Bombshell Betty's (closed group)



  • knkmfp
    knkmfp Posts: 295 Member
    Rowing -hmmm, must try harder. I still have to dig out the weights, but will try with a couple of tin cans this evening.

    Reading labels - think I'm doing OK there. I still need to work out for myself what my sugar intake should be - I'm often over but it is (usually) because of fruit.

    Me time - not much chance of that this week (OH away on business) so I'm counting computer time and the early night I squeezed in last night.

    Everyone seems to be doing so much exercise, I feel such a slacker.
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    Worked out with my trainer today. Did enough tricep exercises to totally kill my triceps! Getting ready for the storm. . . got peanut butter and V8!
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    Did my yoga/batwing elimination workout (weights) in the morning and spent 4 hours walking around the city tonight (with a little bit of shopping of a brief respite for some water). Rewarded myself with a light Starbucks and some very rare mint chocolate chip ice cream.

    Bought myself a new bathing suit. Spent a little too much, but it is super cute. =) Hopefully it is tight enough now I will still be able to wear it next summer if I get smaller!

    Have a great weekend everyone!!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Do we have to measure every week?

    No we well measure again on wee 4

    The form will not let you submit without all measurements, fyi

    yeah I know I will take it off before sunday
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Sorry guys having a few personal issue that I have to take care of but I am reading the thread and answering questions, just not on that much.
  • djenna8girl
    djenna8girl Posts: 23 Member
    Rows completed for 3 days so far. Having a break today as I am travellinh to my mums house.

    Have been really looking at labels and have managed to stay under my 1200 calories for ever day (except Thursday, that was a pretty crappy day). Yesterday was my daughters birthday, so I really restricted what I ate during the day so I could join her on her birthday meal. She wanted chicken keiv and roasted potoatoes, but when I looked at the label, the calorie, fat and sodium content were so high I couldn't justify it so I substituted my chicken for 100gms of turkey breast. Even with a peice of her birthday cake I still ended up 300 calories under my goal.

    Have been spending about half an hour every night curled up with a good book. Loving it!
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member
    I'll admit I didn't do the rows today. I've been feeling kind of cruddy but at the same time I've been cleaning the house like a loon. Daniel's sister is back from Germany and well the ironic thing is the house we live in used to be hers before she moved and I know she'll stop by and I don't want her going what a mess! LOL.. She's a sweet lady I like her but I also know she likes a clean house and I want to be able to show that I can take care of it!

    Me time - I went grocery shopping!

    Food - Yeah I didn't eat much but that's also because I haven't really been feeling like eating today.

    You all have a great night. Chat at ya tomorrow. I gotta finish up the cleaning and laundry and then I'm gunna sleep.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm taking a break from the exercise today; don't want to but I need to. Will get back on it tomorrow. I haven't been shopping again since last weekend so not reading labels. I guess I could read the labels on the stuff I already bought. :huh: I'm planning on getting my mani/pedi on Sunday but guilt may override that. I have to help my mom tomorrow so hubby has to take care of the baby so might feel bad leaving them alone on sunday again. :ohwell:

    I hope all you ladies on the east coast have a safe weekend! If you'd like to send some of that rain down south I won't argue!!! :wink:
  • ebelliss
    ebelliss Posts: 126 Member
    wooo hoo did my rows today! also had SUCH a cheat day its not even funny (check out the diary if ya want), but i am not ashamed at all. I needed a little cake and bread for my sanity, so I'm also counting that as my "me time" :) back on the wagon tomorrow and hunkering down for Irene! unfortunately that means working out on the "dreadmill" all weekend instead of running outside :( anyway, stay safe all you others in Irene's path! and everyone else, have a great weekend!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    Did my rows. I also worked my arms carrying all the outdoor furniture and stuff indoors, preparing for Irene!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Did my rows. I also worked my arms carrying all the outdoor furniture and stuff indoors, preparing for Irene!
    Praying for you and all my MFP Irene affected friends
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    Motivation high today. I've done my rows (2 sets of 15 each side), did 30 day shred, level 1 day 1, under my calorie quota with in excess of 5 fruit and veg, 10 glasses of water drunk, had me time walking the dog for half an hour this evening and now me time on MFP. Doing well - long may it continue!


