
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    auntiebk wrote: »

    That's why I was WAAAH ing, our nearest TJ's is 3 hours hard drive on dangerous, twisty HWY 199 along the scenic Smith River. Joe has persuaded me not to go that way any more, too many head-on collisions. Next nearest is 4+ hrs to Eugene, means only get to shop TJ's at my twice yearly skin scan. How I wish they would come to the Coast, or at least sell the non-perishables on the internet.

    Many moons ago Charlie (DH) and I were looking for properties and distance was a big thing we considered. Found a beautiful property just outside of Cedar Key in Florida. We started researching after viewing the site and when we discovered the nearest hospital was a little over 60 miles away we decided it wasn't for us. All I could imagine is one of us being seriously injured and dying while waiting for rescue services and/or help to arrive. I am still looking for that ideal place where I am far enough away to feel like I am in the country, but close enough to civilization where I do not have to travel hours to work and/or to appointments. I guess I am a little bit county and a little bit rock and roll like Donnie and Marie. :smile:

    The majority of my life, I've lived on the edge of cities or in very small towns. :) We're in a remote suburb now that has a sort of beach town vibe to it ... although in the last few years there has been more building and it's getting more crowded. It's starting to make me feel uncomfortable.

    But as much as I'd like to move further out, there are several things we need to consider:
    • access to medical facilities
    • being within walking distance of groceries and other basic services
    • availability of public transportation

    And probably most importantly if/when we move, there's got to be good cycling around. We want to be able to cycle right out of our driveway again.

    Regarding Christmas ... I'm amazed that people are already getting ready for Christmas!! It's 2 months away!! :open_mouth:

    For me, December 1 is decorating day and that's when it all begins. :)

    Very busy week ahead!! We're organising 3 cycling events and I'm studying for a final exam. We'll see how this goes.

    Machka in Oz
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    PIP hope Floyd is ok

    Hugs to all who need them

    Will check in later going to town shopping

    Kate UK <3
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited October 2019
    Morning, afternoon and evening all...

    Viv - had to look up bran tub! Sounds like a great idea for keeping Christmas costs reasonable.

    Flea - hope the job is amazing, and being headhunted is flattering! Well done!

    SuziQ - in our house hunt last year, we made the same decision for a house that we LOVED that was about the same distance from a hospital, and for the same reasons. Caving to realities is necessary, but can be disappointing. It was an old Victorian literally on a mountainside... but too far away from everything, unfortunately.

    Welcome to everyone who's new, we're glad you're here!

    On the thought of Christmas, I've got all the stuff I need to make the three grandkids' quilts, but no drive to get started on them. That's OK, I'll get them done before Christmas. Probably. :) They're all "cheater" quilts, so very little piecing, just hand-guided quilting. Ordered my daughter's gift and got it in already, a small cutting board with my bread recipe laser inscribed into it. She wanted it inscribed on a ceramic plate, but that was more than twice as much. :) Need to find her hubby something that has "Camaro" on it...

    Still working on my niece's Texas quilt, or at least still mulling it over in mind. My son wants a quilt as well, but wants it in shades of black and gray, which I find depressing... still thinking that one over, too, but neither one of those will be done by Christmas. That's OK, neither one celebrates it, so it works out. :)

    My weight has finally stabilized for a few weeks, but unfortunately, it stabilized at 199. Depressing, but less depressing than 200+. Now I've just got to figure out how to climb back down that ladder... Got the exercise part down, but not the eating. And, as we all know, you can't outrun a bad diet...

    It's 35 degrees outside, so working inside on quilts for a few weekends is probably a good idea anyway!. Gym now, back for a shower and change, meetings all morning in town, back home this afternoon. Happy Wednesday, all.

    Lisa in AR
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    Morning ladies
    Pouring rain outside this morning 2 out of the 3 dogs have used the wee wee pad so will clean that up.
    My car should be ready at the end of the week..
    My daughter freaking out because her damage is extensive and she pleaded with body shop to not total it..she just got it 6 months ago,its a 2015 Honda CRV and if they total it she will still have to pay off loan and cant afford another car..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Hi all,
    We have French Circle tonight. I really don't like the new venue - very clinical with harsh strip lighting, but tonight's topic is interesting - the French speaking part of Switzerland. We have to remember to take our cheque book with us to pay the year's subs. I haven't used a cheque book in years!!!
    I think we will eat before we leave, rather than stop off at a restaurant. We spent our budget on Sunday with the kids.

    All this talk of Christmas is making me nervous! We have hugely cut back present giving to just close family, but I still do cards, even though it is a big chore. I love getting them so I have to write them! This year I am hosting lunch, so I'm already thinking of ways to make it easy on myself. (How much I can cook in advance etc. Even turkey?) It's bound to be chaos with the three kids, so I'm trying not to let my high standards make me anxious.
    Ideally I would prefer to escape somewhere, but I have promised to cater this year, so I will.
    Grrrrrr! Hate all the fuss, worry and preparation, although the actual day is always fine. Last year we were alone, so I guess this is the better option. I will take every shortcut possible.
    But I'm not even going to think about it any more until the end of November, after our wedding anniversary. Our 15th! :p<3 Gosh! It only feels like yesterday!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Regarding Christmas ... I'm amazed that people are already getting ready for Christmas!! It's 2 months away!! :open_mouth:

    For me, December 1 is decorating day and that's when it all begins. :)

    Machka in Oz

    Regarding Christmas ... again ... over the past few years I decided to drop the fuss.

