Just give me one month - January 2020



  • lacatgirl
    lacatgirl Posts: 361 Member
    Starting weight 189
    Start weight this month 176
    Goal weight this month 170
    Target goal weight 135

    Jan 1: 176
    Jan 2: 176
    Jan 3: 173.3
    Jan 4: 173.2
    Jan 5: 172.7
    Jan 6: 172.8
    Jan 7: 173.3
    Jan 8:
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    edited January 2020
    Starting weight: 163.4 lb
    Start weight this month: 147.8
    Goal weight this month: 140
    Target goal weight: 128

    August: lost 1.2 lb
    September: lost 4.2 lb
    October: lost 3.7 lb
    November: lost 3.9 lb
    December: lost 4.3 lb (but ended high due to New Year’s)

    (I use Happy Scale, so the losses above are determined by moving average. I will post my actual daily weight below.)

    01 Jan: 147.8 (my lowest in Dec was 144.6) Definitely indulged for a couple of days at the beach for New Year’s with family. I expect this to go down quickly after a few days back to my normal routine....hopefully, anyways!
    02 Jan: 148.8 I ate within my deficit calories yesterday, so this increase is either from DOMS (I’m still extremely sore from a hard workout on Tuesday), or it’s PMS a lil early? Oh well, patience!
    03 Jan: 148
    04 Jan: 146.8
    05 Jan: 145.8
    06 Jan: 146.8 —had buttered popcorn at the movies yesterday, ie, sodium-induced water weight!
    07 Jan: 146.8 —staying at a calorie deficit, but more salt plus PMS still, so I’m not letting go of the water! Patience...
  • Nschlos115
    Nschlos115 Posts: 21 Member
    January Starting weight 193.6 lb
    January goal weight 188
    Target weight 150

    Jan 1:
    Jan 2: 193.6 lb
    Jan 3: 190.0 lb
    Jan 4: 191.2 lb
    Jan 5: 189.4 lb
    Jan 6: 189.4 lb
    Jan 7: 189.2 lb
    Jan 8: travel day
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:

  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    Female 49 5'4

    Starting weight 86kg
    Start weight this month 78.8kg
    Goal weight this month 75kg
    Target goal weight 60kg

    1 Jan - 78.8 😁 Ate a huge amount of McDonald's on NYE.
    2 Jan - 79.8 😄 wtaf! Ha ha I didn't eat that much lol. Probably just some water weight.
    3 Jan - 80.1 😄 lol not off to the best start!
    4 Jan - 79.9 better...
    5 Jan - 79.4 😎 was the McDonald's worth it? Hell yes 😋
    7 Jan - 78.6 😎
    8 Jan - 78.9 😊

  • maxinefurness
    maxinefurness Posts: 318 Member
    Starting weight: 12.05
    Start weight this month: 12.01
    Goal weight this month: 11.7
    Target goal weight 9.07

    June - lost 6lbs
    July - lost 3lbs...then went on holiday and gained 5lbs back 🙄
    August- lost 2lbs
    September and October - I went off it and put all the weight and more back on 😔
    November - lost 7lbs 😀
    December - gained 4lbs 😬

    Jan 1: 12.01 Christmas was fun but put on 4lbs! 😬
    Jan 2: 12.01
    Jan 3: holiday
    Jan 4: holiday
    Jan 5: 12..2 whoops 😫
    Jan 6: 12.2 back at work today, back on it 💪🏻
    Jan 7: 12.3 no idea what happed here! 😔
    Jan 8: 12.2
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    Starting weight 15st 8.5
    Start weight this month 14st 4.4
    Goal weight this month 13st 13
    Target goal weight 11st 0

    Started 9th Nov. 
    Nov lost: 10.4lb
    Dec lost: 7.7lb

    Jan 1: 14st 4.3 (-0.1lb) - Happy New Year!  Little too much wine last night, so expecting an increase in the scale tomorrow.....
    Jan 2: 14st 4.2 (-0.1lb / -0.2lb) slowly, slowly.... yesterday I ate in deficit and went in a cycle ride, so think I managed to negate the wine from the previous day!
    Jan 3: 14st 3.4 (-0.8lb / -1.0lb) so close now to having lost the 7lb I put on over Xmas!
    Jan 4: 14st 3.4 (0.0lb / -1.0lb) stayed same 😐Disappointing not having any movement whatsoever, but days like this (and gains) will happen, despite eating at a deficit and exercising.  Also getting close to TOTM.
    Jan 5: 14st 3.1 (-0.3lb / -1.3lb)  Ended up unexpectedly at a party yesterday afternoon/evening.  Tried to resist the cake/buffet food, but after 3hrs there I relented!  Was not too bad though, and made an effort to track.
    Jan 6: 14st 2.5 (-0.6lb / -1.9lb) Bit more encouraging! 
    Jan 7: 14st 1.5 (-1.0lb / -2.9lb) Tracking and lots of steps.  Also had lots of water yesterday.
    Jan 8: 14st 0.4 ( -1.1lb / -4.0lb) Having a bit of a whoosh - needing to wee all the time!
  • MySlimGoals
    MySlimGoals Posts: 754 Member
    Starting weight: 121.7kg/268.3lb
    Start weight this month: 97.2kg/214.2lb
    Goal weight this month 94kg/207.2lb
    Target goal weight 65kg/143lb

    Aug lost: 4.6kg/10.14lb
    Sept lost: 5.4kg/11.9lb
    Oct lost: 5.6kg/12.3lb
    Nov lost: 5.0kg/11lb
    Dec lost: 3.3kg/7.2lb

    Loss this month: 0.1kg/0.2lb
    Total Loss: 24.6kg/54.2lb
    Height: 168cm (5'6")

    2020 is our year! We can do this!!

