
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Oh Machka, I would love to, but there’s no money for such things. Every month I pick which Bill will be paid in full the others get a partial; thanks to Barbie I pay a couple now each month in full because I make better choices, but I still don’t pay them all. Everything generated in the month gets paid but it’s making up for three years with very limited income after I got laid off. For me a vacation is a half-day in my backyard not working.


    Well ... several Christmases, my husband had to work right through but I had some time off, so I created my own little "boot camp". I spent half my days exercising like mad ... walking, running, cycling, lifting my weights ... and then the other half of the day cleaning, organising, food prepping, and all those things I don't usually have time for.

    It wasn't very Christmassy, but it did accomplish something. :)

    Machka in Oz

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Hi everyone! Thought I'd check in early today. Well, it seem as if holidays have changed over the last 50 yrs. I remember family holidays together growing up, where everyone chipped in. You didn't hear about people being alone. I know the early yrs. my husband and I would take the kids to both sides of the family. My DIL doesn't lie to plan too far in advance and dinner is usually untraditional. I just sit back. There are some good ideas.

    Right now I have a cough and we are having a group get together tomorrow. Hope it all works out.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    Looking at temperature. 8 degrees F. More like January weather. We have had a dusting of snow. Some slick roads but nothing like out east. I am glad I got our and our son's home gardens covered with leaves before this hit. I told son this is the very reason you do this up here. We can get brutal cold like it is now and with no snow cover and it kills the perennials. We hopefully will hit 40 this weekend with no snow on the ground so I can mulch in the last of the leaves into the yard. I used to rake up the leaves put some on the gardens and rest to compost site. Now I mulch as much as I can into the yard. Saves time and a fertilizing.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    edited November 2019
    Good morning ladies <3

    Barbara AHMOD
    - the Kitchenaid is the mixer. My BFF will gladly take it and I'm pawning off other stuff on her this morning, lol. What she doesn't take will go to the senior center thrift shop.

    Kim - (((hugs))). I know there are many folks who enjoy being alone on the holidays and of course those, like you, who'd prefer a nice meal with people. You are always so kind and generous to others; I'm crossing my fingers someone comes through with an invite.

    Our community is so neat, I see Thanksgiving buffets at local restaurants advertised (I bet singles show up and are seated with other singles) and several of the churches have a huge spread for anyone who wants to be with others for a meal.

    Marianne WV
    - I too have many fond memories of Thanksgiving and Christmas meals at my grandparents house; Grandma would cook for days and have enough to feed an army. She'd always invite a neighbor or friend. We rather isolated farm kids always thought the "visitor" was fascinating. I'm grateful for those memories.

    Carol - good for you getting a walk in with your Pom; glad your knee is getting stronger. :) Almost forgot to mention - Rosie the little schnauzer decided to take on the neighbor's Poms through the fence yesterday. I had no idea Poms were so fierce and Rosie's hackles were up and she was ready to draw blood (or so she thought). I think it boiled down to who could out-bark each other. I crawled through the bushes and pulled her away, lol.

    Cleaner is coming this morning so I'm heading to town for allergy shots and run errands.

    Thinking of all of you in the Midwest other areas experiencing "January" cold and snow already. :s Drive safely!

    Make it a super day! <3

    SW WA State
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    edited November 2019
    (((HUGS))) Lisa. :/<3<3

    Went to my favourite supermarket this afternoon to get things I can't find nearby. I went in the rain, on the bus, with my wheeled bag. Came back with lots of goodies. :D A bit damp, but worth it.
    We are dancing tonight, so I thought that was quite enough exercise for the afternoon session.
    DH still complaining about his lower back, so I bought some Ibuleve and long acting Ibuprofen. He won't take it I'm sure, but I've been a good wife. :|
    Having sea bass tonight on a bed of leeks, before we head off into the damp and dark.

    Kim - Even though we have company for Christmas this year, (we don't always) , I still don't really like the holidays. I have no idea why, as they were happy enough when I was a kid. I would love to disappear, but DH isn't keen.

    Right now I'm planning a visit to my son in Nottingham. I booked the hotel this morning on a cancellation basis. In December anything could happen, snow, strikes, etc, so I thought it was better to have a get out clause. I still have to decide which route I am going to use to get there . It is very much cheaper to book a train in advance, but I find I get anxious about the timings, so I'm not going to do that. I could go around London on a normal slow train, or take the fast to London and hop on the underground. Decisions, decisions!
    Whatever I do, it's money. I am going to have to break into deep savings for the next cruise, so I will use holiday savings for this trip and just call it a holiday. :* It's over two years since I went up there and I have not seen where he is living with his girlfriend and her children. I haven't met his two teenage "stepchildren ". There are also three greyhounds in the house. I think he will appreciate me making the effort, even though I really can't afford it before Christmas.

