
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    stats for the day:

    day 7 (mon-fri)
    no gym workout

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 6.41min, 14amph, 137mhr, 1.55mi= 78c
    apple watch- 63c
    bike ride gym 2 sumn station- 50.21min, 14.1amph, 145mhr, 11.82mi= 492c
    apple watch- 431c
    jog station 2 wrk- 5.02min, 142mhr, 10.08min mi, .49mi= 62c
    apple watch- 55c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.13min, 9.25min mi, 148mhr, .44mi= 53c
    apple watch- 52c
    bike ride dome 2 hm-16.52min, 8.9amph, 146mhr, 2.49mi= 181c
    apple watch- 136c

    total cal 866
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Yesterday I found that Bessie had chewed on the end of the cord I use to plug in my phone for charging. I found a new one on Amazon, ordered it, and it arrived today. This morning when Jake and I went for our monthly "haircut date", I noticed that one of the zippers was broken on my purse (the one I use all the time and have used daily since I bought it in 2014) so I found a match online, ordered it, and it will arrive tomorrow. That's more shopping than I usually do in six months.

    :) I have a great friend that I walk with every morning. We rarely miss a day. That's more than enough socializing for me.

    :)Heather, you and your friends look fabulous. I moved around so much when I was growing up that I have no connections with anyone I knew in school.

    :)b4leaving, Our approach to holidays is a lot like yours. Jake has children and grandchildren in another state and they know we don't celebrate holidays there's no issue of being included in their celebrations. Frequently Jake wants to go out to eat on a holiday but I think that's because he likes to go out to eat and is looking for a reason.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Dad taste tested Jello Brand unsweetened pudding with skim milk 🥛 they said it tastes just like regular pudding.Cousin taste tested Walmart brand y me HEB brand yuck 🤢 had to add creamer 3/4cup to unsweetened almond milk to offset the taste y he added nutmeg creamer to his 2% milk 🥛. So long ramble short pay the extra money get Jello brand instead.

    Amber Tx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Machka- Lord what Church did you go to!!! Some Ex-PTA Bully Mom signing you up without asking on lists!

    :lol: It wasn't quite that bad. I think the person/people I talked to were likely extroverts and wanted to present me with opportunities to get involved. They were a bit over-enthusiastic for me. I've been a PK, and I've done my fair share of childcare programs, cleaning, etc. etc. etc. ...
    At this point in my life where everything is so busy and overwhelming, all I want to do is to go to a service and sit quietly, and leave immediately after.

    The fact I don't drive much kind of limits my choices.

    @machka you usually put on about one pound when? at menopause?

    Sorry, my mistake ... I put on 1 kg before my periods.

    But as long as I remain within my normal BMI range, it's all good. No stress. Right now I've eased into overweight, so I'm working a little bit harder to get back into the normal range. :)

    M in Oz

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Same here 1-5lbs during a period that if I’m good disappear the day it ends. Peri menopause added 10lbs. Menopause last time I was fully meno didn’t gain anything seemed like being level out finally on hormones stopped the issue.Here’s hoping I get the same result this 2nd time.

    Lol still what church signs you up when your a newbie? I’d still cross my name right back off with eye contact!

    Amber Tx
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    Lisa - my best friend and I haven’t lived in the same province except for one year since we were 18. We still manage to keep in touch at least weekly and over the last few years have seen each other almost yearly. The heart doesn’t know what distance means I guess.

    Katla - My Dad smoked in the car when we were growing up too, he always put the window down some though. When my girls were young I smoked too and did the same as my Dad. Now that I’m a non smoker I can’t imagine how I did this to my children and no one even dreams of smoking with the grandchildren around.

    Kelly - I married an extrovert that turned into an introvert. I miss doing things and I am hoping we can make some changes. It sure is no fun doing things alone all the time. Isn’t it amazing what MJ will do for people? I have started using it regularly to help me sleep. Can’t do it during waking hours munchies and weight loss aren’t compatible.

    Lanette - you sure do know how to pick your friends. 😂
    Hopefully they can get you fixed up soon and the DH doesn’t need anything you have prepared.

    End of page 95 - will continue in a bit
    Tracey In Edmonton
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Ladies: I need help. I would like to have a pool party for those on our street. Remember how I told you that Vince was fighting me every step of the way? I originally wanted it for the neighborhood, we settled on just our street. I wouldn't be surprised if the people next door to me don't come. They seem to want to keep to themselves.

