

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,131 Member
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    November Recap
    • Exercise - Met 75% of my exercise goals. I started out well for the month of November and fished weak.
    • Downsizing - Still walking by and thinking about taking apart the desk and getting rid of it. Larger clothes have been donated.
    • Weight Loss - November's goal was a total loss of 6 pounds which I thought was a little aggressive. I am happy with the 5.2 pound loss.

    December Goals
    • Weight Loss Goal = 6 pounds
    • Cardio = 5 days per week (minimum)
    • Strength Training = 2 days per week
    • Downsizing = Continue to getting rid of items no longer being used and/or wanted. Continue to go through my clothes and donate them as they no longer fit. Attempt to stop looking at that desk as such a big thing - yes, it was the first thing Charlie and I built together, but it is no longer used. I need to move forward in my life - the desk is not my life with him.
    • Remember all of my loved ones who have passed for the lessons they taught me. Remember the love and not dwell on the loss.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,781 Member
    Morning Ladies
    Lisa ~ thank you for checkin in... Love ya girlfriend and miss when your not hear, I understand about when we are just sort of feeling like a turtle that doesn't feel like coming out of his shell. especially around the holidays can be tough..we are here for you when you want to chat...
    Yesterday was a hoot.. I have to get back on track eating because we are having way to much non keto food..
    went to my friend Trudys yesterday afternoon, and had lunch that had some carbs, and had prossecco with cranberry juice.. called a pointsetta ,, was delish..and the 4 of us were laughing all afternoon.. if your friends with me on facebook there is a picture of us on there, we all had hats on lol
    this is what makes me enjoy life, spending time with good friends
    our first storm starts later this morning,, and I dont have to go anywhere.. so thats the time to get the place spruced up.. all my Christmas stuff is done except for my brother and sister in law.. im probably going to send them Omaha Steaks, always goes over well..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    edited December 2019
    We went through these 30 Days of Gratitude in November last year. Feel free to join in whenever you'd like ...

    Machka in Oz

    All right ... it's mid November and this will take us through to mid December ... just in time for Christmas!! :)

    Day 1 - November 15 - Smell: My sense of smell is limited and my husband no longer has a sense of smell (or taste) since his accident. However, I can catch a faint scent from the roses and freesias he has grown, which are all coming into bloom.

    I'm thankful that he has been able to garden and that we have so many lovely flowers and veggies growing and blooming. :)

    Day 2 - November 16 - Technology: My laptop, my phone, email, facebook ... the fact that technology exists! :) It's what I do ... it's what I learn ... it's how I communicate with family and friends.

    Day 3 - November 17 - Colour: Well ... I'm thankful for the bright colours on my table. Especially since this spring has been quite gloomy. They make me smile. :)

    Day 4 - November 18 - Food: I'm thankful for my weekday lunches ... chicken, rice and veg. :)

    Day 5 - November 19 - Sound: How applicable! I just got my laptop connected to my stereo!! I am appreciating the nice soothing music in the evenings. :)

    Day 6 - November 20 - Nature: All of it! I am very thankful that there is nature ... animals and plants, water, rocks, mountains, hills, all of it. I'm glad I live in a place where I can see and experience nature. I couldn't live in the middle of a large city. My ideal would be in a small town or right on the edge of a larger one so I could be surrounded by countryside in seconds.

    Day 7 - November 21 - Memory: I'm thankful for memory. I'm thankful that my husband has some of his memory - he's pretty good at past memories and procedural memories. I'm glad he didn't lose that. I'm also thankful that, with a bit of effort, I've been able to improve my memory a bit. I've discovered that if I focus and work at it, I can remember people's names at least some of the time! I've had to be my husband's memory.

    Day 8 - November 22 - Book: Most grateful ... the Bible. It's been a comfort to me, especially in recent times.

    Also grateful for books in general.

    The last 18 months I've switched to reading "children's" books. I've also found them comforting.

