JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • pinkhelen82
    pinkhelen82 Posts: 17 Member
    Just for Wednesday:
    • Journal every single bite. :)
    • Eat only while sitting down. :s
    • Incorporate protein into each meal and snack. :)
    • Added sugar <29 g. :#Dang! So close! 32 g.
    • WATER! Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. :)Better than usual!
    • Get outside and take a walk at lunch. :DB)It was AWESOME getting outside and away from my desk.
    • Prep for tomorrow, today. :)Doing this during Survivor Finale commercial breaks! Dang, I love this show!
    • Take at least 15 minutes for "me time", whatever that means to me today. :)I did! This morning I got up a little bit earlier, sat down with a cup of coffee and read an inspirational reading for the day. Was really nice way to start the day.
    • Be kind. Watch the self-talk. Be your own BFF. :)I think I did a fair job at this today. I got down on myself a few times, but in general, I gave myself pep talks and didn't allow myself to degrade myself.
    • Evening Ritual: Brush & floss by 8:00 and close kitchen :) / gratitude journal 5 things from today :) / read Joyce and Simple Abundance :) / lights out by 10:30. :)I'm planning to do this so giving myself smiles a bit early.

    What a nice day it was. It makes a big difference to wake up a bit earlier and not be in such a rush to get out the door. Nothing has changed...my mom is depressed, my dad and my stepdad are still sick and my SD has been texting me today and is not doing well....but I gave myself permission to take care of myself first and that sure does make a difference in how I handle my emotions. Right now, I am sitting with my husband and watching the season finale of Survivor and feeling content and lucky and grateful for my life.

    I hope you are all having a great night!

    I will hop on tomorrow morning and post my goals for Thursday.

    (((HUGS))) :flowerforyou:

    All in all it sounds like you’ve had an amazing day. The sun shining definitely helps. I’m glad that you managed to get outside for a bit. I hope that today is happy and calm too x
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    edited May 2019
    A pretty good day yesterday, stayed pretty much on track and did everything I needed to. Hope today is similar! I need the rest of the week to be good after overdoing it a little on Tuesday.

    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :neutral:I nearly did this but ended up having a (large) spoon of my boyfriend's leftovers when I got home from French. No idea of the calories so didn't log. I imagine it wasn't loads, though not nothing either as was cheesy sausage pasta! (It was delicious)
    - Stick to food plan (including lunch choice) :smile: Not counting the pasta spoon
    - Be in the green Not counting the pasta spoon...
    - 3+ bottles water Finishing my third now...
    - No alcohol :smile:

    - No eating whilst standing Gah, not counting the pasta spoon! Now I think about it, things like the pasta spoon are why the Beck diet solution tells you to have a rule of not eating while standing. I have to pay attention to this rule!
    - Savour every bite Except for dinner where I was hungry and wolfed it down
    - Talk back to sabotaging thoughts I did actually, I thought about eating more than one spoon of the pasta and even finishing it and talked myself out of it.
    - Give myself credit! :smile:
    - Stay positive :smile:

    - 3+ of French book, article, podcast, Duolingo :smile:
    - Leave work by 5.15pm :neutral:5.40, had to get something sent out which my boss didn't send me comments on until 5.10
    - Gratitude journal :smile:
    - Lights off by 11 :smile:

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - 3+ bottles water
    - No alcohol

    - NO eating whilst standing
    - Savour every bite
    - Talk back to sabotaging thoughts
    - Give myself credit!
    - Stay positive

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - 3+ of French book, article, podcast, Duolingo
    - Leave work at 5pm
    - Gratitude journal
    - Lights off by 11

    Weekly calorie balance: 1000 in red (across 3 days)

    Today's positive thought: It's sunny AGAIN!

