
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Thank you, thank you!! Close to tears (and I don't cry) with a very warm and happy heart from all of the dear birthday wishes from you wonderful ladies!! I had a nice day (although DH is not feeling too well and I was concerned because he never gets sick with more than a cold. He has been feeling weak and "not right" for the past week. I'm hoping he will listen to me and let the doctor check his heart and lungs along with blood work.)

    Hugs and prayers for all of those going through difficult situations during this holiday! Karen - so glad your partner did well in her surgery!! Frustrated at the pharmacy for messing up on the much needed pain medicine. Tina - praying for your husband in hopes they can help his BP and pulse issues quickly and successfully!

    I have a lot of catching up to do on reading these posts! In the meantime, I am hoping Everyone has blessed holidays, families get or stay healthy, and all things improve for each of you during 2020!!

    With sincere love and appreciation for Everyone's support and friendship! <3 Luci
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Here I am waiting for my brother..he is all set and going into surgery now.. my SIL will be here in a few minutes.. it should take about an hour and 15 min for surgery..

    Sending good thoughts for your brother. I hope everything goes very well.❤️⭐️❤️⭐️❤️
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    edited December 2019
    Machka - when do you get the results of your biopsy? I hope it's all fine. <3

    Tina - How worrying for you. (((HUGS))) <3

    I'm getting a bit anxious about this short video we've got to make for our 'audition'. I'm technically challenged. I will ask my son if he wants to help us. We have to send it to them through WhatsApp. I woke up actually screaming in the night with a dream that someone scary from the programme was forcing their way through my front door. It's the false cheeriness that is bothering DH, he hates falsness and 'self promotion' as he sees it, and he's putting a damper on my spirits. I really want to do it as we have been watching the show for years and it is always fascinating to see behind the scenes and meet the experts. If we do get chosen I hope we get a good expert, as they are so different and we have definite preferences. A little part of me wishes I had gone into television presenting and I find the whole production thing fascinating.
    Years ago I got us on, as guests, to a programme called 'Saturday Kitchen' which we enjoyed doing very much. We were very low profile though as the host didn't want competition. They stopped having guests after a while. I was also on another audience show and spoke a little bit.
    I've been on a couple of radio programmes. I am always very, very nervous. To the point of feeling sick. I love performing, but I am very self conscious. However, I believe that shouldn't stop me as it is important to stretch your comfort zone. DH is almost allergic to putting himself forward, but he might do it just for me. He will do it well.
    I would pick another partner for the show, but I don't know who to ask. I would ask my brother, but his health is a little unreliable with his diabetes and kidney problems.
    I'm sure DH will enjoy it on the day, it's just getting him there!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    If you can, get someone who knows what they're doing with a camera to make the video. I've worked with two different video producers in recent months for a brain injury video and a video for the rescue helicopter, and they can really help.

    It looks like there are quite a few in Brighton.

    Why does there need to be false cheeriness? I am watching the show right now, as I do just about every Friday evening, and the people aren't overly cheerful. Although I do know that they like people who show some enthusiasm for those shows. My recommendation for that would be to talk about something you love, and even better if it is heartwarming or quirky or both. For me, it would likely be cycling, and especially the fact that I met my husband while cycling. That's something I can talk about with some enthusiasm and it has a heartwarming element. :grin:

    If your DH won't do it, what about one of your girl friends?

    If you do get on, let me know. I watch the show fairly regularly.

    And ... I find out the results of the biopsy on Tuesday if all goes well.

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,808 Member
    Tina (((hugs))) to you and hubby. Hope it's nothing serious.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Machka - It's my guess that the video is only a check by them that they are not getting duds. It doesn't have to be professional, just something shot on a phone. The email said to 'give it some welly and festive spirit - that's what we want'. :o:# The programme has had a slight change of format recently and sometimes is annoyingly over the top. I prefer the old version.
    Oh well, I can look chirpy on demand. Hope DH can. He is pretty miserable at the moment because his back is still troubling him. Not much festive spirit. :(