    Day 9 - November 23 - Place: I'm thankful for my bed!! Although I'm not there nearly as much as I'd like to be, my bed has become one of my favourite places to be. There I can lose myself in books or sleep. :heart:

    That said, I need to get a new pillow. Might have to see about doing that tomorrow if possible.

    Day 10 - November 24 - Taste! Well, there are only 4 of them: salt, sweet, bitter, sour, and I've written them in order of preference. :)

    I am thankful I have all 4 but I wish my husband did again.

    Day 11 - November 25 - Holiday: How appropriate ... one month before Christmas. :) Christmas is my favourite public holiday. I'm love the music, the decorations, the food, the Christmas Carol evenings, the lights, and the celebration of Jesus birth. I'm thankful that we have a Christmas holiday.

    As for holidays in general, I enjoy any opportunity to a) take time off work, and b) travel. I'm very thankful I live and work in Australia where I get quite a decent amount of holiday time. :)

    Day 12 - November 26 - Texture: Smooth. Since the measles (?) in 2016, I need to wear very smooth clothes. I've been thankful to find such things at a good price.

    And the soft texture of the fur of kitties. :)

    Day 13 - November 27 - Abilities: I am very thankful for my organisational skills. I don't know how I would have survived with the past 20 months without them!!

    Deep breath ...

    Day 14 - November 28 - Sight: What sight am I grateful for?

    The sight of all the roses and other flowers in our garden. :)
    The view from our dining room window out over the water. :)
    The beach my bus goes by morning and evening ... sometimes there is sea wildlife out there. I've seen dolphins, a stingray and a whale! :)
    The mountain behind the city. :)

    Psalm 121
    A song of ascents.
    1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
    2 My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.


    Day 15 - November 29 - Season: Summer. I'm always thankful for summer! The warmth. The long daylight hours. I come alive in summer. :) One more day till summer!

    Day 16 - November 30 - My Body: I'm thankful for my brain and my legs. My brain, because it often has to be a brain for two of us now and although it fails me now and then, I'm so glad things like my memory seem to have improved. And my legs because they are what carry me around and allow me to do things like cycling and running.

    Day 17 - December 1 - Knowledge: Coincidentally, my current course is Knowledge Management. :) I appreciate everything I've learned through formal education, experience, and life in general. I'm especially thankful for being at a point where I feel reasonably comfortable around computers ... but can still learn more! Even just today, I learned how to add contacts into my phone.

    Machka in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,832 Member
    Thank you Barbie for bringing us into another month! I have to agree with the others opinions about everyone in this group. I find, as life keeps rolling on, that I look forward to the conversation, inspiration and support that I get from all of you. Mornings are already my favorite part of the day; you ladies just make it even more pleasant. Like having coffee with long time friends.

    It is December first, so of course I weighed in: I am back up to 238. Which means I have gained back what I have lost, even with the extra exercise. :( All my fault, as I have been celebrating the holidays since November started. With the extra yummies for the daycare kids, for my family, add my birthday and Thanksgiving, PLUS the wine fairy that visits my house a couple of times a week...I have had a good time this month. And it shows. So...time for me to stop celebrating every day. I am going to go alcohol free for the next 24 days. I can do this (yes, I am mentally psyching myself up)! I will also stay on a strict lean protein, high veg meal plan. Going to try to give sugar the heave ho for the next three weeks. (I can do this.)
    I CAN DO THIS!!!

    Machka- I have fallen behind on your gratitude calendar...what day are we on? I left off at:
    #13-abilities: I am grateful for the ability to work with many small children and find a bottomless well of patience.
    #14-sight: I am grateful for the sight of snow on the ground
    #15-season: lol (following the above gratitude) I am grateful for winter. I love the crispness, the winter sports, and the "warmth" the season gives me.
    #16-body: I am grateful for my strength. Although I know I could (and will) be stronger, I am strong enough to get the things done that need to be done.
    #17-knowledge: I am grateful for the knowledge that I have learned regarding children and how they learn and process and grow. They are amazing little humans!