    Words for 2019: Mindful Moderation

    How I will exercise mindful moderation today: By having a SMALL amount of free snacks (<200 kcals) at the blood donation. Not eating everything I can because it's free...
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Wednesday
    1. AM walk. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, plank. Feed cats. Meds. Tea! Update JFT by 7:00.
    2. Before school: Update first directions. Update class websites.
    3. Class 1-2: Socratic discussion; put desks back in rows!
    4. Planning: A - Input research. B - Grade assessments. C - Grade late work. D - Input assessments. Figure out parts for Acts 2-3.
    5. Class 4: R&J 2-3; Socratic seminar tomorrow.
    6. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water!
    7. Lifting 3:30. Treadmill to 10k. Chop celery. Prep cheese. Pack lunch.
    8. Gratitude journal. Read 10 pages of Shortest. PACK TOWEL.
    9. Therapy exercises at 8:30: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, plank. MEDS. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00. Alarm set for 5:00. Update Goodreads Friday.

    JFT Thursday
    1. AM walk. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts. Balance practice. Feed cats. Meds. Tea! Log 1 item. Post JFT by 7 AM.
    2. Before school: Update first directions. Update class websites. Check grading.
    3. Class 1-2: Redo speeches & presentations. Return work. Check with EK about summer project, extra credit?
    4. Planning: A - Print essays. B - Grade late assessments. C - Input grades D - Contact parents. Call LW?
    5. Class 4: Finish act 3; writing prompts; Socratic seminar.
    6. Connect standards to assignments and include them in titles and in gradebook and lessons. Review assessments. Align with purpose for each unit. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water!
    7. Lifting 3:30. Run to 10k on TM. Pack lunch. Read 10 pages of Shortest.
    8. Check grocery list. Gratitude journal.
    9. Therapy exercises at 8:30: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, plank. Lang8 post. MEDS. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. In bed by 8:45; devices off by 9:00. Alarm set for 5:50. Update Goodreads Friday. Wear black and white Friday.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    End of 2018: 189.2
    January 2019: 186.0
    February 2019: 187.0
    Today: 192

    Ongoing plans/ideas behind the cut
    1. Purchases: Go to Mac store and see if they can retrieve the files off the iMac. Look for an "ugly Christmas sweater" and a long-haired doll at thrift stores. Practice French braiding. Go to used bookstore and look for Design for How People Learn (Julie Dirksen), On Writing (Stephen King), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman), The Prince (tr. Tim Parks, Russell Price, or Robert Adams), The Secret Adversary (Christie). Add lamp and wobble board to grocery list.
    2. E2: What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used: Animal Farm, Julius Caesar, Wes Moore, I Am Malala. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another. Students need to know how to review multiple sources and synthesize information in order to draw a conclusion. Need practice with the difference between transitions and overlapping (at end of paragraph - "another issue is Y" vs "there are other issues besides X"). Quit using "in conclusion" and "I believe" and other writing-about-my-writing phrases. Confusion between direct/indirect objects and prepositional phrases. Use the UDHR and the Declaration of Independence to study paraphrasing; use that to front-load Machiavelli and how to deal with challenging texts. Confusion between everyday / every day and similar constructions.
    3. E1: Need practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles). Difficulty using possessive nouns in their own writing. Honors: practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me). Poetry: Revise "Songs are Poetry" handouts.
    4. Curriculum Development: Writing mini-unit. Review scholarly research on 5PE. (I think I can have this as an intro to the research unit so that they also get exposure to how quotes are integrated and cited.) Parallel structure; use of emotional language, specific detail. Use "Write About a Pebble" lesson from Atwell. How long should each unit take? Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Include grammarly check on essays! Review assessments. What is the purpose for each unit? What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options.
    5. Professional Development: Write blog post weekly. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun? Check with PSC. Talk with Z about articles and/or conference proposals.
    6. Medical: Dentist. Onco. PCP. Call to set up checkups with Dass (October). GET MAGAZINES FOR COLLAGES FROM DOCTORS.
    7. Theater: Audition for Mamma Mia??? House Mgr Friday.
    8. House: Mineral oil on tile spots. Check with D about ceiling and taking items to the dump.
    9. Fun: Open beading on Thursdays. Coloring at library on Tuesday.

