Men & Women in their 50s starting anew in 2019!



  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,459 Member
    I keep trying but seem to be static!
  • doingthisforme16
    doingthisforme16 Posts: 36 Member
    Beautiful day here in Akron, Ohio.

    I can't wait to get out in the yard tomorrow to do a little gardening and to cut the grass.

    Enjoy this beautiful weekend everyone!
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Had lost 60 in 2012, over the years gained back 50. It’s all battle, but one that can be done by being consist.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I've been so good for a week by working out every day and staying below my calorie limit but I lost 0 pounds! So discouraged.
  • pandygirl19
    pandygirl19 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello! I'm in! Looking forward to what lays ahead in 2019 and with this group! Feel free to add me.!😁 🌹
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    @tmbg1, don't be discouraged, said the girl that just posted on her timeline how discouraged she was! LOL! But, seriously, weight is not the only measure we have. You keep doing what you're doing and you are going to see results.

    There are many reasons why the scale may not move ... added salt in your diet causing you to retain water, not drinking enough water, not getting enough good sleep, etc. Just keep staying under your calories, getting your exercise, and sleeping well, drinking the amount of water you should, and soon you will see results.

    Don't expect results overnight because they're not going to happen. And, you may stumble upon a month like I'm having where you kick around the same 3-5 ounces and not see a loss all month. Still ... don't quit. Keep going and you'll reach that healthy goal you have for yourself. Hugs to you!
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,323 Member
    @tmbg1, don't be discouraged, said the girl that just posted on her timeline how discouraged she was! LOL! But, seriously, weight is not the only measure we have. You keep doing what you're doing and you are going to see results.

    There are many reasons why the scale may not move ... added salt in your diet causing you to retain water, not drinking enough water, not getting enough good sleep, etc. Just keep staying under your calories, getting your exercise, and sleeping well, drinking the amount of water you should, and soon you will see results.

    Don't expect results overnight because they're not going to happen. And, you may stumble upon a month like I'm having where you kick around the same 3-5 ounces and not see a loss all month. Still ... don't quit. Keep going and you'll reach that healthy goal you have for yourself. Hugs to you!

    Thank you this made my day!
  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    I am in. Lost 80 lbs when I turned 50 (took 16 months) and now at almost 55 I have put 40 of it back on. Just started tracking what I eat and getting to be more active. Could use all the help/support!

    I feel your pain...lost a lot of weight around 6 years ago or so and over 5 year period have gained it all back. Vowed I would never go back to this size again and here I am. It's embarrassing! I can't stand running into people I haven't seen in awhile...but the message I keep hearing is just change one habit at a time...didn't gain it back in 6 months, not going to lose it in 6 months. Find a livable way to deal and make changes. We can do this :)
  • judyjane26
    judyjane26 Posts: 9 Member
    Day 1 Hello from Perth
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,323 Member
    poscur wrote: »
    I am in. Lost 80 lbs when I turned 50 (took 16 months) and now at almost 55 I have put 40 of it back on. Just started tracking what I eat and getting to be more active. Could use all the help/support!

    I feel your pain...lost a lot of weight around 6 years ago or so and over 5 year period have gained it all back. Vowed I would never go back to this size again and here I am. It's embarrassing! I can't stand running into people I haven't seen in awhile...but the message I keep hearing is just change one habit at a time...didn't gain it back in 6 months, not going to lose it in 6 months. Find a livable way to deal and make changes. We can do this :)

    I avoid people and social situations too because gaining weight back is so humiliating!
  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    Hi All.

    Love that there's a group for the over-50 crowd. (And it's surreal to believe I'm qualified to join, but ah well.) In February of this year I was generally feeling like poo all the time. Poor sleeping, poor eating habits, yadda yadda. As a matter of course I avoided going to the doctor because I have been fat-shamed by medical pros before, and I just wasn't interested in some MD saying "lose weight, Fat Guy," and putting me on meds. Still, after a few weeks and a few pounds lost, I thought I'd better go. In March I found a doctor I ended up liking (thanks Yelp). After some lab work, he revealed to me that I had been unknowingly living with Type 2 Diabetes. Egads. Who knows how long I'd been living with this? Well, I'd found my motivation.