    Jan 1: 97.2kg/214.2lb 😃
    Jan 2: 97.4kg/214.7lb 😐
    Jan 3: 97.0kg/213.8lb 😃
    Jan 4: 96.8kg/213.4lb 😃
    Jan 5: 96.8kg/213.4lb 😃
    Jan 6: 96.8kg/213.4lb 😬 Comeon whoosh!
    Jan 7: 96.8kg/213.4lb 😬 Still no woosh!
    Jan 8: 97.1kg/214.0lb 😭 Must be water weight - had FOUR gym workouts since my last drop and eaten below calories each day.
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10: 🥳🎂🥂
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:

  • caramela73
    caramela73 Posts: 67 Member
    Hope you don't mind if I join you a little late. Maybe this will help me stay focused.

    Female, age 46 from Spain

    January 2020 starting weight: 78 kg
    Goal weight this month January 2020: 76.5 kg
    Target goal weight:- 72 kg

    Jan 1:
    Jan 2:
    Jan 3:
    Jan 4:
    Jan 5:
    Jan 6:
    Jan 7: 78 kg
    Jan 8: 78.5 kg
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • sarawilliams5889
    sarawilliams5889 Posts: 105 Member
    Original starting weight June 2019: 80.8kg
    January 2020 starting weight: 74.9kg
    Goal weight this month January 2020: 71kg
    Target goal weight: 60kg

    Jan 1: 74.9kg
    Jan 2: 74.4kg right direction 😄
    Jan 3: 73.8kg holiday water weight coming off 🥳
    Jan 4: 73.3kg 🙂 happy weekend all!
    Jan 5: 72.6kg woah must’ve had more water weight than I thought after the holidays! Not complaining though 😀
    Jan 6: 72.5kg
    Jan 7: 72.7kg too much sodium with dinner last night, whoops!
    Jan 8: 72.9kg not sure what’s going on, have been staying within calories 🤔
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10:
    Jan 11:
    Jan 12:
    Jan 13:
    Jan 14:
    Jan 15:
    Jan 16:
    Jan 17:
    Jan 18:
    Jan 19:
    Jan 20:
    Jan 21:
    Jan 22:
    Jan 23:
    Jan 24:
    Jan 25:
    Jan 26:
    Jan 27:
    Jan 28:
    Jan 29:
    Jan 30:
    Jan 31:
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,191 Member
    MFP Start weight: 160 lbs
    Started “just give 1 month” threads in Mid-Oct 2019 @ 157.4 lbs
    January start weight: 157.4 lbs
    January goal: 153 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 98 lbs, but that maybe too low. Main goal is to be healthier & stronger.

    October +2.6 lbs. (160)
    Nov. -2 lbs. (156.6 lbs)
    Dec. Stayed the same (155.6 lbs)

    Jan 1 = 157.2
    Jan 2 = 156.6
    Jan 3 = 156.6 I need to start back to planning my meals, again. Got way off during the holidays... with out of town guests & of course the holiday parties.
    Jan 4 = 157.4
    Jan 5 = 157.6 I haven't been trying at all the last couple days, but I just planned my meals, today. So, even if I don't show a loss the next couple days... I'm hoping that each day I'll be able to report that I was at or under calories...
    Jan 6 =156.8 lbs :) Yesterday, I stayed under in calories. I only had 24 oz. of water, though. Right now, my aim is for at least 32 oz. of water.
    Jan 7 = 155.6 lbs Stayed under in calories, yesterday. Only drank 24 oz of water, tho.

  • squidgepot
    squidgepot Posts: 16 Member
    January 2020 starting weight: 148.5lbs
    Goal weight this month January 2020: 140lbs
    Target goal weight: 130lbs

    Jan 1: n/a
    Jan 2: n/a
    Jan 3: n/a
    Jan 4: n/a
    Jan 5: n/a
    Jan 6: n/a
    Jan 7: 148lbs (from last week!)
    Jan 8: 145lbs
    Jan 9:
    Jan 10
  • carobert
    carobert Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all! New here! Been up and down weight most of my life... Hoping one of these time I can be down and stick with it.

    Female 31 5'5"
    Jan 2020 SW 246.5 (250 is my all time high :s )
    End of Jan goal 239

    1/6: 246.5
    1/7: 245.5 (-1) 😁 under calories
    1/8: 245.0 (-0.5; -1.5) ate back a few exercise calories and need to drink more water. Aiming for 72oz today.
  • CrumbsInMyButter
    CrumbsInMyButter Posts: 31 Member
    Starting weight: 195.8 lb
    Start weight this month: 192.6 (too many chocolates over the holidays)
    Goal weight this month: 184
    Target goal weight: 160

    November: lost 3 lb
    December: lost 3 lb

    06 Jan: 192.8
    07 Jan: 191.6
    08 Jan: 191.2
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    Dec. 31- 137
    Jan. 1- 136
    Jan. 2- 136.5
    Jan. 3- 137(I knew I wasn't going to like this # after last night Ugh, thinking I might go back to weighing 1-2x a week because it's very discouraging to see the gain and tends to put me in the 'why bother' frame of mind)So if it's alright, I might just pop in here once a week or so to update.
    Good luck everyone and hang tough!!!

    Jan. 4- 139 (not enjoying the scale fluctuations!!)
    Jan. 5- 136 (??)
    Jan. 6- 136
    Jan. 7- 136.5

    Jan. 8- 137 WTHeck