JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Well theres a food festival here today, so lots of stalls from all over!
    We have planned not to buy food whilst we're out for lunch etc. And to bring any food home before tucking in! Least that way it can be portioned properly!

    Anyway, do you ever just have really bad morning where nothings going right, i styled my hair wet last night in an attempt for curls this morning. The "Hagrid-Look" was NOT what i was going for! And then my make up looked like a 6 year old did it!!

    Had to rewash hair and reapply make up LOL. Dont know what was going on!!
    Im tired though today but sure ill be fine!

    I love a food festival! We have so many here and they are always really fun. Enjoy! And yes, I have really thick hair and we have nothing but humidity all summer so basically it's "bun season" here for me. :D I try braiding it sometimes the night before or that day but it only looks good while I'm in air conditioning and then bam-frizzes out as soon as I step out the door.
  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    Good morning all! Thank you for the advice and support with the house and inspection. We are having a roofer come out early next week to give us a free estimate on what all needs to be done and the costs involved.

    We are hoping maybe we can make some kind of negotiations with the seller. He is older and just lost his wife a year ago, they have a lot and I mean A LOT of stuff in their house and it's all things she decorated with that he is still very emotional about. He had mentioned the less stuff he has to pack and move the better, so we are hoping maybe he would be willing to help us out with the roof if we offered to take care of anything he didn't want and told him he could just leave it. It is a lot of work for him to do and he mentioned his grandson who is staying with him hasn't been helping at all, so his granddaughter came over to try and help. We will see, I guess it all depends on the roof cost and everything else. I'll keep you posted!

    In the meantime I'm trying not to stress about it, but it's really hard. I was talking to my mom on the phone about it for less than five minutes and in that time managed to inhale 4 cookies, totally mindlessly 🙄. I offset some of the damage with a long walk but it still ended up being another maintenance day.

    I just want to be back on that hot streak I had where I could tell I was making tons of progress! I'll get there.. I'm determined to get there..

    As a realtor I can tell you that it is always soo stressful for buyer and seller, even when everything is perfect! Forgive yourself and move forward. Hope the seller is agreeable to your terms!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    JFT - Saturday June 8 - Determined
    2.5L of water - 😐 2L at least
    Calories in green, Log Accurately - 🙂- over by around 80 eating watermelon, but logged
    Walk 1 Mile - 🙂
    Squats 😒
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 3/5
    Only 1 evening Snack. 👿
    5 something at bathroom break - 👿
    Something on commercials - 👿
    Write in Journal - 😩 just too tired
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices - 🙂

    JFT - Sunday June 9 - Determined
    2.5L of water
    Calories in green, Log Accurately
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    Something on commercials
    Write in Journal
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices

    There isn’t much to say since I updated last night. I just went to bed and now I’m up.
    Have to paint today and clean up some.

  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    @Snowflake1968 That is so great that she is almost cancer free! Make a wish is such a great org, so glad on both counts.

    @mytime6630 Sounds like you got so inspired by what you saw! What a great day. :)

    @cschmitz110515 Congratulations! So inspiring and great times. I totally understand being done with crowds after that. I can only handle so much as well. Sounds like you had a blast though!

    @PackerFanInGB Sounds like you needed the rest! As we all always say, we know what we need to do. I've found that anytime I've given up something entirely (sugar/caffiene/carbs) it's not a lasting kind of health change bc then as soon as I have it in my diet again the weight is gained back. Better to learn to moderate or choose healthy versions of those things. But you know your body best and it sounds like you are back on track! You can do it!

    @lafayettenana I like herbal tea, sparkling water, or kombucha for drinking during the day. Sometimes I'll even mix sparkling water or kombucha with my wine on the weekends to sneak some health into my bad habits too. ;)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    Ugh this is not going to be a good day with hubby. I have not even been up for 1/2 an hour and he’s changed the plans in his own mind but didn’t share that with me. Then when I tried to tell him what he said yesterday he said it didn’t make sense.