    You are ON IT, buddy! I see I am the slouch in this pairing :embarassed: Well, I better get back on it! One hour of morning Wii games and rows & evening walks for thirty minutes. Tweeked my caloric/exercise goals and happier with how it is working out, even tho my calorie limit is lower :huh: Keeps me in line, I guess. Getting closer to 8 glasses of water on average. It's all good :bigsmile:
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
    Everyone seems to be doing so much exercise, I feel such a slacker.

    me too! working 60 hours a week just sucks the life out of me it seems. no time for excuses to myself though, just gotta make myself get up and out of bed earlier in the morning :yawn:

    we can do this! and btw, i also want to make my Mii stop swelling up :laugh:
  • jls1311
    jls1311 Posts: 15
    Eating out sucked last. I had those damn chips and salsa. And i didn't exercise yesterday. I feel like crap this morning. Im off to my morning run and a long day of garage sale. Hope everyone has great morning.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I went out to eat last night food. I ordered a grilled chicken breast sandwich no mayo and removed the bun and just sliced away at the chicken. It came with fries, I shared them with a friend and just nibbled on a few of them! Eureka!
  • nomerebutterfly
    nomerebutterfly Posts: 62 Member
    You are ON IT, buddy! I see I am the slouch in this pairing :embarassed: Well, I better get back on it! One hour of morning Wii games and rows & evening walks for thirty minutes. Tweeked my caloric/exercise goals and happier with how it is working out, even tho my calorie limit is lower :huh: Keeps me in line, I guess. Getting closer to 8 glasses of water on average. It's all good :bigsmile:

    Hey, you're making your own progress. Keep at it. :)

    Also, I love your "cute and fluffy" quote. Stolen!
  • nomerebutterfly
    nomerebutterfly Posts: 62 Member
    I went out to eat last night food. I ordered a grilled chicken breast sandwich no mayo and removed the bun and just sliced away at the chicken. It came with fries, I shared them with a friend and just nibbled on a few of them! Eureka!

    WHOA! Good for you! I have this kind of discipline in week 1... I'm hoping to continue this for a year.
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 523 Member

    Good Morning all you lovely Bombshells!

    I'm ready for the day. Slept in until 7 am. Hey, that's an acomplishment for me. Usually I'm up at 5:30 am.

    Went grocery shopping yesterday since work cut our hours. :mad: I got to start searching for a new job. Surprsingly, I was able to get a quite a bit for only $80.00 however I still lack fruit and yogurt. I forgot them. I'll go and look for them either today or Monday.

    Plan to get my rows in today early along with my walk. It's gunna be awful hot here so I may have to pop in the DVD instead of going out.

    Did most of the cleaning yesterday! The house is looking better. I got to work on the dining room and bathroom and that will take care of it all but will wait until Daniel goes onto work. Hard to clean when he is here.

    For dinner I'm going to be making Chicken Pot Pie Soup from

    I love that site. I may be using a bit more from now on. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day girls!

    I suggested a poem read to Misty "The Don't Quit" poem. If you all haven't read it before go on and do so.

    I've found it helped me out a lot this week.

    You all are beautiful wonderful strong woman and we can rock this! I hope after this challenege is over we continue staying in touch somehow. :heart:
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member

    Good Morning all you lovely Bombshells!

    I'm ready for the day. Slept in until 7 am. Hey, that's an acomplishment for me. Usually I'm up at 5:30 am.

    Went grocery shopping yesterday since work cut our hours. :mad: I got to start searching for a new job. Surprsingly, I was able to get a quite a bit for only $80.00 however I still lack fruit and yogurt. I forgot them. I'll go and look for them either today or Monday.

    Plan to get my rows in today early along with my walk. It's gunna be awful hot here so I may have to pop in the DVD instead of going out.

    Did most of the cleaning yesterday! The house is looking better. I got to work on the dining room and bathroom and that will take care of it all but will wait until Daniel goes onto work. Hard to clean when he is here.

    For dinner I'm going to be making Chicken Pot Pie Soup from

    I love that site. I may be using a bit more from now on. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day girls!

    I suggested a poem read to Misty "The Don't Quit" poem. If you all haven't read it before go on and do so.

    I've found it helped me out a lot this week.

    You all are beautiful wonderful strong woman and we can rock this! I hope after this challenege is over we continue staying in touch somehow. :heart:


    Thank you so much girl!!! That is what I needed to hear this morning.....You are doing great and I am proud of you :) I have learned in the last 24 hours that 1. I have amazing Betty's on my side 2. I cant let someone dictate my life for me by names I chose to call BS and move on and keep doing what I am doing, just makes me stronger & more out to prove them wrong :) And yes I hope we still keep communicating after this, but you never know we may keep Bomshel Betty's going and going like the Energizer to everyone soon :)
  • vold94
    vold94 Posts: 256
    Ok sorry I didn't log in yesterday. I did get my rows in but didn't make it to the gym. I did a lot of cleaning and rearranging in the house, so I did burn calories, but I also didn't eat the best. So not sure!

    Today I have been to the gym, worked out for 2 hours and burned 1291 calories. NOw trying to decide what me and the hubby are going to be doing with the kids. Me time was at the gym and also being on here. Accomplished rows! 8 pound weights 2 sets of 12. Also did other weights at the gym too.

    Really wondering if i"m going to even have a loss this week. Afraid I might have a gain! Really going to start working harder. my buddy is doing really awesome, I should be following her lead, but I"ve been having so much running to do for the kids starting school that I haven't had time to do things for myself. This will get better this coming week. So even if I have a gain this monday at weigh in it won't stay long because I'm going to be kicking into high gear for now on. And concentrating on myself!