JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    CocoLoris wrote: »
    Woo-Hoo! This Year:

    I, cocoloris, combatted extremely negative thoughts and came out stronger.
    I kept my cool when things didn’t go as planned.
    I let myself be more vulnerable.
    I have learned so much more about myself and my underlying beliefs.
    I have trusted my intuition and became much happier.
    I have learned some healthy habits that support my long term goals.
    I achieved goals I had given up on.
    I figured out what I love about life and what I want out of it.
    I have made new goals which bring me joy and happiness.
    I have shown a lot of empathy.

    Cocoloris, You have grown and matured mentally and emotionally this year---which is so very important in our overall health. I found that good mental/spiritual/emotional health is a huge factor in getting my physical wellbeing where it needs to be. "I figured out what I love about life and what I want out of it." This is HUGE and so many people do not know this about themselves. I think this might be my goal for this/next year as the hubs and I enter a new season of retirement.

    Peace and joy.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Oh my...what beautiful Woo-Hoo! lists thus far! Forget about adding yours to an ongoing post---that will end up being one huge post, lol!

    They have inspired me and encouraged me to push on. I so much want to end this year WELL and I hope you do, too!

    If we all work together challenging, pushing, walking alongside, encouraging...we are a FORCE of ONE!!!
    Just think what all we have accomplished because of our friendships on here :)

    Peace and joy!

    Keep the Woo-Hoo's coming!

    Peace and joy!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Woo-Hoo! This Year:

    I, Joan6630, have changed my weight from starting at 206, to currently weighing 182, a loss of 24 pounds since January

    I now exercise at the gym at least 4-5 times a week, and found myself missing it on the days I skip. It has become part of my day.

    I have learned (and still learning) that if I eat something I should not, to move on. Do not dwell on it, do not say to myself that I have failed. That this is part of life.

    I have learned how to eat properly ... eating more fruits and veggies to fill up my plate. How to grab a apple or a egg instead of junk food (this is still a learning process though!!)

    I have learned to put myself first .. that I also matter. That my health is very important. For me, that meant accepting that I needed additional help by joining Weight Watchers for a short time to learn how to eat, learn how to change the habits I have had for 68 years.

    I have learned to accept things that I cannot change, and for me, this is learning that I cannot fix things. I cannot control other people's thoughts and behaviors.

    I have learned so much how to have empathy and compassion to others through watching what my own daughter deals with everyday.. something she has no control over, and something that I am unable to fix. I have learned to admire her strength.

    I have learned to turn many of my problems over to God. To be more thankful for all the good in my life.

    I have learned that the best friends can be friends you never meet. Friends I have met on this online site. Friends who are there to encourage each other, and who motivate each other everyday. The friends I have made on here are the best.. and the reason I will never quit this group! We all share each others struggles, achievements, proud moments, and weak moments. We all hurt when one of us hurts ... we all share the joy when one of us has good news. We miss someone who has been absent for a period of time ... and are happy to see them return.. because we care. This thread has developed into knowing some of the best friends I could ever know... and I love you all!!!

    You are going great guns, woman!!! Wowie Zowie, I had NO IDEA of your weight loss accomplishment. Go, Joan! And look at how much you've grown in other ways. I think my favorite is what you have learned by watching your daughter and her challenges. Truly there is something good that can be found in bleak times...you wish it were different for her but yet you still have found brightness.

    Thanks for doing Operation: RED CUP again... I NEED this.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,835 Member
    edited October 2019
    @littleblackskirt So sorry that you have been put in this position. It’s so difficult to watch our loved ones deteriorating. 💕💖💕 I know it’s hard, but try and look after yourself as well as your dear mama. I will pray for you to find the strength you need, and I’m sure the others will, too.

    Just wanted to say how much it has inspired me to read all your Woo! Hoo! Posts. Focusing on our achievements can give us the encouragement to keep going. Life is a series of peaks and troughs, but so long as we keep trying we are winning.

    The only failure is giving up!
    DISCARD 5 LBS CHALLENGE 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
    NAME: Terri
    SW: 167.4
    GW: 162.4
    28/08: 162.4 - 5 lb It’s taken almost the whole month! And I could be up again tomorrow. 😂
    NAME: Terri
    SW: 162.4 (28/08)
    GW: 157.4
    25/09: CW: 157.2 - 5.2
    WOO! HOO! 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼

    NAME: Terri
    SW: 157.2 (26/09)
    GW: 152.2
    07/10: CW: 155.8 - 1.4 lb 😃
    NAME: Terri
    SW: 156.0 (08/10)
    GW: 151
    18/10: CW: 154.9 - 1.1 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼 weight is bouncing around like a rubber ball! This is where it gets serious. I will keep at it.