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Arrived in Spain safely yesterday. Have missed a lot so will work back to try and catch up
    Couldn't sleep on Wed night we had to leave at 4.30am so drank tea and watched episodes of Madam Secretary on Amazon Plane journey not so good as I hadn't slept for over 24 hrs

    Kate UK <3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    I am up and having my tea.. I have to slow down on all the festivities ,I am gaining not losing,and I will get back on the straight and narrow .to many carbs and junk..ive been doing well, but have to get back on track.. which I will do..
    Sean on the mend , they told him a liquid diet for a bit and instead he had a 1/2 of a roast beef grinder lol, thats my boy.. as a kid we used to get him one and put it in his stocking and he would have that for breakfast on Christmas day while opening his presents ..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Running round like a chicken with its head cut off!! I'm finishing up for the year and preparing for punch biopsy of a mole on my leg tomorrow afternoon.

    I just picked up a few pair of shorts. We're actually supposed to be getting something that sort of resembles summer weather over the next few days :) and the shorts should be comfy for hanging around the house if walking is painful.

    Machka in Oz

    I also picked up a couple loose, comfy summer dresses and 3 books, used. So if I can't move much for a couple days, I'll be relatively comfortable with reading material. :)

    Machka in Oz

    Biopsy is done.

    It wasn't painful but quite a bit of my leg was removed ... well, OK, not that much but still a decent little chunk ... so when the freezing wears off, I may feel it. I have one stitch.

    I'm not to go swimming for at least 48 hours ... so much for rushing down to the beach tonight! And it is lovely and warm out there today.

    M in Oz


    Not sure how much I'll be doing this weekend.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    Thank you, thank you!! Close to tears (and I don't cry) with a very warm and happy heart from all of the dear birthday wishes from you wonderful ladies!! I had a nice day (although DH is not feeling too well and I was concerned because he never gets sick with more than a cold. He has been feeling weak and "not right" for the past week. I'm hoping he will listen to me and let the doctor check his heart and lungs along with blood work.)

    Hugs and prayers for all of those going through difficult situations during this holiday! Karen - so glad your partner did well in her surgery!! Frustrated at the pharmacy for messing up on the much needed pain medicine. Tina - praying for your husband in hopes they can help his BP and pulse issues quickly and successfully!

    I have a lot of catching up to do on reading these posts! In the meantime, I am hoping Everyone has blessed holidays, families get or stay healthy, and all things improve for each of you during 2020!!

    With sincere love and appreciation for Everyone's support and friendship! <3 Luci

    oopsieee.. happyyyyyy bdayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,808 Member
    Allie: I’m with you on the festivities. I have been valiantly failing to resist. 😂
    Heather: 💖 Bargain Hunt. Look forward to seeing you both on it.

    Let’s try and keep it together, girls! Bwaha ha ha ha ha!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    NYKAREN LOL!!! Yes! get my daughter the shot!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :) My observations on holiday festive treats. At the chiropractor on Wednesday, the doctor had made cookies and they were on the counter for all who wanted them. Some were chocolate chip and they smelled delicious. I declined and told them I don't eat cookies. Jake had two cookies and half way home said they were so good that he wanted to go back for more. I wasn't even thinking about them. At line dance someone brought a box of See's Candy (the fancy ones). I had none but several people went back for seconds. I am an "abstainer". I am best when I stay completely away from foods that are alluring to me. As long as I don't have one, I don't want the second or third.

    :)Heather, I think you have a festive spirit. Be yourself and that's not what they want, then it wasn't meant for you.

    :)Luci, I hope your husband will take your suggestion and see the doctor.

    :)Michele, I'm glad to hear that you've mailed gifts to Denise. I'm sorry that she and P.J. won't be with you for Christmas but it appears that all your decorating brings you great joy.

    :) Today is our line dance holiday party. Everyone has been invited to wear festive clothing and bring a treat to share if they wish. I have a festive red shirt with reindeer pictures. We'll be dancing easy dances to holiday music. I won't eat any of the goodies but I'll admire them and bring a few home to Jake.