    Going to be a long day I’m sure.
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    edited June 2019
    Good morning!

    @korina75 you are not kidding! This has been emotionally draining on so many levels. I know in the end it will be well worth it but man I am struggling hard right now.

    I knew it was coming.. This morning I finally had a breakdown and just bawled my eyes out, my husband probably thinks I'm nuts lol. To throw another wrench in the mix, my parents were going to "gift" us 5k to help with our costs at closing but now they're not going to be able to. That was extremely generous of them to offer at all, and of course we don't expect anything from them so we certainly don't want to burden them financially. The only thing about it that is stressing me out is I had put that gift on the mortgage application so they're going to ask for documentation of it at some point. However, we are going to have enough money at closing without it anyway because each of my husband's paychecks is just going straight into an account for that, so I'm hoping that shouldn't matter if we can show we have the money without it. I just don't want them to come back and be like "oh you said you'd have this additional money and now you don't" and have that be an issue for them.

    I'm really good at overthinking things, sorry for rambling it just helps if I can get it off my chest!

    Yesterday 6/8:

    1. Give Rukia her a.m. pills 😁
    2. Stay within calorie goal😞😞
    3. Seriously now..get prescription refilled!!!!!!!!!😁 Finally did it!!!!
    4. Look into traffic course for my ticket, deadline is approaching!😞
    5. Get a minimum of 6,000 steps😁
    6. Look into home owners insurance😑 sort of
    7. Do workout😞 no, will do this today

    JFT 6/9:

    1. Give Rukia her a.m. pills 😁
    2. Stay within calorie goal
    3. Look into traffic course for my ticket, deadline is approaching!
    4. Get a minimum of 6,000 steps
    5. Put away laundry
    6. Do workout
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    Yesterday I was way over again. I am really having a tough time sticking to my meal plan. I think it's a combination of interpreting my fatigue as hunger and trying to feel better by snacking. This weekend I'll try grabbing a zero calorie beverage - tea, sparkling water, decaf coffee as my snacking. Fortunately, we don't have any treats in the house. Has anyone had success with Green Tea? During the day I usually just drink water but maybe mixing it up will help.
    When I first tried green tea, I thought it's the most disgusting beverage my taste buds have ever tasted, lol. But now I like it. :)
    Here is something I like to do during the summertime:
    I make a really strong green or black tea and froze it in the cubes. When I feel the need to drink something refreshing I just grab a glass of water with 2,3 cubes of tea and a few drops of milk (it's optional).
    For me, it's a substitute for an iced coffee. It looks very milky just from those few drops of milk. It might not be zero calories, but it's very close to it.
    That is my favorite, but I do the same with ginger tea and sometimes with lemon juice for a quick lemonade.

    I can totally relate to interpreting fatigue as hunger. I think there has even been a study confirming the link between lack of sleep and weight gain.
    If you don't have a lot of time, sometimes even the short nap can help.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,358 Member
    Typed out my post for yesterday, but apparently didn’t post it...

    Cake turned out fine. Unfortunately, with all of the family commitments it meant getting up at 2:00am to finish it and deliver it by 8:00. It really was a simple cake, just time consuming doing the baseball stitching.

    After that I met my 2SILs, my niece and my youngest daughter for a trial self defense class. I was nervous because I don’t deal well with being grabbed, but other than a few moments of panic, it was good. I’ve decided to enroll myself and my 2 girls in the class. Maybe I It will help them to not experience some the things I did.

    After that it was family time and big family dinner. Ugh.

    More of the same today. Too much food, too little movement.

    My goal for today is moderation.
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    Yesterday our friends celebrated their daughter's Sacrament of Confirmation (it's the thing that kids/young adults do in a Catholic Church as a ceremony of accepting, i.e. confirming religion/faith that was pre-chosen for them by their parents).
    It's a social custom here even for people that are not that much into religion, much like a Christmas.

