JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    daneejela wrote: »
    I was MIA for a few days and now I am finally done catching up with all posts.

    I want to hug so many of you and tell you that everything is gonna be ok! <3 I don't know if you are aware of it, but you are such strong women, I am amazed every day!
    Almost everyone here has some huge real-life challenge to overcome that most people would just give up or postpone any fitness/weight goals, but you come here, show up, do what needs to be done, if you fail someday, you just keep getting up, keep finding solutions, new approaches, new motivations. Some days you make big steps, some days you make tiny steps, but you keep going.
    I know that you will succeed in your goals because you do not wait for a perfect life, for ideal circumstances, for care - free periods...I just think it has such a huge value.

  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    JFT 5/27

    Eat mindfully within calories
    90 minutes exercise
    Healthy Choices 5 veg/2 fruit
    Drink lots of water
    Keep sodium low today
    Max out points on apple watch challenge

    Today should be decent. I have some work stuff going on but will also get to spend some quality time with my family. I overindulged a bit Friday and Saturday and then got my period yesterday so no weight loss for me this week which stinks bc I have been working so hard! However, I know that if I keep it up I'll continue to lose. I'm within 15 lbs of my goal and I'm hoping to reach it by the end of the summer. I know I can do it and it's a long game, I don't want to try and lose so quickly that I can't sustain the weight loss. Plus I am really enjoying my newfound athletism (who knew I'd get more athletic in my 40's!). I am still a very very slow runner but I love power walking and running HIIT so that's my happy combo at the moment. Plus I'm getting outside a lot more which I enjoy and giving my kids a good example of health and balance. Anyway, going to focus on the things I can control today, the positive, that I can get outside and move my body, I can cook all meals at home today and make lots of healthy choices, and I can indulge within my calories and have some fun with my family too. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today makes time to practice some self care!

  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Good Morning! Good Morning!
    I have already drank 50oz. of water and counting... Lol… the fact that our AC is on the fritz has played a great part
    in my H2O guzzling... LMBO! It's been so hot in our home that we have to go outside to get cool and the
    Temperature was 95 yesterday outside... soooo yeah! Sweat pools up in my glasses... It's the funniest thing
    to me. It's so hot that my eyeballs are swimming😂😂😂 It's so hot I asked the family who made the devil mad.
    It was so hot that I didn't have to turn on the shower, I just stood in the tub and soaped up and the sweat rinsed
    it right off. It's so hot when I sweated I made steam, so I hung the laundry and stood next to it so the wrinkles
    would come out.😂😂😂😂 It's so hot I'm planning on bottling my sweat and call it "ODE DEZ FUMES"😂

  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    Good morning! Yet again I ate way too much, and for the first time ever I skipped my workout for no reason other than I just didn't wanna. It's crazy how much hormones can affect things.

    @korina75 thank you so much! I'm really excited and nervous.

    @maryrobinson40 where do you live? Your weather sounds a lot like ours!

    Yesterday 5/26:

    1. Give Rukia her a.m. pills 😁
    2. Stay within calorie goal😞
    3. Get a minimum of 5,000 steps😁 I actually got 15,000 because I needed to get myself out of the house to stop eating everything!
    4. Do workout😞
    5. Put away laundry😞 no but I did wash a load

    JFT 5/27:

    1. Give Rukia her a.m. pills 😁
    2. Stay within calorie goal
    3. Get a minimum of 5,000 steps
    4. Do workout
    5. Cook dinner
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hello everyone, bank holiday here in the UK and I’m off work this week for half term break. Having a nice day so far. A mix of getting stuff done and relaxing hopefully....

