P90X... starting a new thread...



  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    today i did Plyometrics ...still hold off on doing it twice?

    I wouldn't recommend Plyo twice in one day... not on your first week anyway. :laugh: Don't burn yourself out too quickly. Remember that your body needs time to recover.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I would hesitate to do it twice in one week! It is a very high impact workout. Do something a little less stressful. Take a walk...yoga or stretch would be a good alternative also.
  • Quote: "Hi there! Just so you know, the P90X guidelines do NOT put in a deficit if you are trying to *lose* weight. So I would watch the goals here at MFP. " (Sorry- don't know how to do the quote officially) :blushing:

    Just want to clarify that if one follows the nutrition guide that is laid out in P90X, one would only maintain & not lose weight? OMG, soooo glad that was pointed out! So, if I'm wanting to drop 35 I should used the P90X exercise program but follow the calorie recommendations here at MFP. Is this correct?

    BTW, did my first workout today. Modified & modified & oh yes, modified some more- but feel fantastic! The tips about taking it slow at my own pace and watching my back really are a great help!
  • OK i will hold off. I guess I was just feeling a little down because I had a bagel from Free bagel day at work and wanted to work it all off. Maybe I will play Wii Fit and do some Yoga or the free run.
  • salp02
    salp02 Posts: 24 Member
    I actually considered purchasing the P90X, but it is a whole lot more expensive than your average workout video. I have to do all of my exercising outside or around the house, and I think this will help.
    Have you guys seen a huge improvement?
  • littleluvbug
    littleluvbug Posts: 137 Member
    Got mine and we're starting today....here we go! I'm ready to see changes!
  • YAY!!! WHOO HOO!!!! My program AND my Iron Gym arrived today! I'm so happy I went home to let the dog out! Okay, world... Are you ready to handle the hottness? I don't think so. :laugh: Well, I guess I'm starting tonight even though I did a killer back/biceps workout this morning and my legs are so sore from training yesterday that I had to take the elevator today. Hey, no one said it would be easy to be super fit. Did I mention how excited I am? :happy: :heart: :laugh: :heart: :laugh:
  • so tonight is the night I allow myself as " rest from the gym" evening. I will go see my gf for a bit then home. any suggestions on exercise to do when I get home ? Maybe Wii fit ... no P90X i know that now :-)
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    so tonight is the night I allow myself as " rest from the gym" evening. I will go see my gf for a bit then home. any suggestions on exercise to do when I get home ? Maybe Wii fit ... no P90X i know that now :-)

    If you feel like you have to do something, you could try the CardioX. It is a sample of some Yoga, Plyo's and Kenpo. It would give you a good idea of what the other DVD's have on them and Cardio is pretty mild as far as P90X goes.
  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    today i did Plyometrics ...still hold off on doing it twice?

    So what did you think of the Plyos. Were you able to do all of the reps? Definately the most difficult of all the DVD's as far as getting your heart rate elevated.
  • Plyos was AWESOME ! I def did all the reps and I think I will give Cardio X a rip tonight. I will let you know tomorrow
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Plyos was AWESOME ! I def did all the reps and I think I will give Cardio X a rip tonight. I will let you know tomorrow

    Yeah, CardioX is not as intense as Plyo for sure! If you *must* do a workout, that would be good choice. (if you do go to the gym, you could do the elliptical or bike but don't go all *out*)
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    YAY!!! WHOO HOO!!!! My program AND my Iron Gym arrived today! I'm so happy I went home to let the dog out! Okay, world... Are you ready to handle the hottness? I don't think so. :laugh: Well, I guess I'm starting tonight even though I did a killer back/biceps workout this morning and my legs are so sore from training yesterday that I had to take the elevator today. Hey, no one said it would be easy to be super fit. Did I mention how excited I am? :happy: :heart: :laugh: :heart: :laugh:

    YEAH! I'm glad that it got there! :bigsmile: Nothin' wrong with excitement!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I actually considered purchasing the P90X, but it is a whole lot more expensive than your average workout video. I have to do all of my exercising outside or around the house, and I think this will help.
    Have you guys seen a huge improvement?

