

  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Welcome, Jennifer! And welcome to any other newbies I missed addressing along the way! whereabouts do you call home? This group is VERY chatty. It’s ok not to respond to every post, though. If you see something that interests you, chime right in. We don’t stand on ceremony here. (I should re-name my nervous kitty that!)

    Machka and Allie, my dream is to live in a nice little retirement apt where they come in and vacuum, etc once a week, provide meals in a social setting, offer shuttle service to shopping etc a few times a week and an occasional outing somewhere fun. First I need to get my debt under control. It’ll be mostly paid in 2-1/2 years and then I can give my house to my younger daughter, sell hers and take the money and run. Meanwhile, I’m going to start stalking our local senior center for pals and activities.

    Rho! Live your new kitchen! I still love mine as we had it rebuilt after a house fire in 2007. It still feels “new” to me. And I adore pull-out shelves in cabinets and “lazy Susan” turning shelves in the bottom corners.

    SuziQ, is that what i am? A “black widow”? I don’t think I really want to think of myself as something quite that grim. My husband died in 2013, and I’m just starting to open my mind to the possibility of being partnered again perhaps. I think I’ll be a Merry Widow, as long as I never have to wear one of the things again!

    Oh, Lanette, I hadn’t a clue you once lived in Issaquah! Or if i did, it turned into a red herring and swam away! The trees here are beginning to turn! It’s gorgeous!

    For the rest of you, Issaquah has some charming perks. For one, it’s a national tree city, which means that a certain percentage of the town area is shaded by trees. We also have an “edible forest”, and one of our longest streets, SW Gilman Blvd, has many trees bearing fruits and nuts that are free to the public. I think bringing bushel baskets is frowned on, though.

    Julie, your place sounds like just the right size. Many of our neighborhoods have Pea Patch gardens where they allow you to plant in a pre-tilled garden, and often gave a Master Gardener or someone available to help advise you on your plant’s hiccups and problems.

    I’m still sleeping a lot more than usual since my trip. I think my body is still processing what the H I did to it, lol.

    Pre-work interview coming up, gotta go!

    Sharon IN Issaquah, Near Seattle
  • Rho97070
    Rho97070 Posts: 84 Member
    Reinventing Rhonda - Day 26

    It's another gorgeous fall day south of Portland, Oregon! I got 7.5 hours of sleep (rare for me), leapt out of bed and headed out first thing for my walk! I'm back to finishing projects and errands today and, hopefully, picking up my car with it's new transmission :smile:

    BF and I over indulged a bit on dinner portions last evening; scale is up 1 lb this morning but it should soon go back down again. Hope y'all have a fabulous Friday <3
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,933 Member
    Just checking in.

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    I have a question for you all. Do any of you get barometric pressure migraines and if so, what do you do about them? I can't just lay around in a dark room for 2 days (which doesn't really help the pain anyway). Is there a solution? Nothing seems to work for me and in this day and age, I cannot imagine there isn't some sort of way to make it a little better so I can function.

    Yes, when hurricanes are on their way. The only thing that helps me is Excedrin Migraine. I do not like taking any type of medication so I usually torture myself for a day or so and then take 2. If needed 2 more later in the day.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    SuziQ: Raw celery is a gift. The body burns more calories to digest it than it contains. Unfortunately, dips and other additions can add a lot of calories. :star:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Hi Katla. I love raw celery and usually eat it by itself. If I do dip I make my own using Greek yogurt or sour cream (at least I know what is in it). Sometimes I use it as a vessel for a nut butter as a quick breakfast or for lunch with hummus. :)
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    SuziQ, is that what i am? A “black widow”? I don’t think I really want to think of myself as something quite that grim. My husband died in 2013, and I’m just starting to open my mind to the possibility of being partnered again perhaps. I think I’ll be a Merry Widow, as long as I never have to wear one of the things again!
    Sharon IN Issaquah, Near Seattle

    Hi Sharon.

    Of course not! :) If I could not joke about it I think there would be more tears than laughter (DH 2010 and DB 2017). And, I refuse to spend my days like my mother-in-law depressed the week before someone died, the week during, and the week after. I like Merry Widow. :) I may have to change my verbiage!

