THE Team - Week 4



  • chantybear
    Adopt4 - The dvd I am thinking of is called ''Shape Your Abs''
  • prayerfulmom
    I know you can't "spot reduce" but heck, I hafta try something different!

    I wanted to share that core work and pilates are great. Honestly, ya know the bottom line is can't spot reduce but can get stronger and build the muscle so when the insulation comes off it will expose some hot abs.
    We have comcast in demand in my area and we get free workouts. There is also fit tv on tv or online and you can get some free info. I like free stuff!
    The workouts that get your lower abs are the bicycle type exercises. I have heard great things about the standing abs from billy blanks son at
    I am starting p90X and it looks extrememly painful. I'll let you know next week when I can't move. Right now my rear is killing me (I did lower body yesterday).

    renayeb- welcome to the goose egg club with the rest of us this week=) Lets skip it next week ok.
  • prayerfulmom

    in-laws AND teens..........Gaah.gifand you didn't gain??yesssmileyf.gif

    I wanted to thank you for giving me a "pace" yesterday. I was up to 3.8 for 35 minutes on the treadmill at the gym. Had to cancel membership, though. So I'm developing a new routine. It's a process...

    Thanks for all your great posts!

    More later, ya'll:flowerforyou:

    If you have an ipod you should upload this crappy techo music that amps your speed up:laugh:

    there is also a great program called Couch to 5 k that has music and ques you when to walk or run (I used that program before but not with music...just watched the watch).

    Wog on.
  • prayerfulmom
    healthymom2009: SW208/CW 193/GW150 -3 lbs lost

    You rock!:bigsmile:
  • prayerfulmom
    Ok, so this week I lost another 2 lbs...I'm very excited to be on my way downhill again! prayerfulmom
    Excellente on the downhill:smokin:
  • Kelleighanne
    I did the couch to 5k once (didn't make it to the 5k LOL), but I had no idea they had music with it now. That's awesome. My new thing is that I have 'Right Round' from Flo Rida on my Ipod (don't want the girls to hear it LOL) and I walk to that. I did 45 min tonight.

    Congratulations on all of the weight loss. And a big WOOT to healthymom. That's great!

    Zano: W/CW/GW 208/196/165 no change
    Get_fit2009: SW 175/CW 164/GW 140 No change
    prayerfulmom 277/226/165 no change
    nitag: SW 220- CW 205- GW 145 - 1 lb loss
    lacijae: SW 199 - CW 183.6 - GW 140
    adopt4 - SW 273/CW 259.9/GW 191 - 1.4 lbs lost
    healthymom2009: SW208/CW 193/GW150 -3 lbs lost
    kelleighanne- SW 171/ CW 164.5/GW 159 -0.5 lost
  • lacijae
    Healthymom!!!! !! !! !! !! WOOT!

    3 pounds!

    Calling all Woggers!bikebabevc5.gif

    Sign -in so we know who's in now

    1. Li4g
    2. Zano
    3. cmr
    4. Healthymom
    5. LaciJae

  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Way to go, healthymom! Thank you for being the trailblazer this week! Sorry, I did not pull my weight, so to speak, ha ha! :laugh:

    I have to go seek more food. Not for me, though. My 16 year old has a friend over. They just ate /2 rack of spare ribs, a pot of mashed potatoes and a bag of frozen corn that I zapped. Guess what? They are still hungry. Gotta go whip something up.

