Let it GO! Decluttering (simplifying) your life of (people, places or things) success stories?



  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,485 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    PAPYRUS3 wrote: »
    I'm letting 'Christmas Go' this year...and probably every year after that too.

    If I do decide to purchase some gifts...It'll be from locale, little shops. It's a struggle beyond belief in my city right now...little shops are closing it seems like every day.

    You are such a sweet, caring person. I try to recycle everything and tell my kids I'm trying to save the world. No one person can do it alone, obviously. Lazy people that can't walk an extra few hundred feet to a recycle area disgust me. Last year we found baby toys, good baby toys out at the curb waiting for trash pickup. Seriously there wasn't anything wrong with them, nothing! They are in my house and my little guy plays with them all the time. Geez, donate them! Even if they're dirty, someone would be happy to clean them up and use them and save money, especially this time of year. I don't understand people!

    If items aren't clean and immediately saleable, most of the donation places will toss it. I've looked in the dumpster behind my favorite donation locale (& pulled out all kinds of embroidery supplies for my late mil) & lots of usable there. Would post on either freecycle, craigslist freebies, or one of the facebook community free items.
  • ellie117
    ellie117 Posts: 293 Member
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    So much true in the above statement. I am considered a scrooge for thinking like that, and sometimes I get upset with people that want to push their way of enjoying the holidays on me, and they get upset with me for being a scrooge.

    One of my best friends is like this. She and her mom go out every year on Black Friday and STUFF their SUV with boxes and bags and more boxes of just STUFF. She loves it, loves buying things, loves giving things to friends and family. But I've never, ever been like that. She didn't grow up super wealthy or anything, but I grew up under a single mother once I hit high school and that really changed my thinking around what's really worth spending money on. It's very generous of her to always buy gifts for her friends every Christmas, but when I tell her a) I don't want anything and b) I won't be buying stuff for her, she calls me a scrooge and to just "shut up, it's Christmas!"
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,172 Member
    I live in a gated community and garage sales are not allowed. Mostly because people in here don't want to buy each other stuff, and outsiders are not allowed unless you put their name in the list. I could sell a lot of stuff in a garage sale, things that I don't use or wear anymore and I could make few bucks too.

    I don't trust Craigslist and I don't know how to sell things in eBay or other outlets (probably because I am lazy), so I donate most of the things or I give them to my cleaning lady to sale or donate at her church, if the local donation places will not take them. I found a little boutique that takes nicer not to worn out clothes for people going back to work, veterans, and victims of domestic abuse, and the rest they sell in the store to get extra cash to stay open. They are very nice and accommodating but they don't take household items.

    I have so many nice things that I know the kids will not be interested in having, and it makes me sad not knowing where they will end up when I am gone.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    @NewLIFEstyle4ME and commenting on your 12/14/19 posting:

    Congratulations, great job! You are slimming surely and nicely, and the difference is outstanding! Keep the good work and lots of luck in the new year. <3

    I LOVE me some you G...you're the BEST, period. <3o:)<3
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Hey Gang!

    I posted this on another/separate thread, but wanted to post it here for us as well:
    Thinking about my lifechanging/eye-opening thread:

    I've gone from obese to so-called normal weight (from 219.8lbs size 22w to 138.6lbs size 6/8 from doing these things here (and more), but just wanted to share--in case someone will find it helpful and "needful".

    I'm going to post what I'm writing here over there too, but wanted to start a new thread here, just for a wider audience, so to speak. Here it is:

    Give Y/OURSELF the "gift" of freedom and CHANGE starting today and forevermore!

    Y/our lives will FOREVER change (for the better, not only for ourselves, but for everyone around us if/as we implement the following:

    One of my biggest and bitterness inducing issues with weight blastification and a LOT more, was my personal major mistake/issue of either wanting someone to do something that "I" thought they should be doing (to help me or themselves--but mainly to "help" me). I discovered that the old fashioned saying of "if you want something done right, DO it yourself"--is not only freeing but true...but what I didn't know about that wise saying is doing stuff yourself (instead of depending/hoping/wishing/enabling) that someone else would do it (this INCLUDES wanting someone (besides yourself) to be cheering you on, doing it with/for you (not just for you), etc.) and making SURE when you do it yourself, you do it without one ounce of bitterness, anger, regret, fear and woe-is-me, no one is helping me, I can't do this alone or this is too hard by myself attitude/spirit). Doing it for YOURSELF, with JOY and with the mind-set of I "get" to do this, instead of I "have" to do this--will change your life forever for the better. Now #2 goes along with this

    Another major league stumbling block in making major wonderful life/lifestyle changes is the way we think. Our thinking is a major contributing factor to the YUCK in our lives, it REALLY it. Example...in number 1 above, instead of thinking "why can't they (or even "I") ever (fill in the blank)" and WHY do they do whatever it is they're doing to upset me, and instead, MAKE yourself forever FORSAKE/FORGET the trying to figure out WHY and just do what needs to be done YOURSELF--to be the BEST/A BETTER you ever, make yourself think differently about having someone on your side, in your corner and them doing what YOU want them to (Control/controlling issues WILL bite you and make things harder than they have to be FOR YOU and them). If you know/believe someone is trying to control you--YOU have the power to stop it, you really do...it may take some time and lifestyle changes and choices, but you have everything you need to change, starting with your mind and thoughts--sounds simple, because if you get down to the truth/the brass tax, it is)!

    Make yourself think differently about it, no exceptions. EVER keeping in the forethought of your mind "if I keep doing what I'm doing...I'M GOING TO KEEP GETTING WHAT I'M GETTING (again, sounds simple, because it is). Instead, look at it this way--"they got those blasted socks are on the floor AGAIN, after me asking/telling/begging them to pick them up everyday--all the time! I can't stand them... they are such a (fill in the blank) and make my life miserable because they won't (fill in the blank). Instead, just pick the blasted socks up for the upteenth time, and REFUSE to let it bother you another second--NOT another day. Why? Because the poison you swallow as you "give them a "piece of your mind" and/or show them" what will continue to happen TO YOU is major league funky YUCK inside your heart, mind, spirit and LIFE/experience and super build foul resentment to build/grow IN YOU, will color all of your thoughts, actions and deeds AND isn't going to make them do it and will make you all sick, tired and feel all mean and evil and whatnot and this yuck way of thinking and behaving will wind up hurting you much more than it will hurt them (no matter how much that doesn't make sense to us).

    MAKE yourself think "I'll pick these socks up with joy--because I can", NO BIG DEAL AT ALL or even I won't pick these socks up...BUT, I will REFUSE to allow seeing them/it to bother me another second--why should I put myself through the fuss and woe, when they don't care or are bothered by it one wit--it's only me with the "problem" so NAH, no more--why continue to do this to MYSELF? It's a HUGE concept and a definitely NOT NATURAL (to/for most people). Our thoughts are NOT us, we can CHOOSE/DECIDE to accept THESE COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE/IT AINT WORKING AT ALL THOUGHTS and dwell on them/feed them and/or kick them to the curb (stomping on them before we do) and CHOOSE/DECIDE to look at whatever's going on in us--that we are "thinking about" (that's making YOU lose sleep, overeat/over drink or doing something unhealthy and unproductive in and thru YOU, NOT THEM and STOP IT, immediately if not sooner, period. Make yourself look at whatever is bugging the mess outta you from a different perspective. Do it and watch what fabulosity happens in and thru YOU!

    Example: FROM: "They NEVER pick their socks up or they're ALWAYS late". TO: "Well, They don't ALWAYS not pick their socks up, sometimes they do pick them up" (challenging your thoughts instead of welcoming and petting them as true/real. Not/NO LONGER/REFUSE in/to believing everything you think (without REALLY checking to see if what you're thinking is true vs. exaggerated or influenced/peppered with/by negative/nasty attitudes having their way with you Also, make yourself question what's troubling you then DARE to look at it another way, make yourself SEE that you what YOU are believing about everything you think is true is causing A WHOLE LOTTA unnecessary and unhealthy wars and strife and if they don't care about what's troubling you, ask yourself why I am making a big deal of this? Is this REALLY a big deal--really? If not, kick it to the curb by making your question question your thoughts and DO THE OPPOSITE of what your thoughts are trying their darnest to keep you all stressed and drama/trauma filled--which will push you to doing/thinking/being some destructive MESS.

    TELL yourself instead: "I can pick them up for them again as much as they leave them out or I can leave them there--BUT WHAT I'M NOT GONNA DO, FROM THIS DAY FORTH, I'm no longer going to make this a hill I die on, period. Or perhaps it's some irritating issues like if they are always late, instead of getting all bent outta shape and P'O'd, tell yourself I know this about them, I know how they "roll"--so why am I allowing myself to get in a tizzy about this. I'll just carry on without them AND HAVE FUN DOING IT ALONE/WITHOUT THEM and if they finally get it one day, terrific and if not, terrific. It is what it is and my getting bent out of shape out THE WAY I'M CHOOSING TO is only me hurting me, myself and I (Far more than them)--NO MORE, challenge that woe is me thoughts with I'm tired/fed-up with what I'm DOING TO MYSELF, this being a slave to my thoughts is DEAD and STANKY, I don't have to live/think this way anymore--I can CHANGE/CHOOSE my thinking about everything and what will happen in/thru/to me if/WHEN I do? I'll become stronger and stronger to make better changes--bigger changes, changes that will help me make wiser, tougher choices and decisions.

    #3. It is UTTERLY amazing that 9 times outta 10...the VERY thing I'm judging/getting mad at (fill in the blank) I am guilty of myself (or could be) in one way or another--as I'm blame shifting someone about (fill in blank)...I'm guilty myself of the same thing OR at least sorta the same thing, so STOP IT! Make myself see the mass hypocrisy that is filling my thoughts, actions and deeds--STOP seeing myself as the "victim" and instead...see myself as the criminal (just a different kind of criminal perhaps--because my getting all mad, wrathful, bitter, disappointed is only making me feel and DO worse than what I'm accusing them of. This "getting even" shady business aint working out too swift to/for/with me/you--I'm so on the short end of the stick as I'm battling (losing battle BTW) with this person, place or thing. If I don't like what I'm getting...so therefore I CHOOSE/MUST/CHANGE the way I'm thinking and living and do whatever it takes to either get out of this situation or handle it in a totally completely different approach (my thoughts/actions and deeds). See that as I change the way I'm thinking about this person, place or thing...I get/feel stronger and better. Worse case scenario, I'll LEARN my lesson(s) from this person, place and thing and be grateful that as long as I'm living...I can change, period.

    #4. The wonderful POWERFUL answer of NO! Saying (and with a I mean business attitude and spirit) of NO to people, places and things AND YOURSELF, period. You don't have to "go along to get along" if you don't want to--IT'S A CHOICE--NOBODY "MAKES" US DO/BE/THINK/SAY anything (no matter how much it seems like they do--it's a LIE (you've been thinking/believing), period. This saying NO is to yourself even more than to others is the stuff powerful champions of wisdom, strength, courage and everything in between is made of. Being a people pleaser is the worst, because it feeds bitterness, resentment, fear, complacency, co-dependence and more YUCK in/thru/to and with YOU. Saying "yes"--even hesitantly when you know you mean NO is the stuff of mess, wars and yuck are made of. What worse? Disappointing others or living with a big ole lie and mess because you refused to "let your "yay be yay and your nay be nay". Thinking and saying NO to what's not good to/for you and YES to what is good to and for you is everything, it REALLY is!


    #5. Make yourself deal with and handle your wants and your needs. As we make choices solely on "wants" we find that what we need goes unnoticed and unfulfilled and puts us on a yucky merri-go-round of confusion and excess and more. Wants are terrific, but giving yourself over 100% to your wants and neglecting or making low priority what your REAL needs are, is the stuff Ugh is made of.

    Start today purposely CHOOSING to go after (make a priority) of what you "need" vs. what you "want" and watch fabulous changes begin to happen in your life that you will grow to really love and appreciate (not to mention saving you a LOT of time, money, heartache and woe/regret). It's so tremendous that when you focus on your needs--you either fulfill your wants or simply/minimalizae them.

    WHEW!!!! That's a LOT--LOVE you guys a LOT too! o:)<3o:)
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,172 Member
    Congratulations and well done!! Nice Christmas gift to yourself.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,305 Member
    Hi Friends, I want to catch up on the thread. I had a decent holiday season. I didn't accumulate too much. I'm happy my family and I usually exchange small items or cash. I still have a lot to go through over the next month in general. I have a craft closet that isn't functional because I don't know what is in the bins. Have to redo and label them. Wishing you a happy new year!
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,172 Member
    Happy new years to all of you. I will be posting more updates after this month, and the holidays, are over.