    Sunday goals recap:
    - morning workout ✅
    - online grocery shop ✅
    - finish cleaning ✅
    - finish laundry ✅ last bit still drying but it’s all washed!
    - reports ❎ took a break from these
    - walk/jog with kids to cafe and health food store ✅
    - Post new baby card ✅
    - bed by 10 ✅

    Monday goals:
    - morning workout ✅
    - put away laundry ✅
    - reports ✅ just 4 left, might finish today
    - quality time with the kids ✅ on our way to watch a movie
    - Pick up frozen fruit on the way home
    - bed by 10

    Have a great day everyone! X
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Monday JFT:

    ▪Pack work lunches
    ▪Maintain baby's daily schedule
    ▪Log Food / Stay under calorie limit
    ▪Devotional Time
    ▪Laundry / cleaning
    ▪Prepare grocery list for meals for the week
    ▪Grocery Shop
    ▪Exercise (x1 DVD)
    ▪Evening schedule

    Last week I was not very consistent with staying on task and keeping my calories in check. I know PMS played a part but this week there is no excuse!! I must keep motivated and focused. I'm down 11 lbs in 30 days so I need to keep the momentum going 💪😁

    I hope you all enjoy the holiday today (if that applies). It's the beginning of a new week, new day and fresh start!! 🤗

    Stay strong!!
  • purwonder
    purwonder Posts: 25 Member
    I have been consistently losing 2lbs per week. I am doing everything that I need to and seeing the results I expected. Yet, I feel emotionally “meh”. Why? I don’t know. I have a long weight loss journey before me. I somehow need to find motivation.

    Stick with my plan
    Trust Jesus to help
    20 minutes cardio
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    JFT - Sunday May 26 - Determined
    2.5L of water - :)
    Calories in green - >:)
    Walk 1 Mile - :)
    Squats - 60
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 1/5
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break - :)
    Something on commercials - Only watched tv after 1030 at night, so no.
    Write in Journal - :)
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices - :)

    JFT - Monday May 27 - Determined
    2.5L of water
    Calories in green
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    Something on commercials
    Write in Journal
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices

    I had a very active day yesterday, I stained my door, cleaned the car, did laundry, helped move wood and clean up the yard then I helped Brodey make 21 trays for the wedding. I texted Kaitlyn and asked her if she wanted to come out for supper when she got done work and we ended up working on trays until 1015 last night. She got home and sent me a picture of what the centrepieces will look like. Brodey booked Rodger's Mom's tickets to come for the wedding yesterday too. I am calling her in a bit to let her know.

    Today I have to finish stuff for the bachelorette party and I need to clean the house. All of the in and out this weekend has made it quite messy.

    Tomorrow I am spending the whole day with Kaitlyn, we have a list of places to go and what needs to be done. As of today it is 40 days to the wedding.
  • lafayettenana
    lafayettenana Posts: 79 Member
    Our outing yesterday was going to the documentary The Biggest Little Farm. The theater had the fancy recliner seats so it worked out comfort wise but I was exhausted afterwards nevertheless. Such an interesting story of Apricot Lane Farms in Moorpark California https://www.apricotlanefarms.com/ and the journey to build up a biodiversity sustainable farm. Check the website out - for those who have little kids lots of fun shorts on the various animals on the farm.

    JFT 5/27/19
    Pre-tracked 1500 calories - yesterday I was 200 in the red, for me tired=hungry
    Exercises X2
    Might see a friend or my mom as my husband is taking our 8 year old grandson and daughter to an A's baseball game
    Drink more water maybe I was dehydrated yesterday not hungry
    Read, relax and recover
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    @lafayettenana - I think your goals are totally within reason and since you laid out a plan to achieve them you'll get there. I am not meeting my goals right now, so I need to step up my game and this group helps me do that so much!

    @ZizzyBumble - I thought at B and B's the breakfast menu was only a couple of options. That's impressive that you are making 6 different things for your guests. How many guests can you have at one time?

    @daneejela - You are so positive! I agree 100% how strong the women are on here and it is inspiring for me to see. The last time I lost a significant amount of weight was in 2012, I gained it all back during my Dad's illness and it took me 5 years to start doing something about it again. I think if it wasn't for this group my job loss this winter would have had me giving up again. I am maintaining the loss, I just need to start the actual losing part again as I'm still about 30 pounds from my goal.

    @ginnytez - You are doing well having 78 days in the green. Maybe I should start counting that streak to see how I do. I know that there is no sense until after the wedding though as I have too much coming up.

    @wannabeskinnycat - Children can be exhausting when you're not used to them can't they?

    @korina75 - I took up walking last year at age 49 and love it, I have missed a lot since we are finally just getting spring now, but I can hopefully make up for it in the next few days.

