Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member
    edited September 2019
    all of my "to do list" is done - could not type 45 words per minute gross to save my life, had to settle for now with 45 gross /44 net and 98% accuracy.

    Lunch done, laundry on, really dont want to deal with lunch traffic so if I go out again it will be well after lunch which is usually nap time...... see a trend here?

    My pcp is also of the mind that once things go badly with an employer it is better to move on - hence the typing test.

    May consider so dejunking today too.

    Lynn it is called

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Dawn, at my place it is shoes and low cut tops. Women texting in the bathroom when there is a line...... I would love to take a picture and stick it up in a public place and show them we can see the shadow of the phone in the stall......not likely to happen.

    There are pedometers that have lanyards and dont require phones, low tech person me has one. I know that means extra $$ but mine was less than $20 and it may be worth the piece of mind and keep you motivated??

    Okay lights out for me and Miss T

    I am going to look into finding something...I like the idea of the FitBit... can connect with people and be held accountable... lanyards really aren't compatible with my job... but, I'm sure there's something I can find to wear on wrist or clip on belt loop... the phone was just convenient, cuz it was in my pocket..

    I have a couple of Fitbits that I don’t use anymore. They still work but I upgraded. Would you want a screen to see the steps or just dots?

    Hmmm...I honestly don't know...I haven't checked into them enough, to know which i prefer... probably, whatever I could afford, I would be happy with..
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Dawn I don't know how much they are in the states but the basic Fitbit Inspire is just under £50 here, and I think it's a bargain at that price. It counts steps, reminds you to move every hour if you haven't, tracks sleep, lets you in on the challenges and accurately measures your calories burned. It even displays text messages from your phone and can be worn on your wrist or in a clip. I got mine from Amazon. Might be worth a look, or maybe even second hand ones.

    I couldn't afford the expensive one and I've been very pleasantly surprised by what my little simple one can do.

    We have a Surplus store that has a couple different Fitbits... cheapest was $65 other $75... that might not be terrible, just more than I can afford... I will just have to look around... Thank you
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member

    this is mine, I even dunked it in the dog's water dish and it still works - listed on amazon under $25.00 there is a clip and a lanyard - I am a lanyard person.

  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    edited September 2019
    Sara--my pedometer looks very similar and works just fine for me! I love de-junking. Losing weight, to me, seems like another form of de-junking!

    Lynn--once again, our posts must have crossed, so I shall now belatedly say HELLO!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member

    this is mine, I even dunked it in the dog's water dish and it still works - listed on amazon under $25.00 there is a clip and a lanyard - I am a lanyard person.

    Will check it out... Thank you
  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 275 Member
    Waves to all. Sorry been hectic at work.

    Nik sorry about your back. Oesteos usually good at getting you moving. They fixed me with my sticking sacral iliac joint. I know how painful back pain is so hope you are on mend soon. Congrats on great weight loss!

    Nick newbie: hello and welcome! Keep on tracking the calories.

    Skinny - sounds a great PT session you had for free. Keep at it:) well done on another few pounds gone.

    Thanks to all for fit bits advice. I’ll look into them. Sounds motivating and I need that at present. Just can’t seem to get any motivation to exercise. 🙁

  • fatoldladyonamission

    Morning all! Thanks for all the comments about my back, luckily it seems a bit better this morning so hopefully once the osteo has pulled me about it should go back to normal.

    A nice scale result for me this morning though, the just over half a pound I've been dropping and regaining since Tuesday has dropped again and I'm really hoping it's for the last time!

    That said I have a difficult weekend ahead, my parents are staying again and my mum is the WW diet queen. If she notices I've lost she will be l over it like a rash telling me how I should be doing it and that I should go to WW! I HATE WW with a passion so not happening. I'm praying she won't notice! Anyone else have tricky relatives? She means well but get her onto dieting and it's hell on your ears!

    Anyway apologies for the mini rant. Hope everyone has a good day. I'm off to take our kitten for her first vaccinations this morning.

    Catch you all later 😊
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning! Happy Friday! I need this weekend I’m so stressed out with friends right now. I need to be a hermit this weekend and clean my oven. Also now hubby and I have to figure out how to rescind his offer for friends and their little kids to come stay with us for 6 months. I’m not one of those that “forgets to eat” or “doesn’t feel hungry” when stressed. I eat all the food!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member
    edited September 2019
    Good morning,

    Showed my general practitioner (pcp) my secret weapon (roll on = "roll the b8tch away". She loved it and she said she didnt need a picture as she would remember the name as she laughed.

    TGIF - real stinker of a week. Will try and regenerate this weekend. Hence retail therapy online sheets for windows and aromatherapy - for once not food!!

    Up early it is cold enough to need more bedding and hot enough to remind you hours later, so I just decided to get up and add the extra time to my after breakfast sleep.

    Lana peep in please when you can.

    Wave to all who follow. Lurking at work.

  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Good morning all!

    Sara--I agree--stinker of a week. I too hope for some regeneration this weekend! I'm nervous about jury duty next week.

    Ama--sorry about the tricky situation with your friends. I hope you find a way to quickly and gently let them know your need to change your decision. I, too, am one to eat all the food!

    Nik--Good luck with your mom! I agree, family can be challenging!

    Laura--I, too, struggle with the motivation to exercise. For me, I either have to make a habit of it, or I have to talk myself into starting with something small, say, 10 minute walk around the block.

    I have a challenging work lunch today (monthly birthday and anniversary celebration.) Last month we had pizza. Not sure if that's typical or not. (This is a new job for me.) Extremely busy weekend ahead with a college football game on the calendar. Big work deadlines; jury duty next week. Just trying to stay calm!

    Waving hi to Lana, Lynn and all who lurk and follow!
  • fatoldladyonamission
    Me again. Kitten safely back from her jabs but still too small to have her microchip in.

    Ama I hope you find a nice way to let the friends know they can't stay. Tricky situation to be in.

    Sara sorry to hear you've had a tough week, I hope the weekend brings you a little rest from it all

    Skinny I hope your jury duty goes by smoothly and I'm sure everyone else will be as nervous as you are so it'll be fine. The only one needing to be really nervous is the defendant!

    Laura I can't remember if you're a fitbit person or not but I honestly find that mine buzzing at me if I haven't done enough steps in an hour really does get me moving again. It also forces me onto my lovely treadmill several times a day! Currently on here after 25 minutes of walking, tougher than it sounds at my size!

    Lana hope you're okay and get your internet sorted.

    Happy Friday all 😊
  • fatoldladyonamission

    I thought this was good.
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    Thanks guys! Yes my husband realized his mistake as soon as he got into bed last night. We are going to figure out together how to break it to them that unless they are actually physically homeless we would prefer them to figure out a different solution to their issue with their current housing.
  • Rocky_Runa
    Rocky_Runa Posts: 140 Member
    Happy Friday all! Well let me say that I have discovered the benefits of growing up in a colder environment like Minnesota soared me from the hellish pain of severe allergies, which I am experiencing now in Oklahoma 😢 My doctor gave me a steroid injection, but with the demolition going on in my building... and now specifically on my floor... they’ve been jackhammering up the floors on my end of the hall in the empty apartments. Then leave them wide open with the windows open to the great outdoors 😢


    So, I didn’t sleep, but two hours last night. Can’t sleep in a fully sitting up type position and can’t breathe lying down or even adjusted up a bit with my adjustable bed.

    Hopefully my move will get coordinated today so I will have an end date on my misery. They’ve been doing demolition on several apartments beneath me for weeks. So much for my insomnia. They are loud enough to wake all the dead buried in Oklahoma! Then they’ve just tossed everything into dumpsters under my window and plumes of dust billow up and come through and around the cracks of my window unit 😢 Haven’t used my inhaler this much in a decade!

    My doc ran blood tests and sent off results to a pathologist. So now we’re doing more tests. With the depression at bay, we can focus on physical stuff for real. When I explained that for several years before moving back to Oklahoma, my winter jacket in Minnesota was a only 2-3 times thicker than my t-shirt. And it wasn’t because I was born and raised up north. I was hot! So she’s ordering an ultrasound of my thyroid. Over two decades all the test have come back within range, but she’s going down the list very practically just like she did to diagnose the uterine fibroids. I so appreciate her!

    I did a dance routine for four days before the allergies set in. Been drinking so much water and chicken broth plus someone treated me to Chinese yesterday and the scale jumped 1.4 lbs. Not bad with it also being TOM. So I’m glad. Will restart exercise again tonight after crews stop working.

    I have a Misfit Ray. They did a massive sale last fall and I got mine for just over $10 USD. It tracks steps, swimming, etc., plus sleep and calories burned. I’ve been reaching my daily goal of 4,000 much easier since I’m feeling better and getting out more. Soon I’ll up the goal. But I used to only do about 1,000-2,000 steps average a day. So this is AWESOME! Little by little!

    My back pain has been chronic since I was a teenager... over 25 years and several rounds of PT, pool therapy, steroid injections, denied surgery attempts... but I’m hanging in there. This moving and cleaning may be s challenge. But I have way more help this time and more notice so I’m hopeful not to exacerbate anything!!

    I LOVE the cabana by day and fire pit at night!!! Need to have a marshmallow roast and makes some skinny s’mores. There has to be a recipe somewhere!!

    I’ll make sure to lurk throughout the week and try to keep checking in myself at least once or twice. Just doing SO much I don’t want to overwhelm myself.

    Sorry so long!!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,845 Member


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member
    edited September 2019
    skinny when you do your 10 of exercise, come by and post.

    hey niki nice on the eyes ! thank you for sharing the eye candy ;)
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    When I did WW, several years ago, there was a S'mores recipe I ate all the time..I think it was 3 points, then...
    1 whole Graham cracker
    1 Tbs marshmallow fluff (I think measurement is right)
    Chocolate chips (Can't remember how much)
    Microwave about 10 seconds

    YUMMMMMY!!! :D