What's on your mind?



  • My kid started online only class, I think today...

    At first I was hating the idea because the web app they want him to use just works like crap...

    However my wife was talking to one of his teachers from last year who said that she basically is having to learn to code, and has been up many nights leading up to this, in tears because she just can't figure out how to get it all to work and they are all pretty terrified that parents will be complaining about the web design...

    I think I'll just shut my mouth, not complain and be grateful 😂...

    All that being said, I still send my kid to soccer practice 3-4x/week... I think he is better off going then staying home, hiding from the virus 🤷🏽‍♂️

    I'm so not frustrated with the teachers over this, their efforts a clear and they should be proud of what they've tried to do. The crappy thing about it is that they haven't been given a leg to stand on, much less two.

    My issue is with the county board, and the way they've (not) handled the preparations for providing a stable and user friendly remote learning platform.

    The portal system we used last year was never designed for long term use, but for the odd chance we had two or three snow days in the year. In spite of this, it worked. The whole county used it, all at the same time, and everyone was able to finish the last 10 - 12 weeks on it.

    The (stated) plan all summer was to attend school in person this fall. Major efforts were put in to disinfecting the classrooms and adding sanitation stations etc..., all good things, but as we are seeing from the schools who are doing in person, it was not effective. By late June they began to backtrack on that stance a bit and then offered a choice, distance learning if you wanted, or in person with a set of restrictions that would be impossible to enforce on class sizes of 25+ kids to 1 teacher. Come the end of July they announced it would be 100% digital learning and that they would be rolling out a new portal.

    The change was made way too late and wasn't tested until Monday, and it failed in spectacular fashion. There are around 300k students in this district and the portal became saturated at about 80k logins and just wet the bed. No follow up communications were sent out, and no additional testing. It's as if they said "we'll reboot and see y'all Wednesday". It still doesn't work and bombs out at about 1/3 of the needed capacity.

    The teachers,I thank them all and any of you out there, have put a tremendous amount of effort in to making it work. They've gone around the system and are using their private google accounts to teach via google meet or zoom. This works for anyone with a private device. The county issued chromebooks for households without enough computers as well as hotspots for those with no internet. The devices are managed however, and must authenticate to the student portal before you can do anything else.

    I'm fortunate enough to have contingencies and workarounds where I can get all my kids on in spite of all of this, but that's not the case for everyone, or even a majority. There was plenty of time to get this right and the ball was dropped at the top, not by the teachers. I won't even say it was dropped, they just put it down and said F it, let her rip.

  • Miss_Chiev0us
    Miss_Chiev0us Posts: 1,592 Member
    School is starting for my daughter in 3 weeks and I have no idea what's going on 😅 So far, the only thing I know is that the kids will only be going to school 3 times a week and the 2 other days will do School from home. This is so ridiculous.

    Well if the stuff happening down here is any indication...





    That's 3 different counties trying 3 different mixes of online/in person. The end result is the same. In less than a week the infection rate is ridiculous.

    3 weeks from now I hope everyone sees that it's just not a good idea.

    My son goes to University but it's all online for them this year. I don't know how they've made the decision for high school but I don't see it working.
  • Dakase83
    Dakase83 Posts: 2,524 Member
    School is starting for my daughter in 3 weeks and I have no idea what's going on 😅 So far, the only thing I know is that the kids will only be going to school 3 times a week and the 2 other days will do School from home. This is so ridiculous.

    Our start date got pushed back to 8/31 and we still don't have an answer on how the district will teach our children.. Online?? In person?? Hybrid??

    Luckily hubs is working from home until at least 2021so we are just going with the flow. My heart feels for the families who don't have options and/or resources and are struggling. This whole year has been disheartening.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    School is starting for my daughter in 3 weeks and I have no idea what's going on 😅 So far, the only thing I know is that the kids will only be going to school 3 times a week and the 2 other days will do School from home. This is so ridiculous.

    Well if the stuff happening down here is any indication...





    That's 3 different counties trying 3 different mixes of online/in person. The end result is the same. In less than a week the infection rate is ridiculous.

    3 weeks from now I hope everyone sees that it's just not a good idea.

    My son goes to University but it's all online for them this year. I don't know how they've made the decision for high school but I don't see it working.

    Our local high school has around 1000 students. Dh said they'll have half the student body going Mon and Wed., the other half going Tues and Thrs, then on Fri everyone does it from home. But on any given day that's still 500 kids; how do you social distance with that number of bodies? Granted, masks will be mandatory, and walking traffic will all be one way, plus there are many buildings, lots of area, but still....
    It seems like everyone is trying the best they can and picking their own way. I just hope for the majority of everybody, it works out for the best.
  • honeybee__12
    honeybee__12 Posts: 15,688 Member
    My oldest grandson (7) has been playing basketball and
    he will be attending school (at school) 5days a week.
    I am pleased.
  • cdubks88
    cdubks88 Posts: 3,573 Member
    I was really hoping I'd get a weekend away before school starts to refresh myself mentally but Idk if that's gonna happen now. School starts next week and it will be 3 days at home then 2 days at school. My 11 year old has difficulty comprehending basic academic learning so I will be the one next to her walking her through all her work when she's at home. I'm not trained in this and I'm really stressing out about her having a successful school year. And that doesn't cover my other two kids and housework in between. Maybe I'm just freaking out and everything will be okay but still, Send all wine.

