9 weeks til Christmas challenge starting 10/23



  • I'm in. Only 6 weeks til Christmas.
    OSW 249
    CSW 149
    CGW 144

    Goal= to lose 5 pounds by Christmas Day!
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,867 Member
    Today I will not have time, but starting tomorrow I will be back to regularly working out. Things are finally on the path to slowing down, the insane amount of birthdays in my house are over, so time to hit the ground running and sticking to my goals. A big help will be I am no longer working all weekend. Yesterday was my last sunday, I have 2 saturdays left then I will be done with weekends. I love that job but I eat so much food there, I cant help myself, its so good, ugh.
  • lhughes2019
    lhughes2019 Posts: 27 Member
    Challenge starting weight-160.9

    10/23- 160.9
    10/30-159.4 (-1.5)
    11/6- 159.4
    11/13-160.1 (+0.7)
    11/20- 156.5 (-3.6)

    Challenge End Weigh Goal-150
    Total weight loss goal by Christmas- 11

    I had an amazing week however this is the most extreme I’ve been in controlling what I eat in a long time. It’s been hard but I’m persevering this week in the hope it gets easier. I hope everyone has their updates coming soon
  • tammierlewis
    tammierlewis Posts: 564 Member
    Challenge starting weight: 131.6. Challenge goal weight 125.

    Oct 23: 131.6
    Oct 29: 131.0
    Nov 5: 129.2
    Nov 12: 131.4
    Nov 19: 131.0

    Wrist is healing and range of motion is slowly improving. Still celebrating my birthday month, so lots of treats and lunch outings with friends and family. I have started walking purposefully for at least an hour each day.

  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,867 Member
    sure hope I can get a workout in tonight, My IBS flared up this morning and now i have a pretty bad side ache. Im hoping Ibuprofen helps enough to get in a workout, we will see.
  • gemiller87
    gemiller87 Posts: 135 Member
    edited November 2019
    Challenge starting weight- 259

    10/23- 258.7

    10/30- 252.9 (5.8lbs lost since last week)- I would assume that has to be some water weight drop because the weekend prior to the 23rd wasn't my greatest showing of self control around margaritas lol, probably realistically closer to 3lbs. My average has been 2-3lbs a week so that would make more sense. Total loss from challenge start to date - 5.8lbs

    11/6- 248.6 (4.3lbs lost since last week)- Moving along. Had a decent week with a ton of physical activity in construction projects, house work, etc so made a huge stride. Total loss from challenge start to date - 10.1lbs

    11/13- 244.3 (4.3lbs lost since last week)- Haven’t taken an off day from my workouts here lately, going to have to do that today. The newly added pull up negatives have my shoulders starting to feel it. Weight loss is still more than I expect per week but I haven’t really been eating into my burn off amount and sticking to staying under my baseline 2lb a week numbers. I’ve also been doing a lot of construction (building my wife a greenhouse) and starting to work my falconry bird. It’s clearly paying off. Thankfully I don’t see any muscle loss but that’s definitely due to the constant addition of strength training exercises. Total loss from challenge start to date - 14.4lbs

    11/20- 239.3 (5lbs lost since last week)- ENTERED THE TOP OF MY TOTAL CHALLENGE GOAL RANGE NOTABLY EARLY!!! Wow, unsuspecting chain of weeks for me. I’ve even been doing more and more strength training and seeing small gains (which any gain is good in this kind of deficit to me). The burn rate combined with increased strength is abstract to me. Already hit my challenge goal, time to keep plugging away towards me total end goal. It’s actually possible to hit my goal weight by the end of the year even if my burn rate slows down from where it has been last few weeks. 5 more weeks to go and 15lbs to go so 3lbs a week. Total loss from challenge start to date - 19.4lbs.


    Challenge End Weight Goal- 235-240, my total end goal weight is 225 (for a total loss of 110lbs since March) so if I manage to overshoot I certainly won’t complain! lol!
    Total weight loss goal by Christmas- 19-24 lbs
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,867 Member
    10/30-153.4 dang it

    Challenge End Weigh Goal-146
    Total weight loss goal by Christmas- 6.8lbs
  • MelodiousMermaid
    MelodiousMermaid Posts: 380 Member
    Last week's thoughts were about spot on -- most of the weight difference was water weight being held due to hormonal reasons. Probably could've had another 1/2 pound+ of loss, but decided to spend it on a combination of extra rest, a steak dinner, and a special, tasty cheese (not-very-often treat).

    3.9 pounds down for the week, 13.6 so far for the challenge period.

    Challenge starting weight- 223.5 lbs

    10/23- 223.5
    10/30- 219.8
    11/06- 216.3
    11/13- 213.8
    11/20- 209.9

    Challenge End Weight Goal- 199 lbs or lower
    Total weight loss goal by Christmas- 24.5-31.5 lbs for the challenge period

    On a side note, brought about by the graph post I saw last week, I also track my weight and use a trending site (weightgrapher.com, though there are several sites/apps out there that do something similar) to keep track of the overall trend. If you are not doing something similar and find yourself getting frustrated by the ups and downs, or wondering where you might really be, I do recommend it (though you probably need to weigh daily to have it be at its most effective). I also think this might be one of the most useful tools for when I eventually reach my maintenance zone. Here's a pic of what I've got over this last month as a point of reference. The top line is the prior month's trend line for comparison.


    I agree with the prior poster -- weight loss is DEFINITELY not linear. Aside from last weekend's micro-break, my intake has been pretty stable. Workouts and hormones are fun. :tongue:
  • bigblues11
    bigblues11 Posts: 203 Member
    Challenge starting weight-216.2

    11/6-215.4 (-.8 pnd)
    11/13-212.0 (-3.4 pnds)
    11/20-213.0 (+1.0 pnd)

    Challenge End Weigh Goal- Onederland!
  • sdpriester
    sdpriester Posts: 5 Member
    Challenge starting weight-237.6


    Challenge End Weigh Goal-215
    Total weight loss goal by Christmas- 23 Ibs
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    Oct/28/19- Today’s number on the scale shows me at 121.2

    10/30-121.0 o:)
    11/6-122.4💩 week of Halloween and period.
    11/13- :s 124lbs I had some carbs, haven’t been doing cardio

    Challenge End Weigh Goal- 112lbs
    Total weight loss goal by Christmas- 10lbs
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,152 Member
    Challenge starting weight- 157.8

    10/27- 157.8
    11/6- 155.2
    11/13- goal 156.8 154.8
    11/20- 155.8
    11/27- goal 156.0
    12/11- goal 155.6
    12/25- goal 155.2
    1/1/20 - goal 155

    Challenge End Weigh Goal- 155.2
    Total weight loss goal by Christmas- 2.6lb