    Have a great evening, all!
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hi gang. Another long day at work. Home at last, love reading your posts, and I hope someone is crusing around the site tonight, though after all, its Friday - so why would you be. I think I missed an earlier thread, so, what is wogging? I am thinking it might be walking/jogging? It will be a while before I join you all, though I am there in spirit, even though the wogger lady sort of scares me. Remember, IBTC. :wink: Of course, not you, Adopt4. You are clearly a benevelent wogger lady. Something like Glenda the good witch. :happy:

    Congrats to all of you who lst weight. I haven't weighed in yet. I kind of want to wait until Monday, because that will be a full week. But, I also want to see what the scale says. Tonight, it is too late. (The scale is in a shed on the back 40, which is farm for not in the house.) I have had a pretty great week thanks in large part to you all. I am realizing how much this is therapy to me. I have never been a real big believer in 12 step programs, but I am clearly doing my 90 meetings in 90 days. I just don't leave the house. Thanks all of you for being there.
  • zano2008
    zano2008 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi gang. Another long day at work. Home at last, love reading your posts, and I hope someone is crusing around the site tonight, though after all, its Friday - so why would you be. I think I missed an earlier thread, so, what is wogging? I am thinking it might be walking/jogging? It will be a while before I join you all, though I am there in spirit, even though the wogger lady sort of scares me. Remember, IBTC. :wink: Of course, not you, Adopt4. You are clearly a benevelent wogger lady. Something like Glenda the good witch. :happy:

    Congrats to all of you who lst weight. I haven't weighed in yet. I kind of want to wait until Monday, because that will be a full week. But, I also want to see what the scale says. Tonight, it is too late. (The scale is in a shed on the back 40, which is farm for not in the house.) I have had a pretty great week thanks in large part to you all. I am realizing how much this is therapy to me. I have never been a real big believer in 12 step programs, but I am clearly doing my 90 meetings in 90 days. I just don't leave the house. Thanks all of you for being there.
    stillkristi, your post are welcome news, keep posting daily. When we we started "THE Team", accountability was one of the reasons for getting together. For me this meant, checking in everyday, being uplifiting, positive, posting a message daily, exchanging ideas, and sometimes venting frustration. The main idea was to be together as a team and help team members, as we move to success (which in everyones case is inevitable). I base this on clearly scientific reasons, everyone with a thousand posts or more had lost significant weight at mpf. That said, I continue to read everyday and try to contribute .
    Bottom line, being part of "THE Team", is part of my diet plan........I believe the Team is the coolest bunch around, and I'm really happy I get to reach this goal with you fine people:smile::smile: ....have a great day Zano
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Hi gang. Another long day at work. Home at last, love reading your posts, and I hope someone is crusing around the site tonight, though after all, its Friday - so why would you be. I think I missed an earlier thread, so, what is wogging? I am thinking it might be walking/jogging? It will be a while before I join you all, though I am there in spirit, even though the wogger lady sort of scares me. Remember, IBTC. :wink: Of course, not you, Adopt4. You are clearly a benevelent wogger lady. Something like Glenda the good witch. :happy:

    Congrats to all of you who lst weight. I haven't weighed in yet. I kind of want to wait until Monday, because that will be a full week. But, I also want to see what the scale says. Tonight, it is too late. (The scale is in a shed on the back 40, which is farm for not in the house.) I have had a pretty great week thanks in large part to you all. I am realizing how much this is therapy to me. I have never been a real big believer in 12 step programs, but I am clearly doing my 90 meetings in 90 days. I just don't leave the house. Thanks all of you for being there.

    stillkristi, your post are welcome news, keep posting daily. When we we started "THE Team", accountability was one of the reasons for getting together. For me this meant, checking in everyday, being uplifiting, positive, posting a message daily, exchanging ideas, and sometimes venting frustration. The main idea was to be together as a team and help team members, as we move to success (which in everyones case is inevitable). I base this on clearly scientific reasons, everyone with a thousand posts or more had lost significant weight at mpf. That said, I continue to read everyday and try to contribute .
    Bottom line, being part of "THE Team", is part of my diet plan........I believe the Team is the coolest bunch around, and I'm really happy I get to reach this goal with you fine people:smile::smile: ....have a great day Zano

    We ARE all cool, aren't we? I agree with Zano, accountability is the key reason for this group (ok, aside from the coolness factor). It actually helped me "rein it in" this week when I was headed for a week of feeding frenzy. Stillkristi, check in as often as you can/are able/need to. And yes, wogging is walk/jogging. :wink:

    Ok, gotta go get dressed for the gym. If I show up in PJs I don't think it will be very motivating.:laugh: Enjoy your weekend, everyone!
  • prayerfulmom
    You can get free videos free here.