    WFTY: Climbing.
    Positive thought: BFF visiting this weekend! :D
  • awhit4842
    awhit4842 Posts: 236 Member
    JFT Thursday
    1. Stop looking for excuses to give you permission to overeat
    2. Drink 150oz water
    3. Gym
    4. Meditate
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    Good morning! The last two days I've felt more in control again so I'm determined to keep this going. When I get off track it easily messes me up for days. We all can do this!

    Yesterday 5/15:

    1. Give Rukia her a.m. pills 😁
    2. Stay within calorie goal😁
    3. Go for a walk at lunch😁
    4. Finish work at 5:15😞 more like 6, this is our busiest time of year
    5. Put away clean laundry😞 no, but I did prep all the food to cook on the stove tonight while I do my workout
    6. Give Rukia her p.m. pills😁

    JFT 5/16:

    1. Give Rukia her a.m. pills 😁
    2. Stay within calorie goal
    3. Go for a walk at lunch
    4. Finish work at 5:15
    5. Workout after work
    6. Give Rukia her p.m. pills
    7. Cook dinner
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Wowsers what a morning! Got up at 3:15, made a massive Greek salad as teaching two year 1 classes all about Greece this afternoon. Then had to finish typing up the stories they wrote last week into mini books before packing and heading out to my gym class at 6:30am. On my way home for lunch to pick it all up now and feel like it’s nearly bedtime!!

    Will catch up with everyone later but a quick and very late goals...

    Wednesday goals recap:
    - morning run ✅ 😊
    - pack snacks and schoolbag ✅
    - cash for piano teacher on way to work ❎ cancelled
    - early to work for staff choir ✅
    - reply to S re science workshop✅
    - check reply from A’s mum ✅
    - home lunchtime for car and shake ✅
    - planning time - veggie snacks only ✅
    - type up stories ✅ half of them!
    - leave by 4 ✅
    - Pick up kids 4:45 ✅
    - piano practice ❎
    - buy Greek salad ingredients for topic lesson on Greece ✅
    - bed by 9:30❎

    Thursday goals:
    - up early to finish typing stories ✅
    - make Greek salad for topic lesson this afternoon ✅
    - pack clothes and snacks for work ✅
    - Warrior class 6:30am ✅
    - home lunchtime for car, shake, Greek salad and English books ✅
    - print homework sheets
    - print stories
    - leave by 4:30
    - take kids to meet N for coffee
    - bed by 9:30
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Thursday 16 May

    I was distracted by sheep in our garden and forgot to post this morning. Sheep have now been moved and we don't have plants that they could damage!

    Log accurately
    Stay in the green
    5 fruit and veg
    Fitbit excercise goals
    January challenge
    February challenge
    March challenge
    April challenge
    May challenge
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Wednesday
    1. Log all food :)
    2. WATERS!!! :)
    3. Cook dinner at home >:) Mom brought me home and we picked up some takeout
    4. Eat packed lunch :)
    5. Bed by 930 :)
    6. Work until at least 4:30 :)
    7. Make coffee >:)

    Yesterday, DH had a stomach bug. So my mom brought me home since he was my ride. We picked up takeout on the way home - but I'm proud that I ordered a small instead of a large and passed on the extra slice of pizza that was offered up. I'm miraculously down on the scale today but expect a bit of an uptick tomorrow after all the salt. I'll drink lots of water today. I got home to a wicked messy house since DH was sick and didn't get to do any chores. I was pretty pooped and didn't tackle anything myself. So I'm not exactly looking forward to tonight. BUT, I'm hoping to change my attitude by the end of the day to the mindset that I GET TO do all these chores and thats a blessing that I have food in the fridge and clothes on my back and a roof over my head.