    It is more expensive, but you get TWELVE DVD's. 90 days worth of workouts. (and you can use them way beyond 90 days, I sure have! :bigsmile: ) I'm a stay at home Mom, so I love workouts that I can do at home! And yes, you will see a huge improvement!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Quote: "Hi there! Just so you know, the P90X guidelines do NOT put in a deficit if you are trying to *lose* weight. So I would watch the goals here at MFP. " (Sorry- don't know how to do the quote officially) :blushing:

    Just want to clarify that if one follows the nutrition guide that is laid out in P90X, one would only maintain & not lose weight? OMG, soooo glad that was pointed out! So, if I'm wanting to drop 35 I should used the P90X exercise program but follow the calorie recommendations here at MFP. Is this correct?

    BTW, did my first workout today. Modified & modified & oh yes, modified some more- but feel fantastic! The tips about taking it slow at my own pace and watching my back really are a great help!

    Just hit the quote button at the bottom right. Be careful not to go *too* low in cals, but yes. Remember that you need a deficit to lose weight. If you have a HRM, that is a great way to know how many cals you are burning. And you can set the guidelines here at MFP manually. It is great that you can modify the workouts and work up the intensity as you get stronger! :bigsmile:
  • qatarsessions
    qatarsessions Posts: 31 Member
    If anyone else is interested I would like to compare my results to others.
    Yesterday I did Arm/Shoulders with 8lb wts. Not to hard a workout but I had already taught spin class that morning so it was kind of a double.
    I got 210 cal (and I didn't do the "bonus round" so it was about 30 minutes)
    AB X 54 cals

    Today I did Kenpo. (I really like that one) and watched my HR more carefully.
    I did the whole hour.
    364 cals
    In my HR zone for 40 minutes.
    I guess I was out during the warm up/cool down which was 15 min total so it works.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Don't know if you saw my earlier post, but with Plyo I burned 762 calories, and was in my "hard' zone for 39 minutes... Which definitely sounds right!!!
  • Does anyone know if you can change the macronutritional ratio settings on your food plan on this site? I can't imagine that it's not possible, but before I waste more of my work day screwing with it, I thought I'd ask the pros. :wink:
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hello All. This is my very first post, but I lurk a lot. :tongue:

    I've done two complete rounds of P90X (1 lean, 1 classic), and am currently on week 9 of my third round (also classic). It's a tough program, and yes, it really does work! In fact, my husband who is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is scared to do it with me! :smile:

    I just wanted to add my two cents and remind everyone not to get discouraged about results -- especially early on. It's P90X, not P14X. It's a 90-day program, and I promise if you are committed and follow the nutrition guide, you will see results at 90 days.

    Also, it just takes longer for women to get the same results as men.

    Good luck on your journey everyone!

    ITA. People want to see results in 30 days. They will... but you gotta give it the whole 90 days to see the *whole* picture! Tony Horton himself says that it is more of a P120X for women to see results than men (not fair! :grumble: ). My hubby lost weight a lot faster than I did too. Just keep at it! If you are struggling with something, it will get easier. Keep doing your pushups, pick up heavier weights (I'm a big fan of the 8-10 reps of heavy weights instead of the 12-15 reps of lighter weights), and do as many pullups (even assisted) as you can. :bigsmile:

    I know! It's totally not fair. My husband is 40, is quite lean, and doesn't work half as hard as I do. And I really have to work hard! I still struggle with pull-ups, and he just floats on the pull-up bar.

    Ladies, we have to work twice as hard, but that's also what makes us stronger! :wink:
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    Quote: "Hi there! Just so you know, the P90X guidelines do NOT put in a deficit if you are trying to *lose* weight. So I would watch the goals here at MFP. " (Sorry- don't know how to do the quote officially) :blushing:

    Just want to clarify that if one follows the nutrition guide that is laid out in P90X, one would only maintain & not lose weight? OMG, soooo glad that was pointed out! So, if I'm wanting to drop 35 I should used the P90X exercise program but follow the calorie recommendations here at MFP. Is this correct?

    BTW, did my first workout today. Modified & modified & oh yes, modified some more- but feel fantastic! The tips about taking it slow at my own pace and watching my back really are a great help!

    Just hit the quote button at the bottom right. Be careful not to go *too* low in cals, but yes. Remember that you need a deficit to lose weight. If you have a HRM, that is a great way to know how many cals you are burning. And you can set the guidelines here at MFP manually. It is great that you can modify the workouts and work up the intensity as you get stronger! :bigsmile:

    Also if you are trying to create a deficit, make sure that when you figure out your nutrition level on page 5 of the Nutrition Plan, use your goal weight and not your current weight. And, as Jess said, never go too low. Your body will go into starvation mode, and you will not see the changes you desire -- nor will you have the energy to BRING IT.
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