    I am suppose to be running and am still in pain from P90X two days ago. It may become a very long walk day or a bike day. We'll see after my daughters wisdom teeth extraction.

    Wish me courage:sad:
  • chantybear
    Morning! Haha getfit, we sure are cool:wink:

    Uhh soo not looking forward to today, because I did not get enough sleep, and have to goto a city an hour away for a biology lab for like 5 hours:grumble: blah well talk to you guys later, have a good, and better day then mine!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Good Morning Everyone and Happy Weekend..

    Hope everyone is doing good..

    Baby Kole is doing great. They are turning down the ECMO machine which means his lungs are starting to function on their own.. The Dr's are saying he is just about strong enough for his surgery. He is a week and a few days old. He opened his eyes and got to meet his mom and dad for the first time. My niece told me that he looked directly into her eyes and she felt like he was saying Hi mom I am not giving up this fight. He is so strong.. He is our miracle baby..

    I can't tell u all how much I am enjoying this site and this group of people. I feel so supported here.. Love ya all... My neighbor even noticed that I've lost weight.. LOL.. He said he can tell in my neck and my behind.. I'm thinking my neck lol. What ever... I guess all that walking is doing my neck some good..

    Prayerfulmom, thanks for the link to fitnesstv, I have that pulled up now.. I need to change my workout, I am getting a little board..

    Morning Chantybear... Good luck with that 5 hr lab.. I hated school...

    Getfit, I have actually been to the gym in my jammies, but I just went to tan... Ha ha ...

    Zano, Hi.. Have a great weekend...

    Stillkristi... I love reading your late night posts.. Where do you live???

    Well I must run.. My almost 5 yr old grandson is coming to hang with us, well grandpa, I'm not cool enough I guess... No, kidding, he just loves grandpa for some reason...

    Talk to ya all later...

  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Wait, quick question.. Do we have any challenges this week????
  • healthymom2009
    Hi gang. Another long day at work. Home at last, love reading your posts, and I hope someone is crusing around the site tonight, though after all, its Friday - so why would you be. I think I missed an earlier thread, so, what is wogging? I am thinking it might be walking/jogging? It will be a while before I join you all, though I am there in spirit, even though the wogger lady sort of scares me. Remember, IBTC. :wink: Of course, not you, Adopt4. You are clearly a benevelent wogger lady. Something like Glenda the good witch. :happy:

    Congrats to all of you who lst weight. I haven't weighed in yet. I kind of want to wait until Monday, because that will be a full week. But, I also want to see what the scale says. Tonight, it is too late. (The scale is in a shed on the back 40, which is farm for not in the house.) I have had a pretty great week thanks in large part to you all. I am realizing how much this is therapy to me. I have never been a real big believer in 12 step programs, but I am clearly doing my 90 meetings in 90 days. I just don't leave the house. Thanks all of you for being there.

    stillkristi, your post are welcome news, keep posting daily. When we we started "THE Team", accountability was one of the reasons for getting together. For me this meant, checking in everyday, being uplifiting, positive, posting a message daily, exchanging ideas, and sometimes venting frustration. The main idea was to be together as a team and help team members, as we move to success (which in everyones case is inevitable). I base this on clearly scientific reasons, everyone with a thousand posts or more had lost significant weight at mpf. That said, I continue to read everyday and try to contribute .
    Bottom line, being part of "THE Team", is part of my diet plan........I believe the Team is the coolest bunch around, and I'm really happy I get to reach this goal with you fine people:smile::smile: ....have a great day Zano

