

  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Thought I would have a Little time to myself tomorrow,my daughter is taking gs to church,but hubby thinks I need to work.I have mopping,vacuuming and laundry to do at my home,he doesn’t clean floors or windows so I have to go clean 50 miles away for no pay and plenty of pain and resentment 😡😩😡😩
    Debby In Va
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did the Biggest Loser Cardio Max Bootcamp DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some training games on the Wii

    M – if dinner+ is too much for your husband, maybe you can do the “+” the next day

    The weather is real nice today. I’m trying to talk Vince into finishing rescreening the porch (we had a stray cat who came by and wasn’t declawed and climbed up our screen ripping it) since it’s so nice and it’s supposed to get warmer as the week goes on. Update: It started to rain so we didn't do it today. Hopefully, tomorrow because it's supposed to get warm again

    Made brownies to take to Denise’s. At least Vince will have something he’ll eat. Last time I was there Denise had some of these brownies that the mother of one of her kids made (they were from a box)

    Sarah – I’m in NC! Where are you? Luci is from there, too. We’re hoping to get together soon

    Jess gave me a lot of her clothes to donate. I won’t say this to her, but I know the reason she gave me this one pair of pants is because they don’t fit her. They’re nice and fit me. So I’m going to keep them, they’re jeans so she won’t even know the difference

    I usually put clothes etc in the donation box as I use the item and decide it’s no longer for me for whatever reason. I like keeping it for a while because you never know if you’ll need it. Like I was going to donate a colander. But then I found that we needed one at the condo so I took that one. I’m sorry now that I donated some tablecloths. I could have cut them down and made a tablecloth for our card table. Oh well….

    Bananas – I’m sorry you tore your meniscus, but it sounds like things worked out. The laser show was nice, thank you for asking

    Jess called last night. Evidently, she’s not getting as much financial aid as she had thought she would get. I wasn’t here for the entire conversation, so I’m not sure what that means. I only know that it’s adding to her stress.

    Carol – I don’t see your new haircut. Remember…it’s only hair and it’ll grow back in.

    Michele in NC
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,351 Member
    Finally got the chance to read through here today. Reading the chats back and forth was very relaxing for me. Just what I needed after this week. Particularly stressful at work, and while I can't really talk about it, I am happy to say that things are really looking up for those involved. Sometimes the work we do is sadder than others.

    Machka - so glad you and your husband got out for anniversary. Treasure each one you have.

    Julie - sorry to hear about torn meniscus. I have had something strange on the interior of my knee for quite awhile (actually off and on since October). Makes me wonder if I have a tear of some sort. Will finally ask doctor about it next week when I see him for my checkup.

    Took SIL to finally get replacement cell phone today. She is the flip phone type. Had the old one for five years at least. It was so old they couldn't sync her contacts. I loaded everything in for her and showed her how to use it. She's not very technologically savvy.

    Visited someone in hospital this afternoon. Got home and the pork loin and sauerkraut in crock pot was ready for dinner. Went for an hour walk after dinner. Weather was great. Felt good to be outside moving.

    Got bloodwork done yesterday, will get results next Friday. Interested to find out how everything is looking. Nurse mentioned I had lost a lot of weight since last visit, asked if was intentional. Told her every ounce was planned. She wanted to know if I was done losing. Told her I believe I am close and will talk to doctor about it next week. I can count on him to give me an objective, honest opinion.

    Going to turn in now. After church tomorrow need to get laundry, etc. done that I didn't have time for today.

    Ginny in Ohio
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    bananasandoranges, just for pleasure. Many put a lot of money into stickers, washi tape, and stationary. Then they make their own envelopes. I bought a cheap 500 ream of college ruled paper. I have some washi tape but its from the dollar store. For me its not about how the letter looks per say, but what they say. I love to hear people's life stories. It gives me a different perspective on life.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    When I decided to get rid of all my excess weight in 2014, I also started to streamline other areas of my life, and got into de-cluttering. I found a website which takes all the hard work out of that process, and embarked on a 365 day Challenge to declutter our whole house. (I'm still working on that 😂!) This is the website:

    ☘️ Terri

    I've just had a look at that website and it is roughly the way I work :) although I do have to say that one week for basement organisation is a bit optimistic! However, I suppose that since I don't have an attic and the basement and garage are the same thing, I could take 3 weeks ... :p

    For whatever reason, when I clean/declutter I have always move from one room/category to the next. Do one room ... do the next room ... etc. which is essentially what they are doing. Unfortunately, I got bogged down on the office a few years ago and haven't really moved on from there.

    It does look like a good list. Very comprehensive. I might have to adopt/adapt some of it. :)

    And it is a very good idea to get things organised. After my husband's incident, I've found a lot of things that needed taking care of AND I also faced the possibility of packing everything up in order to move into a small place by myself. The possibility that I (or he) might suddenly have to deal with all this spurs me on to keep chipping away at it!

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M – if dinner+ is too much for your husband, maybe you can do the “+” the next day

    Michele in NC

    That is the plan. :)

    I've had to slow down a lot with anything involving my husband. We used to be able to do this then that then this then that all day long. Now we do one thing each day or if we have to put two things into the day there has to be a rest space in between or a day with nothing the next day.

    Last week, we had two fairly intense things for him on Monday ... he was completely wiped out for Tuesday and Wednesday.

    So everything requires a little extra planning.

    M in Oz
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    What a wonderful evening!! Mom and I went for a walk. She made it almost all the way around the half mile track before needing a break. I walked a quick lap while she rested. She finished the track, and then I walked another quick lap.

    Lying in bed, listening to the tree frogs as I type this. It’s so relaxing! I know we will have another burst of summer, so I shall enjoy this while I can.

    Finally seeing good progress again on the weight loss journey. Doing my happy dance!!

    Connie in KY
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Have a good Sunday everyone - still catching up but going to visit my sister in law in Shipley today, hope it's not as hot as yesterday, too hot to move! Will be good to see her and my neices again.

    Love Viv UK <3<3

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Sahannon- awww cute kitty’s !!! Their cuddling!

    Michele NC- I’d keep anything that fits you! Not like she’ll notice most T-shirt’s to other stuff that’s common in the store either. Or tell her me y Daughter share clothes when it fits it fits.Rest we donate.
    Sometimes the financial aid supposed to cover a certain amount.Next question is how much she get y how much was her expense total? My cousin had financial aid in college but she added so many classes that it didn’t cover 1 but she needed them all! That was 50+yrs ago who knows what it’s like now.

    Debby VA- Trick is only clean the worst spots. (Pretend your at work boss gave you the crappy load lol yet too many customers so half bleep it!) . Loads in forget the softener or seperating (Most by bows been washed enough shouldn’t have color dyes left to mingle!) .Vacuum where you see dirt y mop only that miss the rest no going over twice.If dog sweep but no pets skip that! Sleep on the bed on top of covers.Fold y hang slowly as you go. Budget your calories to let you have a pick me up snack! Easy meal that’s healthy doesn’t have to be a 7course meal. Lol us Women even work with the flu 🤒 we haven’t had a break since we could lift things out of a laundry basket for mom or hold a siblings bottle. My grandma says only time we rest is when we’re 10ft under! Even then instead of a desert island 🏝 we get stuck next to whiny family members lol she’s in her 90’s but she sure does sum it up! What your experiencing Daughter too is Mental Exhaustion. Try listening to music as you work or quiet as you do. After cleaning hot bath or shower 🚿 just clear your mind think about the water droplets 💦 gliding down the shower wall. Simple meals for awhile! Half clean for awhile you need the extra energy for elsewhere. Lol doesn’t hurt to sweep the crumbs off a table only wipe Hubby side y babies. We know our side of the tables clean! Fold y go take a nap lol preferably not on the folded ones lol 😂.Done that had to refold. JR just put a blanket on me fell asleep too. Don’t laugh but if a floor looks okay I’m tired I have been known to skip the whole floor ! Best trip like work wack 1 spot with the mop so a man sees water was there y go lol works every time at a job too. I only worry about the worst mop areas for me kitchen y the main couch 🛋 y hubby shaving spot! Rest looks good enough to me! Whack there a drop of water points see so did it prove I didn’t gives evil eye 🧿. That’s what I thought lol 😂.

    Amber Tx
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2019
    Debby VA (((Hugs)))
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    I don’t mind cleaning My house,but I own a little contracting company and I have gone to work with my guys in the past.And I have literally worked my butt off.But in the past year my body has turned on me .I keep going like I did 5/10 years ago,but it hurts.Hubby wants me to clean one of the houses He’s working on,but the money he charged did not include my cleaning so I won’t get paid.I know it may sound petty,but after standing on my feet 50 hours a week at work (no sitting)coming home cooking supper and cleaning dishes,bathing gs(not a chore),I’m a bit tired.I have 2 days “off” and those days are spent taking care of the essentials in my home and running errands,oh and relaxing (lol).Dont Get me wrong,I honestly have no problem helping my guys,in my off time.The market is open til Christmas.I try to get a week off then start going to work with them til we open just before Easter.Maybe he’ll change his mind.😊Amber-I Do love your way off cleaning.❤️
    Debby In Va
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    Morning ladies~
    I am up having my tea...and will get dressed and go feed DFIL then its home to get stuff done.
    have to finish up my projects for reunion and go through paperwork for my mortgage. because I dont think I need yo pay $3500.00 for Escrow...
    it is fallish weather here for the weekend, slept with the windows open, and it was awesome. i needed the sleep.
    have a question? have any of you worn contacts? I am thinking of getting them.. but have to find out if I can get the transition ones, but some people are saying because i have astigmatism that I wont be able to.. we shall see.