July 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    @emmamcgarity sounds like you picked up some great tips there!
    @rheddmobile can you find a wetsuit anywhere?
    @quilteryoyo awesome job and cool bling! In my head the second half of a run is always downhill. Shame the roads and trails didn't read that memo 😂
    @katharmonic thanks, I need to research strava statistics and move to a town of slow runners so I can actually run with someone. I've even tried to start my own group but apparently the only other person my speed is a grumpy old man who hates people 🤔
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Since this was the One Small Step race in celebration of the moon landing, I decided to run where this "woman had never run before" - the Tusculum Trail about 45 minutes from my house. I got started with the run at about 7:50.
    According to my Garmin, it was 75°F with a humidity level of 89% and no wind. Garmin says the feel like was 75°F, but I beg to differ! It was HOT!!!

    75F with 89% humidity is horrible. With that much water in the air your body's cooling systems fail miserably. Well done getting your race done and PB's despite the heat!
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    So the local idol I mentioned earlier messaged me to invite me to join a group of women who run together near here. I said thanks but they're out of my league for now. She was like 'meh they train at 6 min per km.' Umm I train at like 8 min per km 😥 She gave me a thumb up and went silent. Now I feel like that kid nobody wants on their team at school 🙄😂
    Great job on the devil hill segment @eleanorhawkins! Glad my comment was helpful to you too. Love the devil hill run mileage, so perfect.

    And don't let that conversation with your "idol" get to you. We're all in different places. I know what you mean, when someone's "oh, I'm so slow" is so much faster than me. Doesn't mean you're not awesome!

    Yeah, see the problem is what you are used to. When I saw to my wife "yeah, just going to get a slow run in cause I am tired" or whatever, I am still running several minutes per mile faster than she does. So your "idol" runs say 4 min/km - then "6 min/km" IS SLOW, for her. And that is her world. People used to that level often forget the rest of the paces. To someone whose world is 4 min/km, 8 would be like walking. You have to deliberately force your mind to readjust ranges when you are dealing with people outside your own ranges. It is not something that comes naturally.

    It is like me saying "a short run" - by which I mean like 8 or 10 miles, and people on this thread be like "8 miles? It would take me WEEKS to run that far!"

    I doubt she meant anything by her comment, it just takes extra thought and time to mental readjust and she probably was not ready for that.

    @PastorVincent oh yeah I totally get that, she's a really nice woman and she's the local 'idol' because she wins everything out there, so obviously it's a bit like when I read on the forums that someone maintains on 2800 calories per day when that would be 2 days for me. Brain just cannot compute it 😂
    I was merely raging at the fact that I'm unable to find anyone to run with due to the fact that I am... one of the most sedate. I know, I know, still lapping the ones on the couch.
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    @Tramboman true that, just gets a bit lonely sometimes but luckily I have all of you awesome folks for 'company'.
    @Avidkeo awww thanks! Go pick up some heavy stuff 😁 Fingers and toes crossed for the house, it's cooooooool!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    For those of you getting out in this heat, I am impressed! I was out for 10 mins taking various pictures and now I need a shower! LOL
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,672 Member
    Thanks @eleanorhawkins , @PastorVincent , and @garygse for the kudos.

    @PastorVincent I agree with your comments about the weather. All weather is not safe to be in. Again, it is what you are used to and dressing appropriately. You can push it, but be safe. Cool picture!!!

    @Avidkeo That house looks great. Praying for good news. I missed what happened to your toe, but I hope it heals quickly.

    @Elise4270 Glad you are getting out to walk. Hope your daughter decides to join you more often. Why does she not feel comfortable wearing shorts for the walk?

  • zeesparrow
    zeesparrow Posts: 348 Member
    July miles - 52.11/75, walk 10.53
    07/01 - Yoga; walk 1.82
    07/02 - 4.58; Yoga
    07/03 - 3.02
    07/04 - rest
    07/05 - 4.5
    07/06 - rest
    07/07 - 8.07
    07/08 - Yoga
    07/09 - 4.97
    07/10 - 3.08; Yoga
    07/11 - 4.96
    07/12 - Yoga; walk 1.07
    07/13 - Yoga; walk 2.03
    07/14 - 6.21 - 10k PR (1:09:19)
    07/15 - walk 1.33
    07/16 - 5.16 (incl 100m sprint @7min pace!); Yoga
    07/17 - 2.53; Yoga
    07/18 - walk 2.34; 20min bike; Yoga
    07/19 - 5.03
    07/20 - walk 4.28

    Another morning of walking the dogs separately. I took each of them to the vet's office for a quick hello and weigh-in first thing this morning. Then the rest of the day was relatively sedentary. Now I need to finish at least one load of laundry so I have something to wear on my long run tomorrow.
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