    @maryrobinson40 - LOL tell me, just how hot is it? I literally laughed out loud at that! It was a beautiful day here yesterday and the day before, I'm hoping for the same for days to come now.

    @aubyshortcake - You went over and you didn't workout, but you did 3X the amount of walking you intended so don't beat yourself up too hard. My doctor told me it is impossible for women to lose during that time.

    @Faebert - Is this the last break before summer break?

    @MLHC1 - 11lbs in 30 days is awesome! You've been working hard to do that.

    @purwonder - 2lbs a week is incredible. I haven't been able to do that even once in over a year.

  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member

    My plan for minding the kids didn't go to plan as I was so tired yesterday. So my hubby done most of the work and I got to watch Luis & the Alien with them :) They slept in this morning and just playing now. I'll have a nap when they've gone home.

    JFT 27/5 Monday

    1. Log all food & drink :smile:
    2. Stay under calorie target :smile:
    3. Take at least 5500 2000 steps - gonna be realistic and I know I won't be moving much today :smile: actually managed 3k so impressed myself there
    4. Stay focused and have fun :smile:

    JFT 28/5 Tuesday

    1. Log all food & drink
    2. Stay under calorie target
    3. Take at least 5500 steps
    4. Stay focused and have fun

    Looking forward to seeing a good friend tomorrow after work. She’s just got back from 2 weeks in Mexico so lots to talk about.

    @Snowflake1968 - phewww I see the little ones often but I think I forgot just how much energy they have. My nephew bounces off the walls and my niece doesn’t stop talking. I think my head got full :smiley: 40 days to go to the wedding! I’m sure you’ll think of absolutely everything. It can be so stressful so please make sure you fit you time in too.
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    edited May 2019
    @Snowflake1968 we have 3 rooms for 6 guests but prefer to limit it to 4 guests This morning was pretty hectic with 6. We offer quite a few choices and like to showcase the local suppliers. I have to be careful not to eat everything that has not been chosen by guests - I so hate waste! It's lovely that guests come to Skye for the top notch places to eat dinner but a bit daunting when I serve breakfast the next day!

  • RebeccaOnyx
    RebeccaOnyx Posts: 3 Member
    Monday 5/27 JFT
    • Stick to calorie budget
    • Increase veggie intake
    • Hydrate!
    • Workout
    • Rest - key because I'm currently in a Multiple Sclerosis exacerbation
    • Meditate
    • Household Chores
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,598 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In = When I'm active I eat back calories. My weaknesses: I love food... my sweet tooth, especially chocolate... portion control... FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). Saturday a.m. is my MFP weigh-in logging day, and I peek occasionally other days. My digital scale only shows half pound increments & I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale. No goal dates set ~ this is not a diet but my lifestyle.

    Age 61, 5'4.5"
    GW #1: 150 in a livable way = It's. Not. A. Diet.
    GW #2: 145 normal BMI
    UG maintain: 145 - 150 [Need to be realistic! Revised from 140 - 145]

