30 Day Shred Group- September



  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    *newbie alert*
    I'm in...excuse my ignorance...How will this work? (outside of taking pictures and measurements) will we check in on this thread daily? Friend each other? or post results at the end of the 30 days? As you can see this is my first time:smile:

    Hey yay newbie! Welcome! On the threads I usually just check in when I have a hard day or and awesome day. You are more than welcome to add me as a friend especially if you are good at support! I need all of it that I can get! :) Good luck tomorrow!
  • MoDear
    MoDear Posts: 8 Member
    Is it too late for me to join? I would like to get in on this!
  • tavia28
    tavia28 Posts: 60 Member
    I will be taking my before pictures today as well as my measurements :) I'm really excited to start this challenge... Good Luck to all!!!
  • Hi folks,

    Count me in - I'm starting the shred tomorrow too. I'm already doing 30 minutes of cardio twice a week with a fitness program, but I'm adding this to speed up the results. Look forward to seeing everyone's progress
  • I am in I have the dvd just havent started need to buy weights tonight for it
  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    Alright, I'm in too! I'm going away tomorrow night for a holiday... but i'll bring my weights and dvd and do my best to make time.

    Feel free to add me if you want :D
  • Im in! Bought a tape messure yesterday, gonna take messurments tonight...Last time I did the 30DS I only made it to day 15 then my knee started hurnting :( Im GONNA do it this time... Now, if I could only figure out where my baby put the dvd :\ lol
  • strwbryblonde
    strwbryblonde Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in!!
  • I've done it and continue to do it, as well as, Boost Metabolism. They are 'kick butt' workouts. I believe they are a version of P90X (haha). I sculpted my shoulders and abs through this program. I've just joined MFP because I gained 15 lbs of the 60 I lost since last summer. So, I'm trying to get motivated again to exercise regularly. But, maybe I'll post a picture to show the before and after of last summer.
  • Oh yeah, if you don't have the DVD, try Exercise TV on Demand. It's free and on 24/7.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    starting again this evening! here we go! (cbf getting outta bed this morning to do it lol)

    I will TRY to aim for 2x a day. Don't want to set myself up for failure.
  • lschramm
    lschramm Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in! I actually just finished L1 D3. But I would love the accountability to stick to this. I've been doing alot of cardio, but not enough strength training, so I feel this is just what I need
  • Ruta85
    Ruta85 Posts: 1
    I'm in... Got the DVD & weights ready!!! Doubt I'll be able to make it all the way through though... Can't even remember the last time I ran for the bus!!! LOL!! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    Day 1...check. It was such a good workout, but I followed Anita more than Natalie this time just so I don't burn myself out. I highly recommend eating a HIGH protein meal after todays workout just to aid in your muscle recovery. I drank a protein shake and I will probably still be a bit sore. Good luck everyone!!! :)
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Day 1 done! (although technically, Day 36, but who's counting? :wink: ) Went heavier on the weights this round. I'm doing this with a bunch of Diabetics on another board, so I have to show them we can do this!

    ROCK ON!!! :tongue:
  • antonia98765
    antonia98765 Posts: 6 Member

    I'm definitely starting this today! I haven't been able to fit into my jeans for a year now. It's time I stopped doing things half-hearted and giving up half way through. I WILL see these thirty days through.
    I find that I eat really really healthily and go to the gym loads for up to 6 weeks and the scales just don't shift at all!!! I know that its probably muscle building up - but it just does something to me psychologically and then I give up. So I'm going to take before and after pictures to try and keep me motivated.
    I've heard it's tough - but hopefully I'll be able to do the whole session - I'll let you know how I get on later today.

  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Its DAY 1 guys woo hoo...I will work out this evening when I get home...I did my weigh in and measurements this morning.....I really didnt want to record these since I'm bloated due to TOM but I said what the heck...so here goes

    Weight 178 lbs :grumble:
    Bust 41"
    Waist 34"
    Belly 38"
    Hips 43"
    Thigh 24"
    Arm 13"

    I will up date at the end of every level...Good luck everyone
  • I'm starting today too!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member

    I'm definitely starting this today! I haven't been able to fit into my jeans for a year now. It's time I stopped doing things half-hearted and giving up half way through. I WILL see these thirty days through.
    I find that I eat really really healthily and go to the gym loads for up to 6 weeks and the scales just don't shift at all!!! I know that its probably muscle building up - but it just does something to me psychologically and then I give up. So I'm going to take before and after pictures to try and keep me motivated.
    I've heard it's tough - but hopefully I'll be able to do the whole session - I'll let you know how I get on later today.


    You know, I've had WEEKS where the scale hasn't budged one iota, BUT because I took my measurements, I knew there were changes because I was losing inches and my clothes were getting looser. Take your measurements so that even if the scale doesn't budge, you will still know there are changes happening!
  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    Started round 2 of the 30DS today and I'm feeling great. I forgot how much I like L1! I used hand weights on moves that are slightly easier now. It felt great.

    I definitely echo what others have said about taking measurements and photos. It took several weeks before my weight started to budge, so you need to stay motivate. I love looking at my before and after pics. Can't wait to see some in 4 weeks!