    <3 Barbie in drizzly NW WA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,583 Member
    edited December 2019
    Happy Friday ladies! <3

    The pineapple express or whatever they are calling it dumped 2 1/2" of rain here in the past 12 hours. No power outage but a few outlying towns having problems where the wind picked up. I'm following the rain gauge logs at local rivers, looks like some roads will be under water by the end of the day. Best part about it - we don't have to drive to town. B) Project another inch or two of rain today.

    Kim - are you still getting rain? Barbara AHMOD - how are you faring? Rebecca - thinking back to when you lived on the OR coast and would get the brunt of it. :#Katla - looks like your area is getting a good soak as well!

    Machka - love the photos of your container garden. That little area does look like a peaceful spot. Amazing how much produce we can get from a few containers. I've never had luck with growing basil and am anxious to try it again. Also - hope that biopsy spot isn't painful. Good luck with the nasal/sinus stuff.

    Michele - I am a big fan of Vicks - and when my throat tickles I also put a dab of Vicks under each nostril, and keep a jar of it on my bedside table.

    Karen in VA
    - hope everything has settled down with your partner and she's getting along well. And that she'll be a cheerful patient!! :) The opioid guidelines are interesting. I had a co-worker who had major knee surgery and his surgeon only prescribed 4 narcotic pain killing pills, no more. When I had my surgery this summer, I got the standard 40 pills over ten days if necessary, which surprised me. I took a few pills the first couple days then switched to tylenol.

    Tina - any updates on your DH? Crossing fingers they were able to get his BP under control quickly and you are able to take your trip!

    Heather - I get a nervous stomach just reading about being on television. :D Good for you having the knack and talent for being willing to tackle it. I know we've watched the show before and it was always interesting!

    Lisa - I'm not so sure blood is thicker than water, understand your feelings about your brother. So much of being a family is shared stories and memories. When you haven't met other family members or spent much time around them, seems that gets lost and they become strangers.

    Picked up Valter Longo's Intermittent Fasting book from the library and started to thumb through. Ran across his advice to "eat like your grandparents did". In other words, the diet best for us is what our ancestors ate and did well on. With my German background, I think of my grandmother's and mother's garden and livestock on the farm. Chicken, eggs, beef, pork, plenty of dairy, apples, peaches, potatoes and root veggies. Very few tropical fruits or seafood. Both of my grandmothers lived well into their 90's eating like that, my grandfathers sputtered out in their 80's.

    There's another doc I've run across, Dr. Cate Shanahan, who is also a proponent of eating what our ancestors ate. She was a presenter on "The Real Skinny on Fat" docuseries.

    Think there's some merit to that, but am glad to be able to add olive oil and avocado to my diet. Who knows, my grandmothers might have lived to be 105 had they added these foods. I still miss my mom's Sunday pot roast with potatoes and carrots, and something I still make.

    OK ladies, need to check the rain gauge.

    Stay dry, stay safe, stay healthy wherever you are! <3

    SW WA State
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Michele- That’s why I decorated y cleaned early.Now only putting gifts coming by mail under the tree. Everything is done even back up foods just in case to toss for an hour in the steamer y air fryer y stovetop (emergency pescatarian meal is shrimp 2bags,bags of broccoli 🥦,y canned veggies y beans) . (JR a quick peanut butter sandwich y chips baked Cheetos). Quick easy done if need be. Pizza on speed dial if Daughter wants cheese pizza y JR. We stopped over doing decorations.Outsides nothing only indoors. Of course here people steal decorations outdoors so not worth the troubles.

    Today unsure what to eat. Will see

    Daughter passed her PRT so she’s happy it’s done so no stressing over it (short so certain parts of the test she hates- loves the swimming being shorts an advantage there lol) .

    JR off Oreos y Chip Ahoy fully (shunned the BeVita only ate once acted like it was a hit then refused to taste it again! 2yr olds are stubborn!) . He only eats Teddy Graham’s now their graham crackers in the shape of bears 🐻 so great fiber to avoid toddler constipation. He calls the chocolate teddy grahams “chocolate cake!” . So figure that’s a great sign! Theirs 4 flavors so we rotating them. Cinnamon,honey,chocolate,y chocolate chip flavored bears.

    Amber Tx

    Walking 🚶‍♀️ indoors glad my new equipment has shipped!