    Decorations - I decorate on December 1 or as close to it as possible, and I decorate because I enjoy doing it and I like having the decorations up. :) Then they stay up till sometime in January when I've got a moment to take them down.

    Presents - gift cards. Except for a few bits and pieces. For example, at work, my immediate department exchanges a tiny bit of chocolate ... 2 or 3 pieces of something nice each. So that's easy.

    Cards - only to a few immediate family members.

    Dinner - on our own, just the two of us, or if there will be more, at a buffet. I'd rather pay for a Christmas buffet than make something.

    Events - we go to one or two carols things because we enjoy those.

    But mainly I use the Christmas break for outdoors and/or exercise!! I can often get 5-10 days of decent cycling in a row plus running, weight lifting, rowing and all sorts! :)

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,998 Member
    I am not going crazy with presents, i did get both my kids there present at Aldi yesterday.
    I wanted to get them both a fireproof locked box to keep valuables in. and they had them for $23.00 a piece.
    My granddaughter will get art supplies..
    my last gift to My DFIL I bought a flag case laser etched with his name, US Army and birth and death date.. that will be for Tom and I will put the flag in there and wait for him to notice...
    Tom and Elena enjoying themselves thank goodness, and I am enjoying being with the boys..
    My daughter asked if it feels weird staying here. and really it doesn't , I lived here for 20 yrs and I feel comfortable ,
    I love Elena she is a sweetheart and I know how to take care of the boy so ,its ok with me..
    Forgiveness is a wonderful thing...
    today I am picking up Taliah she has a 1/2 day and will be taking Chester for fluid under the skin.. and then tomorrow i work and friday I work all day so will come home at lunch to get the boys outside
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Since we're on the subject... For Christmas:

    Decorations - None. Zero, zip, shinola. We haven't had a tree in years. We were at our daughter's year before last, and got a really good reminder of why we don't do these things, as she goes far beyond rational spending and decorations. Not knocking it, just not going to do it.

    Presents - We talk about what we want as a couple, and if we want/need something fairly expensive, I budget for it, and we buy it. If we don't need anything, we skip the whole thing. I'm making the grandkids' quilts, and bought my daughter's and will buy my son-in-law something small. If I don't get a quilt done for our son, we'll send him money, as he appreciates it. That's it for Christmas presents.

    Cards - I buy one for my husband... He shows me one in the store, and I read it and he puts it back. :smiley:

    Dinner - Not if we can help it. I ambitiously bought two turkeys last year at Thanksgiving, as our son, John was still here, and they were so cheap, and we had just bought a freezer. One is still in the freezer. :) It will take a week to thaw, so might do it at the beginning of my ten-day Christmas break from work. Maybe.

    Oh - and I'll have to drive to Little Rock (most likely) for a work party on Dec. 10th, and Corey's work also had a semi-dress-up dinner last year at the country club a half hour from here, where they handed out bonuses. I'm REALLY hoping they schedule them for the same day, so I can go to mine and he can go to his, and we're done with it. They're wonderful people, but I've met them once (at last year's Christmas party) and I'm not good with strangers.

    There. Christmas done and dusted, it can go back in the worry box until after December 1st. Except for making quilts... :blush:

    Love y'all,
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,449 Member
    edited October 2019
    klanders30 wrote: »
    Did we skip talking about Halloween and Thanksgiving folks??


    We don't celebrate either of those here.

    If I were in Canada, Thanksgiving was last weekend, but there is no Thanksgiving in Australia.

    And marketing people are trying to push Halloween but in the decade I've been here, it hasn't gained any ground. One reason is probably because it's spring here so it's hard to reconcile the idea of pumpkins and autumn leaves etc. with spring flowers and warming days.

    My immediate supervisor gets a kick out of Halloween so he puts on a morning tea for our specific department (only 7 of us now), and serves cupcakes with orange icing and tries to find some "halloween-ish" candy. He's also got a plastic black cat he found somewhere so he brings that in for decoration. That will be the full extent of Halloween for me. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    NYKAREN - Haven't acknowledged Halloween other than six weeks of "dodge-em" for all the candy aisles in yonks. When I got my kids, they were 15 and 17, so pretty well past that. Re: Thanksgiving, only celebrated last year because son John was home, will just enjoy the four days off, and knowing my procrastinatory bent, will probably use it to finish the quilts I'm trying to get done for Christmas! :sweat_smile:

    OK... off to work...

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    Peace and happy thoughts to all in need!

    Holidays - since I still have a kid at home and older family, I decorate for the holidays. We have an entryway with the ugliest sideboard (not purchased by me) so I do my best to make it pretty. Halloween décor will stay there until Nov 2. So convenient to have a Saturday close to Halloween. Then Thanksgiving appears and stays until the first Sunday of Advent. Christmas is a project that get bigger every weekend leading up to Christmas. It all stays in place until Epiphany. The tree comes down and the crèche is put away. Anything “winter” themed may stay in place through January.

