What screams "I'm very insecure"?



  • your_future_ex_wife
    your_future_ex_wife Posts: 4,278 Member
    I have to go with the overuse of filters. (And I don't say that to judge anybody who does use a filter or when we have fun using the silly filters) I just feel like I'm looking at a picture of a person who isn't comfortable in her own skin and it makes me sad. And then below it to read all the comments from guys "wow, you look great" which just reinforces the use of blurry glamour filters. It kind of makes me want to punch somebody.

    I have to go with the overuse of filters. (And I don't say that to judge anybody who does use a filter or when we have fun using the silly filters) I just feel like I'm looking at a picture of a person who isn't comfortable in her own skin and it makes me sad. And then below it to read all the comments from guys "wow, you look great" which just reinforces the use of blurry glamour filters. It kind of makes me want to punch somebody.

    omg there is a lady on the facebook that does this. I really want to post "You look like an alien" but I don't. She's an older middle aged lady and I'm pretty sure she thinks it makes her look pretty. And sometimes, filters can do just that. But she over does it to the point she looks stupid. And i want to tell her, but I'm not gonna. And its just like here where people comment "gorgeous, stunning" etc. It makes me wonder if those people are thinking the same thing I'm thinking...that she looks stupid and insecure and sad. Her unfiltered picture would be very pretty but shes choosing to go with weird and fake and well, just weird looking. The big eyes, smooth face, faded stuff. Just, No. Please, you are so much more than the weird big eyed alien you portray yourself to be. So, I'm a fan of filters...but not unbelievably inhuman but YOU think you look better than reality filters. Those are a no.
    \edit to add....the sad part is that they are attractive but they don't think they are without the crazy weird inhuman looking filters, and that is unfortunate.

    if i see someone using literally any puppy dog cat ears big eyes whatever whatever filter i assume they playing around having fun like it would never occur to me to call them “stupid, insecure and sad” jmo

    They aren’t playing around with cat and dog filters. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said they are seriously using filters to smooth their skin and give it a weird fake look, make their face thinner, make their eyes bigger, and make them look not human....but thinking they actually look better like this then they do in reality. I think that is the sad part...thinking such a dramatic thing make them look better. I think I was pretty clear in that respect.

    i didnt put words in your mouth u said women using filters were “stupid insecure and sad” and i said whatever the *kitten* filters women use idc bc i assume they are playing around with how they look like it’s weird af to me to judge someone so harshly but that’s Facebook i guess

    People who flaunt themselves are gonna get judged. Good or bad. If you put yourself out there asking people “how do I look” wanting compliments and admiration in the comments....it’s pretty sad to disguise your face to the point of being unrecognizable. And that is sad. It’s stupid too because they don’t want to hear the truth. However, me and all the other judgmental bishes realize that she is sad and insecure by the fact that she does just this. So we are kind and say what she wants to hear. The whole thing is just a sad sad thing.

    Yeah...I know this subject has been done to death on MFP but I agree about the crazy filters. I think a lot of us are sick of the same women who post these crazily filtered photos where their head looks enormous and eyes twice their usual size, and seem to LIVE for the 104 comments of "Kathy you look SO amazing, you look 25 still!"

    Who cares how many times someone posts a selfie or if they're filtered? Maybe alot of people are sick of those things but I'm pretty sure alot more people don't really care. Who knows what "Kathy" has been through. There's alot of worst things to worry about than judging people who post pictures that someone doesn't like. If those comments makes them feel good so be it.

    Personal opinion after having played with these filters for a bit?: Not really seeing how it's any different than make-up. You put it on, alter what you look like (a little or a lot) and go out because you enjoy it or it makes you feel better about yourself.

    A filter is just like a quick version of super quirky makeup.

    reminded me that was talking to a lady a few years ago (now she’s one of my good friends) and she said something about how she gets botox and injections and doesn’t understand how women judge her for it bc the same people are fine with tattoos and ear gauges and hair dye

    it made me rethink a lot tbh, like people can change their appearance to whatever aesthetic they want bc its their damn face/body kwim?

    anyways i *kitten* hate women tearing each other down so much it’s so needless and just adds more misery to the world

    I had a similar awakening about body modifications
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    I have to go with the overuse of filters. (And I don't say that to judge anybody who does use a filter or when we have fun using the silly filters) I just feel like I'm looking at a picture of a person who isn't comfortable in her own skin and it makes me sad. And then below it to read all the comments from guys "wow, you look great" which just reinforces the use of blurry glamour filters. It kind of makes me want to punch somebody.