    As for a partner in crime only we know when we are ready. Me, not so much now. But, it would be nice to have someone to share life's road with me.

    Good luck with interview and hope you're able to get the rest you need.

  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited September 2019
    Terri, Missed your flowers, we must have been posting at the same time... They're lovely!

    Haven't been able to stir myself to get anything accomplished yet, but there's still a half day left to go. My get up and go just got up and went, apparently. Not sure why. But that's two days in a row falling over for a nap. If it continues, I'll get in and get my iron levels checked to see if I need to up it.

    Lisa in AR
  • gingerbeericecold
    65, just started mfp and calorie counting. Been hiking and playing pickle ball (dragon boat racing is over for the season - we won 7 medals this year). My favorite low-calorie hunger beater for late-night or between meals is a can of green beans. It's both a soup and warm veg! Approx. 60 calories. Sometimes I put chicken bullion in there for added flavor (just 15 more calories), but I like it without bullion best. Our food finder gives canned green beans waaaaay too much sodium content - not what it says on the can. Also, I can a lot of my own food and use little to no salt in the process. Can anyone tell me why "homemade" is so many more calories?
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,404 Member
    edited September 2019
    Sharon - we actually lived north of Issaquah between Pine Lake and Beaver Lake., had an Issaquah mailing address. Used to ride our bikes around Beaver Lake. This was in the early 80's before Klahanie and the large developments went in. That area would now be city of Sammamish perhaps? Haven't been back in decades. Used to love Gilman Village, I'm sure it has changed a lot.

    - wish I would have sneaked into your suitcase. What a wonderful room and amenities! Happy upcoming birthday!! <3

    Love all the flowers! Final blast of fall! My MG friend went to Annie's Nursery in Richmond, California this spring and brought back a surprise of Trumpet Vines for her pals. Many of them are finally blooming for us - days before the colder weather (mid 30's) is supposed to hit tonight. This is mine... the scent is wonderful!
    Been busy in the garden, cleaning up some and just getting exercise. Picked up some Keen waterproof walking shoes yesterdat (not leather, these look like sneakers) and breaking them in. Think they'll do fine.

    Been skimming here for the past day. B)

    Have a great rest of your Friday, ladies! <3

    Cloudy/chilly SW WA State

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Lanette Beautiful Trumpet Vine!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    KJ-Good for you standing up for yourself. I agree it takes a lot of guts to not call for a couple months, then call and want you to watch him the next day.

    Heather--your room looks like it is going to be a great trip. I would like to see what the bathroom looks like.

    Thanks for sharing all the beautiful flowers.

    It sure has been a long day. I have 3 hours to go yet. today I am more tired then yesterday. I still work 6-6 tomorrow and off Sunday. Weather has gotten cooler and want to get out and work in the yard. Still heard we could have some snow next week.

    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    I have a question for you all. Do any of you get barometric pressure migraines and if so, what do you do about them? I can't just lay around in a dark room for 2 days (which doesn't really help the pain anyway). Is there a solution? Nothing seems to work for me and in this day and age, I cannot imagine there isn't some sort of way to make it a little better so I can function.

    Typically I can take 2 Excedrin. If that doesn't work I do have a script for Imitrex 25 mg. Also, I take 25mg Elavil daily for chronic tension headaches. Gah....!!!!

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    65, just started mfp and calorie counting. Been hiking and playing pickle ball (dragon boat racing is over for the season - we won 7 medals this year). My favorite low-calorie hunger beater for late-night or between meals is a can of green beans. It's both a soup and warm veg! Approx. 60 calories. Sometimes I put chicken bullion in there for added flavor (just 15 more calories), but I like it without bullion best. Our food finder gives canned green beans waaaaay too much sodium content - not what it says on the can. Also, I can a lot of my own food and use little to no salt in the process. Can anyone tell me why "homemade" is so many more calories?

    Hi Gingerbeericecold. :) The ones listed are an average of other's recipes. There is a recipe feature where you can add you own ingredients, measures, etc. and MFP will calculate your recipe. Food >>> recipes >>> import or use "old recipe calculator".

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    Katla the pic of Floyd with his hairy chest sticking out?