    I saw a perfect Hallothanksmas display at Kroger. It was all yard ceramics of cats, witches, pumpkins, pilgrims, and Christmas.

    I’ve got to get some work done!! Have a great day!

    Connie in KY
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    The family is away in Cornwall for Halloween, thank goodness, so I haven't got to worry about that this year. In Brighton and Hove the kids only knock at houses with lit pumpkins, so we can happily hide away until it's over. I will have a few sweets that DH eats in the house anyway. Next door goes all out!

    No Thanksgiving. Hooray!

    I'm definitely sounding more and more like an old grump, but the truth is, there is nothing I like more than my normal routine. :D Apart from a cruise. :p

    DDIL wants us to babysit when they get back from Cornwall so they can go to a 40th party. That's fine. :)
    Then she wants us to have the older two on the following Monday, because it's an Inset Day. (Teacher training) I said we would, if they came here, so I could do some baking with them while Bea is at nursery. The new au pair will have only just arrived, so a full day with the two of them would be a bit much. Then she said, could the au pair come over too!!! I'm not keen on that idea. :noway: I think I will tell her we can have the two in the morning on their own and then bring them back after lunch and stay for a bit with the au pair so we can all get to know each other.
    Caramba! Muy complicado! (The au pair is Spanish) :laugh:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,585 Member
    Good morning supermodels! <3

    I am multitasking today. Have the tablet set up and Bluetooth keyboard, using them concurrently, since not all features work w keyboard. Can't figure out bold or italics but will research. Anyhow, this is sure to create some new neural pathways in my brain. B) Keyboard was a good price at Staples and young clerk got it all connected for me. :)

    So I emailed my friends whom I agreed to go with to see "Judy" this afternoon and begged off. Lost sleep over it, irked at myself for agreeing to go. Broke my own rule about not committing to anything in the afternoons and evenings, with mornings and lunchtimes dedicated to socializing. So they will have to put up with me at lunches and that's the extent of it, lol.

    Appreciate the discussion about Christmas preparations. Have started my list. Christmas cards to many, gift cards to loved ones.

    Back later. Make it a splendid day!! <3

    Foggy SW WA State with sunshine burning thru...

  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 969 Member
    Holidays - We don't really "celebrate" anything except our birthdays. For those, we try to travel. This year it was Costa Rica for his and Romania for mine. We try to travel for the big holidays too, but it's so expensive and stressful. We never visit family for holidays, but once in a while family comes here and we keep it low key. I prefer not to have anyone here or see anyone on holidays. I like it quiet and I especially like it if we are in another country. We only decorate if we happen to be around and I keep it small because I hate the clean up. Plus, that is for his benefit. I prefer no decor. My family calls me a scrooge. I don't buy gifts either. I hate what Christmas has become.

    We don't buy candy for Halloween and ignore the doorbell. I just don't need that stuff sitting around and honestly, not many kids come by these days. I do love Halloween (and Christmas) at Disneyland, but it's them decorating and taking it down. :)

    It's easy to ignore holidays when there are no kids around. This year, the mister will likely be working on Thanksgiving, so I probably will too. Cooking for Thanksgiving is exhausting and I have never been able to enjoy the day off...I'm in the kitchen ALL DAY LONG and into the evening cleaning up. It's just not worth it. Going out is preferable.

    And cards -- I just cannot get myself to pay $5-7 for them. That seems excessive. I also hate shopping for them. It's too stressful trying to find "just the right one." And the funny ones aren't even funny anymore.

    Hugs to all who need them. Some of you really have some challenges. I admire your strength.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,067 Member
  • webersusan558
    webersusan558 Posts: 14 Member
    My Holiday shopping has not even crossed my mind. Yesterday though my son called and wants us to fly to CA for Thanksgiving. Yeah, that is not going to happen. Flights are almost all booked and way to expensive. Plus who wants to drive from LA to Orange County the day before Thanksgiving. I lived in CA for 30 years and being stuck on the freeway at anytime of year is NOT what I call a vacation. Even though it is visiting family, I would rather not. I am going to propose we all go on an Alaska Cruise this Summer instead. Hope they agree.
    I usually weigh myself on Wed morning and today my weight is the same as last week. My weekends tend to get the best of me and over indulging is an understatement. I gain 2 lbs and by Wed I lose it again. So this Friday-Sunday I am going to stay within my Calories and keep exercising.
    To the little child at day care, I am glad it wasn't more serious.

    Happy Wed All.

    Susan in E . Washington
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Oh my goodness! All this talk of Christmas made me get on the Royal Academy website and order Christmas cards and all the stamps from them. (I get them from that London gallery most years) So at least I've made a start!
    DH sends around 30 cards and I send around 36. A couple to neighbours. I love to receive them from old friends, especially if they've put news updates in them, so I have to send them. It is a bit of a chore though. :(
    My conscience is lightened. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx