

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I have been slightly on edge all day wondering if the water at the Elk's Lodge would be repaired so we could have dance class today, so I did what is my most favorite stress reducer. I rode my exercise bike and knitted and watched TV, taking some short breaks to walk the dogs. Finally at 7 PM I got the news that the water was fixed and we will dance tomorrow. I was able to send an email to my class and let them know that all was well.

    :)Tracey, it is cool here, too, and windy and not like summer at all. I love it because I don't like the heat, but a lot of people are complaining.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Well tried the gold mask my naturally red face turned redder looks like I ate too much beets! Wouldn’t peel off at all so shower to scrub it off.Hubby said your not cut out for beauty products their just not you! Insightful cause not that I bought this stupid 3pack I feel like I have to use the last one boy am I dreading it. I’m anti-face mask now add it to anti-nail polish,anti-makeup,anti-fake nails,anti- aging lol 😂. So oh well I tried going to force myself for 1 more then never again! Daughter bought a moving foot scraper I used it loved it to pieces! Taking it I can buy her a new one when she asks for it.We share clothes to perfume not a big deal to us we got a stick pile we take what we want contribute to it later. We share hair dryers to nail kits. Lol can’t do that with JR lol 😂 not sure where he’s going to put his stuff me y Daughter take up a lot of room in the bathrooms lol she’s back at the Navy still her toothbrushes sit in drawers .
    Amber Tx.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    Connie - that’s awesome!
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Wednesday and Thursday were super busy. Just finished skimming the posts. I’ve watched My 600 lb Life too. It made me realize that I was about 2 steps away from being out of control. I saw a therapist for my food issues. I could easily sit and eat a tub of cake icing and a tube of cookie dough.

    I love tuna and made a lot of tuna salad for lunch lately. I didn’t realize that tuna is high in purines. I now have gout. This is crazy painful!!

    Thanks for sharing the gastric bypass stories. I thought about it several times, but I knew I didn’t have the level of dedication needed to be successful. Kudos to those who’ve done it!!

    Connie in KY
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Barbie I know you are so relieved about the water situation at the Elk's club. I'm glad it's resolved!

    Connie What Kim said.

    Karen in Virginia
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Morning, just popping in to say "hi" getting ready to go shopping, it's a bit cooler today (so far!) we've had a few hot days here. Feeling very tired at the moment, wondering if I need to drink more water, so trying to keep hydrated.

    Had to take our cat Logan to the vet yesterday, DD noticed that he had an abcess on his thigh, by the time we got him there it had burst, but the vet cleaned it up and gave him an injection and antibiotics to take home, he's already feeling better. Cost a fortune mind, could have done without the extra expense lol.

    Well I'd better get ready. Congrats to those who have had successes however small, and hugs to those in need.

    <3 Viv UK
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    My three days on my own start early this morning... need to get my hubby to the airport at 5:30 a.m. Wondered why this had me discombobulated a bit, as time on my own doesn't bother me, but we were talking about it last night... and in the ten years we've been married, I've always been the one traveling alone, and he stays home. Almost all my jobs have involved some travel. None of his ever have. When he's been flying, at least for the last decade, I've been with him. He commented that, when he travels with other people, they always seem to feel he doesn't know what he's doing and needs direction, but when he's alone, he always gets everywhere on time just fine. Not sure if he realized he meant me! :smiley:

    Now that his weekend away is here, it means mine is only a week away, as well. I'll be heading to Little Rock next Friday for our annual conference, back Saturday evening. Splitting gas with a co-worker who doesn't want to ride in a van, either... I'll drive us there and she'll drive on the way back. I don't drive in the evenings anymore, and if I were going by myself, I'd get a hotel room for Saturday night, rather than try to drive three hours starting at 6 or 7 p.m.

    Barbara AHMOD, a little worried about you as well... check in, dear heart, we miss your voice!

    Viv UK, pet medical care has gotten incredibly expensive, hasn't it? Same here in the U.S.

    SueBDew, so glad the news was good from the eye doc!

    Margaret, I love old trains, thanks for the pics.

    Rebecca, little Miss Athena is a beauty.

    LuciB, congratulations on the upcoming granddaughter! I've got one coming in January, preliminary guess is it's a boy, but official answer won't be until next month.

    Time to go get my second cup of coffee going...

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    @auntiebk ...

    She's trying to get in, but it's kicking her out.

    I'd also like to hear how @wildhorsewendy is doing.

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    Machka Thanks for the Barbara AHMOD update.

    I miss Wendy's wonderful posts, too, but she was pretty clear that she was going to stop posting, as I recall. @auntiebk just disappeared into thin air!

    Funny what captures the imagination. I woke up this morning thinking about those micromosaics. I may have to go look at them again soon. Our wonderful fine arts museum is free of charge except for certain exhibits. The Elizabeth Locke micromosaic exhibit is free! I found out about it when I was purchasing a membership for my emotionally disabled brother. He is an amazing artist, and he lives just a mile from the museum, so he spends a fair amount of time there. He can walk there and spend a few hours in a quiet air-conditioned environment filled with art. It is a respite away from being around other emotionally ill & sometimes argumentative or otherwise disruptive behavior. He mentioned that there was a special exhibit he was interested in, but it cost money so he hadn't gone. Now he is a member & can see all the exhibits as many times as he'd like to. I hope he goes every day and spends hours. He made this for my birthday. It probably took him less than an hour:

    Karen in Virginia

    Wow! That's stunning!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Machka I just added 3 more older works.