    G. <3
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    Hi friends. Happy New Year, hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!
    @NewLIFEstyle4ME Congratulations, you look fabulous!

    Work and holidays are done for me. Its been a crazy few months. Time to get back on track! My next major declutter is paperwork (again). Have lots of business paperwork to shred or pack away. This is a yearly thing, but I really only started last year, so I'm determined to stay on top of it.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,663 Member
    Newlifestyle4me, I'm so happy for you, XS, wow! I bet you feel so wonderful & you look great! I also don't celebrate Christmas too much, no tree, only a few presents for the young grand kids. Every day is a meaningful day celebrating our Lord's birth, life & resurrection & this is the time of year where it's actually hard for me to focus on Him because of all the lights, presents, decorations, shopping etc. being blasted from every side. I'm glad when it's over. I'v e been de-cluttering little by little over the years. I used to keep everything in case I'll need it but I managed to get rid of many things. What I need to part with is extra bed sheets I never use but they're nice so I have them in the closet, & some more of my books, the ones I know I won't read again but I really enjoyed them & go through my tops again & get rid of more that I keep bringing out every winter season but never wear, it's not easy
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited December 2019
    Evamutt wrote: »
    Newlifestyle4me, I'm so happy for you, XS, wow! I bet you feel so wonderful & you look great! I also don't celebrate Christmas too much, no tree, only a few presents for the young grand kids. Every day is a meaningful day celebrating our Lord's birth, life & resurrection & this is the time of year where it's actually hard for me to focus on Him because of all the lights, presents, decorations, shopping etc. being blasted from every side. I'm glad when it's over. I'v e been de-cluttering little by little over the years. I used to keep everything in case I'll need it but I managed to get rid of many things. What I need to part with is extra bed sheets I never use but they're nice so I have them in the closet, & some more of my books, the ones I know I won't read again but I really enjoyed them & go through my tops again & get rid of more that I keep bringing out every winter season but never wear, it's not easy

    {{{{ o:) Waving a JOYFUL Hi to you Eva o:) }}}}}

    GIRLLLLLLL....Thank you and I'm OVER the moon about getting into a size extra small AND with room to spare too--again, BOOM! Seriously, WOW & SUPER BOOM!!!!! I super feel wonderful and as humbly as possible, I say I am looking and FEELING great. Ya know, at dinner tonight, the young man that helped me came over to our table and he looked so SAD (even though the average person wouldn't have recognized it, I DID)--even though he was covering it up, I could "discern" that he was grieving about something. I asked him, "hey boo, what's the matter, your eyes look sad" and guess what he said...he said "Yeah, I wasn't able to spend X-mas with my daughter and that makes me really angry and sad. I told him he needs to get out of the box of following the crowd with "doing X-Mas and holidays. I told him to make EVERYDAY X-Mas with his daughter and to/for himself--NOT ONE TIME PER YEAR, BUT EVERYDAY. Then I asked him when the next time he gets to see his daughter, and he told me this Saturday. I told him to make this Saturday X-mas and to get his baby something she wants/needs/likes and make this Saturday X-Mas and EVERYTIME you get to see her X-Mas, everyday her birthday and yours too! I told him life is too short to be going along to get along with all this "stuff". Make everyday a special holiday and watch how you begin to see "stuff" for how and what it REALLY is and how much more content and stress-free you'll become and behave.

    He looked at me like I just set him FREE from a life-time jail sentence and say YEAH...I love that. I can do that. Then I asked him about his "baby mamma" what her name was and he told me. I told him, he needs to STOP thinking about her the way he is, because whatever YUCK he's thinking about her...he's guilty of himself or could be. When I told him that, he was blown away and said "THAT'S TRUE"!!! I told him that as/when he STOPS thinking badly about her, he will change the way he treats her. I told him that whatever it is she's doing--he's a part of, he aint as innocent as his thoughts about himself thinks. I told him that he is NOT his thoughts and he doesn't have to be a prisoner to the way he's thinking about stuff--it's a DAILY CHOICE. He can/MUST do battle with his daily and super multitudes of thoughts and not go along with everything he thinks, because although a LOT of what he's thinking maybe right--A LOT of what he's thinking is a wrong as two left feet.