    Anyway, Vince just told me that he doesn't want to be grilling when people are here. He'd want to grill before everyone got here and that I should just keep them on a platter, covered, in the sun & they'd stay warm. Well, you need to keep food at a certain temperature or bacteria can grow. So I'm thinking that I'd need to keep them warm and the only way I can think to do that is to keep them in a crockpot. Looks like you need to have a bit of beef broth in the pot to keep them moist. Has anyone done this? I'm thinking that you can keep hot dogs and hamburgers warm in the same pot. I guess I'll have to put the burgers in the microwave to melt the cheese.

    Now what can I have? I really can't eat hamburgers and I can't remember the last time I had a hot dog. I'm thinking chicken. Any suggestions? It doesn't have to be chicken. I sort-of don't want a veggie burger because they look so much like hamburgers. Now if he was cooking them and then we were eating them, that wouldn't be a problem because we can keep them separate. But that's not to be. I guess I could put the veggie burgers in another crockpot, but that seems like overkill for a few burgers.

    Any ideas?
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla- I have heard you mention how your dog has a hard time with fireworks. My daughters dog goes nuts. She gave him CBD oil for joint pain for the first time last week when I was there. It worked great for that but even greater for the sever lightning storm with constant very loud thunder worse then any fireworks. She was amazed at how he didn’t even move or even notice the storm going on. She is loading up for the fireworks next year!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,589 Member
    Carol great news about your knee. Keep up the good work!
    Machka I am amazed at you being able to walk yourself 2 km to hospital with that monster stone. Brutal!
    Vickie ((hugs)) I think having your friend physically there but not remembering must be very very painful for you. Brava for visiting anyway.
    Karen in VA, Would daughter be able to work in France? Question of both Visa and skills. Do Olivia and Phoenix have dual citizenship since their father is French? Is your daughter open to reconciling with her estranged husband, or sharing custody with him? Would it indeed be in the children's best interest to be in France with socialized medicine and grands with resources? That would indeed be anguishing.
    Lanette "...backhoe and many acres of forest land..." ROTFLMAO! When I gave Scooter a drop of CBD oil orally it seemed to have unwelcome end product results, so now I massage a little directly on his hips and spine. He's been able to go down the stairs by himself several times. Joe has marveled, but I haven't told him my secret... ;)
    Heather what a great looking group of gals!
    Rebecca Athena looks like she could fit in the palm of your hand. A sleeping fairy child.
    Katla "all other verts stay away" LOL! I was a little startled to see CBD containing health and beauty products at Fred Meyer's today. . . ;}

    Goop project update, learned how to use the electric staple gun and with Joe's extra hands helping got the construction plastic around the deck skirting. Scraped between boards of another third of the deck before my arm/shoulder screamed "STOP!" Tomorrow is T'ai Chi, Farmers' Market and Dog Group. Hope to finish scraping and apply goop to test section Thursday for cleaning off Friday after T'ai Chi. This is a lot more work than I'm usually up for. We'll just have to see.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    will update these later too, haven't been keeping up on my metrics. Meditate 0/31, knee exercises 0/31, CO>CI 5/31, vits+rx 3/31, play with Tumble 2/31, AF 2/31, steps: Tues:5770, Wed:3425 :{ Thur: 5949 so far
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for July: consistency.

  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    I am definitely an introvert. I engage in conversation only after I truly get comfortable with people. I can handle things like family gatherings or a dinner with church choir members, but I’m terrified of new situations. I know that sounds really weird from a college instructor who talks for hours to a class, but I have developed my own coping mechanisms for handling things until I know my students. My mom just thought I was incredibly shy, but truthfully I fall very close to “on the autism spectrum-mild Asperger’s”. I can play piano, but not in front of people. I can sing and even do solo work, but I stay very focused on the director during choral settings and focus on an inanimate object if I’m a soloist.

    Taking time off work this week to rest up for the new semester.

