August 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    @ariceroni - WTG on your AG wins and PR. Super impressed that you won even after taking a puke break! 🤮 (And that 6:39 just happens to be my mile PR too! I plan on improving that as well since it was in the heat of summer and was mile 6 of a 10K)

    @skippygirlsmom - so sorry for your bonk! But it happens. Don't worry about it.
    Very happy to hear that Skip is doing well in her running, but my sympathies for the fall and HORNETS! YIKES! Hope she has found her way at the new school. Miss her (and your) updates!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @Tramboman good attitude in embracing the good and bad days and not getting discouraged. Definitely not surprising to have a bad day after all that.

    Great run this morning @Scott6255 - sometimes that run in the rain is just plain fun (when it's not too cold and miserable).

    @shanaber my legs and glutes are pretty sore right now too from yesterday's strength training and this morning's run. Some aqua running sounds really nice but I could go for a massage and a hot tub.

    @PastorVincent that sounds like a miserable environment, I can't imagine. Hope your next ones are more promising.

    @ariceroni so sorry about the puking but way to go on the AG finish! Impressive comeback!

    @skippygirlsmom - I don't think I've said, but great to see you around here again. Sorry you felt so bad, hope you are doing better now. Congrats to Skip - but crazy about the hornets. Ouch!

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    So I've got this idea...

    Earlier this year I had considered, and then scrapped plans to do a 50k trail race in June. The route isn't too far from where I'm spending the summer, and after a grueling uphill over the first 10k, it looks pretty flat. I'm currently in "half marathon anytime" shape and have been training regularly, but haven't run farther than that since doing a marathon in May. The idea? To HIKE the 50k route in a day, with maybe a little easy running mixed in after I get up into the highlands, roughly aiming for 10 hours (which happens to be the cutoff were I doing the race). I feel like it's a reasonable thing given the shape I'm in... BUT I've never gone that far before. I kinda expect this group to enable, uh, I mean encourage me to go for it, but please speak up if you have advice or thoughts about it!

    Haven't some of you done some all-day hiking? How did it go, compared to your running fitness?
    I think physically you would be fine. Since the race was in June I'm assuming that you will be attempting the route alone and unsupported? In that case you will need to carry lots of water, snacks and maybe a small first aid kit. Is it a double loop so that you circle back to your car at some point? Also, that's a long time to be alone in your head and no one to encourage you when you want to quit.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    Ran late morning today and it was sickeningly hot, literally - my husband asked to stop because he was getting shivers and feeling like he was going to throw up. Temp was 97 and dewpoint 81, but it was mainly the complete lack of cloud cover, the sun was just too direct and the radiant heat was killer. We had planned to do 10k and I knew it would be tough, although it was only supposed to reach 88 according to the forecast, so I tried to run as easy as possible starting out. Which seems to be about 11 minute miles. First couple of miles felt okay, third mile felt hard, fourth mile I was starting to pray a little, and my husband said he was getting overheated. I said try to make it to five and we’ll quit. Going up the last hill in direct sunlight I was thinking I wouldn’t make it to five, never have two tenths of a mile seemed that long. Then we had to walk back in the baking sun and that was pretty dismal as well, so after drinking water we started running again, and ended up bringing in 10k at just under 12 minute pace after all. On the upside the very slow pace kept my Achilles’ tendon from hurting.

    There was some sort of group of fit young people wearing Marines t-shirts out running after a guy carrying a flag - maybe ROTC although they looked a little old for ROTC - and half of them were walking. It was hot. Both my husband and I noticed that the bottoms of our feet hurt from the heat of the pavement going through our shoes. Ugh. I am already over August!

    Yikes, that's hot! I would be toast!

    I agree with you on running a race in a cemetery. Just too weird and to me it would be disrespectful.
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Great race @ContraryMaryMary!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Ran the Taupo Half yesterday in some seriously wild winter weather. Gale force wind and freezing temperatures (7 degrees celsius, but felt like 2). Made for a hard day at the office. The consolation was at least it wasn't raining, which it had been, in buckets, when we arrived the night before. I wasn't expecting much considering the conditions and the fact that it had only been six days since my previous half.

    We headed off with a stiff cross wind, so cold that one side of my face soon went numb. The course was an out and back along the lake front - well, sort of. I kind of lollypop shape. My legs felt good but I kept my pace in check thinking my legs would tire early considering the pounding they'd taken the weekend prior and we seemed to be going steadily downhill on what I'd assumed was a dead flat course.

    Normally I'd race a half at just over five minutes per kilometre but was happy to sit at 5:15. After we'd turned, the cross wind we'd been battling became a seriously stiff tailwind at about the 15k mark, pushing us along - to the point I was thinking, "I don't want to run this fast". My pace increased to sub 5 minutes with me protesting the whole time (this went on for about four kilometres and I couldn't seem to slow down).

    A kilometre 19 I thought I'd hit the wall, thanks to that unwanted speed, as my legs turned to lead as the tail wind moved back to a cross wind. But I finally figured I was climbing (insert eye roll), and while the climb was only 12 metres over 500m it was at a mentally challenging point in the race. But I soon reached the top and knew I'd survive the final 2k home.

    Was blown away to record a 1:49:13 (my PB is 1:48:44, however this course was about 200m short). I also got 5th in my age group! All in all, a great day, especially once I'd had a hot shower!


    Congratulations!!!! What a great half!!