    HIS WHOLE DEMEANOR CHANGED, it's like he got "taller or something" and his eyes lit up and he smiled a GLORIOUS smile of relief and quite frankly "enlightenment" and said I was right, 100% right. He said WOW, I thank GOD you came in here today, you're a special person and your way and vibes are amazing--NO ONE HAS EVER TOLD HIM THAT BEFORE IN HIS LIFE. I told him it aint me, it's God's Holy Spirit in me and the EXACT same thing I'm telling YOU I MUST and DO myself ALL THE TIME, EVERYDAY. He's not alone. He said he was going to call his baby mama and take her and their daughter out for a wonderful dinner, because he's been doing her wrong, and that's why they got issues, he said he causes them/the issues....WOW!!!!

    All that to say, if one wants to indulge in holidays and stuff--terrific, but if/when it starts to become your master (instead of your servant so to speak) and causes you to be all depressed, sad, anxious/worried, troubled, in-debt and YUCK...just say NO and make EVERYDAY a holiday, instead of once per year and you'll be SHOCKED at how many people go along and understand. He gave me a gift card to the restaurant and said I want you to have this, you have helped me more than you know and I took it :) WITH JOY and said..."see, now this is me--God probably wouldn't take it...but I am taking and with a big ole smile and THANK YOU too. He hugged me and my husband and said thank you profusely. My beloved darling husband said "I LOVE you and I LOVE watching you with people. I'm so GLAD you're my girlfriend!!!!

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    snoo61 wrote: »
    Hi friends. Happy New Year, hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!
    @NewLIFEstyle4ME Congratulations, you look fabulous!

    Work and holidays are done for me. Its been a crazy few months. Time to get back on track! My next major declutter is paperwork (again). Have lots of business paperwork to shred or pack away. This is a yearly thing, but I really only started last year, so I'm determined to stay on top of it.

    My Snoo, MY SNOO!!!!! Girl thank you and I'm so HAPPY to hear from you. I know work/holidays was a wonderful change of pace for you and honey, so know about paper-work and even electronic paperwork and stuff building up too. So YAY YOU, I'm so cheering you on, as always and {{{{ <3 Love and HUGS to you and yours <3 }}}}}
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    snoo61 wrote: »
    Hi friends. Happy New Year, hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!
    @NewLIFEstyle4ME Congratulations, you look fabulous!

    Work and holidays are done for me. Its been a crazy few months. Time to get back on track! My next major declutter is paperwork (again). Have lots of business paperwork to shred or pack away. This is a yearly thing, but I really only started last year, so I'm determined to stay on top of it.

    My Snoo, MY SNOO!!!!! Girl thank you and I'm so HAPPY to hear from you. I know work/holidays was a wonderful change of pace for you and honey, so know about paper-work and even electronic paperwork and stuff building up too. So YAY YOU, I'm so cheering you on, as always and {{{{ <3 Love and HUGS to you and yours <3 }}}}}

    I'm happy to be back! I missed all your encouragement! LOVE & HUGS back at you and yours my friend!
    Life happened, and it was fun, hectic, and downright stupid at times, but oh so worth it!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    snoo61 wrote: »
    snoo61 wrote: »
    Hi friends. Happy New Year, hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas!
    @NewLIFEstyle4ME Congratulations, you look fabulous!

    Work and holidays are done for me. Its been a crazy few months. Time to get back on track! My next major declutter is paperwork (again). Have lots of business paperwork to shred or pack away. This is a yearly thing, but I really only started last year, so I'm determined to stay on top of it.

    My Snoo, MY SNOO!!!!! Girl thank you and I'm so HAPPY to hear from you. I know work/holidays was a wonderful change of pace for you and honey, so know about paper-work and even electronic paperwork and stuff building up too. So YAY YOU, I'm so cheering you on, as always and {{{{ <3 Love and HUGS to you and yours <3 }}}}}

    I'm happy to be back! I missed all your encouragement! LOVE & HUGS back at you and yours my friend!
    Life happened, and it was fun, hectic, and downright stupid at times, but oh so worth it!