    JFT: Fri 18 Oct
    • Meditation/Reflection 🌟
    • Log CICO/in the green/hydrate 🌟
    • Knee Physio 🌟
    • 25 + mins intentional exercise🌟
    • 10am: Latin Study group 🌟
    • 2pm: PhotoPlus Group🌟
    • Stay up to date with chores 🌟
    • 7000+ steps🌟
    • 15 mins declutter 🌟 Kitchen Worktops

    JFT: Sat 19 Oct
    • Meditation/Reflection
    • Log CICO/in the green/hydrate
    • Knee Physio
    • 25 + mins intentional exercise
    • am: Local Shopping
    • pm: chores/chillax
    • Stay up to date with chores
    • 7000+ steps
    • 15 mins declutter
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,254 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Yesterday was such an awful day.
    It was Ashs birthday, he woke up not feeling to great, a bit achey and stuff. And then he was a bit p!ssed off that no one had bothered with a card cause he didn't have any in the post, just off me and the girls. So he just felt very forgotten.
    I was doing my best to make it a good day, I had a bag with a bottle of Rum, a mug and a fancy box of chocolates and the cards in and I left it at the front door because the girls wanted to give him it too and yet we're at school.
    So we went into town and he wanted to get a couple of bits, with his birthday money, that was still in the card off me at home. So then that was a waste of time. He was more upset, I started getting upset because it was just going so badly.
    We get home anyway, the dog had managed to get through the gate and he's ate all the chocolates. I effing lost it, like full on, he's on a new sofa we got so I'm screaming at him to get down and get out, he wouldn't budge, I screamed at him again the same thing, didn't budge. So I went to push him off the sofa and the *kitten* bit me. Like actually punctured my arm.
    So I finally get him out the house in the garden. And I just break down in tears.
    We went to his mums after I got back getting the girls which was a lot calmer and better but the day was still pretty awful up until that point.
    I've now gotta watch my arm to make sure it doesn't get infected or I'll need a tetanus shot.

    I've not bothered with the dog at all, not even looked at him. And he's definitely not getting any walks off me until I'm alright with him.

    I get why he did it, I must've scared him but still, I didn't expect him to sink his teeth into my arm that deep. Ash wanted to get rid of him at first but I said no because I shouldn't of scared him like that but he was just ruining the only few presents Ash did have. (He did get some more cards and money at his mums from his nans)

    But yeah, that's where I'm at, I'll do the woohoo thing when I'm in less of a temper.

    Oh Bex ... I am so sorry all this happened. Maybe one day you can look back at it all with a chuckle. But I know at the moment... I would be ready to throw the dog out the window also! I am so sorry he bit you though... hopefully it will heal OK.
    You did go through a lot of work to plan the gifts for Ash, so I hope once he saw all that you and the girls did, it will brighten up his day. You put a lot of thought into the card, chocolates, and Rum. Maybe at the moment he was hurt because he felt no one remembered, but after seeing all that you did, I know he will feel the love there.

    Hugs to you. I hope your day goes much better today, and your arm feels better <3
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Yesterday was such an awful day.
    It was Ashs birthday, he woke up not feeling to great, a bit achey and stuff. And then he was a bit p!ssed off that no one had bothered with a card cause he didn't have any in the post, just off me and the girls. So he just felt very forgotten.
    I was doing my best to make it a good day, I had a bag with a bottle of Rum, a mug and a fancy box of chocolates and the cards in and I left it at the front door because the girls wanted to give him it too and yet we're at school.
    So we went into town and he wanted to get a couple of bits, with his birthday money, that was still in the card off me at home. So then that was a waste of time. He was more upset, I started getting upset because it was just going so badly.
    We get home anyway, the dog had managed to get through the gate and he's ate all the chocolates. I effing lost it, like full on, he's on a new sofa we got so I'm screaming at him to get down and get out, he wouldn't budge, I screamed at him again the same thing, didn't budge. So I went to push him off the sofa and the *kitten* bit me. Like actually punctured my arm.
    So I finally get him out the house in the garden. And I just break down in tears.
    We went to his mums after I got back getting the girls which was a lot calmer and better but the day was still pretty awful up until that point.
    I've now gotta watch my arm to make sure it doesn't get infected or I'll need a tetanus shot.

    I've not bothered with the dog at all, not even looked at him. And he's definitely not getting any walks off me until I'm alright with him.

    I get why he did it, I must've scared him but still, I didn't expect him to sink his teeth into my arm that deep. Ash wanted to get rid of him at first but I said no because I shouldn't of scared him like that but he was just ruining the only few presents Ash did have. (He did get some more cards and money at his mums from his nans)

    But yeah, that's where I'm at, I'll do the woohoo thing when I'm in less of a temper.

    Oh Bex ... I am so sorry all this happened. Maybe one day you can look back at it all with a chuckle. But I know at the moment... I would be ready to throw the dog out the window also! I am so sorry he bit you though... hopefully it will heal OK.
    You did go through a lot of work to plan the gifts for Ash, so I hope once he saw all that you and the girls did, it will brighten up his day. You put a lot of thought into the card, chocolates, and Rum. Maybe at the moment he was hurt because he felt no one remembered, but after seeing all that you did, I know he will feel the love there.

    Hugs to you. I hope your day goes much better today, and your arm feels better <3

    Thanks Joan! Arm seems okay, I sprayed antiseptic on it straight away and put a plaster on. Still hurts a bit but I just need to look out for swelling, redness and if it feels hot. And if I have fever then I need a shot (according to Dr. Google lol!)