    11/5/15 = 195.0 joined MFP with no real plan except It's. Not. A. Diet.
    1/10/17 = 185.5 clearly not a regular on MFP / joined JFT, best group ever! :smiley:
    5/31/17 = 180.5 two end of month celebrations / committed to posting weekly weigh-in
    06/03 = 177.5
    06/10 = 179.5 pre-10K spaghetti supper night before
    06/17 = 179.5 numerous meals away from home, several occasions w/ alcohol, happy no gain
    06/24 = 178.0 fluctuated during week, but ended ok
    07/01 = 176.0 Yay!!! Achieved June goal to stay <180
    07/08 = 177.5 oops
    07/15 = 176.5
    07/22 = 175.0
    07/29 = 174.0 saw at least one daily w-i below 174
    08/05 = 174.5 dined out for Girls Day Out & ate Dad's cooking & baking
    08/12 = 173.5 scale flirted with even lower numbers on daily weigh-ins
    08/19 = 173.5 had couple of high calorie days
    08/26 = 172.0 kind of a surprise
    09/02/17 = 170.0 Woohoo! Officially overweight, not obese :smiley:
    09/09 = 171.5 backsliding, ack!
    09/16 = 169.5 yay, the middle number is a six!
    09/23 = 168.5 have lots challenges in upcoming week
    09/30 = 167.0 met Sept goal to stay under 170
    10/07 = 166.0
    10/14 = 166.5 dined out 2 days with adult beverages plus wine & cheesecake at spa
    10/21/17 = 166.5 dined out 2 days plus food day in office / no gain is good [joined Just Give Me 10 Days challenge (daily w/i)]
    10/28 = 164.5 very active week & watched CICO / reached October goal of 165
    11/04 = 163.0 wow, really surprised at this, daily fluctuations very up and down this week
    11/11 = 164.5 this is temporary b/c very high sodium yesterday
    11/18 = 162.0 big surprise, especially b/c I weigh myself daily and didn't see this all week
    11/25 = 163.0 no surprise after 2 no-logging-food days (parade day and Thanksgiving), just glad not worse
    12/02 = 161.0 Jingle Bell 5K day / 44:37 chip time & ave. pace 14:22 & very happy!
    12/09/17 = 158.5 surprised to say the least / first time in 10 years my weight is 1-5-anything! :love:
    12/16 = 158.0 no work parties or food days & stuck with CICO
    12/23 = 157.5 no "workouts" but shoveled snow & snowshoed, busy with Christmas preparations
    12/30 = 159.0 Christmas Day no food/beverages logged
    01/06/18 = 159.0 New Year's Eve hubby & I splurged on treats & beverages (at home), and I did not log...totally worth it!
    01/13 = 157.0 big surprise! Yesterday evening, walked in Frenzy on the Fox 5K in 47:26 & pace 15:19. Very happy with my time, wore layers of clothes in 10 degrees & NNW 12 mph wind, fun event.
    01/20 = 156.5
    01/27 = 156.5 maintaining / not a bad thing
    02/03 = sick / no weigh in
    02/10 = 152.5 unhealthy loss due to illness / I know weight will go back up & I'm totally fine with that
    02/17/18 = 153.0 thrilled with annual physical on 2/15/18: BP 110/68, pulse 64 and BMI 26.14 :star:
    02/24 = 154.0 little out of control last week, but at goal for the month
    03/03 = 155.5 oops / still lower than before I was sick
    03/10 = 153.5 back on track
    03/17 = 152.5
    03/24 = 153.0 evening snacks & two days straight of 8 hr seminars (+ lots of sitting)
    03/31 = 153.5 pre-10K spaghetti supper night before / Badger State Brewing 10K 1:30:28.82 and average pace 14:35 :smiley:
    04/07 = 154.5 ack ~ ate Easter candy most evenings
    04/14 = 153.5 Day 1 of record-setting blizzard ~ yuck! Followed by day 2 of blizzard, then snow day (no work / still shoveling & plowing) on Monday ~ in APRIL ~ yikes! :p
    04/21 = 153.5 after such weird week & daily weight fluctuations, happy to maintain
    04/28 = 152.0
    05/05 = 153.5 kinda stalled three months + feeling hungry more often ~ since w/i 10# of goal, changed MFP setting to lose 1/2 lb. per week & see how it goes
    05/12 = 153.5 ok with this ~ think changing my MFP setting, and having more net calories to play with, is agreeing with me ~ I'm not so hungry all the time
    05/19 = 154.0 drinks (2 margaritas) & dinner w/ BFF night before + enjoyed everything!
    05/26/18 = 153.0 Health Risk Assessment 5/15/18 ~ BMI 25.6 :star:
    06/02 = 153.0 basically in maintenance for now ~ I'll take it!
    06/09 = 152.5 Bellin Run 10K 1:28:12 split time 45:03 ave. pace 14:12 ~ beat goal of < 1:30 :star:
    06/16 = 152.0
    06/23 = 156.0 end of vacation week & lots of eating out
    06/30 = 155.5
    07/07 = 156.0 post-vacation w/i net calories not. so. much. Ack!
    07/14 = 154.5 prelogging & sticking w/ plan helps
    07/21 = 154.5 Packers 5K 44:50 ave pace 14:26 min/mile ~ beat goal < 45:00 :star:
    07/28 = 157.5 peanut M&M attacks (eek) + dinner out w/ SIL/niece (yum!) + staff luncheon (ick)
    08/03 = 155.5 started Evening Snack Challenge on JFT
    08/11 = 158.0 stressful week (job crap ~ hubby's & my own) >:) , Chinese buffet 1 evening & Feast with the Beasts (so worth it!)
    08/18 = 157.5 saw 156.0 during week ~ evening snack challenge not. so. good.
    08/25 = 156.0 prelogged as much as possible & CICO getting better
    09/01 = 154.5 included Taste on Broadway & office relocation so packing & moving boxes ~ very pleased
    09/08 = 157.5 too many office bday indulgences / City Stadium 5K for Veterans 44:27 & ave. pace 14:16 ~ beat goal of < 44:30 :star:
    09/15 = 156.0
    09/22 = 155.5 maybe lower if not for Pizza Ranch prairie pizza & wine at BFF's the night before
    09/29 = 154.0
    10/06 = 155.0 may include water retention in muscles b/c resumed home version of weights & circuit-training day before
    10/13 = 157.0 birthday treats & adult beverages / walked in Run for the Hill of It 5K in 48:13 pace 15:32 & hill 2:01 ~ beat both time (part unpaved trail with sloppy conditions due to 5" rain over preceding week) & hill (finish is UP a steep sledding hill) from last year :star: and learned only 25 out of 267 participants finished the hill < 1 min.
    10/20 = 155.0
    10/27 = 158.0 oops... lots of leaf-raking the evening before + too. much. snacking.
    11/03 = 156.5 better planning / stopped evening snacking (mostly)
    11/10 = 156.0 basically stuck in maintenance mode ~ not the worst thing
    11/17 = 157.0
    11/24 = 159.5 Thanksgiving week & paid time off with hubby ~ def going in wrong direction ~ oops
    12/01 = 157.5 Jingle Bell 5K 45:38 & ave. pace 14:42 ~ not bad
    12/08 = 157.0
    12/15 = 156.5 clearly in maintenance mode all year ~ not exactly the plan but I'm ok with this for now ~ really happy to stay 1-5-anything
    12/22 = 155.5 surprised by this ~ maybe due to much later than normal weigh-in (late start to the day)
    12/29/18 = 159.5 stayed 1-5-anything over holidays & vacation
    01/05/19 = 157.5
    01/12 = 158.0 Frenzy on the Fox 5K 1/11 with friends ~ not timed / MapMyWalk 54:19
    01/19 = 158.0 maintained even with evening snacking & skipped workouts
    01/26 = 157.5
    02/02 = 158.5 hubby's traditional bday dinner + leftovers + evening snacking ~ oops
    02/09 = 158.5 ok with no gain / Seroogy's Valentine 5K 48:34:89 & ave. pace 15:89 in below zero temps & icy mile 2
    02/16 = 158.0
    02/23 = 160.0 oops... deserved, net cals & sodium def red prior 3 days. Annual physical 2/26 159.6 fully clothed.
    03/02 = 159.5
    03/09 = 157.5
    03/16 = 158.0 feeling unwell & no workouts all week
    03/23 = 157.5 finally feeling better
    03/31 = 160.5 posting Sun. month end w/i ~ too many days, net calories RED. Badger State Brewing 10K 3/30 in 1:28:14 & ave. pace 14:12 and beat goal < 1:30 :star:
    04/06 = 160.0 saw 158.5 during week
    04/13 = 159.5
    Hiatus from MFP 4/17 - 4/29 (Easter 4/21)
    05/04 = 161.5 logging again starting 4/30
    05/11 = 163.0 ack
    05/18 = 163.0 no gain
    05/25 = 163.0 could be worse

    “Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Francis of Assisi
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Monday JFT:

    ✔▪Pack work lunches
    ✔▪Maintain baby's daily schedule
    ✔✔▪Log Food / Stay under calorie limit
    ❌▪Devotional Time➡️I need to prioritize this!!!! 😔
    ✔▪Laundry / cleaning
    ✔▪Prepare grocery list for meals for the week
    ✔▪Grocery Shop➡️Costco was closed so I need to go by there tomorrow but the other shopping is done.
    ✔▪Exercise (x1 DVD)
    ✔▪Evening schedule