    As per ALWAYS, I love the way you think Snoo. "Life happened, and it was fun, hectic, and downright stupid at times, but oh so worth it!" to be at the place where WE can know/understand/embrace "life-happening" and roll with the "fun, hectic, and downright stupid" is the stuff LOVE, JOY (joy is completely different from happiness--happiness comes and goes with feelings/JOY is "so-what" it's ALL good and more), POWER, SELF-CONTROL, PERFECTION (meaning MATURITY) is filled with. I super miss your encouragement and smile inducing posts as well.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Decluttering "operations" for the next few/SEVERAL weeks:

    1.) re-organizing slimming down my perfumes and bath products and "pretty-fying" those areas.

    2.) now that my closet is much more empty, making it cuter and designing/"pretty-fying" some kind of area for my shoes

    3.) cleaning the shutters in ALL the rooms

    4.) getting rid of more books to make a dedicated/lovely looking but practical space for my candles and incense.

    5.) start selling some stuff. I been telling myself for a LONG time, that I don't like/HATE to sell stuff, because it's a PITA (pain in the "attitude") I've talked myself into just giving stuff away or tossing it. This is/will be a BIG ONE for me. I'm going to humble myself and DO IT!

    6.) I super decluttered the attic last year, but there is still more I can get rid of.

    7.) de-clutter the kitchen pantry once more

    8.) slim down my fur-baby's toy & stuff collection...stuff it doesn't play with and is just collecting dust and taking up space.
  • Madwife2009
    Madwife2009 Posts: 1,369 Member
    Decluttered my bedroom at last! It's taken a while as I have been waiting for wardrobes/bedroom furniture to be delivered and built. I didn't just shove things in the cupboards either, I looked at everything and made a decision whether to keep it or get rid of it. I would say that I got rid of over half of the "stuff".

    My bedroom is now a clutter-free, restful haven. I am also sleeping better but I am unsure if that's because I like my room or other reasons.

    I also sorted out my little daughter's bedroom, she has better storage and, so far, is keeping it tidy. She has also got rid of some stuff.

    Now to start properly on the downstairs areas. I have stuff in boxes from when we moved as after we purchased vthe house, we discovered damp and have been waiting for it to dry prior to decorating. Once I have decluttered, we should be able to get on with things.

    I will have a lovely home again...

    ...once DH sells his massive collection of Lego.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,172 Member
    @NewLIFEstyle4ME and @Madwife2009

    Great organizing plans ladies, and good luck with all of them.

    Yesterday I spent almost two hours organizing my everyday jewelry dresser. I had things that I don't use anymore, such as brooches and necklaces, and many pair of earrings had lost their "mates." I like to have the earrings organized by color but some of them were all over the place and they were hard to find.

    Everything is tidy now. I have a bag ready for donation and full of the pieces that I not longer use; unmatched/lost pairs or broken items went to the garbage. The hard thing will be to keep it organize since sometimes when I am in hurry, I just put them in the drawers without giving the color a second thought.

    One more thing crossed out in my to-do list. I am happy :D
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Decluttered my bedroom at last! It's taken a while as I have been waiting for wardrobes/bedroom furniture to be delivered and built. I didn't just shove things in the cupboards either, I looked at everything and made a decision whether to keep it or get rid of it. I would say that I got rid of over half of the "stuff".

    My bedroom is now a clutter-free, restful haven. I am also sleeping better but I am unsure if that's because I like my room or other reasons.

    I also sorted out my little daughter's bedroom, she has better storage and, so far, is keeping it tidy. She has also got rid of some stuff.

    Now to start properly on the downstairs areas. I have stuff in boxes from when we moved as after we purchased vthe house, we discovered damp and have been waiting for it to dry prior to decorating. Once I have decluttered, we should be able to get on with things.

    I will have a lovely home again...

    ...once DH sells his massive collection of Lego.

    Super fabulous--I'm so GLAD for you. Enjoy your beautiful clutter free room and new home...YAY YOU!!!!!
    {{{{ <3 Hugs and High Fives <3 }}}}}

    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    @NewLIFEstyle4ME and @Madwife2009

    Great organizing plans ladies, and good luck with all of them.