    I have to go with the overuse of filters. (And I don't say that to judge anybody who does use a filter or when we have fun using the silly filters) I just feel like I'm looking at a picture of a person who isn't comfortable in her own skin and it makes me sad. And then below it to read all the comments from guys "wow, you look great" which just reinforces the use of blurry glamour filters. It kind of makes me want to punch somebody.

    omg there is a lady on the facebook that does this. I really want to post "You look like an alien" but I don't. She's an older middle aged lady and I'm pretty sure she thinks it makes her look pretty. And sometimes, filters can do just that. But she over does it to the point she looks stupid. And i want to tell her, but I'm not gonna. And its just like here where people comment "gorgeous, stunning" etc. It makes me wonder if those people are thinking the same thing I'm thinking...that she looks stupid and insecure and sad. Her unfiltered picture would be very pretty but shes choosing to go with weird and fake and well, just weird looking. The big eyes, smooth face, faded stuff. Just, No. Please, you are so much more than the weird big eyed alien you portray yourself to be. So, I'm a fan of filters...but not unbelievably inhuman but YOU think you look better than reality filters. Those are a no.
    \edit to add....the sad part is that they are attractive but they don't think they are without the crazy weird inhuman looking filters, and that is unfortunate.

    if i see someone using literally any puppy dog cat ears big eyes whatever whatever filter i assume they playing around having fun like it would never occur to me to call them “stupid, insecure and sad” jmo

    They aren’t playing around with cat and dog filters. Don’t put words in my mouth. I said they are seriously using filters to smooth their skin and give it a weird fake look, make their face thinner, make their eyes bigger, and make them look not human....but thinking they actually look better like this then they do in reality. I think that is the sad part...thinking such a dramatic thing make them look better. I think I was pretty clear in that respect.

    i didnt put words in your mouth u said women using filters were “stupid insecure and sad” and i said whatever the *kitten* filters women use idc bc i assume they are playing around with how they look like it’s weird af to me to judge someone so harshly but that’s Facebook i guess

    People who flaunt themselves are gonna get judged. Good or bad. If you put yourself out there asking people “how do I look” wanting compliments and admiration in the comments....it’s pretty sad to disguise your face to the point of being unrecognizable. And that is sad. It’s stupid too because they don’t want to hear the truth. However, me and all the other judgmental bishes realize that she is sad and insecure by the fact that she does just this. So we are kind and say what she wants to hear. The whole thing is just a sad sad thing.

    Yeah...I know this subject has been done to death on MFP but I agree about the crazy filters. I think a lot of us are sick of the same women who post these crazily filtered photos where their head looks enormous and eyes twice their usual size, and seem to LIVE for the 104 comments of "Kathy you look SO amazing, you look 25 still!"

    It’s ok if it’s not to your taste, but I don’t understand how it could affect your life to such a degree that it makes you sick. Maybe that means you’re too invested in the lives and looks and behaviors of people who aren’t hurting you.

    My sister uses filters heavily on Facebook and snapchat. Its always the same filter, the one she calls the ‘pretty’ filter. She literally looks like an alien in all of her profile pics. I wish i could say to myself ‘self, if she wants to play around with filters then so be it, she’s just having fun’ but that isn’t what’s happening. She doesn’t feel ‘allowed’ to post a selfie withOUT a filter because, in her words, ‘nobody wants to see that’. These things have severely roughed up her self-image and I really doubt she’s an anomaly that way.

    So that’s why people see the use of filters as the action of an insecure person. We likely all know someone who relies on them like a drug. I hate when people rave about how beautiful my sister is in these filtered pics because i can see it erode her self-worth even further. It doesn’t make her feel good. It makes her temporarily feel good enough. And seeing that for years makes me angry. Not at her, but at the whole filtered selfie culture.

    I know some people do it for fun. I know many, many more people do it out of insecurity and THAT makes me sad. That makes me sick. I hate filters. I hate their prevalence. It doesn’t mean i feel contempt for the people using them, i just feel a kind of pain in case they feel the same way my sister does. It doesn’t evoke fun and silliness to me. Not anymore.

    I’m not sure if I’m oblivious or i just don’t give a kitten. Either way 🤷‍♀️

    Eta: i don’t mean I don’t care about pain, i just don’t see it, assume it, or interpret things that way.

    I wish I didn’t either, it sucks
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    As I read through these comments, I realize this. I am very insecure.
  • isalsayourface123
    isalsayourface123 Posts: 2,153 Member
    As I read through these comments, I realize this. I am very insecure.

    I dont think anyone is void of insecurities in some form
  • pizzamyheart
    pizzamyheart Posts: 1,836 Member
    Jay-Z Cristi people. The thread is what screams insecure and several of us are saying the over use of filters, to us, screams, insecurity. Get off your high horses. We are all allowed our opinions especially when we are answering the thread.