    We also have ended up doing some child minding duty this week. Tomorrow we are doing a school pick up and on Friday we are having Bea all day! This is because my DDIL is in media demand, doing podcasts etc up in London. Jealous? Moi?
    On Saturday we have said we will go on an Autumn Trail in a stately home park. That is weather dependent, I guess.

    Much love to all of you, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did Prevention’s Slim Strong and Firm DVD. I didn’t realize that it was all pilates, I must have put it in the wrong place because it was with my other strength tapes. Oh well…no harm done. The plan for tomorrow is to take the water class.

    Whitewave – welcome back! With your back perhaps water exercise, even a bike, would be easier on your back?

    Cut up the rice krispie bars for Vince and have them in the freezer for when I need them.

    Barbie – I’d be more than happy to give your friend some weight!!!!

    As far as Christmas: I believe Jess and Colby will be here then the next weekend Jess, not sure about Colby, Denise, Pete, Pete’s mother, PJ, Vince and me will be here. I’m thinking that I’ll invite some other people, like the lady across the street from me, her mother and her daughter. Her husband is deployed to Afghanistan until around March, Jess’ friend Amanda, her husband, son and MIL, my friend in Greensboro because I think she is somewhat lonely, not sure if Jess wants to invite anyone else. I’ll invite a friend and her husband of mine since they won’t be going to her grandson in Miami’s house along with the other two ladies who I usually play mahjongg with. I can’t invite one and not the others. Looks like we’ll have a housefull if everyone comes.

    Almost at the weight I was before PJ was born. I’ve been trying to get rid of the stress weight I gained. Having that temporary bridge helped because I didn’t want to eat for fear that something might happen to the temp.

    Speaking of the temp. bridge: I had the permanent one put in this morning. It’s going to take a while to condition myself that I can eat on that side of my mouth. Then we brought some of the Christmas totes into the house so I got a fair amount of steps in

    Marianne – I agree, holidays have changed. When I was little we ALWAYS went to my grandmother’s on Christmas Eve then went to midnight mass. Now we have to have it another day. It always used to be only family, now we have friends too. But then again, to me Christmas is about sharing, I’m sharing my household (and Vince’s decorations) with others

    Michele in NC
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth Winter is here :( . Right now it is snowing in the hudson valley, and downstaters are notoriously horrible drivers in this kind of weather. I'm anticipating a 2 hour commute home :s I do not like driving in snow and ice (who does?) but I will put on my big girl pants and just do it. It is truly the #1 reason I would retire if I could, just the ability to stay off the roads in this weather would be such a relief.

    I made a delicious butternut squash soup and am enjoying it for lunches this week:
    simply steam a butternut squash (in the instant pot it's a snap)
    add some sauteed onion and garlic, then broth/milk and blend it up to your desired consistency.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) I'm home from my regular walk. We didn't see very many people since many of our neighbors are "fair weather walkers" and it has been drizzling for hours. I am happy that my walking is not weather dependent--I walk every day no matter what the weather. Like Penny says, "There is no bad weather, just bad clothing.".

    :) I have line dance related chores this morning, then we are going out to lunch with my dog walking friend. Jake got a big gift certificate to a great Thai restaurant as a birthday present and he wants to use some of it. Our friend is unfamiliar with Thai food and is looking forward to the experience. This restaurant is good about listing the ingredients in their dishes so you know a bit about what you're getting. I remember my first visit to a Thai restaurant and was excited to see favorite items like chicken, curry, bell pepper, and coconut among the choices.

    :) Do any of you have a Kindle Oasis? Jake is considering buying one and I thought one of you might have useful insights about it.

    :)<3Kim, It sounds like you have done some good thinking and made some good choices about how to deal with the holidays. I hope you find the peace and joy you seek.

    :) I plan to roast a turkey just for us and use the leftovers for soup that I can freeze. If I lived alone I'd do the same thing and have more leftovers and more soup. So far, my store has no turkeys but they have cleared a space in freezer aisle for them.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    NYKAREN - I have a tip for butternut squash soup, and other veggie soups. POMEGRANATE MOLASSES. It makes all the difference! Just add, taste, add, taste, until you like it. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx