

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    edited July 2019
    Rita - How awful for you. Bowel issues can really take it out of you. Are you using rehydration sachets? Your whole system can get out of whack. When I came back from Mexico, where I'd had food poisoning, my heart rate was all over the place when I went on the machines. :o Definitely worth taking some kind of supplement to make sure you are getting all those micro nutrients. Especially if it's been going on a long time.

    Edie has gone. Tomorrow we have Bea from 8.30, so no morning exercises. :s Then we pick up the kids from school and give them all tea. Long day. I made homemade pesto today so we can make a quick supper tomorrow night if we can get home in time. I've got a bag of salad and fresh prosciutto ravioli. Not very slimming, but I will just need to eat, I'm sure.

    Tonight is fish soup with cod and prawns.

    Katla - What a wonderful surprise! You must have been thrilled!
    I would have killed my DH if he had done that to me, but I'm sure you were happy. I always organise everything months in advance and hate surprises. But you had the best surprise! :D<3

    KJ - Gorgeous Joachim. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Kelly ~ Your hairdo looks great! :) I can't take a selfie with any success.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    Kelly ... you are both strong and beautiful! <3
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Kelly Love!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    edited July 2019
    Evelyn love the baby blanket.

    Making my grandmother's oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for a party tomorrow. I have modified it instead of using half shortening like she did I use coconut oil. I also grind a cup of oatmeal to replace a cup of the flour. Instead of 2 and a quarter flour. I use 1 cup ground oatmeal, 1 cup five minute oatmeal, and about 1 cup flour because I do not add nuts. It you add nuts use less flour. They turn out chewy but soft. If I am going to have a cookie I want to know what is in them. I do find a couple satisfy me so I don't worry about eating too many They do bake faster than the package of chocolate chips calls for so I do have to be careful not to overbake them.

    The heat finally relented so I decided I could bake.

    I did go off sugar for about 6 months and I did notice an improvement in the scale. It does have a way of sneaking back into my diet.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla what a wonderful birthday surprise that your son flew in. I'm sure you will also treasure pictures of your grandchilren.

    Heather, I adore your 70 tiara. What great fun. I

    Kelly, Joaquin is so gorgeous and growing right into a little boy. They just will not stay babies ! :)

    Carol I love your new haircut.

    Rori I see on TV they are racing today at the track near the foothills. Can you hear the noise from your home?

    Very hot here again today. The next few days are supposed to drop down to upper 80s with lower hunidity. I sure hope so!

    Janetr OKC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Ev- love the baby blanket. I did one for each of my grands so I know it is a Labor of love
    Katla- What a great birthday surprise. So glad it as the best ever.
    kJ- LOVE your haircut that makes you not only strong but You are beautiful. Joaquin is just so darn cute. Looks like his hair has grown out. So glad you had a great week.
    Carol- your haircut is really cute and I bet you love it.
    Rori- I hope you can get some help so you don’t wear yourself out. Take care of you, mug friend.
    jac- no better time to start than right now. Come back often to visit.
    Too hot to work outside today. Maybe tomorrow. DH helped me for a few hours on Saturday. Maybe I can finish up that bed next week.
    Suebdew in TX
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,792 Member
    Heather - I just love the tiara. My Mother of the bride dress sparkled like crazy! There is still glitter everywhere. The sales clerk at Walmart commented yesterday when she was packing my groceries in the reusable bag!
    Your Grandchildren are so blessed to have your DH in their lives.
    I read you were having cod and prayers instead of seeing prawns. My first thought was I hope it’s not so bad she needs prayers for it!

    Kelly - I just love your haircut! I had one like that a few years ago but hubby didn’t care for it. You did well with your selfies!

    I have the kids here for the afternoon, Lauryn and Ryan were gifted a tent trailer and it is being delivered this afternoon. They are so excited, and I’m happy for them because they will surely use it a lot. The kids are young enough this will make some good memories for them.

    Tracey In Edmonton
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    KJ, love the haircut! When I go back to a short clip, it's the same feeling as when I see the scale drop below any ten-pound mark - I always feel lighter and leaner. Yours is stylish and suits you well. :) Mine is... practical. :blush:

    Geri UK - hope the regimen you've been on has done both you and the DH tons of good... anytime the word "diabetes" starts getting slung around, it gets your attention.

    Corey's plane lands in two and a half hours, and the house is significantly cleaner than when he left... which he probably won't notice, but that's OK, I feel better about it. Of course, I had to evict a half dozen cicadas that Egg kept bringing in the house, and one poor lizard that had his tail terminated with extreme prejudice, poor little booger. She's a savage little feline, but much loved.

    She'll be glad to see Corey, as well, as she's been looking for him all over the house. She was quite miffed the last couple nights because he wasn't there to give her the nightly treats, and quite vocal about it.

    Just emerged from the shower myself, after being a grub all day yesterday--told you I didn't do much :smiley:

    Now to find a new book - finished the other two books of the Patternist series in between chores, time to go find something else to read. Got three months of Kindle Unlimited for $19.99, and there's a bunch of new stuff on...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla Happy belated birthday!!