    The doc was very helpful, provided me as much information as he had on nutrition for diabetics. At the time I felt horribly guilty and ashamed. This was a self-inflicted condition, I thought, and because of a lifetime of poor food choices I had put myself at risk for all the complications that come along with diabetes. I still am ashamed, sometimes. But I use that to my advantage now, and those feelings help drive me to succeed.

    Fast forward to today: I'm down over 50 pounds, and my last blood test actually showed my blood sugar and insulin levels in the normal range, which is incredibly gratifying.

    My starting weight was 318 -- I imagine it'll be a year more before I achieve a weight were I can start maintenance mode, but I've found a pretty good stride at the moment and feel good about the future.

    I don't post very often but I read a whole bunch of posts from the MFP community. It's always been good to know I'm not alone in these endeavors.

    That is awesome that you are motivated and doing so well. Congrats on your success. Very inspirational! Thanks for sharing.
  • poscur
    poscur Posts: 74 Member
    tmbg1 wrote: »
    poscur wrote: »
    I am in. Lost 80 lbs when I turned 50 (took 16 months) and now at almost 55 I have put 40 of it back on. Just started tracking what I eat and getting to be more active. Could use all the help/support!

    I feel your pain...lost a lot of weight around 6 years ago or so and over 5 year period have gained it all back. Vowed I would never go back to this size again and here I am. It's embarrassing! I can't stand running into people I haven't seen in awhile...but the message I keep hearing is just change one habit at a time...didn't gain it back in 6 months, not going to lose it in 6 months. Find a livable way to deal and make changes. We can do this :)

    I avoid people and social situations too because gaining weight back is so humiliating!

    I know... I am trying to just say to myself "I am still me" doesn't matter if I am size 6 or 16 that doesn't change who i am and not let my weight define me. Very hard not to fat shame myself! BUT definitely feel a sense of shame around it...trying to get over it and just do things that are going to make positive changes.
  • skf1201
    skf1201 Posts: 116 Member
    edited June 2019
    Poscure: I feel your pain...lost a lot of weight around 6 years ago or so and over 5 year period have gained it all back. Vowed I would never go back to this size again and here I am. It's embarrassing! I can't stand running into people I haven't seen in awhile...but the message I keep hearing is just change one habit at a time...didn't gain it back in 6 months, not going to lose it in 6 months. Find a livable way to deal and make changes. We can do this :)

    I feel the same way when I see someone who hasn’t seen me in a while and see the look on their face when they realize who they’re looking at. 😞 I am working at being comfortable where I’m at. It’s hard. Such a mental game.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    tmbg1 wrote: »
    poscur wrote: »
    I am in. Lost 80 lbs when I turned 50 (took 16 months) and now at almost 55 I have put 40 of it back on. Just started tracking what I eat and getting to be more active. Could use all the help/support!

    I feel your pain...lost a lot of weight around 6 years ago or so and over 5 year period have gained it all back. Vowed I would never go back to this size again and here I am. It's embarrassing! I can't stand running into people I haven't seen in awhile...but the message I keep hearing is just change one habit at a time...didn't gain it back in 6 months, not going to lose it in 6 months. Find a livable way to deal and make changes. We can do this :)

    I avoid people and social situations too because gaining weight back is so humiliating!

    This was my motivation to lose weight. I was at my heaviest when I ran into an old boyfriend (we were both with other people) who had only ever seen me slim. I was completely mortified.

  • TurnThePage55
    TurnThePage55 Posts: 16 Member
    edited June 2019
    I finally found my motivation and have been making positive changes and seeing the scale go down. It's amazing how much better I feel already. Never give up.
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    I managed to lose 2.8lbs this week, bringing my total loss to 83lbs since mid March😁💃🏼 I'm super stoked about it💃🏼 Tightened up on my macros a bit more (keeping protein highest), and it paid off for me. Hope I can continue seeing this kind of loss in the future.
  • vermontrebecca6929
    vermontrebecca6929 Posts: 72 Member
    Hey! I am in 1/2 thru 2019 after a health scare in April caused me to get back on MFP & focus on nutrition/diet. Have lost 7 lbs so far & looking for 20 more by end of 2019, with goal to maintain after that. As I’ve accumulated various repetitve stress injuries I’ve realized I need to shift how I manage stress & moods from an intense exercise focus to “less pain, more sustain.”