    Love and hugs to all of you! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,314 Member
    Barbie: When my girls were at home, I always cooked different veg in separate pots to accommodate their likes/dislikes. These days, they all go together in my steamer, as DH and I love all veg.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,781 Member
    Dec 1st~ my favorite smell I think is fresh balsam,the smell of the Fresh Christmas Tree every year.. I have a soy candle that is balsam , that I haven't used yet .
    got the bed made and am watching the cooking channel and relaxing..
    I am looking for something to get my brother and sister in law.. omaha steaks are getting bad reviews..
    so will figure something out..
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy December ladies! And thank you Barbie for your insightful stewardship.

    Terri I read your goals from November thread and will print out your insights — The little steps over time, the lifestyle for a lifetime is really what I’m striving for.

    Goals for December :
    —-treadmill every day until our trip
    —-healthy meals and “walk on by” the impulse treats that seem to be everywhere!
    —celebrate my students efforts with positive concerts (6, count ‘em 6!! in 3 weeks)

    Kim sounds like a social, happy holiday, it is amazing how “one note” some feasts can be, glad you easily navigated despite the horrible choices at your second event.

    Kelly you logged a lot of exercising in November, inspiring!

    Will spend today safe and warm from our icy, snowy weather and will make bone broth—rori is also inspiring me!

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,403 Member
    Happy First of the month!

    Thank you Barbie for this December thread and getting us going during the final month of this year.

    Machka - I love the idea that as we get colder and darker here in the Pacific NW, you will be in the midst of your summer weather. Keep posting those photos. B)

    Terri and SuziQ - a big round of applause for your successes in the weight loss department. You both keep me inspired!

    - great hearing from you. A Christmas tree in each room, wow.

    Pip - so glad Yogi is on the mend!

    Rain/snow mix was forecast here this morning and I actually saw some fat flakes at around 6 when I let the dogs out. Looks like it's back to rain. If it's not coming down too hard, I'll pull on my woolie socks and get a brisk morning walk in. :D

    So our old (13 year old) back up Dell Laptop bit the dust this morning. I only use it to play Tai Chi DVD's. Turned it on to get anti virus updates downloaded and it got real mad about it and the hard drive crashed. Looks like I can drop it off at Staples for e-recycling. I will open the back and see what the "guts" look like and find the hard drive and yank it out if I can, if not, fracture/destroy it in some way. Sounds like surgery. No State secrets on it, but perhaps an old copy of our tax returns I'd hate for some clever person to find. ;)

    Patting myself on the back for having backed the whole thing up last year (mostly photos I didn't want to lose), and also for backing up this newer laptop yesterday for month-end. Have new December month end thumb drive ready and waiting.

    OK Peeps, that's the quick and dirty for now. Make it a fabulous day! <3

    SW WA State
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Happy December 1st!!!
    Thank you,Barbie for bringing us into a new month.We sold 75 Christmas trees yesterday,just 2 of us.But it felt good to be busy and still able to lift the trees and carry them as I’ve done for 23 years. I was exhausted last night but it was a good exhausted.Thanksgiving was So nice for the first time in a Very long time.It sounds like everyone else had a good day as well.Prayerz,hugs,love ❤️,and gratitude for y’all!
    Debby in Va
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbara: I found a Christmas ships.org site with may photos. My phone is not an adequate camera to take the pics, so I don’t have any of my own. :ohwell:

    (((Lisa in AR))): Thanks for touching bases. :heart:

    Machka: Today I am grateful for the smell of coffee in the morning. :bigsmile:

    Barbie: My mom saute’d parsnips and I liked to put nutmeg on them. I haven’t had a parsnip in a very long time. It is a good memory. Thanks! I think I’ll go to the store and find some. YUM! :smiley:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    December 2019 Resolutions

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on strength and
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least 3 glasses of water a day.
    5. Monitor sleep. Average 7 or more hours nightly.
    6. Avoid alcohol.
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member

    Happy Sunday from Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Allie - What about a restaurant gift card for the your brother and SIL?

    Okie in the TX Hill Country