    We ARE all cool, aren't we? I agree with Zano, accountability is the key reason for this group (ok, aside from the coolness factor). It actually helped me "rein it in" this week when I was headed for a week of feeding frenzy. Stillkristi, check in as often as you can/are able/need to. And yes, wogging is walk/jogging. :wink:

    Ok, gotta go get dressed for the gym. If I show up in PJs I don't think it will be very motivating.:laugh: Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

    I read posts every night now. The team makes me laugh. It's nice to have this because people can check in whenever they can. I push myself because I know Friday weigh in is coming. I also know this team has lots of good ideas and encouragement when we need it. We ARE great. The wogging challenge (1.5miles in 15 minutes) is a tough one but I do it every day knowing that in a month my time will improve.

    Thanks to everyone's comments about sore backs and chiropractors. It seems to be much better since I started stretching and yes I have poor posture all day but the exercise will help to correct that I hope! :blushing:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member

    in-laws AND teens..........Gaah.gifand you didn't gain??yesssmileyf.gif

    I wanted to thank you for giving me a "pace" yesterday. I was up to 3.8 for 35 minutes on the treadmill at the gym. Had to cancel membership, though. So I'm developing a new routine. It's a process...

    Thanks for all your great posts!

    More later, ya'll:flowerforyou:

    If you have an ipod you should upload this crappy techo music that amps your speed up:laugh:

    there is also a great program called Couch to 5 k that has music and ques you when to walk or run (I used that program before but not with music...just watched the watch).

    Wog on.


    Thanks! I found a runner's thread that has some other podcasts, too.

    Do those podcasts work on other media players, do you know? I have a ZEN, maybe I'll try it and see. I can use iTunes to download, so it should work. :huh:
    Ok, gotta go get dressed for the gym. If I show up in PJs I don't think it will be very motivating. Enjoy your weekend, everyone!


    :laugh: :laugh: :glasses: I'd love to see you (or anyone!) show up at the gym in jammies for their spin class! Better roll up those long ones though. I've yanked myself off a bike with jeans-caught-in-chain. But then, I'm such a clutz.
    For verification of this, and a word about my pic, go here:
    ***argh, edit, stupid "quotes" (- stillkristi - it didn't used to do that ! ) :grumble:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Hi everyone, so nice to hear from you! cmr, I have apparently jinxed the quote machine. :blushing: Sorry.

    Nita, WONDERFUL news about Kole! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: I am so happy for you and your family. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. Today it is beautiful, crisp, cold and clear! Often during the winter, we don't get much clear, we have terrible air quality due to an inversion that hangs around all winter long. And congrats on the skinny neck! :huh: That's pretty funny, except it makes me wonder about your neighbor.....?

    Zano, thanks! How nice of you!

    Chanty, hope your day is going better than you thought it would!

    healthy mom - size 16 COOL!!! :drinker:

    Hi to everyone gotta go answer the door
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Ha ha ha......I just stole this from one oF my other favorite threads (always hilarious)

    this is from 3babybeans (also always hilarious):

    Dear American clothing companies,

    I would REALLY appreciate it if you stopped screwing with my head. A size 8 in Company A's jeans is NOT the same as a size 8 in Company B's jeans. In the same breath, "bootcut" size 8 in Company A's jeans is NOT THE SAME as "straight leg" SIZE 8 in the same company! You losers.

    While we're at it, let's tackle bathing suits. Why why why on God's green earth must you be such a buzz kill. I go from literally doing a happy dance in the fitting room in my size 8's that FIT to nearly in tears b/c your bathing suit sizes SUCK. Let's face it...YOU suck. You are designed to make women cry. Someday you will be defeated. Someday.

    The girl that actually liked shopping today...for at least part of the time...


    BUZZKILL! ! ! Zano, I had to do it.:laugh:

  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    cmr, that is pretty funny. Also, nice to see your smiling face again, though I do like all your icons.