    Yesterday I spent almost two hours organizing my everyday jewelry dresser. I had things that I don't use anymore, such as brooches and necklaces, and many pair of earrings had lost their "mates." I like to have the earrings organized by color but some of them were all over the place and they were hard to find.

    Everything is tidy now. I have a bag ready for donation and full of the pieces that I not longer use; unmatched/lost pairs or broken items went to the garbage. The hard thing will be to keep it organize since sometimes when I am in hurry, I just put them in the drawers without giving the color a second thought.

    One more thing crossed out in my to-do list. I am happy :D

    You are so rocking this thing G...I'm so HAPPY for you and THANK YOU for always being so inspirational and encouraging--you ROCK!

    {{{{{ <3 Hugs and High Fives <3 }}}}}

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Decluttering "operations" for the next few/SEVERAL weeks:

    1.) re-organizing slimming down my perfumes and bath products and "pretty-fying" those areas.

    2.) now that my closet is much more empty, making it cuter and designing/"pretty-fying" some kind of area for my shoes

    3.) cleaning the shutters in ALL the rooms

    4.) getting rid of more books to make a dedicated/lovely looking but practical space for my candles and incense.

    5.) start selling some stuff. I been telling myself for a LONG time, that I don't like/HATE to sell stuff, because it's a PITA (pain in the "attitude") I've talked myself into just giving stuff away or tossing it. This is/will be a BIG ONE for me. I'm going to humble myself and DO IT!

    6.) I super decluttered the attic last year, but there is still more I can get rid of.

    7.) de-clutter the kitchen pantry once more

    8.) slim down my fur-baby's toy & stuff collection...stuff it doesn't play with and is just collecting dust and taking up space.


  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,172 Member
    Decluttering "operations" for the next few/SEVERAL weeks:

    1.) re-organizing slimming down my perfumes and bath products and "pretty-fying" those areas.

    2.) now that my closet is much more empty, making it cuter and designing/"pretty-fying" some kind of area for my shoes

    3.) cleaning the shutters in ALL the rooms

    4.) getting rid of more books to make a dedicated/lovely looking but practical space for my candles and incense.

    5.) start selling some stuff. I been telling myself for a LONG time, that I don't like/HATE to sell stuff, because it's a PITA (pain in the "attitude") I've talked myself into just giving stuff away or tossing it. This is/will be a BIG ONE for me. I'm going to humble myself and DO IT!

    6.) I super decluttered the attic last year, but there is still more I can get rid of.

    7.) de-clutter the kitchen pantry once more

    8.) slim down my fur-baby's toy & stuff collection...stuff it doesn't play with and is just collecting dust and taking up space.


    I wish I could do to do #5 :'( I live in a gated community and garage sales are not allowed and I am not good at selling on line. So the donation places are the winners.

    Good job completing # 8 kiddo!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited January 2020
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    Decluttering "operations" for the next few/SEVERAL weeks:

    1.) re-organizing slimming down my perfumes and bath products and "pretty-fying" those areas.

    2.) now that my closet is much more empty, making it cuter and designing/"pretty-fying" some kind of area for my shoes

    3.) cleaning the shutters in ALL the rooms

    4.) getting rid of more books to make a dedicated/lovely looking but practical space for my candles and incense.

    5.) start selling some stuff. I been telling myself for a LONG time, that I don't like/HATE to sell stuff, because it's a PITA (pain in the "attitude") I've talked myself into just giving stuff away or tossing it. This is/will be a BIG ONE for me. I'm going to humble myself and DO IT!

    6.) I super decluttered the attic last year, but there is still more I can get rid of.

    7.) de-clutter the kitchen pantry once more

    8.) slim down my fur-baby's toy & stuff collection...stuff it doesn't play with and is just collecting dust and taking up space.


    I wish I could do to do #5 :'( I live in a gated community and garage sales are not allowed and I am not good at selling on line. So the donation places are the winners.

    Good job completing # 8 kiddo!

    Thanks Boo! Girlllll...I wasn't thinking about garage sales, I'm not sure if we're allowed to have garage sells around here either, if so, it's only once a year I think. The selling I'm talking about is the blasted online sales that I've been avoiding like the plague for years and YEARS. I DO like buying on-line, but selling on line for some odd reason, the thought of it fills my mind/heart with dread and UGH. The more I think of it, it's because years ago I did sell stuff on line and UGH, what problems I had and it was just a pain in the..."neck". YET, all that said, it's basically a blasted FEAR and fear has held me captive and held me back from too/so much "good" stuff.