    JFT Thursday
    1. Log all food
    2. WATERS!!!
    3. Cook dinner at home - Grilled chicken and salad?
    4. Empty/fill dishwasher
    5. Load of laundry - pants!
    6. Make coffee
    7. Make weekend goals
    8. Mail DH's letter
    9. Bed by 9:30
    10. Review this list tonight
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    JFT 5-15-19

    1. LOG ALL MY FOOD 😁 Did it this morning though
    2. DO THE DISHES!!! 😆I did one load. It was most of them. I just have the big stuff now.
    3. FOLD THE LAUNDRY😁 Took me like an hour but I actually did it!
    4. MAKE DINNER 😁I made myself while wheat pasta and sauce and Matt got chicken nuggets 😆
    5. Put my phone down for a while and be present 😅Not really. Matt was busy playing video games so I spent time in my phone/laptop
    6. Night time routine 😣
    7. Bed BEFORE 10😏 Turned the light off at 10:01

    JFT, 5-16-19

    1. Log all my food
    2. Finish the dishes
    4. Spend time with Matt
    5. Night time routine
    6. Bed before 10
  • lafayettenana
    lafayettenana Posts: 79 Member
    JFT 5/16/19
    Pre track food to 1400 calories
    Try and get 250 steps every hour using my walker
    Do my isometric exercises 3 times today
    Follow my pain meds schedule (adding Tylenal) to reduce Percoset use

    Come back later to check how everyone is doing.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    @bookmeister86 - Bien fait avec Duo! Pourquoi etudiez la français? Pour travailler? Les vacances?
    @PackerFanInGB - I'm so glad to hear that you're taking care of yourself - AND that you can see what a difference it makes! Sometimes it's hard to pay attention to our own needs because it feels like we're being selfish.
    Holy smokes @Faebert! 3:15 AM? Jeez, and I was sulky about 4:50. What sort of school do you teach at? I feel like you've talked about it before but it's definitely different from mine if you can go home for lunch.
    @Snowflake1968 - Great job with the swimming! :D What all have you been crafting?

    Just a few more days. I'm trying not to freak out, hahaha! I have SO MUCH GRADING to do. Plus I think I want to change one of my finals because we have next to no time to get them graded - I have an essay but grades are due the next work day and I'd really prefer not to spend all weekend grading after I'm going to be spending all of next week grading late work ;p
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    @clicketykeys - A couple of weeks is a long time, and it's not what Sarah had said when I first met with her. I honestly don't think I'm going to get this position based on what he expects it to be. If it is what Sarah's expectations are I think I would get it. So I guess it's going to be which one of them wins that battle. For now, I'm not worrying about it.

    @AJB014 - I am so happy that you had an incredible night with your Mom. I don't think I have ever curled up in bed and watched a movie with my Mom. It's not something I ever would have thought to do. I may need to invite my girls over for a sleepover some night. We may have to rent a hotel room to do it. I have to put some thought into this. I hope hubby feels better today.

    Angry Food _ I have read all of the responses to @Mytime6630's typo and had to laugh at @Bex953172 - Throwing the tin at someone's head. Years ago when we were still young Rodger and I had been fighting off and on for a long time. He drove truck and would take pills to help him stay awake on the road, he would come home and not take the pills so his moods were awful. This one particular night he was home and I had gone with a friend trying to find a shower cap for my daughter before going to camp, we searched probably a dozen stores in a neighbouring town in the United States before finally finding one. I walked in the door and he accused me of meeting my boyfriend. I had a jug of milk (1 Gallon) in my hands and I just threw it. I was so angry. I got towels and started to clean up my mess, because of course the jug exploded, milk everywhere ceiling, walls, carpet, you name it. To this day I couldn't tell you what he said to me next, all I saw was red. I was so angry and so hurt that I walked out. No shoes, no purse, nothing. I went to my friends house in the same building and just cried and cried. It took about 8 hours for him and her to get me calmed down. I have never been that angry before or since. We laugh about it now, but I will never be able to live down the day I threw the jug of milk. Its not one of my proudest moments, but I think it was one of those moments that changed the direction of our marriage. It wasn't long after that that he decided to quit driving truck and become a welder so he could be home all the time.

    @mytime6630 - That was an interesting article. Based on that I am not drinking enought water. I drink 2L a day, most days but if I go with half my weight in ounces I need to do about 2.5L.

    @daneejela - We don't have pet names for each other either unless you count our names shortened. It's funny, in NB no one called my Trace except Rodger and my best friend. Out here everyone seems to shorten my name. I am mostly Babe or Trace. He is usually Dear or Rodg.