    Hope it all goes well, K. Hang in there.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    My oldest grandson (7) has been playing basketball and
    he will be attending school (at school) 5days a week.
    I am pleased.

    I'd advise having a backup plan in your pocket, once a case pops up they will probably have to shut down for 2 week. Depending on the size of the school, this is likely to happen repeatedly.
  • _sw33tp3a_11
    _sw33tp3a_11 Posts: 4,692 Member
    I was really hoping I'd get a weekend away before school starts to refresh myself mentally but Idk if that's gonna happen now. School starts next week and it will be 3 days at home then 2 days at school. My 11 year old has difficulty comprehending basic academic learning so I will be the one next to her walking her through all her work when she's at home. I'm not trained in this and I'm really stressing out about her having a successful school year. And that doesn't cover my other two kids and housework in between. Maybe I'm just freaking out and everything will be okay but still, Send all wine.

    Just sharing what I have heard from the teachers I know: they know this is not ideal for many kids and families. They know that many kids are going to struggle because of this. They know that when things eventually normalize they will have to meet the kids where they are and move forward with them.

    It's awesome you are so involved, but try not to get too stressed about it, she will feel that. Remember to protect her self esteem and your families happiness while you try to help her through it. Remember when things normalize you can better access the help she needs and in the meantime academic success may not be the most important thing. Y'all can make it though and she will grow into an awesome woman like her momma.

    Thank you 💕
  • Yoshiboobs
    Yoshiboobs Posts: 1,090 Member
    Imagine that you are on a lakefront property on the covered porch overlooking the water with your favorite tea as it rains. You're there with your favorite person. The thunder echoes here and there.
    Suddenly, the lake swells and mf godzilla pops out screeching and tearing the world around you apart and you just sit there enjoying your tea. You snooze a little bit in your chair.
    You're awoken to find that you are swiftly flying through the air in the direction of the water. Luckily you didn't belly flop. As you are torpedoing deep into the lake you take this time to reflect. All is quiet and dark as the water pressure hugs you like your parents never did. 'Maybe I'll pick up a new hobby ' you think. Propulsion has stopped and you gently float up to the surface.
    You just kinda float there as rain droplets hit your skin like little fists. Everything is on fire 🔥 except for the lake. There's an odd sensation on your back and next thing you know you're being swallowed up by another massive monster of the lake.
    'Life is an adventure' you think as you water slide into the stomach. It smells in here, regrettably. You see your favorite person has happened to make it in here with you! It's only the top half but that's your favorite half anyway. You catch up just like old times for hours or days, you can't really tell but you don't care because you're having a good time.
    The air pressure is getting the kind of annoying and next thing you know you're expelled from the belly of the beast and promptly covered by a little bit of sand. Turns out that the beast isn't very good at covering it's doo doo. 💩
    A thick charred smell fills your lungs which is a welcomed odor considering recent events. You start walking through the incinerated forest and in a few hours time you find civilization again.
    People gawk at you and some are screaming at piles of rubble. 'Do I need a haircut?' You ponder.
    You just wander into a random house as one of the walls are missing and it appears no one is home. You check the microwave and Yay! Tea! You sit on the couch and sip your tea, content. 🥰☕️
  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    Yoshiboobs wrote: »
    Imagine that you are on a lakefront property on the covered porch overlooking the water with your favorite tea as it rains. You're there with your favorite person. The thunder echoes here and there.
    Suddenly, the lake swells and mf godzilla pops out screeching and tearing the world around you apart and you just sit there enjoying your tea. You snooze a little bit in your chair.
    You're awoken to find that you are swiftly flying through the air in the direction of the water. Luckily you didn't belly flop. As you are torpedoing deep into the lake you take this time to reflect. All is quiet and dark as the water pressure hugs you like your parents never did. 'Maybe I'll pick up a new hobby ' you think. Propulsion has stopped and you gently float up to the surface.
    You just kinda float there as rain droplets hit your skin like little fists. Everything is on fire 🔥 except for the lake. There's an odd sensation on your back and next thing you know you're being swallowed up by another massive monster of the lake.
    'Life is an adventure' you think as you water slide into the stomach. It smells in here, regrettably. You see your favorite person has happened to make it in here with you! It's only the top half but that's your favorite half anyway. You catch up just like old times for hours or days, you can't really tell but you don't care because you're having a good time.
    The air pressure is getting the kind of annoying and next thing you know you're expelled from the belly of the beast and promptly covered by a little bit of sand. Turns out that the beast isn't very good at covering it's doo doo. 💩
    A thick charred smell fills your lungs which is a welcomed odor considering recent events. You start walking through the incinerated forest and in a few hours time you find civilization again.
    People gawk at you and some are screaming at piles of rubble. 'Do I need a haircut?' You ponder.
    You just wander into a random house as one of the walls are missing and it appears no one is home. You check the microwave and Yay! Tea! You sit on the couch and sip your tea, content. 🥰☕️