    They made such a nice celebration, in one of the old wooden rest houses by the river, with a big yard and beautiful nature. All afternoon there was live music, a band was pretty good. In Croatia, for such a small country, there are many kinds of traditional music...some types are IMHO pretty trashy (targeting very low feelings), some are reserved for annual festivals when we all just tolerate it for a few hours, lol, but some are really powerful, refined and survive generation after generation. We are welcomed into the world with this music, it's played at our weddings, celebrations and even at our funerals. The band played one of that kind of music we all really love, so there was a lot of singing and emotions.
    They are my husband's friends so, socially anxious as I am in the company of an unknown people, I wasn't expecting to have a particularly good time, but at the end I really enjoyed.

    Also, there was a lot of food, but it was such a lovely time that I will not bother to be negative.

    I am grateful for such a lovely day.

    Today, even though it's Sunday, I have a lot to do, as I need to prepare everything for the client's education which is tomorrow.

    - prepare new version for tomorrow
    - call sister
    - be moderate with food
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    Oh, Bex, I am sorry...I hate when that happens when I look forward to something and then something happens and I can't go. :( Sending you a hug!
  • wannabeskinnycat
    wannabeskinnycat Posts: 205 Member
    JFT 8/6/19 Saturday

    1. Log all food & drink :smile:
    2. Stay under calorie target :neutral:
    3. Take at least 5500 steps :neutral: nope
    4. Stay focused and have fun :smile:

    JFT 9/6/19 Sunday

    1. Log all food & drink :smile:
    2. Stay under calorie target :smile:
    3. Take at least 5500 steps :neutral: Nope
    4. Stay focused and have fun :smile: Wii boxing for nearly an hour which was great. I didn't even realise how long as I was having fun

    JFT 10/6/19 Monday

    1. Log all food & drink
    2. Stay under calorie target
    3. Take at least 3500 steps
    4. Stay focused and have fun
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Saturday:
    1. Journal every single bite - Good, Bad & Ugly :star:
    2. HYDRATE :star:I got over 50oz in which is actually good for me.
    3. 15 minutes outside :star:checked out the flowers, picked some strawberries
    4. Activity :naughty:Did housework and putzed around but no intentional exercise
    5. Self Care: Give myself a pedi and take time to use lotion on my dry skin :naughty:I don't know why I won't take the time to do this. I need to pay attention to what I'm thinking when I talk myself out of doing it.
    6. Declutter an area or collection of items for 15 minutes :star:Decluttered spare room, bedroom closet shelves started. I find I feel less frazzled when my surroundings are less cluttered. It's actually kind of therapeutic to declutter.
    7. Package serving-sized baggies of grab-n-go healthy snacks :smile: Only the mixed nuts were put into serving sized baggies. We didn't have enough fresh veggies to cut and bag. Aldi's trip today I think.
    8. <29g of added sugar :star:My evening snack was FF cottage cheese with blueberries vs ice cream. BIG WIN for me.
    9. Meditate :star: | Podcasts :star:| Inspirational Readings :star:| Read or watch movie with DH tonight :star:Watched Quigley Down Under...an old western with Tom Selleck. Entertaining and I didn't have to think or pay too much attention to follow.
    10. Set alarm for tomorrow so I don't waste another day this weekend. (I'm really pissed about this!) :star:Set the alarm and STILL ended up pressing snooze about 4 times. But up much earlier than yesterday so I'll take it!

    Just for Sunday
    1. Journal every single bite--Good, Bad & Ugly
    2. <29g added sugar
    3. HYDRATE - beat yesterday's intake
    4. 15 minutes outside for fresh air
    5. 30 minutes of intentional exercise
    6. Go to PF and check on membership status
    7. Run errands
    8. Declutter something for 15 minutes
    9. Podcasts Joyce | HSM | Phit n Phat
    10. Spend 30 minutes HSM lesson or participating on forum
    11. Prepare for tomorrow, tonight
    12. Unplug by 8pm | 5 Things I'm Grateful for today | Inspirational Readings | Lights out by 10:30
    13. No Snooze button tomorrow morning!!!!

