(Closed Group) Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 160 Member
    WEEK TWO: Ashley

    CURRENT WEIGHT: 199!!! (Woooo!)
    CURRENT SIZE: 14 (one size down since the last time i went shopping! super excited!)
    GOAL: 7-9
    APROX MINUTES OF WEEKLY EXERCISE: about 300 minutes this week. all walking really.
    HIGHS OF LAST WEEK: making it to ONEderland!!! wooo!!! super happy with myself this week.
    LOWS OF LAST WEEK: Having a couple day where I let myself eat more than I should have because I was feeling bummed.
    HOW TO IMPROVE (THE LOWS): Have to stop eating junk when I am upset. I need to stock up on fruits and vegetables so that I can snack on those when I feel like I need to eat something.
    TRICKS: Time to go to the grocery store and really stock up on snack foods. I find myself wanting to snack more on some days and never seem to have the right food to snack on.
    PIECE OF CLOTHING IM DYING TO GET INTO: Black and white polka dot dress (Speghetti Strap)
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    ! If you actually read all this, do 20 push-ups or sit-ups, NOW! =)

    HAHAH I will do them when I get home ;) but I will have to do girl push-ups on my knees. SOMEDAY I will do 20 real pushups!!!!
    You got me! I am doing situps right now!
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    ! If you actually read all this, do 20 push-ups or sit-ups, NOW! =)

    HAHAH I will do them when I get home ;) but I will have to do girl push-ups on my knees. SOMEDAY I will do 20 real pushups!!!!

    I can actually do girlie push ups now ! Yeah!! But my husband (the ex-marine) just shakes his head at me. I too will someday do real push ups! Baby steps, right?

    Ok, gonna do push ups right now! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    WEEK 2: Jennifer

    Challenge Starting Weight: 218.0
    Current Weight: 215.6
    Difference: 2.4
    Christmas Goal Weight: 175
    Approx Minutes of Exercise: 500 minutes, lots of walking - 2 boot camps, bike a couple of times during the week and lots of walking!
    Highes of last week: Cut 30 seconds off my 1 mile run in the past week
    Lows of last week: Sick on Sunday with virus - yuck
    How to Improve (the lows): Stay away from sick people :tongue:
    Tips or Tricks: If you do nothing else - walk for 30 minutes, mix it up at home by alternating between walking/jogging in place! Any exercise is better than none!
  • NurseLocke
    NurseLocke Posts: 103 Member
    Anyone just under the 200# mark?? I thought maybe a mini-competition might help. I'm currently 199.7# and on my way to 150#. Anyone wanna race?
  • Caite_S
    Caite_S Posts: 42
    Challenge Starting Weight: 132
    Current Weight 132.6
    Difference: -4
    Christmas Goal Weight: 115ish
    Minutes of Exercise: not many...went back to work full time (I'm a teacher so I had the summer off) and have been exhausted hopefully this week will be better
    High of this week: Bought a pair of black slacks for work...in a size 3!
    Low: Ate bad and didn't exercise much..
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member

    i woke up late this morning, rushed off to work and didn't have a chance to weigh (i will weigh in tomorrow).

    that being said, i jumped off the horse this weekend. then, i was run over by said horse only to get back up and to be knocked down by say...an elephant.

    i ate TERRIBLY. i exercised, but i only did some walking (zoo for like, 4 hours and public gardens for around 3). if there was a bad food to be found, i ate it. i ate meat TWICE on Sunday, along with a lot of other stuff. then, my body rebelled against me and i got SO. INCREDIBLY. SICK. apparently my body was so used to healthy foods and tons of exercise that i just can't eat the way i used to or not be as active any more. i feel sluggish and bloated and nasty.

    so the lesson i learned in all this? i picked myself up from being bruised and broken by the elephant and i'm getting right back on track tomorrow. planning a yummy meal day as well as an intense session at the gym. last time i checked, i was human and therefore i will make mistakes. i've made them in the past and i will make them again. i need to cut myself some slack. one weekend is NOT going to derail all the progress i've made in the past few months. i am using this as a learning experience.
  • kdm97
    kdm97 Posts: 111
    Week 2: Kim

    Challenge Starting Weight: 251.7
    Current Weight: 250.7
    Difference: 1
    Christmas Goal Weight: 220
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 75
    Highes of last week: Didn't really have any highs of last week. I lost one pound so that 's good.
    Lows of last week: Not exercising as much as I wanted to.
    How to Improve (the lows): I've got to find a balance between school,work and the gym.
    Tips or Tricks: Just continuing to count my calories and stay under

    Good Luck Everyone! Have a great week!
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Anyone just under the 200# mark?? I thought maybe a mini-competition might help. I'm currently 199.7# and on my way to 150#. Anyone wanna race?

    I'll probably regret this, but it's all in good fun and maybe I need a little extra motivation! You're on! I weighed in at 198.2 this morning. What are you're terms!?! LOL :bigsmile:
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    Hello Friends,

    I couldn't log on yesterday because I was so so busy. On Sunday I did my Aqua Zumba certification. That's 6+ hours of active exercise. Alright folks, this is where I need some support. Yesterday I weighed in and I gained FOUR pounds! Today I weighted and I gained SIX MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need some support guys. I am sure that some of the weight is water but 10 pounds?!?!?!?! Really?! I am not logging this. I need support friends. Every month at that time I gain at least five pounds and then it goes away but really, how friggin frustrating is that? I went camping over the weekend so lots of carbs but it wasn't anything crazy. Every month when Aunt Flo comes along I get so so so devastated. I feel like I just don't give a damn anymore and I want to quit. I have a suspicion that when my body figures itself out I'll loose the aforementioned 10 extra pounds. DID I MENTION THIS GAIN HAPPENED IN TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!???????????? Help ladies! I want to quit. I am so so so frustrated!

    Oh and yesterday, water aerobics for 1 hour - 402 calories - land Zumba for 40 minutes - 560 calories and then bellydancing for another 90 minutes last night. I COULD SCREAM!
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    GREAT JOB THIS WEEK EVERYONE!!!! Look at us go :happy:

    I'm so sorry that I haven't been around for the last week to cheer everyone on. I have been rediculously busy at work and when i'm not at work im dealing with family. I found out on Friday that my dad has been sleeping in his vehicle due to being too proud to ask for help. His wife and him are getting a divorce and he was too... something... to ask for help. We got him all moved out of his home and in with my grandparents until he can find a place of his own.

    Divorce RUNS in my genetics like crazy. It's made me pretty down to see yet another marriage in my family fall to shambles and I think it freaks my husband out a little. He thinks my family is crazy. There isn't a single divorce anywhere in his entire family. Needless to say, we have been clinging to eachother for the last week and being extra lovey-dovey.

    I'm feeling much more comfortable about things now than I did over the weekend. It's kinda funny, at 25 years old I don't know how to handle divorce anymore but when I was a child I handled it with ease.

    Thanks for listening, well... reading :laugh: Helps to get it out to people that don't know my family personally, definately not something I could speew on Facebook at this point.

    Keep up the good work everyone, you are such an inspiration to me :heart:
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    Hello Friends,

    I couldn't log on yesterday because I was so so busy. On Sunday I did my Aqua Zumba certification. That's 6+ hours of active exercise. Alright folks, this is where I need some support. Yesterday I weighed in and I gained FOUR pounds! Today I weighted and I gained SIX MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need some support guys. I am sure that some of the weight is water but 10 pounds?!?!?!?! Really?! I am not logging this. I need support friends. Every month at that time I gain at least five pounds and then it goes away but really, how friggin frustrating is that? I went camping over the weekend so lots of carbs but it wasn't anything crazy. Every month when Aunt Flo comes along I get so so so devastated. I feel like I just don't give a damn anymore and I want to quit. I have a suspicion that when my body figures itself out I'll loose the aforementioned 10 extra pounds. DID I MENTION THIS GAIN HAPPENED IN TWO DAYS!!!!!!!!!???????????? Help ladies! I want to quit. I am so so so frustrated!

    Oh and yesterday, water aerobics for 1 hour - 402 calories - land Zumba for 40 minutes - 560 calories and then bellydancing for another 90 minutes last night. I COULD SCREAM!

    Would you consitter making your food/exercise journal public so that we could help you??
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    It's public for friends only Mrs. Brosco.
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    Divorce RUNS in my genetics like crazy. It's made me pretty down to see yet another marriage in my family fall to shambles and I think it freaks my husband out a little. He thinks my family is crazy. There isn't a single divorce anywhere in his entire family. Needless to say, we have been clinging to eachother for the last week and being extra lovey-dovey.

    I'm feeling much more comfortable about things now than I did over the weekend. It's kinda funny, at 25 years old I don't know how to handle divorce anymore but when I was a child I handled it with ease.

    Divorce is never easy and it's more personal now because you're married. And, you're family is not crazy! It's much more 'normal' than you realize. I've come to learn that every family has it's fair share of problems and dysfunctions. TRUST ME!!!! I could tell you a few about mine! But you need to realize that you are an adult now and your own person. You and your husband are in control of your own marriage NOT genetics! :laugh: Just be open and loving with your husband and don't let other people negatively influence the wonderful relationship you have. (learned that one the hard way in my 14 yr marriage)

    I hope you have a wonderful week!:flowerforyou:
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    GREAT JOB THIS WEEK EVERYONE!!!! Look at us go :happy:

    I'm so sorry that I haven't been around for the last week to cheer everyone on. I have been rediculously busy at work and when i'm not at work im dealing with family. I found out on Friday that my dad has been sleeping in his vehicle due to being too proud to ask for help. His wife and him are getting a divorce and he was too... something... to ask for help. We got him all moved out of his home and in with my grandparents until he can find a place of his own.

    Divorce RUNS in my genetics like crazy. It's made me pretty down to see yet another marriage in my family fall to shambles and I think it freaks my husband out a little. He thinks my family is crazy. There isn't a single divorce anywhere in his entire family. Needless to say, we have been clinging to eachother for the last week and being extra lovey-dovey.