    For most the morning he kept saying "I'm not annoyed at you because you're trying your best to make my day better"
    But then when I started forgetting the money and stuff I felt like I was then adding to his *kitten* day. And then when the dog ate the chocolate I felt like he was trying to make me look like a d!ckhead then as well!
    I dunno, I've been in a pretty bad mood today still. I just put all my energy into yesterday then got
    Woken by the girls at daft o clock again and I've just been in a rubbish mood all day.
    I've hardly spoken to ash or the girls all day.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex, I'm glad your arm seems to be okay. It's hard being family sometimes. I hope you find rest and peace today and that something will spark some joy into it.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @Faebert, I found myself struggling as well...for quite a while. I had lost momentum and purpose. I cared. I didn't want to regain all that I had lost. But I quit putting much effort into. I just tried to maintain my weight. And then something, not sure what, helped me to turn around. I think I just got scared, lol! I gained 7lbs during that time and my goal is to get those off before 12/31.

    Know we are beside you. You may not feel it right now, but you are strong. You juggle job and parenting in an awesome way. Just keep holding on until this cloud passes.

  • CocoLoris
    CocoLoris Posts: 115 Member
    Hey @Bex953172 - hope you are feeling a bit better (mood wise).
    It's so unfortunate that the dog ate the chocolate. Hopefully you will find a better peace of mind soon and remember that you gave all your attention to Ash and tried your best to make his day better. That’s awesome of you. Not your responsibility and yet you wanted to do it anyways.

    That’s a super nice character trait of yours and shows you truly care for others. Hope you extend that love to yourself now as well. Take care !
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    CocoLoris wrote: »
    Hey @Bex953172 - hope you are feeling a bit better (mood wise).
    It's so unfortunate that the dog ate the chocolate. Hopefully you will find a better peace of mind soon and remember that you gave all your attention to Ash and tried your best to make his day better. That’s awesome of you. Not your responsibility and yet you wanted to do it anyways.

    That’s a super nice character trait of yours and shows you truly care for others. Hope you extend that love to yourself now as well. Take care !

    Thanks so much, I guess it is a nice trait but when it doesn't go right I feel really hard on myself and feel like a complete failure that I can't do anything right :/
    Guess I need to change that, I just want people to be happy! I've always felt that when people are at their worst, even if I could just get them to crack a smile it would be the first step to feeling better.
    But with ash, it's so hard!

    Sometimes he proper laughs at my jokes and I have to ask if he actually found it funny lol!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Saturday 19 October

    Log accurately :)
    Stay in the green :)
    5 fruit and veg :)
    Water >:)
    Fitbit excercise goals :)
    Attend to Happy Scale trend :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,921 Member
    Catching up

    Bex953172 - I am just reading about Ash having agoraphobia I don’t know if I knew this before. I hope that the steps into the living room is helpful to him. Can you stay up later to exercise? I’m with you I don’t like an audience when I’m exercising, it’s why a gym membership doesn’t work for me.

    Sorry you had such a crappy day, I hope Ash realizes how much you tried.

    Cschmitz110515 - I like your response to the young male about the big cookie. Congratulations on a successful run.

    Zizzybumble- at least you are getting right back into it since your company has left. I still haven’t and my company left in mid July.

    Littleblackskirt- I hope you are getting some time for self care with the responsibilities of your parents.

    Aubyshortcake- how did the week go? Did the company fail and go into bankruptcy because you didn’t stay late? My new boss is a registered nurse and I work in a nursing Home. Her favourite thing to say to any of us if we make a mistake or don’t get something done is “did anyone die”? As long as your mistake didn’t cause a fatality she thinks it all can be fixed. I love her.

    Pridesabtch - happy belated birthday. I don’t think you’re whining, but I get your sentiment. A few years ago I was so depressed I didn’t even like myself. I truly believe what helped me was a gratitude journal and a daily devotional in the morning. I am not an overly religious person, I don’t go to church regularly and I don’t read my bible regularly but this devotional seemed to speak to me on the days I needed it. My best friend had bought it for me and made me promise to read it that’s how I got started.

    As for not feeling like you have anything left to give, maybe it’s time to say no to something. Let the hubby drive the girls, attend the event, worry about lunches and laundry. It sounds like you just have too much on the go all the time.

    Toaljasa- I actually laughed out loud about how you get paint under the drop cloths, I do the same thing!

    Chemjenny - sorry to hear about your Dad. That’s tough, I know.

    Bookmeister86 - sorry you didn’t get the job, but I firmly believe when something doesn’t happen there is a reason. Why on earth do you have to give 3 months notice? Are there not laws that put a restrictions on things like that? I think here the longest notice that has to be given to leave is 6 weeks after 10 years employment. That may have changed as we’ve had been laws implemented recently but three months seems excessive to me. If you absolutely must give that much notice I think I would give my notice too. You would have that time to hoard some money to help out while you were job searching too.

    Faebert- I am with you in the struggle.