    2019 WOY: Tenacity / Tenacious

    June Goals
    BDay Cards
    Print pics of grands for work cubicle
    Marie Kondo my clothing
    Weigh less at end of the month
    Spend at least 15 min/day on HSM lessons 4 of 7 days per week. If I cannot do this, I need to cancel membership
    Try to find 15 minutes per day for self care, whatever that means that day.
    Marie Kondo magazines and book collection
    30 minutes of Intentional exercise 4/7 days per week
    Finish my layer cake quilt
    June Budget including putting money INTO savings instead of taking it out.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @Bex953172 I'm sorry you didn't get to go to the food festival. I remember you talking about it last year and you guys had such a nice time! (((HUGS)))

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,345 Member
    Didn't have time to get on here this am before church, and was too tired last night.

    Saturday, June 8, 2019
    Log accurately :)
    60 minutes intentional walking :)
    Be attentive at Synod assembly :)
    Try to find new capris at Kohls (old ones too big) :)
    Grocery shop :/ Conscious decision. Did other shopping then had some church work to do,
    Laundry :)

    @korina75 -sorry for your struggles with your dad. Mine died when I was 6 months old, so I never knew a father. I don’t know which way would be better, but it sounds like you are coping. Life is series of reevaluating and revising goals.

    @Snowflake1968 - I wouldn’t worry too much about start date. At most places it can take a couple of weeks or so for someone to start after an offer is made. We are usually understanding if there is something that only causes a reasonable delay. The make a wish story is so wonderful. Prayers for her and the family.

    @PackerFanInGB -maybe just focus on one meal at a time. Sometimes the whole day can get overwhelming, but one meal is still an improvement, then try for the next. I started trying to lose in 2006 and am just now getting (or getting back to) my current goal. I dropped 40 lbs and sat there for the longest time.

    @cschmitz110515 -I have had my fitbit track some of my walking as elliptical also. I am not as ambitious in exercise as you are. I just let it track my steps and send calories burnt over to MFP. I have noticed the two are usually within 150 calories or so (less burn on Fitbit). I split the difference in terms of what extra I will eat (so less than MFP but not over FB).

    Sunday, June 9, 2019
    Log Accurately
    60 minute intentional walking
    Grocery store
    Meal Prep
    Pick things up around house

    Well break is over, back to stuff. Happy Sunday all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    Korina75 - I hope you have a chance to relax today and decompress before the weeks starts again.

    Aubyshortcake - that’s awesome that your parents even offered. I wish I could do that for my girls. Sorry it didn’t work out as they planned.

    Bex953172 - sorry your plans fell through, that’s always so disappointing.

    PackerfaninGB- I am terrible at moisturizing too, I don’t know why, I know my skin feels so much better when I do it. I never moisturize my face, I haven’t found one yet that doesn’t break me out in pimples.
    There is a whole group in Success Stories that links decluttering with weight loss. I read it occasionally, I can’t keep up with too many groups.

    Well hubby and I managed to get the wall and trim complete with no major arguments. I have one coat of paint on the wall, will need to do another shortly. Waiting for my brush to dry a bit and then I’ll start the trim. This is the biggest project I wanted done before company comes for the wedding. If I like this I may order another door for our bedroom this Fall. Hopefully it doesn’t take 9 months to get installed this time.
    Rodger has gone to the bedroom “to watch the race” code for I’m going to have a nap. He is going to cut dead trees down after that I think.

    I could use a nap now too, but Lauryn has a project she needs help with and will be here shortly to do it.
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Sunday 9 June

    Failed to post this morning but they'd have been the same as usual. I'd have met them with the exception of staying in the green. I've been with my parents since mid afternoon and the 6 weeks I've been away have shown me a big difference in their ageing process. My mum (aged 84) has lung cancer (she's never smoked) and it was only picked up when the horse she was riding couple of years ago fell. Mum fractured her ribs and ankle. I could be very miserable now but my parents would kick me if I tried that!