40+yrs motivation group. We aren't getting any younger!



  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    What a great group. I’m turning 40 in 6 weeks. When in was turning 30, I also for a wild hair and started eating better and working out. I fell out of it since having 2 kids but I’d like to get back.

    I’m not keto (I so better with an “all things in moderation” approach) but I’d like to join this thread for support!
    Welcome to the group. Definitely not a Keto group even though I am doing Keto. I am a total carb fan also but have found some great alternatives and enjoy a more whole food, less processed approach. I look forward to seeing more from you. I have some great recipes for the not Keto low cal people too.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    I am 45, nearly 46, and am at my highest weight ever. I want to feel better and look better, so I can enjoy life more. I am looking to include more plants in my diet, reduce my portion sizes, and cut out junk. I want to lose weight and become more active. I know this is possible with determination and focus.

    I see you are all on similar journeys. May I join your group?

    So glad to see you here. Welcome to the group. The group is to help people in our age group who understand and are going through similar a journey.

  • bionicpuffy
    bionicpuffy Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks, @kelbels1 !

    Definitely with you on the less processed approach. Luckily I love cooking.

    One big motivator for me is to set myself up for a healthy and mobile old age now that I’m middle aged. I know this can depend on many factors, many outside of my control, but I’d like to do what I can. I started a gentle exercise program (i has a baby 2 months ago) and it is crazy how much better I feel after only 3 weeks!
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    Hi all
    Ill be 46 in 2 weeks...last few weeks im gaining and its a bummer
    im counting cals and working out..but im obviously still eating too much or messing up my calorie counts...

    Hope everyone is doing well
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    kimber0607 wrote: »
    Hi all
    Ill be 46 in 2 weeks...last few weeks im gaining and its a bummer
    im counting cals and working out..but im obviously still eating too much or messing up my calorie counts...

    Hope everyone is doing well

    Are you exerciseing? A gain in muscle can cause that. The scale is one tool but how you are feeling, measurements, clothes fitting are other ways to determine. Weight will fluctuate from week to week. Maybe water retention? Keep moving forward. Don’t give up. If nothing changes after another week then look at other causes.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    NSV!!!! Went to a graduation party and stayed in my meal plan. Those beautiful sugar cookies were calling my name but I made Hey choices and feel better about it today.
  • LeahRachel75
    LeahRachel75 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm 44 years old and I'm probably around 190lbs (around 5'8"). Tomorrow I'm going to actually get on the scale and face reality. I'm a full-time RN who is also in school. I have 7 dogs (5 rescues), 2 miniature horses, and a husband :-). I'm actually pretty active. I just need to get my eating under control. I just need a little support. Do you mind if I join your group?
  • mistyj7
    mistyj7 Posts: 12 Member
    I’m 43, 5’8” and currently 187 lbs, with 2 kids and a ton of pets! I’d like to get back to 150, or at least 165 if I’m feeling healthy and strong. My diet & exercise focus has started to click finally and I’m losing weight after 2 years of just not being able to deal with this well. I just know this comes in waves and I want to stay motivated as it really has helped me feel better physically and mentally. I know having a group of like minded people makes a big difference. Feel free to friend me!
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    mistyj7 wrote: »
    I’m 43, 5’8” and currently 187 lbs, with 2 kids and a ton of pets! I’d like to get back to 150, or at least 165 if I’m feeling healthy and strong. My diet & exercise focus has started to click finally and I’m losing weight after 2 years of just not being able to deal with this well. I just know this comes in waves and I want to stay motivated as it really has helped me feel better physically and mentally. I know having a group of like minded people makes a big difference. Feel free to friend me!