    And you're posting in a public forum and should probably remember that not everyone will agree with you and are also allowed to post their opinions on your opinion and vice versa. :wink:

    True enough.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Also, I gotta know: What do you guys mean when you say "they use so many filters that they look like an alien"? I'm having trouble picturing this based on what I know of apps like Snapchat (which isn't a lot).
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Also, I gotta know: What do you guys mean when you say "they use so many filters that they look like an alien"? I'm having trouble picturing this based on what I know of apps like Snapchat (which isn't a lot).

    the non play filters a lot of women people like to use. They bigify the eyes, narrow the nose, contour the cheeks and smooth out the blemishes.

    Hmm.. I tried a "beautify" filter once on Snapchat.. but it cut off half of my chin?? Apparently not having a chin is beautiful now? :lol: It cracked me up, but I think it's similar to the ones you're talking about. My pores disappeared (so did my acne), my eyes became kawaii anime girl eyes and I insta-grew eyelashes... which was pretty awesome.

    Here I was thinking of the actual alien filters which make you look like a smokin' hot purple babe with three eyes and antennae. :tongue:
  • Marqiiz
    Marqiiz Posts: 707 Member
    People that take tons of selfies
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    Also, I gotta know: What do you guys mean when you say "they use so many filters that they look like an alien"? I'm having trouble picturing this based on what I know of apps like Snapchat (which isn't a lot).

    the non play filters a lot of women people like to use. They bigify the eyes, narrow the nose, contour the cheeks and smooth out the blemishes.

    Hmm.. I tried a "beautify" filter once on Snapchat.. but it cut off half of my chin?? Apparently not having a chin is beautiful now? :lol: It cracked me up, but I think it's similar to the ones you're talking about. My pores disappeared (so did my acne), my eyes became kawaii anime girl eyes and I insta-grew eyelashes... which was pretty awesome.

    Here I was thinking of the actual alien filters which make you look like a smokin' hot purple babe with three eyes and antennae. :tongue:

    If there was a Total Recall alien girl with three...

    eyes filter i would totally use it
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    If someone occasionally uses a filter because they find it fun or cute, cool. If every photo is filtered, I would probably think they are insecure about something. The same is true if someone won’t leave the house without makeup. But, we all have some insecurities. We’re human.

    I don’t judge women who use filters, get plastic surgery, etc but I am a big fan of natural beauty. Wearing a bit of makeup is way different than getting surgery or completely transforming your face with a filter. I feel like with all of the fake enhancements and special effects, some people have forgotten what real beauty is.

    I live in L.A. where there are beautiful people everywhere and there is a lot of pressure to be fake and more beautiful than the next woman. I do feel these filters and things are overall detrimental and contribute to these unrealistic ideas of what beauty should be. But, to each their own.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    Just_Mel_ wrote: »
    Bragging about good deeds you've done. Cool, good deeds are awesome! But no need to post it for attention.

    I'm thinking that it depends on the scale of the good deed.....

    Help out an old lady reach a top shelf at the Grocery?
    Leave it alone.

    Donate 3 million dollars for medical equipment in a Children's Hospital?
    Go ahead, put your name on the building.
  • George_of_the_Jungle
    George_of_the_Jungle Posts: 3,316 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Just_Mel_ wrote: »
    Bragging about good deeds you've done. Cool, good deeds are awesome! But no need to post it for attention.

    I'm thinking that it depends on the scale of the good deed.....

    Help out an old lady reach a top shelf at the Grocery?
    Leave it alone.

    Donate 3 million dollars for medical equipment in a Children's Hospital?
    Go ahead, put your name on the building.

    but when the check bounces?
  • Reckoner68
    Reckoner68 Posts: 2,139 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Just_Mel_ wrote: »
    Bragging about good deeds you've done. Cool, good deeds are awesome! But no need to post it for attention.

    I'm thinking that it depends on the scale of the good deed.....

    Help out an old lady reach a top shelf at the Grocery?
    Leave it alone.

    Donate 3 million dollars for medical equipment in a Children's Hospital?
    Go ahead, put your name on the building.

    but when the check bounces?

    ...help an old lady across the street
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Just_Mel_ wrote: »
    Bragging about good deeds you've done. Cool, good deeds are awesome! But no need to post it for attention.

    I'm thinking that it depends on the scale of the good deed.....

    Help out an old lady reach a top shelf at the Grocery?
    Leave it alone.

    Donate 3 million dollars for medical equipment in a Children's Hospital?
    Go ahead, put your name on the building.

    but when the check bounces?

    ..... have I told you about the time I gave up my seat on the Subway to the pregnant lady ??