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited July 2019
    Well wish me luck Gals came in JR just figured out how to climb in a big chair! Can’t get down yet but we all know this leads to a lot of NOooooo’s ,climbing,bad landings when getting down,etc until they master the rules to it! Starting Pre-K booklets in the mix to get his math up. Apps to flash cards y reading for words. Fingers crossed we can be 3rd grade level by Kindergarten or at least ahead of the rest.

    Amber Tx

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited July 2019
    KJ - Wish my hair cooperated like that after a cut! I never look like I asked it gets worse as it dries lol 😂.More fingers crossed 🤞 it looks alright by day 2 or 3.

    JRs test On his learning app shows an improvement in writing y reading with a total of 1530 average in all.Rest isn’t his strong suit yet. Working on it still. Success doesn’t happen by sitting on your hands expecting a teacher with a full class if 30kids to magically catch them up! So I make sure they learn before y help as much as possible until it’s passed my abilities then I take them to before/after school tutoring! Old score on bottom-New on Top

    Amber Tx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
    instead of going to the gym-

    other- walking/jogging w/kids at school- 60min 3.16mi= 425c,
    Apple Watch- 375c
    other- washing the kids- 30-45min, 100c eat

    total cal 525
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    KJ - Love the new cut on you. You look so young! :D<3

    I can't have any style cut into my hair as I sweat so much every morning with the exercise. It just has to be a blunt chop, no layers at all. I don't even have them blow dry it at the salon, not worth it. They chop it straight round at shoulder length and then I'm out of there with it damp. As it's shoulder length I can put it up for exercise, but no styling lasts a day. I have to wash it every other day to look half decent.
    I'm going to blonde my roots for the reunion, but I don't think I'm going in for a trim. Last time she cut it too short. I like it touching my shoulders, to disguise my face, but can't wear it longer because it's so fine it just breaks.
    I have always envied long, thick, curly hair, preferably red, like my DSIL. >:)

    I'm thinking of buying my sparkly dress on the cheap from Amazon. But I know it will be poor quality and I hate sending things back if they don't fit. I don't want to spend a lot of money on something I will wear once. Still pondering.

    We are expecting very hot weather next week. Fortunately, after tomorrow's super busy day with the kids, we have nothing planned.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Barbie: Love the picture of Sasha. She is a gorgeous poodle.

    KJ: Oooh la, la. You look very pretty in your selfie, and we all know you are STRONG. So happy you got time with Lauren and fam.

    : The drag races are about 2 miles north of me. I'm not hearing engine noise bouncing off the foothills today, but there are some years the environment is right, and we hear them loud and clear.

    Last night DH and I fell asleep in our chairs watching one of the umpteen Apollo 11 retrospectives. We went to bed at a decent hour and slept 10 hours. 😃 At the pool there was another woman my age dog paddling like I do. We talked for a solid hour, and really enjoyed the visit. She and I have alot in common. We exchanged hugs and phone numbers when it was time to leave.

    Thank you lovely friends for your concern re my health. Despite DH's condition, I still manage to get outside to exercise for an hour a day, and then he naps after lunch, so I get that time to follow my bliss. My morning meditations focus on compassion and patience with difficult people. I think this helps my mindset immensely.

    Reuben is still working on the guest bath lights. Turned out to be a bit more involved than originally thought, but if I know him, he'll figure it all out and have it done before 6pm today.

    Happy National Ice Cream Day! I think I'll run out and get the guys some milkshakes.

    Take care. Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Heather UK - That’s why I bought off eBay for dresses to coats .I can research the sizes after measuring myself looking in my closet at clothes that fit (I usually buy same brands I own multiple of cause well I know the sizes will fit) . Then offer a price,bid,or buy now. Rest of the time I hit Thrift Shops they usually have a dressing room or don’t frown if I wear a tank top pop off my baggy shirt pop on one I’m trying on it a dress lol.

    Learned after making a chicken lunch meat sandwich warming it in the air fryer yuck 🤢 add tomato y lettuce after you cook the wheat bread ,meat,cheese skip the mustard. Lol still was a filling meal tho.Hubby grabs bag of potatoes never reads so ended up with red potatoes instead of russet.Sigh I rather have a softer potatoe when having baked. Oh well made it work best I could for my baked potato side dish. Had 8.5 baked Cheetos on the side with cucumber 🥒 slices. Sad part the cucumber y Cheetos tasted the best lol cause well the rest didn’t turn out like I hoped but oh well.Stuffed y it wasn’t bad on calories.

    Amber Tx
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    KJ, beautiful haircut! I need to get a summertime haircut!

  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,346 Member
    Love the haircut Kelly-I have never had the nerve to do something like that, even though I think they look great on others.

    Most excitement here is that there is a thunderstorm and temperatures are dropping. Temps just supposed to be in the 70's tomorrow-quite a swing, but I am looking forward to it.

    Since storm interferes with the satellite, think I'll go read for a bit before bedtime.

    Ginny in Ohio