    I'm feeling much more comfortable about things now than I did over the weekend. It's kinda funny, at 25 years old I don't know how to handle divorce anymore but when I was a child I handled it with ease.

    Thanks for listening, well... reading :laugh: Helps to get it out to people that don't know my family personally, definately not something I could speew on Facebook at this point.

    Keep up the good work everyone, you are such an inspiration to me :heart:

    Sorry you're going through this at this time, but you are an inspiration to us as well!!! Keep up the great work!! I can't wait to see everyone's results at the end of this challenge!!
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    GREAT JOB THIS WEEK EVERYONE!!!! Look at us go :happy:

    I'm so sorry that I haven't been around for the last week to cheer everyone on. I have been rediculously busy at work and when i'm not at work im dealing with family. I found out on Friday that my dad has been sleeping in his vehicle due to being too proud to ask for help. His wife and him are getting a divorce and he was too... something... to ask for help. We got him all moved out of his home and in with my grandparents until he can find a place of his own.

    Divorce RUNS in my genetics like crazy. It's made me pretty down to see yet another marriage in my family fall to shambles and I think it freaks my husband out a little. He thinks my family is crazy. There isn't a single divorce anywhere in his entire family. Needless to say, we have been clinging to eachother for the last week and being extra lovey-dovey.

    I'm feeling much more comfortable about things now than I did over the weekend. It's kinda funny, at 25 years old I don't know how to handle divorce anymore but when I was a child I handled it with ease.

    Thanks for listening, well... reading :laugh: Helps to get it out to people that don't know my family personally, definately not something I could speew on Facebook at this point.

    Keep up the good work everyone, you are such an inspiration to me :heart:

    I am so sorry to hear that such sad things have been happening around you. My parents divorced when I was a senior in high school, it sucked but I wanted them to be happy so it wasn't the end of the world for me. We were all grown and we just had to realize that things happen.

    There is no such thing as divorce running in your family so don't claim that girl. Pray over your marriage and your family each and every day. There is nothing the devil enjoys more than seeing a union that God put together fail. One day at a time. We will be praying for you honey and I hope that your parents are okay.

  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 160 Member
    Anyone just under the 200# mark?? I thought maybe a mini-competition might help. I'm currently 199.7# and on my way to 150#. Anyone wanna race?

    I'll probably regret this, but it's all in good fun and maybe I need a little extra motivation! You're on! I weighed in at 198.2 this morning. What are you're terms!?! LOL :bigsmile:

    That is right about where I am and where I am going. Weighed in at 199 yesterday and my first big goal is to make it to 150. So, why not!! I am in for a little mini challange!! :tongue:
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 160 Member
    GREAT JOB THIS WEEK EVERYONE!!!! Look at us go :happy:

    I'm so sorry that I haven't been around for the last week to cheer everyone on. I have been rediculously busy at work and when i'm not at work im dealing with family. I found out on Friday that my dad has been sleeping in his vehicle due to being too proud to ask for help. His wife and him are getting a divorce and he was too... something... to ask for help. We got him all moved out of his home and in with my grandparents until he can find a place of his own.

    Divorce RUNS in my genetics like crazy. It's made me pretty down to see yet another marriage in my family fall to shambles and I think it freaks my husband out a little. He thinks my family is crazy. There isn't a single divorce anywhere in his entire family. Needless to say, we have been clinging to eachother for the last week and being extra lovey-dovey.

    I'm feeling much more comfortable about things now than I did over the weekend. It's kinda funny, at 25 years old I don't know how to handle divorce anymore but when I was a child I handled it with ease.

    Thanks for listening, well... reading :laugh: Helps to get it out to people that don't know my family personally, definately not something I could speew on Facebook at this point.

    Keep up the good work everyone, you are such an inspiration to me :heart:

    Sorry to hear about what you are going through. My parents just got divorced this year after 16 years of marriage and at 26 years old myself, it was a bit harder than one would think. But, it was what they wanted and needed to both be happy. Hang in there. I'm glad your dad is all settled somewhere for the meantime and I hope he can find his own place easily. Thank you for being an inspiration to all of us as well!! :flowerforyou:
  • MrsBrosco
    MrsBrosco Posts: 295
    Sorry guys! I didn't make it very clear. My Mom and Dad have been divorced since I was 2. My Mom re-married when I was 4. My Dad re-married when I was 10 and has since gotten divorced and re-married to the same woman 2 times. That doesn't include aunts and uncles and (recently) friends.

    It's totaly something that i'm used to I just haven't had to go through it in quite some time now. It's definately a little foreign going through it as an adult.

    Thank you all for your support, you are wonderful =)
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Week 2: Emma

    Challenge Starting Weight: 150
    Current Weight: 147.2
    Difference: -2.8
    Christmas Goal Weight: 140
    Aprox Minutes of Exercise: 60-90 min
    Highes of last week: Worked out hard for 5 days
    Lows of last week: My pig out on Sunday
    How to Improve (the lows): Stay on track!
    Tips or Tricks: make a mini goals you can attain while working for an overall big goal
    Ultimate Goal: My goal is to complete my Olympic distance triathlon September 18! My BIG goal is to get in shape and feel good about myself