    english breakfast?
  • CacoEther
    CacoEther Posts: 2,465 Member
    One of my three cats passed away this morning after appearing to get better. None of us were able to see her off over the rainbow bridge and I am heartbroken. I will never see her, never pet her and never get to hold her again.

    I hate this year and I'm really beyond caring about anything, including obligations I have to other people/groups.

    Ahh this is terrible. So sorry 😢
  • Yoshiboobs
    Yoshiboobs Posts: 1,090 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    Yoshiboobs wrote: »
    Imagine that you are on a lakefront property on the covered porch overlooking the water with your favorite tea as it rains. You're there with your favorite person. The thunder echoes here and there.
    Suddenly, the lake swells and mf godzilla pops out screeching and tearing the world around you apart and you just sit there enjoying your tea. You snooze a little bit in your chair.
    You're awoken to find that you are swiftly flying through the air in the direction of the water. Luckily you didn't belly flop. As you are torpedoing deep into the lake you take this time to reflect. All is quiet and dark as the water pressure hugs you like your parents never did. 'Maybe I'll pick up a new hobby ' you think. Propulsion has stopped and you gently float up to the surface.
    You just kinda float there as rain droplets hit your skin like little fists. Everything is on fire 🔥 except for the lake. There's an odd sensation on your back and next thing you know you're being swallowed up by another massive monster of the lake.
    'Life is an adventure' you think as you water slide into the stomach. It smells in here, regrettably. You see your favorite person has happened to make it in here with you! It's only the top half but that's your favorite half anyway. You catch up just like old times for hours or days, you can't really tell but you don't care because you're having a good time.
    The air pressure is getting the kind of annoying and next thing you know you're expelled from the belly of the beast and promptly covered by a little bit of sand. Turns out that the beast isn't very good at covering it's doo doo. 💩
    A thick charred smell fills your lungs which is a welcomed odor considering recent events. You start walking through the incinerated forest and in a few hours time you find civilization again.
    People gawk at you and some are screaming at piles of rubble. 'Do I need a haircut?' You ponder.
    You just wander into a random house as one of the walls are missing and it appears no one is home. You check the microwave and Yay! Tea! You sit on the couch and sip your tea, content. 🥰☕️

    english breakfast?

    It's a pick your own tea flavor kind of story
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    One of my three cats passed away this morning after appearing to get better. None of us were able to see her off over the rainbow bridge and I am heartbroken. I will never see her, never pet her and never get to hold her again.

    I hate this year and I'm really beyond caring about anything, including obligations I have to other people/groups.

    I'm so sorry for your loss 😔
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    hrichts wrote: »
    One of my three cats passed away this morning after appearing to get better. None of us were able to see her off over the rainbow bridge and I am heartbroken. I will never see her, never pet her and never get to hold her again.

    I hate this year and I'm really beyond caring about anything, including obligations I have to other people/groups.

    Ahh this is terrible. So sorry 😢
    One of my three cats passed away this morning after appearing to get better. None of us were able to see her off over the rainbow bridge and I am heartbroken. I will never see her, never pet her and never get to hold her again.

    I hate this year and I'm really beyond caring about anything, including obligations I have to other people/groups.

    Hugs ❤
    IslandGal3 wrote: »
    One of my three cats passed away this morning after appearing to get better. None of us were able to see her off over the rainbow bridge and I am heartbroken. I will never see her, never pet her and never get to hold her again.

    I hate this year and I'm really beyond caring about anything, including obligations I have to other people/groups.

    I'm so sorry. Sending you a virtual hug.

    :heart: It sucks, but I know she's better off this way. She had chronic kidney disease and I guess her kidneys couldn't sustain her anymore. I did get one extra month with her from when she crashed before July 4th, so I am thankful for that month. And.. she passed away peacefully sleeping. She wasn't euthanized. Just ate, stared around at the people in the vet clinic and took a permanent nap.

    I could not ask for a better way for her to go, even if none of my family were present. :heart:

    Kosmos, I'm so sorry. :( Words don't help much but just know many of us here are thinking of you.
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    edited August 2020
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    My little Daisy Ray colored all over her forearms with markers trying to copy my tattoos 🤦🏽‍♂️...

    I don't know whether or not this is more adorable or troublesome 😂🙈