August Cycling Challenge: 150 miles, 1 month



  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    Matt : It really depends on your definition of continuously - normally I'd say a Century ride (or half, or a metric Century - 100km/62.1miles) - would be a single ride, albeit possibly punctuated with a cafe stop :drinker: at some point.

    I'd certainly not consider i'd ridden a century if i'd rode out 50 miles in the morning, had 12 hours off the bike, a couple of square meals, a nap and a good massage before riding back home :laugh:
  • carbonboy
    carbonboy Posts: 729
    Week 1 = 233
    Week 2 = 284
    Week 3 = 279
    Week 4 = 240

    4 Week Total: 1036

    Might get another 100 before the end of the month, but I'm pretty tired and might take a day off this week.

    Good job everyone with your goals.
  • Somnifac
    Somnifac Posts: 30 Member
    Post storm easy ride: 25 miles. 648 for the month. Monday and Tuesday are typically off days, but I may ride at least one of them to hit 700 for the month.
    41 miles this morning, bringing me to 623 for the month. Goal reached.

    It's already starting to get breezy here in SE VA. Tomorrow will probably be a wash due to the storm, and there will probably be plenty of debris out on Sunday, so that may be a no go. If I rearrange my rest days next week (Monday and Tuesday) I can probably hit 700 for the month.

    79 more and I hit 3000 for the year as well.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    16.38 for tonights ride. Gives me 230 for the month with 20 miles to go. Not sure if I'll be able to ride again before the end of the month. If I don't reach my goal - I'll tack 20 miles onto next month's goal to make up for it!
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    I am at 621 miles for August now. Little bummed out tonight; was hoping to ride across the State of Washington. However, the rim on the back tire went out today, and I'll have to find a shop somewhere tomorrow that can build me another one. The rim I had apparently was not designed to take 365 pounds of me up 4 and 5% grades. It has been beautiful riding here though. More than likely, I won't make my mileage goals for the month now.
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    11.68 this morning. Bonus time baby!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    Another Windy one - did full loop, but nice and steady

    9/8//2011 11.2 miles per the Garmin 705.
    13/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    14/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    15/8/2011 another 12.3 miles
    17/8/2011 another 15.4 miles
    18/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    19/8/2011 another 16.84 miles
    21/8/2011 another 15.11 miles
    22/8/2011 another 16.15 miles
    24/8/2011 another 15.11 miles
    25/8/2011 another 15.13 miles
    27/8/2011 another 15.14 miles
    28/8/2011 another 11.14 miles
    29/8/2011 another 15.15 miles - 42.27 miles over :smile:

    Might see 200+ this month - not bad for someone who's crocked :wink:

  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I've hit my goal with 3 days to go, Yippee!

    Week 1 52
    Week 2 42.5
    Week 3 69.5
    Week 4 98.2
    Total 262.2

    Over goal by 62.2 I guess I'll need to set the bar at 300 next month, Yikes!!!
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    I am up to 218 miles for August. Was on vacation this past week, and rode around 30 miles/day for a total of 146 miles. Planning a long ride for next weekend. Will probably hit 300 this month.

    Add 15 on the post-vaca ride to bring the vacation week total to 161. Last week was a total wash-out between thunderstorms, showers and Irene. Long ride did not materialize. I did do a fitness test workout on Saturday on a trainer (Lactate Threshold is 158). Also did a post-Hurricane ride on Sunday on the mountain bike with the kids in trailer. That was only 10 miles or so, but pulling 100 lbs adds a bit more work. :-)

    That puts my Aug total around 230. I am not likely to get out on the bike before the end of the month (ride Thursday night).

    Total bummer, too, cause I have new wheels and want to try them out.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    total for the week(1 & 2) 164.7
    total for week 3 54.4
    week 4: 36.8
    week 5: 20.1

    total for the mth 286.0:flowerforyou:
  • carbonboy
    carbonboy Posts: 729
    total for the week(1 & 2) 164.7
    total for week 3 54.4
    week 4: 36.8
    week 5: 20.1

    total for the mth 286.0:flowerforyou:

    Excellent job!!
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Rode 13 miles today; 634 miles for August...
  • DurdenCycles
    DurdenCycles Posts: 27 Member
    Rode 166 last week
    That's 750 for the month.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Got in 20 miles this morning. Puts me at 251 for the month of August - one mile over my goal. Thankfully my bro let me borrow his bike the last few days so I can take mine in to get a spoke replaced. Slowly but surely saving up for a road bike. Looking at a Trek. Hopefully I'll have the money to get it by spring to get me ready for my summer ride next year!

  • carbonboy
    carbonboy Posts: 729
    Anyone interested in setting new goals for September? I'm going to keep mine at 1000 miles because I'm not sure I will be able to ride as much with the diminishing evening light.

    Does September require a new topic thread?
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    total for the week(1 & 2) 164.7
    total for week 3 54.4
    week 4: 36.8
    week 5: 46.2

    total for the mth 312.1
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Anyone interested in setting new goals for September? I'm going to keep mine at 1000 miles because I'm not sure I will be able to ride as much with the diminishing evening light.

    Does September require a new topic thread?

    im goal for september will 500 miles
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Rode 21 miles today; 655 for the month.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    Going to shoot for 250 again for September.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,683 Member
    And that's it for August, just the short loop today - rushing back to watch the Vuelta Espana on TV :wink:

    9/8//2011 11.2 miles per the Garmin 705.
    13/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    14/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    15/8/2011 another 12.3 miles
    17/8/2011 another 15.4 miles
    18/8/2011 another 11.2 miles
    19/8/2011 another 16.84 miles
    21/8/2011 another 15.11 miles
    22/8/2011 another 16.15 miles
    24/8/2011 another 15.11 miles
    25/8/2011 another 15.13 miles
    27/8/2011 another 15.14 miles
    28/8/2011 another 11.14 miles
    29/8/2011 another 15.15 miles
    31/8/2011 another 11.16 miles - 53.43 miles over :smile:

    Over 200 miles + this month - not bad to say I started properly at the end of second week, and I'm under doctors order not to ride for more than a hour in any one day until my knee gets the AOK
