I would like to lose 10 lbs in 8 days



  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Buy a body slimmer!!!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    You can't do it in a healthy way. You're better off buying another dress and giving yourself a month or more to lose 10 pounds in a healthy, sustainable way.
  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    Just sayin, as I've said before, I'd drink pee for a week if it meant fitting into THEE dress :)

    But really, you may have to drink pee to lose 10 lbs this week. You probably can with some of the products out there, but it will likely come back. If the dress is all you care about though... it can be done.

    Can I at least chill it first?? lol
  • TiffanyA2008
    PLEASE DON'T DO THAT! That would be EXTREMELY unhealthy and I PROMISE you WILL gain it back!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I see amputation was already covered. But since nobody's mentioned them yet: liposuction and extreme dehydration also ought to work to reach your 8 day goal.
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    I try to be supportive and positive to everyone, but, frankly, this is just nothing something you SHOULD do, and extremely doubtful that it is something you COULD do. If you make this attempt, it is very likely you will gain weight or lose nothing because you will throw you body into starvation mode. Let's say that you miraculously starve yourself for 8 days and get if off, the chances are you would faint and be miserable at the event and then ruin it for everyone when the ambulance comes to take you away.

    Wouldn't you and your family rather have you there enjoying yourself and your family than the many negative possibilties associated with an unhealthy, unsafe weight loss?

    I'm sorry I have no constructive advice to help you reach your goal. But, sometimes it's impossible to paint a cheery smile on something that just makes no sense. I wish you could worry about the event over your dress size. You'd enjoy your life so much more!

    Best of luck to you.
  • NeverStopRunning
    I suggest you take your own advice - "This time I'm doing it right!" (taken right off your profile page)
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    Short of dehydrating and starving yourself.. no idea.

    Maybe try wearing a body shaper? idk.

    If you do lose those 10lbs.. you could prob turn around and gain 15 back verrrrry fast.
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    well... you *could* but it means a crap load of work...and if you have the tools.
    my program turbo fire has the five day inferno which is 5 days of hellish workouts and a meal plan fixed to acheive great results. The book says dont do it often and only like if you need to look good for a beach weekend or something lol! Its not the healthiest way but it does work....

    I did a modified version of this once. I didn't lose 10 pounds in a week (but 3, which is a lot !), but certainly "deflated" a lot and was noticably thinner by the time I was done :) I think it's worth trying for a special event, but it requires a lot of dedication in preparing all your meals and a whole lot of sweat !
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I hear slapping your chest as you try to lick your ear is a great cardio workout to burn calories quick. The trick is to slap as hard as you can in order to get more whip action. When you can successfully lick your earlobe, you've lost 10 pounds in 8 days.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    stop eating. Start smoking. Start taking caffeine pills. Start drinking lots of sugar free energy drinks. Start exercising, now! haha 10 lbs in 8 days is asking to do it unhealthy... follow the above directions :P

    best advice!
  • TiffanyA2008
    Buy a body slimmer!!!

    ^^^^ THIS ^^^^
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    go get a new dress that you feel comfortable in NOW

    then get into a routine of eating healthy and being active...the 10 lbs will come off but not in 8 days.

    I agree!
  • christou84
    christou84 Posts: 79 Member
    You can do the lemonade cleanse or the cabbage soup diet... but these are temporary fix and should be short term... NOT recommended for long term at all!! Good luck
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    I hear slapping your chest as you try to lick your ear is a great cardio workout to burn calories quick. The trick is to slap as hard as you can in order to get more whip action. When you can successfully lick your earlobe, you've lost 10 pounds in 8 days.

  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    That's an unrealistic and unhealthy expectation. I looked at your diary and you may want to work on reducing the amount of processed foods you eat. Watch your sodium intake too.
  • zohars
    zohars Posts: 29
    Get the dress tailored! Cheaper than buying a new dress, and you'll look your best!
  • melgillis
    melgillis Posts: 75 Member
    Sorry, don't think it'll happen. Buy a larger dress.

    Now, if you did Atkins and were ultra strict, you might lose 5 in water weight. You'd have to limit your carbs to less than 20 grams per day. If you cheated at all you'd gain instead of losing.

    Big risk.

    If it were me, I'd stick to what I'm doing which is losing 1 lb per week because I want to keep it off. This is a lifestyle change, not a band aid. Go shopping.


    P.s. the minute you pop one bite of your grandmother's cake into your mouth, and don't say you're not, your body's going to go into a carb hoarding state and you'll gain five pounds before the day's over. Not worth it. I wouldn't do it.
  • Mommyof3loves
    Buy a body slimmer!!!

    Thats actually a good idea, I have used them before and it does flatten you out and slim you down if you get the right one. Good Luck!
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    Don't think you can get 10 lbs off in 8 days. BUT... if you'd like to kick-start your weight loss then continue on a terrific program that will get you off refined sugars and flour, and get you into a healthy eating lifestyle, come read about those of us on the 17 Day Diet! Lots of motivation and support here...


    Quick clarification - The Diet doesn't work in 17 days... it's a series of 17 day cycles. BUT IT DOES WORK!

    If you'd like to read a synopsis of the program, I posted it here...


    Good luck!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