    @pinkhelen82 - I agree, the more you drink the thirstier you are. I also find if I start drinking water later in the day, I can't get it in fast enough.

    @PackerFanInGB - I think you taking care of yourself is critically important, I'm happy to see you doing it.

    @bookmeister86 - I eat so much standing up at the counter like that. I should incorporate that goal too.

    @Faebert - I couldn't keep up with your pace even with sleep I don't think. I don't know how you do it.

    @clicketykeys - I'll post some pictures in a new post. Right now I'm crafting with the Maid of Honor for the Bachelorette party. We have to decorate Coffee Cups, Shot Glasses, Reusable cups for drinks, sunglasses, small vials that will have seeds in them, canvas bags for the prizes. These items will be for all of the girls in attendance. For the Bridal Party we are making - Shirts and sun hats in addition to the other items and then for decorations we are making two items that Kaitlyn will get to take home, one is a wall hanging that says something about memories that will have twine and clothespins so she can have pictures hung on it. The other is a three piece wood sign that says Get Naked, Relax and Unwind.

    For Kaitlyn and Brodey's shower this weekend I am making them shirts. I'll post a pic of his, hers isn't done yet, but is the same just says his.

    For the wedding I don't know what all I have to do yet, I have a start of a list. LOL Then in a couple of weeks lauryn and I are going to be crafting for the Bridal Shower we are hosting for her. It is a nautical theme and we need to nail down some ideas for that yet.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    This is the crafting stuff that’s completed so far;
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @bookmeister86 - Bien fait avec Duo! Pourquoi etudiez la français? Pour travailler? Les vacances?
    @PackerFanInGB - I'm so glad to hear that you're taking care of yourself - AND that you can see what a difference it makes! Sometimes it's hard to pay attention to our own needs because it feels like we're being selfish.
    Holy smokes @Faebert! 3:15 AM? Jeez, and I was sulky about 4:50. What sort of school do you teach at? I feel like you've talked about it before but it's definitely different from mine if you can go home for lunch.
    @Snowflake1968 - Great job with the swimming! :D What all have you been crafting?

    Just a few more days. I'm trying not to freak out, hahaha! I have SO MUCH GRADING to do. Plus I think I want to change one of my finals because we have next to no time to get them graded - I have an essay but grades are due the next work day and I'd really prefer not to spend all weekend grading after I'm going to be spending all of next week grading late work ;p

    @clicketykeys it’s a normal state (public) primary school, ages 4-11, so I guess like your elementary school? Most teachers don’t leave the building at lunch but we can if we want. And I’m lucky enough to live close so I can nip home and then drive back within the time we have. Means I can pick up my own children from after school clubs sometimes without relying on childcare
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm finally doing better. Today will be my first day off medicine since last Thursday! 😅 Well, I'm back to logging my calories again (bc I'm eating again). I'm not going to hit the exercising hard until Monday bc my breathing isn't 100% better yet. I'm going to try and get some Yoga in though.
    I hope all is well for everyone!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Wowsers what a morning! Got up at 3:15, made a massive Greek salad as teaching two year 1 classes all about Greece this afternoon. Then had to finish typing up the stories they wrote last week into mini books before packing and heading out to my gym class at 6:30am. On my way home for lunch to pick it all up now and feel like it’s nearly bedtime!!

    Will catch up with everyone later but a quick and very late goals...

    Good Golly! I woke up at 3:00 a.m. because my dog had to go potty but rather than making a Greek salad and typing up stories, I went back to bed thinking "if I fall back asleep right now, I'll get 3 more hours in...." :smile:

    And THAT is why you look as toned as you do, and why I look the way I do! bwahahahaha!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Thursday 16 May

    I was distracted by sheep in our garden and forgot to post this morning. Sheep have now been moved and we don't have plants that they could damage!

    Log accurately :)
    Stay in the green :)
    5 fruit and veg :)
    Fitbit excercise goals :)
    January challenge :)
    February challenge :)
    March challenge :) 2 mile walk
    April challenge :) Feeling happy and was excited to see the sheep in the garden then watch the local farmer drive them back up the road to where they belonged
    May challenge ;) not doing well with this one