    Connie in KY
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    July goals review
    1. Write what I'm grateful for here daily sometimes
    2. At least 30 min exercise 6 days a weekn ✔️
    3.Track all stopped last 2 weeks
    4. Five minutes meditation 5 days a week some days, not 5X a week
    5. Average 1100 calories net no
    6. Lose 1-2 kilos maybe lost .25 k lol 59 average rather than 59.26 (average over past 7 days in each case)
    7. Take measurements every 2 weeks (?) didn't
    8. Go to free coaching session ✔️
    9. Try one class per week at gym. Try different classes. went 1x in month
    11. Use city bike 1x a week . no
    12. eat fresh leafy greens 4 days a week no, rarely

    Long term writing
    12. Spend at least 2h/day on long term writing project average no time
    13. Produce at least 3 rough pages per day average no time

    14. Average at least 15 min/day of cleaning possibly

    15. Make a list of short term tasks,didn't etc and prioritise them, and do them didn't list, did some did some
    16. Take care of at least 2 short term (1 pagish) writing or administrative task/bill per week took care of some, probably not 2 per week
    17. Taxes not done
    18. 1 h per week filing none

    19. 1 hour on art project (other than sketching) per week no

    20. do one work-related thing per week other than the above, to progress (I have to network and take initiative etc, in my job and I haven't been doing so much since focusing on thesis) yes some networking and meetings

    Remaining from May to do in July : Make appointment with dentist 2

    -mild weather
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited July 2019
    August goals

    HEALTH :

    1. Write what I'm grateful for daily, here or elsewhere
    2. Five minutes meditation 4 days a week
    3. Write feelings here or somewhere

    5. At least 30 min exercise 6 days a week
    6. Go to gym 2x a week
    7. Use city bike 1x

    8. Track all
    9. average less than 100 carbs per day
    10. Take measurements 1x
    11. at fresh leafy greens 2x a week

    Eating and movement
    13. Lose a kilo

    12. 15 min a day
    13. Produce at least 1 rough page per day

    14. Average at least 15 min/day of cleaning

    15. 15 min/day paperwork most days

    17. taxes
    18. pay 1 bill per week

    remaining from may see dentist 2
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I feel crappy!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka I am amazed at you being able to walk yourself 2 km to hospital with that monster stone. Brutal!

    It had to be the slowest walk in history. I don't remember much of it except for bushes (I was crouched in and over) and stone walls (I was sitting doubled over on). :(

    M in Oz

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    For the ladies who are just joining us this month, keep your eyes out at the end of today for Barbie's link to next month's thread. Clean slate, new start, fresh (or continuing) goals!

    Heather - such lovely ladies, including you!

    Rebecca - what a wonderful, serene picture of little Miss Athena. She's a charmer.

    Third day at the gym today, back to cardio, my favorite. :) It's possible I've learned a teensy bit in all my years of overdoing everything... :wink: Started slow this time, building up to get back to where I want to be. Just trying to get in a "happy habit," and remembering how much I need this. It's a cascade for me.

    Up far too early this morning, only slept about five hours, but got the kitchen cleaned up, and am uploading my second cup of coffee. :)

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Jan-19 ... 241.6 km (150.1 miles) = 27 hours 2 minutes
    Feb-19 ... 175.5 km (109 miles) = 19 hours 8 minutes
    Mar-19 ... 170.3 km (105.8 miles) = 28 hours 21 minutes
    Apr-19 ... 160.3 km (99.6 miles) = 25 hours 4 minutes
    May-19 ... 164.0 km (101.9 miles) = 29 hours 10 minutes
    Jun-19 ... 246.2 km (153 miles) = 25 hours 40 minutes

    Goal: More than June!!

    Monday, 1 July 2019 … 2.2 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 16 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 2 July 2019 … 4.3 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 8 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 3 July 2019 … 6.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 6 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 4 July 2019 … 6.2 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 6 flights of stairs
    Friday, 5 July 2019 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 6 July 2019 … 0.5 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 7 July 2019 … 0.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs

    Monday, 8 July 2019 … 3.1 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 9 July 2019 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 2.5 km rowing + 6 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 10 July 2019 … 1.8 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 2.8 km rowing + 5 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 11 July 2019 … 3.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 3.2 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs
    Friday, 12 July 2019 … 2.5 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 13 July 2019 … 2.6 km walking + 1.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 14 July 2019 … 3.6 km walking + 9.0 km cycling + 3.3 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs

    Monday, 15 July 2019 … 6.5 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs + 30 min pilates!
    Tuesday, 16 July 2019 … 7.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 17 July 2019 … 2.0 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 15 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 18 July 2019 … 2.0 km walking + 5.0 km cycling + 2.3 km rowing + 14 flights of stairs
    Friday, 19 July 2019 … 5.3 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 1.0 km rowing + 14 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 20 July 2019 … 2.0 km walking + 11.4 km cycling + 1.5 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 21 July 2019 … 2.0 km walking + 18.4 km cycling + 1.6 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs

    Monday, 22 July 2019 … 4.9 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs + 30 min pilates!
    Tuesday, 23 July 2019 … 7.2 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 24 July 2019 … 5.5 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 25 July 2019 … 4.5 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 2.4 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs
    Friday, 26 July 2019 … 5.3 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 2.5 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 27 July 2019 … 3.1 km walking + 17.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs
    Sunday, 28 July 2019 … 3.6 km walking + 18.5 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 0 flights of stairs

    Monday, 29 July 2019 … 4.3 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 2 flights of stairs + 30 min pilates!
    Tuesday, 30 July 2019 … 5.4 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 4 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 31 July 2019 … 5.1 km walking + 0.0 km cycling + 0.0 km rowing + 3 flights of stairs

    2019 Monthly July
    Walking Distance (km): 114.0
    Walking Time (min): 1416.3
    Cycling Distance (km): 80.2
    Cycling Time (min): 260.5
    Flights Stairs Climbed Number: 135.0
    Flights Stairs Climbed Time (min): 108.0
    Rowing Distance (km): 23.1
    Rowing Time (min): 151.0
    Other Distance: 0.0
    Other Time: 90.0

    Total Distance (km): 217.3
    Total Distance (miles): 135.0
    Total Time (min): 2025.8
    Total Time (hr): 33:45:45

    Machka in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Wednesday!
    Kim- Hello! I am your introverted extrovert or extroverted introvert. Looks like we became who we are today, in very similar ways!
    Michele- Are you dead set on hot dogs and burgers? Why not just get a couple of crock pots going with pulled pork or pulled chicken or sloppy joe/taco meat? Then all you would need to set out are the buns and fixins. Zero work for Vince and very little work for you. PS- I wouldn't mention the double chin to Jess; I am sure she knows. But if you notice that her eating habits have changed; like, eating more junk than normal, maybe just ask her if everything is okay or if she is under stress and mention that you noticed what she is eating and state that THAT is how you eat when you are stressed. Ask if you can help or if she would like to vent. (We have eachother to vent to; she may feel like she has no one to do that with)
    Lanette- You are the third person to mention the cbd gummies. I think I am going to grab some at the Health Hutt and have Tim give them a try. Maybe I will grab the cbd oil as well. He seems so strong in his conviction not to try it; but maybe if it is here and if the pain is THAT bad... >:)
    Lisa- So glad you are taking it slow at the gym. I am raising my hand over here as a fellow "weekend warrior" and type A "over-doer". My body doesn't recover from excess like it used to.
    Rebecca- Oh, that Athena Rose! <3 What a doll baby!
    Heather- Wow! What a fantastic looking group of ladies! There you sit like a rose in the middle of the garden! Red suits you well. So...I take it, some of these ladies (perhaps with names changed?) will show up in your upcoming volume of your memoir?
    Barbara- Oooh! A power staple gun?! I haven't used one of those before! Don't you love using power tools? !! Once I started using them, I completely understood a man's obsession with them. They make you feel STRONG!! AFter I use one or complete a project using them, I feel a little like the Tom Hanks character from Cast Away; standing by the fire yelling and dancing, rejoicing in the fact that "I made fire!" Me: "I made this!" (followed by lots of chest thumping)

    I am a bit miffed. As you know, I didn't have Trentin at all the past few weeks due to his visiting cousins on the other side of the state, then my vacation, then his being at sleep away camp. Well, he started back with me this week. His mom started a new job and has to be there at 6am; which means Trentin has been arriving at 5am, bus picks him up at 8:30 for daycamp at the Y, then he returns to my house at 4:30 until 8pm. ANYWAY...I have been getting up at 4:45, to be somewhat ready for them at 5; no show and no call this morning! Grrr...I could have gotten a little more sleep. *sigh*

    Well, I better get into the basement and find my plastic tarp. Our theme for daycare this week is Streams, Rivers, Lakes, and Oceans. We are doing experiments today with waves, currents, and erosion. We will be building a river of our own on the driveway. It will probably be very messy, but the boys are looking forward to it, as they were planning out the path they want it to take, yesterday. Building materials are: sand, pebbles, rocks, sticks, and water. Should be interesting. Our walk today will be on the beach as we look for signs of the tide, erosion, currents, and waves in action.

    Love and hugs to you all! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)