    I'm making 2020 a year of VISION/DREAMS & GOAL(S) achievement, humbly and FEARLESSLY, period.

    I'm GLAD you're doing donations, it feels GREAT to give stuff away, I LOVE it. Even tossing stuff, at first made me feel...ummmmm, full of fear and dread, but once I got started--I too LOVE the feeling of getting rid of stuff, no matter how much I "thought" I valued it. I can say, it's almost miracle like how I don't miss ONE THING I've given away or tossed. I want to sell stuff now, because the sizes 14's, 12's, 10's even a lot of the size 8's etc I just can't fit--too big ( o:) YAY o:) ) and why not make some money?!? I'm going do it...I'm going to do it--I'M GONNA DO IT!

    P.S. I'm gonna do it :p
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @ploomka, I LOVE the Buddha "Let that *kitten* go" embroidery!
    @NewLIFEstyle4ME , A-mazing! Good for you!!

    Over the break, I gave away 2 huge bags full of clothing to a needy family. 1 bag of toiletries to a woman's crisis home https://www.thecitymission.org/lauras-home/ and gone through the pantry to make sure we don't have expired items and got rid of some stale old stuff.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    So annoyed! DH dared to put clutter in my bedroom haven.

    He won't do it again though, as he was told to get it shifted that very minute (and he did).

  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited January 2020
    One thing I did at the beginning of the year is decide that it is OK to un-follow and unfriend family. I have family members who can be extremely toxic. Some of the things they post are things that I would never, ever allow on my news feed but I would just snooze them because, well, they are family. I always felt obligated to keep them as friends but finally realized it just isn't worth it. Good bye and good riddance.

    Absolutely WOW! It is truly WONDERFUL for the "spell" of I've got to fellowship/have a relationship/put up with
    my life-long friend, family member(s), (fill in the blank with a person, place or thing that society "dictates" we must or should be allowing space in our thoughts/lives, etc. because everyone does it and everyone "knows" we're supposed to because they are our...) for that "spell" to be broken and us being made FREE from all kinds of toxic, embarrassing, ugly, frustrating, nasty, messy YUCK that folk feel free to "vomit" on us because we are their (fill in the blank). It is shocking how we put up with people places and things that we truly don't have to. How utterly fabulous to say (and with a I mean business and NO compromise at all), BYE and TRULY wish the person, place or thing well, again....with absolutely NO/ZERO bitterness nor regret--just with POWER, REAL LOVE (for yourself as much as others), SOUNDNESS OF MIND and JOY unspeakable to be FOREVER FREE from unnecessary strife, yuck and UGH. Simply by "finally" realizing that when you no longer "allow" yourself to be "USED" as a human toilet (allowing people, places and things to crap and vomit) their "mess" on/in you. IT'S A CHOICE--A TOUGH ONE, BUT A CHOICE/DECISION NONE THE LESS.

    What else is so tremendous is, we don't have to "allow/let/be filled with" an ounce of disrespect, sadness, anger, bitterness, fear, woe and whatnot. We are FREE to disconnect/cut-off and no longer be/feel obligated to "go-along-to-get along with people, places and things that are simply and truly just not "good" healthy to/for us nor us them. We are FREE to be the REAL person we truly are minus ANY negative mess (including negative mess from within ourselves--again, anger, wrath and all that "junk"). I'm so GLAD you've "discovered" this now, instead of YEARS from now or later on in life.

    Super mega YAY YOU and I'm so VERY glad you've contributed to this thread. Your post is going to inspire and help a lot of peeps. {{{{ <3 HUGS and high fives to/for you <3 }}}}}

    ETA: I heard a wise person once say "one ought not complain about something one allows" I didn't do anything about that then, when I first heard it. I'm so very GLAD/GRATEFUL and THANKFUL that I'm/we're at the place or heading towards the place of no longer allowing people/places/things to control us and keep us in an inward or outer TOXIC place of complaining and UGH because of people/places and things we allow in our heads/hearts and lives.
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