    I have struggled getting back to where I feeling well, being physical, and motivated. I really am hoping to meet people in a a journey to feeling good and leading a healthy life with diet and exercise also
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    mistyj7 wrote: »
    I’m 43, 5’8” and currently 187 lbs, with 2 kids and a ton of pets! I’d like to get back to 150, or at least 165 if I’m feeling healthy and strong. My diet & exercise focus has started to click finally and I’m losing weight after 2 years of just not being able to deal with this well. I just know this comes in waves and I want to stay motivated as it really has helped me feel better physically and mentally. I know having a group of like minded people makes a big difference. Feel free to friend me!
    So glad to have you here. Anyone who wants to friend me is more than welcome to and also message me.
  • evangelene12
    evangelene12 Posts: 196 Member
    edited June 2019
    I am 47 and was in very good shape till 45. Got pregnant, decided to keep it and struggling since giving birth. Weight shot up from 135lbs to 180 and currently at 158 and unable to get below 155. I have been doing a Masters degree while looking after my daughter, as an expat with no support system, I a stress and emotional eating with no exercise. I used to be so good at this but now I feel lost. I'm 5'2" so the weight really shows and I am struggling with my confidence too.
  • IsETHome
    IsETHome Posts: 386 Member
    edited June 2019
    I am 47 and was in very good shape till 45. Got pregnant, decided to keep it and struggling since giving birth. Weight shot up from 135lbs to 180 and currently at 158 and unable to get below 155. I have been doing a Masters degree while looking after my daughter, as an expat with no support system, I a stress and emotional eating with no exercise. I used to be so good at this but now I feel lost. I'm 5'2" so the weight really shows and I am struggling with my confidence too.

    What country do you live in? There are a lot of single mom's out there. I think if I could go back and make changes, it probably would not be to get as much education (sounds counter - but it is a vicious cycle of working to pay for it with less ROI). I don't regret my initial degree. I found that with my advanced degrees I gained more weight because I was "sitting" after working and typing or reading or doing assignments etc. It was the school vice the baby.
  • KendraS74
    KendraS74 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey! I'm 45 and was under 140 lbs. (5'1") for the longest time, but alas, the numbers have tipped, and I must continue the path to my goal of 125. I have a physical in two weeks and would really like to not go backward. My biggest challenges are drinking enough water and getting enough exercise. I'd love to join your group.
  • kelbels1
    kelbels1 Posts: 83 Member
    Senor_G wrote: »
    Hi I'm 43yrs 5'10" 187.5 goal weight is 175lbs. I would like to join your group. I have a really busy life I want to do a better job of eating better and healthier. As well as working out.

    Welcome to the group.
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    edited July 2019
    Been reading through this group and have to say @kelbels1 you are an amazing OP and facilitator!! What a wonderful gift you are giving of yourself! I'm a 60 year young gal and revamped my health over the past 9 months (down 30+ lbs and strength is up:). I let my weight inch-up over the decades and realized (finally) that my general physical discomfort was only going to get worse if I didn't step-up and commit to health. So now my fitness is my number 1 priority in life. Coincidently I'm enjoying everything and everyone more, laughing a lot more, and excited about the future. Forty is a great time to commit to health!! And 60 isn't too late. 🤗

  • KSJR78
    KSJR78 Posts: 77 Member
    kelbels1 wrote: »
    Lost about 5 lbs. needing do more exercise. Fibromyalgia is slowing me down. Anyone with tips to reduce the pain.

  • KSJR78
    KSJR78 Posts: 77 Member
    Sorry my phone isnt working properly. I have fibromyalgia and have found that cutting sugar and carbs has decreased my pain substantially.
  • csmcozart
    csmcozart Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! I am 44yrs old, hit the gym on weekdays, and like to be outdoors on Sundays. After moving to the Reno, NV area, I've developed a passion is hiking. I'm always looking for friends for mutual motivation and accountability
  • therealislandgirl
    therealislandgirl Posts: 27 Member
    I would love to be friends with you all but my add a friend button isn’t working so please feel free to add me, I am still able to accept friend requests. I am 47 years old and have 45 lbs to get rid of 😮
  • therealislandgirl
    therealislandgirl Posts: 27 Member
    Also, how do I join this group?