :( I have already broken a bone. I have only told my 3 closest friends this news and im not sure why im letting it all go here but this is me....
    SO PLEASE give the credit to someone who truly deserves it for their hard work and not someone who isnt doing what they should do to lose the weight.....
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    Jenn, Idon't normally weigh in until monday. Do you want me to do it on sunday this week with my measurements? Bear in mind my sunday starts about 8 hours before yours!
  • LoriSteib
    LoriSteib Posts: 12 Member
    Bust: 41.5
    Waist: 36
    Hips: 43.5
    Arm: 13.5
    Thigh: 25.5

    Not too bad - I knew my clothes were fitting better but I didn't think 6 lbs would make that much of a difference in the measurements!

    I've complimented two co-workers so far today. That is a huge deal for me - I'm not your average Snoopy that can't take a compliment. I actually take compliments like a pro but rarely dish them out!! Seeing their smile and knowing that I gave someone a bit of a boost is actually very motivating - who knew!
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Just did some of those evil ballet thingies for the weekly challenge. 15 sets (left and right). I want to die.
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    and for the Personal Challenge: Hubby told me today I was getting *smaller* and he can put his arms around me tight again!

    and a BIG WAY TO GO !!!
    to everyone here!

    crunches:1 done
    walking:30 minutes done.