Lose 5lbs + in August 2019



  • realgirl177
    realgirl177 Posts: 175 Member
    Original starting weight (2014) - 229.5
    August starting weight - 131.5
    Original August goal - 125
    Revised August goal - 123
    Ultimate goal - 118

    8/1: 131.5 (too much tamari)
    8/2: 129
    8/3: 128
    8/4: 128
    8/5: 128
    8/6: 126.5
    8/7: 127
    8/8: 127
    8/9: 127
    8/10: 127
    8/11: 127
    8/12: 127 (how'd you guess? 😆)
    8/13: 126
    8/14: 125.5
    8/15: 125 (August goal!)
    8/16: 125
    8/17: 124.5 (migraine, dehydration)
    8/18: 123.5
    8/19: 124.5
    8/20: 125.5
    8/21: 124.5
    8/22: 125.5
    8/23: 125.5
    8/24: 123 (revised August goal!)
    8/25: 122
    8/26: 121.5
    8/27: 123
    8/28: 122.5
    8/29: 122
    8/30: 124

    I was ridiculously hungry yesterday. Ate nearly 1800 calories. Still stuffed. Ugh.
  • LisaW57
    LisaW57 Posts: 339 Member
    61 years old; 5'2"
    Original starting weight - 158.5 (12/30/2018)
    July ending weight 148.8 (July gain 0.6 lbs)

    August starting weight - 148.2
    August goal -145.2 (Same as July)

    Ultimate goal - 135.0

    I generally do a Friday (F) weigh-in and am adding a Monday (M) weigh-in for accountability. I've pinned the weekly weigh-in days for the challenge.

    📌 1st - 148.2 (Trend Weight 148.9)
    2nd (F) - 148.1 (Trend Weight 148.7)
    5th (M) - 148.2 (Trend Weight 148.5)
    📌 7th - 148.2 (Trend Weight 148.5)
    9th (F) - 148.2 (Trend Weight 148.5)
    12th (M) - 147.9 (Trend Weight 148.4)
    13th (T) - 147.1 (Trend Weight 148.3) New Low! 🎉
    📌 14th - 148.2 (Trend Weight 148.2)
    16th (F) - 147.8 (Trend Weight 148.2)
    19th (M) - 148.0 (Trend Weight 148.0)
    📌 21st - 147.1 (Trend Weight 147.9)
    23rd (F) - 147.2 (Trend Weight 147.8)
    26th (M) - not near scale
    📌 28th - 148.0 (Trend Weight 147.8)
    29th - 148.3 (Trend Weight 147.8)
    📌 31st - 147.5 (Trend Weight 147.8)

    August Loss - 0.7

    Final Thoughts for the Month: Given all the scale bobbling, happy to see any loss. A full pound would have been nice, but down is good.

    I started off the month strong and even saw a new low mid-month. Then there was the county fair and a long weekend trip. Yes. I ate like "normal people" (@dawnbgethealthy) and fell off my exercise routine. But I stayed mindful and kept it with reason. I didn't revert to old bingeing behaviors. I stayed, at least, minimally active even when I was mentally exhausted.

    Life happens. I intend to live it.

    August Game Plan & Goals: (Stats from Fitbit 7 Day Summary)
    • Continue weekly meal planning
    • Log daily in MFP - focus on daily calorie deficit goal of 500
    • No calorie intake after 8pm
    • Hit Fitbit step goal of 5000 - 3619 ⬇
    • Hit active minutes goal of 25 minutes daily - 21 ⬆
    • Hit exercise goal of 6 days - 2 ⬆

    August Progress:


    Overall Progress:


  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,417 Member

    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    July 31 starting weight - 145.4 (ten-day rolling average weight 145.6)
    August goal - 143
    Ultimate goal - Range between 142 - 148

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight).

    July 31 - 145.4 (145.6)
    August 1 - 142.8 (145.1)
    August 10 - 142.4 (144.4 or 142.7 depending how you count) **
    August 14 - 146.0 (144.8)
    August 21 - 149.4 (146.3)
    August 28 - 145.4 (146.9)
    August 31 - 145.2 (146.3)

    Total loss for August: Slightly better these last three days to end the month at a slight loss according to scale and only a half pound (more or less) gain by average. Sigh. August was a bust. I will succeed in September! So will YOU.

  • mifit125
    mifit125 Posts: 18 Member
    5'7" Female

    SW (this August): 140 lbs.

    CW: 132 lbs.

    GW: 125 lbs.

    August is over in a couple of hours, and I am happy that I have exceeded the goal of this challenge, but the journey is not over yet!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,604 Member
    Yes, for sure we don't want to miss life if we spend so much attention and energy watching each calorie.
    I get so frustrated when I see people who eat "normally" and don't need to turn down lunches and dinners out, say no to bbqs etc.
    Truth is, I can't eat like "normal" people and not gain weight. I tried that last year and gained 40 pounds in 6 months.
    I think that I will have to log and watch forever. Darn those "normal" people : - P
    A couple times a month to indulge (not over-indulge) a little is really needed for me in order to stay diligent for the long run.
    New month coming up and I will be away on holiday for 2 weeks at the end of September. I cancelled my all-inclusive - losing 1 pound per month, I know that I always gain 7 pounds in 7 days at all-inclusives, so decided against it, and having to take 7 months to get back off. Going a la carte. Hoping to be able to maintain.

    Really ready for a month where I actually lose 5 pounds!
  • lapesadilla
    lapesadilla Posts: 67 Member
    1st -214.4
    7th- 208.6
    12th -207.4 - yay! I've been watching the scale creep up all week, knowing I've been doing really well staying under my calories. Finally saw some progress just in time to get margaritas and Shake Shack tonight woooo
    21st -206.0 😝😝😝 1 more pound to my August goal weight
    27th - 204.4 I know it's a bit early to weigh in but I'm just so excited that I passed my August goal with a few days to spare and lost 10 pounds this month. I'm going to be working out and eating a bit more over the next day or two so I expect a bit of extra fluid weight through the end of the month, but I'm really happy to see this progress today.
    31st - 204.0 yaaay 11 pounds down sinxe starting weight, 10.6 for the month.
  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    @deepwoodslady Doing the happy dance for you!! What a fantastic month you’ve had!! Keep it up!!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,604 Member
    I imagine that we will get a new thread for September soon. I will copy and paste to there once we get it.

    Female, 5'3", 58 years old for 19 more days
    I will be weighing daily, it keeps me accountable and motivated and shows trends
    Starting weight October 28.18 - 191
    August goal was 155 (Same as July goal) - lost 1.4 pounds for the month of August
    September goal 153
    Ultimate goal is 115

    September 01 - 158.6
  • rednote49
    rednote49 Posts: 124 Member
    Posting here until new thread opens up

    Original starting weight -190lbs
    September starting weight - 173lbs (salt bloat from another birthday dinner)
    September goal - 168lbs (my goal will always be to lose 5lbs. Anything else is gravy :smile:
    Ultimate goal - 168lbs (also I don't want to be overwhelmed. So ultimate goal will always be my goal for that month). I haven't been in the 160s in a few years so serious goal.

    1st -173